The 200 Hours Yoga Training Course is designed for individuals who wish to practice and teach Yoga as registered Yoga Teacher. After successfully completing the Yoga teacher training course, the candidate can register with Yoga Alliance and become Registered Yoga Teacher, also called RYT 200. After teaching Yoga for 2 years with at least 1, 000 hours of teaching experience, the practitioner can register with E-RYT 200 and provide education classes and workshops to other teachers. S/he can also act as a Lead Trainer of a 200-hour teacher training program. Details Venue : World Peace Yoga School Location : Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh Duration : 1 Month Fees : US$1250 World Peace Yoga Schoo l Hatha Yoga Warm Up Exercises Joints Movement Exercises (A set of 30 Exercises to warm up the body and preparation for moving into classical postures, it includes Face Yoga) Standing postures Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) Chair Pose (Utkatasana) Side bend Pose (Parswa konasana) Triangle Pose(Trikonasana) Eagle Pose (Garudasana) Palm tree Pose (Tadasana) Half moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana) Shiva dancing Pose (Natarajasana) Reverse triangle Pose (privrita trikonasana) Half moon Pose (Ardha chandrasana) Extended Side angle Pose (Utthita parswakonasana) Kneeling Postures Thunderbold Pose (Vajrasana) Camel Pose (Ushtrasana) Sleeping thunderbold Pose (sleeping Vajrasana) Lion Pose (Simhasana) Sitting Postures Boat Pose (Naukasana) Inverted boat Pose (Viparita Naukasana) Frog Pose (Mandukasana) Raising Frog Pose (uttana mandukasana) Sleeping Frog Pose (sputa mandukasana) Bound Pose (Baddha gomukhasana) Cat stretch (Marjari Asana) Pose (Gomukhasana) Kurmasana Baddha padmasana Padma Bakasana Akarna dhanurasana Parvatasana Virasana Garbhasana Backward Bending Postures Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) Makarasana (3 Variations) Kapotasana Forward Bending Postures Hand to Feet Pose (Paschimottanasana) Half Gas Releasing Pose (Ardha- Pavan Muktasana) Full Gas Releasing Pose(Purna Pavan Muktasana) Nose to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana) Yoga Mudra Pose (Yoga Mudrasana) Twisting Postures Half fish God Twisting Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana) Full Fish God Twisting Pose (Purna matsyendrasana) Fire Awakening Postures Raising Feet Pose () Locust Pose (Salabhasana) Peacock Pose (Mayurasana) Kakasana (Kukutasana) Inversion Postures Head Stand Pose (Shirshasana) Wheel Pose (Chakrasana) Bridge Pose (SetuBandha asana) Fish Pose (Matsyasana) Shoulder Stand () Ear Pain Releasing Pose (Karnapidasana) Relaxation Postures A- Meditation Postures Easy Pose (Sukhasana) Accomplish Pose (Siddhasana) Half Lotus Pose Aardha Padmasana) Lotus Pose (Padmasana) Thunderbold Pose (Vajrasana ) Chair Pose (Maitri Asana) Pranayama Practices Kapala-bhati Bhastrika Anuloma-Viloma Bhramari Ujjayi Siltli Sitkari Surya-bheda Chandra-bheda Koshthya Pranava Pranayama Calvicular Breathing Thorasic Breathing Diaphragmatic Breathing Yogic Breathing Quality Breathing Murcha and Plavini Pranayama Yoga Gestures (Yoga Mudras) Hand Yoga Gestures (Hasta Mudra) Jnana Mudra Chin Mudra Yoni Mudra Bhairava Mudra Hridaya Mudra Head Yoga Gestures (Mana Mudra) Shambhavi Mudra Nasikagra Drishti Khechari Mudra Kaki Mudra Bhujangini Mudra Bhoochari Mudra Akashi Mudra Shanmukhi Mudra Unmani Mudra Postural Mudras (Kaya) Viparita karani Mudra Pashinee Mudra Prana Mudra Manduki Mudra Tadagi Mudra Lock Mudras (Bandha Mudra) Maha Mudra Maha Vedha Mudra Maha Vedha Mudra Perineal Mudras (Adhara) Ashwini Mudra Vajroli Mudra Sahajoli Mudra Energy Lock (Bandha) Mula Bandha Uddiyana Bandha Jalandhar Bandha Maha Bandha Meditation (Dhyana) 2 minutes Meditation Breath Meditation Mantra Meditation Vipasana Meditation Healing Meditation Third Eye Meditation Preparation for Meditation Susumna Meditation Spinal Breathing Meditation Kriya Yoga Meditation Silence Meditation Chakra Meditation Kundalini Meditation Yogic Sleep (Yoga Nidra) Simple Relaxation (Sithilikarana) Full Body Relaxation (Purna Sithilikarana) 31 Point Blue Star Yoga Nidra (Prarambhik Nila Tara Yoga Nidra) 61 Point Blue Star Yoga nidra (Purna Niltara Yoga nidra) Sweeping breath practice (Prana Suddhi kriya) Disolving Yoga Nidra (Laya Yoga Nidra ) Chakra Yoga Nidra Subtle Body Awakening Practice (Sukshma Sharira Jagarana) Yogic Cleansing Exercises (Satkarma) Jala-Neti Sutraneti Dhauti (Vamana) Nauli Kapalbhati Trataka Recitation of Sacred Sound (Mantra Japa) Mantra for the Morning and night prayers Mantra what and why Mantra for Meditation Mantra before you start the Yoga lesson Mantra for healing like for different diseases and problem of the life, for normal baby delivery, good family life, to remove fear and feeling for security, healthy relationship, and finally for enlightenment. Japa (Mantra repetition with rosary, mala) Namasmarana (Silent remembrance of Mantra) Kirtana (Group chanting) Recitation of Sacred Sound (Mantra Japa) Anatomy and Physiology (Sharir Vijyan)Pranayama Practices Kapala-bhati Bhastrika Anuloma-Viloma Bhramari Ujjayi Siltli Sitkari Surya-bheda Chandra-bheda Koshthya Pranava Pranayama Calvicular Breathing Thorasic Breathing Diaphragmatic Breathing Yogic Breathing Quality Breathing Murcha and Plavini Pranayama Yoga Gestures (Yoga Mudras) Hand Yoga Gestures (Hasta Mudra) Jnana Mudra Chin Mudra Yoni Mudra Bhairava Mudra Hridaya Mudra Head Yoga Gestures (Mana Mudra) Shambhavi Mudra Nasikagra Drishti Khechari Mudra Kaki Mudra Bhujangini Mudra Bhoochari Mudra Akashi Mudra Shanmukhi Mudra Unmani Mudra Postural Mudras (Kaya) Viparita karani Mudra Pashinee Mudra Prana Mudra Manduki Mudra Tadagi Mudra Lock Mudras (Bandha Mudra) Maha Mudra Maha Vedha Mudra Maha Vedha Mudra Perineal Mudras (Adhara) Ashwini Mudra Vajroli Mudra Sahajoli Mudra Energy Lock (Bandha) Mula Bandha Uddiyana Bandha Jalandhar Bandha Maha Bandha Meditation (Dhyana) 2 minutes Meditation Breath Meditation Mantra Meditation Vipasana Meditation Healing Meditation Third Eye Meditation Preparation for Meditation Susumna Meditation Spinal Breathing Meditation Kriya Yoga Meditation Silence Meditation Chakra Meditation Kundalini Meditation Yogic Sleep (Yoga Nidra) Simple Relaxation (Sithilikarana) Full Body Relaxation (Purna Sithilikarana) 31 Point Blue Star Yoga Nidra (Prarambhik Nila Tara Yoga Nidra) 61 Point Blue Star Yoga nidra (Purna Niltara Yoga nidra) Sweeping breath practice (Prana Suddhi kriya) Disolving Yoga Nidra (Laya Yoga Nidra ) Chakra Yoga Nidra Subtle Body Awakening Practice (Sukshma Sharira Jagarana) Yogic Cleansing Exercises (Satkarma) Jala-Neti Sutraneti Dhauti (Vamana) Nauli Kapalbhati Trataka Recitation of Sacred Sound (Mantra Japa) Mantra for the Morning and night prayers Mantra what and why Mantra for Meditation Mantra before you start the Yoga lesson Mantra for healing like for different diseases and problem of the life, for normal baby delivery, good family life, to remove fear and feeling for security, healthy relationship, and finally for enlightenment. Japa (Mantra repetition with rosary, mala) Namasmarana (Silent remembrance of Mantra) Kirtana (Group chanting) Recitation of Sacred Sound (Mantra Japa) Anatomy and Physiology (Sharir Vijyan) Dynamics of Breathing Yoga and the Spine Skeletal System Muscular System and Yoga Stretching Inside the Asana Standing Poses Sitting Poses Kneeling Poses Supine Poses Prone Poses Arm Support Poses Cardio Vascular System Skin Nervous System Reproductive System Yoga Philosophy Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Different Paths of Yoga ( jyana, karma, bhakti, laya, ) Different Styles of Yoga (Ashtanga Vinyasa, Hatha, Rishi) Yoga and Health Comparative study of Yoga with other Indian Philosophies 5 Elements 4 Aspects of mind 7 States of Consciousness 3 Bodies- gross, Subtle, Causal Prana and Kundalini Nadis and Chakra Raja Yoga and the 8 limbs Yoga discipline Control of the mind and 9 disturbances of mind Philosophy and Practice of Yoga Nidra Yoga in Daily life Emotional Purification Science of Silence Hatha Yoga Pradipika Shiva Samhita Art of Joyful living Science of Breath Bhagavat Geeta Vedas Upanishads Indian Philosophy Teaching Practice Qualities of a Good Teacher Demonstrations Alignment Clear and proper instructions Teaching Methodology Step by Step Practice Guidelines for beginners and advance students Preparing a lesson plan Yoga Psychology Understanding mind and its functions How to control and channelize the mind How to read student’s mind Reiki Treatment Reiki- its necessity to heal Basic Reiki Study Yoga Therapy Yoga and Therapy Yoga and Diseases Ayurveda Basics of Ayurveda Ayurveda Diet Ayurveda Massage Training Dynamics of Breathing Yoga and the Spine Skeletal System Muscular System and Yoga Stretching Inside the Asana Standing Poses Sitting Poses Kneeling Poses Supine Poses Prone Poses Arm Support Poses Cardio Vascular System Skin Nervous System Reproductive System Yoga Philosophy Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Different Paths of Yoga ( jyana, karma, bhakti, laya, ) Different Styles of Yoga (Ashtanga Vinyasa, Hatha, Rishi) Yoga and Health Comparative study of Yoga with other Indian Philosophies 5 Elements 4 Aspects of mind 7 States of Consciousness 3 Bodies- gross, Subtle, Causal Prana and Kundalini Nadis and Chakra Raja Yoga and the 8 limbs Yoga discipline Control of the mind and 9 disturbances of mind Philosophy and Practice of Yoga Nidra Yoga in Daily life Emotional Purification Science of Silence Hatha Yoga Pradipika Shiva Samhita Art of Joyful living Science of Breath Bhagavat Geeta Vedas Upanishads Indian Philosophy Teaching Practice Qualities of a Good Teacher Demonstrations Alignment Clear and proper instructions Teaching Methodology Step by Step Practice Guidelines for beginners and advance students Preparing a lesson plan Yoga Psychology Understanding mind and its functions How to control and channelize the mind How to read student’s mind Reiki Treatment Reiki- its necessity to heal Basic Reiki Study Yoga Therapy Yoga and Therapy Yoga and Diseases Ayurveda Basics of Ayurveda Ayurveda Diet Ayurveda Massage Training