Expert Tips For Generation Of B2B Sales Leads.

By: Gaurav Batra In: B2B Last Updated: 2010-08-30

Generating valuable sales leads for B2B marketing can sound like a daunting task but the key here is to understand the psyche of the target market and work out a strategy that can give returns on a long-term basis. By connecting to the buyer or seller in a manner that stresses on the quality of the relationship, you can definitely generate more profits for your company. But generation of such leads is an art that needs to be mastered by your sales and marketing department to give you the desired edge. This article discusses some important tips and techniques that can go a along way in getting quality leads.

Business Directories - The Gateway to Success Get listed in the most popular business directories. This puts you right in the middle of the B2B market place where you can directly interact with the buyer/ suppliers on a common platform and generate valuable leads for your business. You can also maintain online communication and let the clients know that you are not only interested in making your offer but care about their business as well.

The Good Old Way of Telemarketing Building successful relationships for B2B marketing usually involves approaching associates face-to-face, but as more and more companies are realizing, the option of telemarketing is equally useful. With this technique you can reach out to the key decision makers and even have substantial savings on the costs as compared to the direct approach.

Networking on the Web Creating an online network through E-mails is another good technique wherein you can send out newsletters and mails with latest tips related to the potential client's area of business. Fostering relations through this may take some time as you gradually become a prominent contact in the list of such associates, but it is eventually very beneficial.

Get Hold of That Precious Reference Another great way to get hold of B2B sales leads is to generate them through referrals of your partners and existing clients. This has a definite advantage, as you can get quality leads that are already looking for the offer that you have to make. Referrals have emerged as a tried and tested method for many companies who had reached saturation while searching for leads in the existing segments.

Marketing on the Web New age marketing has given way to powerful techniques, where the whole world is within the reach of any buyer or supplier. Techniques like internet marketing and web social networking can be of immense help as you tap the online market and expand to get leads on a global basis with a few clicks. Another important tool is Search Engine Optimization where your website is promoted to have better visibility in front of the target market.

A successful B2B marketing strategy involves the building up of relations with your clients and is persistent in the approach. You have to cultivate meaningful relations over time and make the full use of such an opportunity in order to have an edge over similar companies in the market.

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3 thoughts on "Expert Tips For Generation Of B2B Sales Leads."
  • Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

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  • Very informative post. Agree with this totally, especially the tip about telemarketing. The good thing about it is that businesses can outsource their b2b lead generation to telemarketing firms. Some has even the pay per lead program to provide businesses cost efficient b2b sales leads.

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  • Nice post. Good to see at least one post that genuinely talks about lead generation and doesn't mention "social media" out loudly like every one else! I do agree with you that "real life lead generation" does take a while and depends a lot on good old techniques of "spreading via word of mouth" and getting "that one good contact"... Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Laura

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