We have Maintained High Quality Standards in the Market By Offering Quality-centralized Lot of Products. And, this is Done By Using High Grade Raw Material Obtained from Reliable Sources. We Promise to Deliver the Orders Within the Postulated Time Frame as We are Backed By Excellent Logistics Facility. a Novel Soil Broadcasting Supplement for Enriching the Soil Suppliment with Organically Rich Human Matter. Each 4kg Pack of Bhumiputra-gr Contains 2.9kg of Active Ingredients. Rncomposition - Potassium Humate - 05.00% W/with Minrnhumus Matter Granules - 95.00% W/with Maxrntotal - 100.00%rn73% Carrier Material is Derived from Humus Matter Rich in Organic Nutrients. Rnhumates Being Extracted from the Highly Bio-active Organic Substrate, Inherently Contain Several Important Nutrients. Typically Following Nutrients are Present in Potassium Humate Along with Almost 18 to 22% Organic Carbon. Rnn(%) 0.0300, P(%) 1.5020, K(%) 3.5000, Ca(%) 0.0340, Mg(%) 0.0080, Fe(%) 0.0085, Zn(%) 0.0005, Cu(%) 0.0002, Mn(%) 0.0008, Bo(%) 0.0006, Mo(%)0.0050. Advantages : Better Soil Health, Root Development, Higher Tillering, Increased Nutrient Uptake, Increased Water Uptake, Better Stress Tolerance, Optimum Yield with Better Quality