Advanced Instant Hand Sanitizer with Emollient & Moisturizer Composition: - Ethyl Alcohol IP 66.50 % v/v Denatured with Iso-Propyl Alcohol IP 3.5% v/v Gel Base q.s. more...
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The first of its kind, Natural’s Pure Hands is an effective, herbal, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, which kills 99.9 percent of germs, prevents infection, and ensures total hand hygiene. Natural’s Care For Beauty Aloe vera Hand Sanitizer contains extracts of herbs like Coriander, which have potent more...
Kalinga Ayushman sanitizers are 100% herbal and organic product. Free from harmfull chemicals, made with the blend of Natural Disinfectants which acts as a stong germicider and Disinfectant. Available in 100ml, 200ml, 500ml, 1L, 2L, 5L, 20L, 50L and 200 Litres pack. more...