Lead Generation Via Search Marketing

By: Gaurav Batra In: Business Last Updated: 2010-05-24

What is the purpose of getting a website? Of course the sole reason is promotion of a company or business that is achieved through leads. The entrepreneurs plan several marketing strategies in order to promote their business world over. Online marketing is considered to be the fastest and a sure shot way to attain maximum exposure and leads in the domestic as well as international market.

What is the basic criterion that a website must fulfill in order to get promoted on the web? Yes it is the higher search engine ranking, the more you are visible on the popular search engines the better promotion you get. Using Search engine marketing lets the businesses enjoy better search engine ranking and generation of more leads.

What is search marketing?
It is a part of Internet Marketing that helps in the promotion of websites by placing them on higher position on the search engines. The visibility of the websites is increased using: Search engine optimization methods

  • Paid inclusion
  • Paid placement
  • Contextual advertising
  • Pay per click
  • Link building

Benefits of search marketing for lead generation
Search marketing has many benefits that help in generating high quality leads. Some of them are:

Make your website easy to locate: Search marketing increases the ranking of your webpage on the major search engines. This makes your website easily visible to the prospects.

Provide exposure: Most of the customers rely on search engines for getting information about various products and services. Your position on SERP's provides exposure to new prospects that may transform into leads and then sales.

Drive quality traffic: Traffic delivered to websites via search engine are highly qualified because these days users have become more aware and active while searching for the information.

More effective than any other medium: Search marketing brightens the chances of transforming visitors into leads as compared to other channels like banner advertising etc.

Making proper use of search marketing can assist you in generating leads that can be turned into beneficial sales. Being an effective and cost efficient online marketing tool, search marketing is preferred by the businesses for lead generation.

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