Pine Oil Emulsifier offered by us is an ionic, non-ionic and cationic product. The best quality ingredients are used in manufacturing our Pine Oil Emulsifier. Our Pine Oil Emulsifier is perfect for serving varied purposes. more...
Available Packings : COOLTAR-CE, CQS Grade is available in 20 / 25 MT Bulk Tankers, 200 Kg. HDPE Drums.
Physical Properties : “COOLTAR-CE” CQS grade is fine dispersion of bitumen, latex polymers and performance additives in water stabilized by very special grades of high performance cationic emulsifiers and stabilizers. This PME is free flowing brown viscous liquid in cmore...
Available Packings : COOLTAR-CE is available in 20 / 25 MT Bulk Tankers, 200 Kg. MS / HDPE Drums.
“COOLTAR-CE” is the Cationic Bitumen Emulsion produced by PETROCHEM SPECIALITIES through indigenously developed and more reliable batch process and confirms to Indian & International Standards. It is a Chocolate Brown free flowing liquid at room temperature, provimore...
Description : “PSEM-RMS-DMR” is pre-acidified emulsifier with added performance additives for on-site production of Rapid and Medium Setting Cationic Bitumen Emulsions. This product is liquid even at low temperatures so is very convenient to use compact batch type on-more...
Being the well known name to deliver excellence, we are trusted to meet customers’ exact needs. We, as a Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter, offer Non Emulsifier in a wide assortment. It is non toxic and free from impurities. We carefully conduct our manufacturing process more...
Being a prominent Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter in the industry, we present a wide range of Emulsifier to our customers. The quality we offer is unmatched. We take special care of quality by testing it against the highest parameters of quality set by the industry. We providmore...