Promote Your Website With Web Banners.

By: Gaurav Batra In: Others Last Updated: 2010-08-26

When promoting your website the main concern in your mind is to make it as much visible and interesting as possible to attract maximum attention from the viewers. Web Banners have revolutionized the idea of internet marketing in a big way by offering a simple way of advertising a website. But it is equally important to know the factors that go into the making of a successful Web Banner that treads on the thin line between being exciting or being simply annoying.

What exactly is a Web Banner? A Web Banner displays images, text, sounds, videos or a combination of all these to attract the web viewer towards information related to any topic. The display is such that the viewer is compelled to click on it for more information and if it is displayed properly on a website, then it further highlights the page to make it aesthetically appealing.

Now that you know what a Web banner is, it is important to know how certain factors can be helpful in attracting viewers to promote a website.

Size As the name suggests, a Web Banner is a trimmed version of a flashy advertisement in a banner form. Whether in button form, skyscraper, rectangular/square, pop-up/pop-under or even a micro bar, a Web Banner's size should be appropriate as per the information you want to display.

Placing a Web Banner The location of a Web Banner on a page is as important as its size since it determines the aspect of visibility. Juxtapose your Web Banner at the head of a page or on the side to ensure that maximum people are able to see it properly. A majority of people often make the mistake of placing it in between text or another area on a Webpage where it is least likely to be noticed for e.g. bottom right of the screen.

Content Deciding the content of a Web Banner is the most important and trickiest task. Important because it is the main thing that promotes the concept and tricky because you have to know what will actually click with the viewer. Ideally the content should be short and catchy with the use of colors that are bright but not too loud.

Click tag A Click Tag prompts the user to click on a Web Banner and is usually linked to direct the viewer to another page. Tags saying 'Click Me' or 'Click Here' are commonly placed in Web Banners when there is less space to show more content.

A strategically placed Web Banner can go a long way in making your website have the right impression and can be even targeted to measure the consumer's interest in a particular product. But make sure that while getting a web banner placed in your website that you get it done from a professional who has the exact idea of developing one. This ensures that you have the Web Banner that contributes in making your marketing strategy the most effective.

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