Online Business Directories: A Boon for Indian Exporters

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2011-03-17

The scenario of Indian export industry has changed radically in the last few years with many small and medium enterprises leveraging the power of internet to come to the forefront. While reforms by government have no doubt played a major role in multiplying the number of exporters and advancing their growth, now this is being taken forward by online business directories.

Existing as a common platform for exporters from different countries, these portals have given a competitive edge to such companies, which is necessary to survive in today's market. This write-up discusses the manifold benefits of such directories and the significant role played by them.


  • The traditional methods consisted of a long business chain that had to be followed in order to get a relevant contact. With online B2B directories, this has undergone a drastic change and a wider platform is available online for direct.
  • Business directories have made it possible for traders from all over the world to converge at one place which is way better than joining the trade directories of each country. With the breaking of geographical barriers, firms can easily look forward to maximize the visibility and expand their business.
  • Online B2b directories have also emerged as a powerful strategic tool, helping the companies to attract customers from rival companies.
  • Such directories continue to drive the growth of SMEs.
  • Perfect option for maintaining contacts and building long term relationships
  • With such directories, now it has become simpler to maintain large product/service catalogs and update them as per requirement from time to time.
  • Getting relevant queries in large numbers has become easier and faster.
  • Exporters can even refer to the demands of foreign buyers quite easily.

In addition to being a simple and effective tool for exporting companies, the business directories continue to serve as a very economical option to cut down the costs for advertising and correspondence. No wonder then that so many companies engaged in exporting as a standalone business activity or along with manufacturing, are making the most by getting listed.

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