A Guide to Smart Buying In B2B Marketplaces

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2011-03-21

A B2B marketplace is an effective medium through which users can browse through the product or service catalogs of companies and make online purchases. These B2B marketplaces have proven to be a boon for small, medium or big enterprises in creating a wider exposure in the global markets as well. Read ahead to know the tips that will help you to make efficient purchases on B2B portals:

  • Give complete and authentic information in your profile and also enlist your contact details. It will give customers a deep insight into the specific details of the business and the offerings. Ensure that you update the business history, company's logo and key accomplishments etc. Don't forget to give your postal address, e-mail address or phone numbers etc.
  • B2B directories also provide a search facility to look for your desired products and find relevant vendors and suppliers. You are sure to get accurate results only when you enter relevant and specific keywords.
  • Include all the necessary details when you communicate your specific requirement about the product or a service to the potential vendor or supplier. This includes the products' model number, price, quantity, shipment mode etc. It will make the seller fully aware about your requirements and they can furnish you with all the details accordingly.
  • Always remember when you list the product requirement on a B2B portal, being an open platform; it can be easily accessed for viewing by thousands of sellers who will then send you their bids. The bids should encompass all the details such as the product model, quantity, time of shipment etc. Compare the bids that you receive from different sellers in terms of prices and other terms and conditions and make a perfect buying decision.
  • Next, it is essential to carry out a proper research and investigation regarding the seller of that product or service. Carefully scrutinize their details and only then take any final decision.

These B2B portals have emerged as an effective tool not only for the promotion of any business but also for the buyers who can have access to any information just by a click of a mouse. So, keep the above listed tips in mind if you wish to make beneficial online purchases on the B2B marketplaces.

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