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2 Products availableSockets
1 Products availableIndustrial Pump
1 Products availablePipe Plug
1 Products availableDoor & Window Fittings
ZIP have developed slotted Grub Sc 2mm to 24mm 1/8 to 1 "8 BA to OBA, and 4No to 12 No Flat poiint, Cone point, Half-full extra long and tapper Dog point type. Plain cup point knurled cup point ov ovsl/ Radious point, plunger Sc Slotted, Spring and Steel 8all Fitted type.
It can be supply as per IS, BS, JIS, ISO and DIN Standard. Some non Standard as per drawing or sample.
M.M. Size Coarse & fine pitch, BSW, BSF, BSP, BA, UNC, UNF, 4No. to l2No. NC and NF. threads.
M.s., 4.6, EN-8, 6.6, 8.8, EN-19-10.9, Brass SS 304 and 316.
Above Hardware items used at Machine Tools, Light & Heavy Eng lnd, Tsxtils, Tractore, Trolly - Trailler, Automobile, Electrical Electronics. Type writer, Aircondition, Washing Mschine, Refrigerator and etc. other Service Industries.
ZIP have developed Hexagonal socket punch ('Allen key punch') type Set Sc/Grub Sc, Flat point, Cone point, Half full and extra long Dogpoint Tapper Dog point, Knurled cup point ovel/Radious point - R. H. & L. H. Adjesting Sc. 3mm to 30mm 1/8 to 1a 6BA to OBA, 4 No to 12 No. NC - NF, BSP 1/8 to 2" dia. BSPT 1/8 to 2" dia. NPT - NPTF 1/16" to 2" dia.
It can be supply as per IS, BS, JIS, ISO, GOST, ASTM and DIN Standard. Some non Standard as per drawing or sample.
STD Coarse Fine pitch m.m. Size , BSW, BSF, BSP, UNC, UNF BA, No size 4 to 12 NC & NF, BSPT, NPT & NPTF.
M. S. 4.6, EN-8 6.6, EN-19 10.9, EN-24 12.9, SS 304 and 316 SS 410 Brass. Possible to Supply 'SURSULF' liquid Nitriding and Nitrocarburising process.
Above Hardware items used at Machine Tools Industries, Light and Heavy Eng Ind. Automobile, Tractore, Textile. Hydraulic Pnematics, Aircondition, Generators. Trolly - Traillors, Refrigerators, pumps valve Electrical Electronics papper Machinery plant. etc other Service Industries.
We have developed various types of Screws with Cros Star Punch and also Plus Minus (+&-) combination type.They are available as Philips Star Punch in Pan Head, CSK Head, Round Head, Mushroom Head, Raised Head, Washer Faced/Flanged Head, Spring washer & Plain washer fitted Shim Screws, Self Tapping Screws in AB, B and BT type. They are available from 1/8" to 5/16", 2 to 8mm, 8BA to 0BA, NC-NF 4 to 12no. They can be made of MS 4.6 grade, Brass, SS - 304, 310, 316 (Subject to availability of raw materials). These are available with Bright/Yellow Zinc, Nickel, Cadmium, Nickel Chrome, Olive Green and Copper Platting.
IS: | 7438, 7485, 7486. |
ISO: | 7045, 7046, 7047. |
DIN: | 965, 966, 6900, 7985, 7987, 7988. |
BS: | ANSI, JIS, GKW, B-1111, B-1188, 1580, 3643. |
We have developed various Slotted type Screws such as Cheese Head, CSK, Round, Raised Head, Phillister Head, Mashrum Head, Flanged Head and Pan Head machine screws. Range available is from 2 to 20 mm, 1/8" to 3/4"in BSW, 0 BA to 8 BA and 4 to 12 no. NC-NF threads.
IS: | 1365, 1366, 2155, 3726, 3727, 6101, 6113, 7519, 8070, 8412, 8822, 8911. |
ISO: | 1207, 1580, 2009, 2010, 7047, 7378. |
DIN: | 63, 84, 85, 87, 88, 921, 923, 924, 925, 963, 964, 965, 966, 6900. |
BS: | 450, 1981, 2693, 4183, GKW std. |
We have developed Hex Socket type (with Allen Key Punch) Set/Grub Screws with Flat Point, Cone Point, Plain/Knurled Cup Point, Half/Full Dog Point, Raised/Oval Point, Adusting Srews and Both Side Hex Socket Punch Type. They can be of RH/LH threads, Fine & Coarse Pitch from 3 to 30mm, 1/8" to 1" in BSW, BSF, UNC, UNF, 0 BA to 6 BA, 4 no. to 12 no. NC/NF threads, 1/8" to 2'' BSP/BSPT and 1/16" to 2" in NPT/NPTF threads.
IS: | 6094 FP-CP-HDP-FDP-TDP & Oval Point type. |
ISO: | 4026, 4027, 4028, 4029. |
DIN: | 913, 914, 915. |
BS: | 2470, 468. |
We have developed Hex socket Head type Bolts from 2mm to 48mm and 1/8" to 1.1/2" BSW, BSF, UNC & UNF, 0 BA to 8 BA, 4 no. to 12 no., NC - NF and DIN 908 BSP Plugs from 1/8" to 2" & 10 to 56mm in Diameter. They are available as Allen Cap, CSK Head, Round/Button Head, Small/Low/Shellow Head, Shoulder Head, CSK Raised Head and Oval Cheese Head Hex Socket Bolts.
IS: | 2269, 6761. |
ISO: | 4762, 7379, 7380. |
DIN: | 908, 912, WN 4242, 6912, 7984, 7991, 9427, 9841. |
BS: | 2470, 4168, (ANSI Std.). |
We have developed Slotted type Set/Grub screws with Flat Point, Cone Point, Plain/Knurled Cup Point, Half/Full/Taper Dog Point and Oval Point, also Spring and Steel Ball fitted Plunger Screws. Range of these item varies from 2 to 24 mm, 1/8" to 1" in BSW, BSF, BSP, UNC & UNF, 0 BA to 8 BA and 4 to 12 no. NC-NF.
IS: | 2388, FP-CP-HDP-FDP & TDP. Type A, C, E, G, J, K. |
ISO: | 2342, 4766, 7434, 7435, 7436. |
DIN: | 47, 438, 551, 553. |
BS: | ANSI Std. 768, 4219. |
ZIP have developed 3mm to 72mm; 1/8" to 3", 6BA to OBA 4 No to 12 No Hex hsad Bou and Screws Full threads. Also ws can make Flat Point cone Point Hatf-Full and extra long Dng PoiM, Radious Oval PoiM, Slotted type drill HaN type, Under Cut, Flangsd iype.
BSW, BSF, BA, BSP, NPT, UNC, UNF, M.M. Size standard coarse and Fine Pitch, 4 No to 12 No NC-NF American threads woQd Sc type self taping coach Bolt. GRAOE: M.S. EN-1 A 4-6, 4-8, 5-8; 6-6, 8-8, 10-9, 12-9 8G, 10K, and 12K, EN-8, EN-19, EN-12, Brass Copper SS 304 8 SS 316 8 R.S.T.V. Grsde.
It can be supply as per IS-BS-JIS ASTM. GUST and DIN Standard. If non standard then as per drawing and Sample.
Machine Tools, Light and Heavy Eng Ind, Automobile Textile, Plastic Injection Moutding Machins, Chemical, Cement and Sugar Plant, Paper Plant, Diesel Generators Valves and Pumps Unit and other Service Industries
ZIP have developed Philips Star punch Machine Screws Pan-hd, CSK hd, MashrumBinding & Trussed, Round hd, Raised-Oval hd, (f) Plush Minues Type Combination Sc, Star washers & punched washerd Fitted Shims Sc Spring washer and punched washers Fitted Shims Sc. only punched washer Fitted shims Sc, washers Forged / Flanged type extra long Sc, "BT' cut type tap tight Sc. Sq washers Fittsd Tarminal Sc/ Shims SC.
It can be supply as per IS, BS, JIS, ISO, and DIN Standard. Some non Standard as per drawing or sample.
M.M. Size, BSW, BA, No size 4 to 12 No. NC - NF
M. S. SP. wire 4.6 gr., Brass and Stainless 'Steel, Cash Harden Zinc platted Sc.
Above Hardware items used at Electric and Electronics Instruments Automobile, Bus Body Division Textile, Machine Tools light and Heavy Eng INdustries. Mfg Unit & T. V. Video, Fan, washing machine, duplicate Zerox machine, Fax machine. Aircondition and Refrigerator plant and etc. other Service Industries.
ZIP have developed Machine Screws Slotted type C/F & H/F process Round hd, cheased CSKhd, Mashrum hd, Philister hd, Flanged type Job capicity 2mm to 24mm 1/8 to 1", 8BA to OBA, 4 No. to 12 No. NC-NF extra long machine Sc. capitive Screws. Small head Sc, Sq. washers Fitted Terminal Sc.L Shims Sc.
It can be supply as per IS, BS, JIS, ISO, GOST, and DIN Standard. Some non Standard as per drawing or sample.
Std.Coarse and /fine pitch. M.M.Size, BSW, BSF, BA, and No size 4No. to 12 No. NC & NF threads
M. S. 4.6. EN-8 6.6, 8.8, EN-19 10.9, Brass SS 304 and 316.
Above Hardware items used at Electrical and Electronic Industries, Automobile Textile, Machine Tools Industries, Llght and Heavy Eng Industries. Sewing Machine Mfg. Unit pumps and valves, Hydraulics Pneumetics, Aircondition, Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Type-Writer plant and other service Industries.