Tips To Write Web Content For B2B Websites.

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2010-11-11

Internet has provided a perfect platform for businesses of varied magnitudes to promote their products and services in a very successful yet cost effective way. However, with every third business entity having a website, promoting your own website so that it appears on the leading Search Engine Result Page has become a challenge.

One thing which can effectively help in tackling this challenge is the content of the Webpage, which creates your online virtual identity. The increasing dependence of business and web promotion has made web content a very important aspect and therefore, professional writing is required to earn the best place for your website. Given below are some of the tips that would help in offering content which is professional yet ideally suitable for a website and makes it rank higher among other similar websites.

Error Free Content Unlike the print media, online or web medium doesn't offer the liberty for any type of mistakes- be it grammatical, spelling, typos or conceptual errors. Such silly mistakes are often a result of ignorance on the part of the developer, but they result in drastic consequences on the future of the business. For instance, if the content itself which is promoting your business is wrong, how can you expect anyone to trust you or your products?

Search Engine Friendly Content The ongoing proliferation of websites has compelled leading search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing and AOL to adopt stricter ranking guidelines on the basis of the merits and demerits of web content. Therefore it is very important to understand these guidelines carefully and use search engine friendly words that actually describe the product or topic you are referring to.

Keyword Rich Content The most important job in the web business is not development of the website or its hosting, but it is the promotion. Therefore, to promote the website one needs to adopt different styles of content development. One such important factor is Keywords. Keywords are those words which are searched the most for a particular topic. You can easily find your top keywords and incorporate them in your content via leading online keywords tools such as Google Adword, Microsoft adCenter and Yahoo! Search Marketing.

User or Reader Friendly Content All the above mentioned techniques are required to get the user or surfer to your website, from here on the real role of the web content writer starts, wherein she/he has to ensure that the visitor stays on his webpage, reads the content and finds what she/he came for and finally makes a successful purchase. This can be achieved by offering informative, no nonsense content, which is completely to the point. The following points should help you to create user friendly content.

  • Paragraphs: Should ideally be of 3 to 4 lines with comprehensive information about the product.
  • Lists: Listing and highlighting important features and numerical facts in bulleted or list form is ideal.
  • Sentence Length: Brief sentences with 10 words on an average.
  • Conceptual Clarity: The written content and concept you are writing it for should be in sync.
  • Contextual Relevance: The text should be rich in keywords, however; a balance of keyword density should be maintained as wrong usage can also degrade the reputation of the webpage.

These and other simple techniques will help in enhancing the quality of your web content and in turn earn higher ratings and better link popularity for your website.

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