Top Email Marketing Tactics.

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2010-11-08

Email marketing has become an efficient as well as cost effective tool for marketing your business in the online market. With the changing technology and market environment, most of the entrepreneurs are showing interest in email marketing and adopting it as their effective marketing tool. By far, email marketing is considered a proven medium that generates cost effective results for the businesses. The development in online business techniques has changed the face of email marketing to some extent and now new tactics are used for making email marketing successful for generating more and more leads.

In this write-up you will find the prevailing email marketing tactics that have gained ground in the internet marketing sector and are highly beneficial for your business.

Integration of Email with Social Media

Trend of mentioning the links of social profiles such as Twitter, Facebook etc. in email messages has gained popularity among the marketers. Along with that, they have started using blogs for highlighting the content of their e-newsletter and inviting readers to download it. Conducting polls on social media websites or offering subscription for RSS feeds are also on the agenda of marketers.

Focus on Engaging Customers

Personalize the subject lines of your e-mails by including information about who is sending this email. You can improve your click rate by analyzing the design of your email, which should give a reason to the subscriber to click on your link and receive additional information. Make your email message so powerful that your subscribers forward it to their group or share it on their social networks.

Try to Re-engage Inactive Subscribers

There are certain numbers of subscribers, who aren't opening the emails sent by you and they are termed as inactive subscribers. You should work on re-engaging such inactive subscribers by offering them complimentary or free trial of the product or by sending them notifications about the ending and subsequent renewal of their subscription.

A/B Testing and Optimization of Landing Pages

The advancing email marketing automation technology has enabled marketers to land pages perfectly for creating a relevant experience and maximizing conversations. The in-built A/B page testing facility offered by email marketing tools provides assistance in testing multiple page variations and also measuring the performance of each page.

Don't be left behind and join the email marketing revolution of the 21st century. These tactics of email marketing represent an affordable and fruitful solution for the small and large business enterprises.

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