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Our Complete range of products are Handheld Multiparameter Instrument, SI Analytics Laboratory Hot Plate, Multiparameter Sonde, Professional Plus Multiparameter Meter and Son Tek River Surveyor.


The YSI 9300 and YSI 9500 are economical photometers in small packages for any application. These portable photometers allow you to easily take readings directly in the field for 100+ parameters.

Selecting the desired test has never been easier. Simply choose among the list of available tests on the large graphic display and the instrument will walk you through the test procedure - it's that easy! Simple. Convenient. Accurate.

Features for the 9300 include:

  • Direct reading concentrations
  • Waterproof IP-67 rating
  • Large, backlit graphic display
  • Sample tube holder automatically adjusts for various diameters
  • On-screen instructions virtually eliminates reading manuals
  • Multiple languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian)
  • 100+ test choices

The 9500 features all of the above, as well as:

  • Waterproof USB connection that can also power the instrument
  • Internal memory for 500 sample sets
  • User-selectable options for test units, sample numbers, dilutions factors, or additional tests

You can rely on the accuracy and reliability of YSI's 9300 and 9500 photometers. Just choose the reagents for the parameters of interest and start getting results today.

The 9500 includes hard-sided carrying case with foam cutouts for the instrument, accessories, reagents, and more along with a waterproof USB cable.

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The YSI 910 COD colorimeter is ideal for any application. This portable instrument allows you to easily take readings for COD.

The 910 colorimeter is a rugged, waterproof, single parameter instrument for the measurement of COD (chemical oxygen demand).

The EPA-approved COD test is useful for performing rapid, frequent monitoring of treatment plant efficiency, and results allow quick response to changing conditions in the waste stream while the traditional BOD5 test takes 5-days to determine results.

Interested in a COD meter? Learn about the trade in program currently going on (U.S. only). Or, if you prefer to buy from one of our dealers, take advantage of our rebate program!

The instrument features a large, backlit display, a real time clock, automatic data logging as well as the ability to export data to a PC or printer using the 900 Series Data Hub for infrared data transfer. Features for the 910 to quickly and accurately measure COD include:

  • Automatic data storage; 16 data-sets with date and time stamp
  • Large, backlit LCD display
  • IP68 waterproof case; easy to hold or set on benchtop; floats
  • Innovative light shield prevents moving parts or separate pieces that can easily be broken or lost
  • User-calibration to any government or organizational standard (for example N.I.S.T. or ISO)
  • Resolution can be improved for specific range requirements
  • Known interferences can be adjusted for the sample
  • Auto shutoff extends battery life
  • 2-year warranty

If you are interested in measuring multiple parameters or chlorine only, then you may be interested in the YSI pHotoFlex colorimeters or the YSI 900 Chlorine Colorimeter.

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Handheld Multiparameter Instrument

The 556 MPS handheld instrument has been discontinued and Xylem Analytics - YSI is no longer accepting orders for this instrument. However, we will continue to support existing 556's for the next 5 years. We recommend The Professional Plus (Pro Plus) or ProDSS handheld instruments as suitable replacements.

Instrument Only. Cables, probes/sensors, and accessories sold separately.

Featuring a waterproof IP-67, impact-resistant case, the YSI 556 MPS simultaneously measures dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, temperature, and ORP. Or, simply purchase the cable to measure DO, conductivity, and temperature if needed. The YSI 556 MPS conforms to GLP standards.

Multiparameter Instrument (carrying case (5061) and PC adaptor RS-232 included) used with the 556 handheld instrument.

Packed with Features!

Battery Options: The unit is powered by alkaline batteries or an optional rechargeable battery pack (YSI Part # 6118) with fast charge feature. (556-02)

Optional Barometer: Internal barometer can be user-calibrated and displayed along with other data, used in dissolved oxygen calibrations, and logged to memory for tracking changes in barometric pressure.

Carrying Case: The instrument comes standard with a soft-sided carrying case with enough space for the YSI 556 MPS, a 20-meter cable, and calibrating supplies.

Additional Features:
  • Field-replaceable DO, pH, and pH/ORP probes
  • RS-232 and Compatible with EcowatchTM for WindowsTM data analysis software
  • Easy-to-use, screw-on cap DO membranes
  • User-upgradable software from YSI website
  • Three-year warranty
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Thermo Imaging Camera

The ebro Thermal Imager TIC 100 measures and documents temperature-sensitive products. You can easily determine the temperature distribution of a product during laboratory analysis and capture it on camera.As the temperature is measured by infrared and thus a contactless measurement, the Imager TIC 100 can be used for temperature measurements of moving or voltage-carrying parts. With the Imager TIC 100, the measured temperatures can be captured and documented quickly and easily with the camera.

The power of the Thermal Imager TIC 100:
  • The infrared camera with micro SD memoryshows contactless in less than one second temperaturepoints (hot or cold)
  • The thermal imaging allows for optimal evaluationof defects
  • Ease of use through an easily understandablemenu navigation
  • Robust design with ergonomic design made forimproved use
  • Thermal images can be moved and saved frommicro SD-card
  • Pinpoint temperature measurement
  • Provides heat sources and critical temperaturesin a quick and safe manner
  • Rapid fault diagnosis with thermal images
  • Measurement technology allows to measure witha safe distance from the objects to the imager
  • Particularly suitable to measure temperature onvoltage-carrying or moving objects in the electricaland mechanical fields
Typical Applications:

The use of thermal imagers in building thermography, amethod for testing the insulation of houses, the control of flatroofs and analysis of masonry, for localization of cracks in pipesand for creating an energy performance certificate is already successfulin use for many years.

In industrial and mechanical trade thermal imagers are inuse to check electrical systems. Here for example in use for thedetermination of the power loss of electronic assemblies and thetesting of mechanical systems.Thermal imaging cameras are also sucessful tools in fire fighting service.The use of cameras without risk and fast remaining embersfrom fires can be detected and people are found in smoke-filledbuildings.

In veterinary medicine, the thermal imaging camera is used indiagnosis. The measurement of the surface heat of inflammatoryregions of the body of an animal helps theveterinarian to identifyof the causative when he is making a diagnosis.

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Toc Analyzer

Get more from your analysis with the Aurora 1030C TOC Analyzer, an instrument designed to process aqueous samples for the analysis of total organic carbon (TOC) using the high temperature combustion technique. Capable of processing up to 300 samples daily, the Aurora 1030C offers a broad sample scope of 100 ppb to 30, 000 ppm.In its mission to process aqueous samples for the analysis of TOC, total inorganic carbon (TIC), and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC), the Aurora 1030C has been known to reduce maintenance costs. Built with a patented dual chamber combustion reactor for employing the high temperature combustion technique, the 1030C's first reactor chamber contains a bed of quartz to protect the platinum catalyst in the second chamber from deposition of noncombustible constituents, and ensures consistent oxidation conditions for stable blanks. As a result, this reactor design extends catalyst life and reduces instrument maintenance costs.
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Water Level Measuring Tape

Global Water's WL500 Well Level Sounder sets a new precision standard for well water level measurement. The Water Level Sounder meets or exceeds federal specification US GGG-T-106E (USA) or EEC CLASS II (Europe) for a guaranteed accuracy of 0.008%. The Water Level Sounder uses a full depth-rated stainless steel and teflon probe that is 58-inch (16 mm) in diameter. Sensor electronics are encapsulated in a water and dust proof housing. The Electronics module can be removed so that the entire reel and tape can be cleaned and decontaminated. The flat spring steel core ensures that the level sounder will hang perfectly straight in large and small diameter wells. This provides unparalleled accuracy when compared to the flat white tapes, where kinks in the tape introduce slight errors, in addition to the displacement of water changing the static level.
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SI Analytics Laboratory Hot Plate

To heat up liquids quickly and safely, SI Analytics hotplates SLK 12 are the optimum solution. The heating power can be adjusted in 9 steps and heats up to 1.7 kW (with extended hotplate step 2 and the 230 V version only).

  • The pore-free glass-ceramics surface (easy-to-clean) is highly resistant against chemical influences and temperature fluctuations.
  • The glass-ceramics surface has a high infrared permeability and hence is exceptional economic saving energy and time.
  • The heating surface is throughout planar and offers not heated border areas. This allows the vessel to be heated partially or completely removed off the hotplate.
  • High-quality, powder-coated and nonsensitive stainless steel casing.
  • Heating area with two zones (230 V) for small and bigger vessels.
  • Indicator LED for residual heat for safe operation.
  • An optional compressed air connection allows operation in highly aggressive environment.
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Automated Chemistry Analyzer

The FS 3700 Automated Chemistry Analyzer is an advanced continuous flow analyzer designed to improve laboratory productivity by automating wet chemistry test procedures.

OI Analytical validates the hardware configuration and performance of every method supplied with the FS 3700 analyzer providing users a total analysis solution. Methods for aqueous samples, soil or plant extracts are available to support environmental compliance monitoring, process optimization and research applications.

Modular hardware

Modular hardware allows FIA and/or SFAmethods to be run interchangeably onthe same unit. Multiple FS 3700 can belinked to provide additional channels ofconcurrent analysis.

Injection Valves

An automated injection valve is installed in theanalysis module chassis when required to runa flow injection analysis (FIA) method.

Chemistry Cartridges

Each chemistry cartridge is pre-assembled withall components needed to perform a validatedanalysis method just attach the pump tubingand detector flow cell.Ordering by 'channel' provides a convenientway to configure the 3700. Modular, flexiblehardware provides a great platform for research, in-house or proprietary methods

In-line Heating/UV Digestion

In-line devices for reactions requiringheating or UV digestion are mountedon the underside of chemistry cartridges.FlowView software provides user programmablecontrol of the UV lamp and cartridge heater setpoints in 1 C increments.

Plug-in Detector Modules

Photometric and amperometric detectormodules plug-in to the FS 3700 to supportmethods employing colorimetric chemistriesor amperometric measurements. Built-in A/Dand ISE capability are standard in each chassis.The Expanded RangeTM photometric detectorand auto-scaling software virtually eliminateoff-scale samples. A single calibration curve canrange from low ppb to high ppm concentrations.

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Multiparameter Sonde

Capturing accurate data in fresh water, ground water and marine aquatic environments is easy with the versatile multiparameter EXO1 sonde. Ideal for estuarine, surface water or ground water applications.
Instrument Only. Cables, probes/sensors, and accessories sold separately - please see the "Accessories" tab for details.

The EXO 1is a muliparameter instrument that collects data with up to four user-replaceable sensors and an integral pressure transducer for depth.

Key Benefits
  • High-accuracy sensors with on-board memory
  • Wireless communications
  • Fast response times for profiling and sampling
  • Seamless integration into marine, estuarine, freshwater and ground water monitoring systems
Smart Sondes and Sensors

Extremely versatile instrument, allowing the user to automatically configure a sonde with different sensor for different applications in minutes

Smart Ports: Each sensor port on the sonde accepts any EXO water quality sensor and automatically recognizes it. Sensors are user-replaceable and made from rugged titanium housing.

Sensor Options:

  • Conductivity and Temperature
  • Dissolved Oxygen (optical)
  • fDOM (Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter, surrogate for CDOM)
  • pH or pH / ORPDepth (integral)
  • Total Algae (Dual-channel Chlorophyll and Blue-green Algae)
  • Turbidity

Tested in a variety of rigorous field conditions as well as lab conditions to ensure accuracy and response times

Sample without Interruption

No matter which EXO sensors users select, other features of the sensors' design make them rugged and durable:

  • Wet-mateable connectors resist corrosion
  • Isolated components prevent short circuits
  • Welded housings and double o-rings prevent leaks
  • High-impact plastic and titanium resists breaking
  • Built-in antifouling systems protect data integrity
  • Low power consumption extends underwater deployments
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Professional Plus Multiparameter Meter

The YSI Professional Plus handheld multiparameter meter provides extreme flexibility for the measurement of a variety ofparameters such asDO, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, ORP, pH/ORP combination, ammonium (ammonia), nitrate, chloride and temperature.

The Quatro cable attached to the Pro Plus allows you to utilize 4-ports to measure temperature/conductivity, DO, and any two ISEs among pH, ORP, ammonium, chloride, or nitrate creating an extremely powerful handheld multiparameter instrument. Other cable array options are available too!


The Pro Plus instrument meets the demands of true field work. The instrument is rated to IP-67 standards even without the battery cover on. Other tough features include a 3-year warranty, Mil-spec connectors, rubber overmolded case, and a 2-year cable warranty. In-house testing procedures also include 1-meter drop tests from all angles to ensure expected field-durability.

Tough, Field Durability Features Include:

  • Easy-to-install cable weights; can be daisy-chained for additional weight*
  • Rubber, over-molded IP-67 waterproof case (even without the battery cover)*
  • 3-year instrument warranty
  • 2-year cable warranty*
  • Rugged cables, sensors, and military-spec connectors*
  • Drop-tested 1 meter at all angles*
  • Scratch-resistant lens; viewable with polarized glassesInstrument floats
  • Weighted, user-replaceable multi-sensor design


The instrument provides numerous benefits from the following features; 5, 000 data-set memory, password protection, backlit display and keypad, graphic display with detailed Help functionality, re-cal prompts, user defined fields, detailed GLP, auto stable, Hold All Readings function, Data Manager software for the desktop, USB connection, auto-buffer recognition, and flexible folders and site lists for logging data.

Smart Features Include:

  • 5, 000 data set memory
  • Detailed on-screen Help function*
  • Free, Data Manager desktop software and ProComm II saddle*
  • Interval or single-event logging100 folder & site list data structure*
  • Password protection
  • Detailed GLP data
  • USB connection also powers the instrument
  • 6-point cal with auto-buffer recognition*
  • User-adjustable auto-stable with prompts*
  • User-upgradeable software via waterproof USB port
  • Recalibration prompts
  • Search function filters user-defined data information*
  • Backlit display AND keypad*
  • Cable management kit included with all cables from 4- to 30-meters*

Most Versatile

Connect any Professional Series cable (excludes ODO cables) and probe option to the instrument and use the convenient cable management kit to keep everything simple and organized. Cable options range from 1-, 4-, 10-, 20-, and 30-meter choices (up to 100-meters on DO only cables). Use lab or field probes and switch between the two quickly. The Pro Plus makes an ideal lab BOD instrument with the proven self-stirring BOD probe. A convenient handstrap can be used on either side of the instrument. A complete family of accessories also increases the versatility of the Pro Plus. Choose among accessories including carrying cases, flow cells, cable weight, belt clip, tripod, and c-clamp.

Added Versatility Features Include:

  • Adjustable right- or left-handed hand strap*
  • Multiple user-replaceable sensor options and a choice of DO sensors*
  • Multiple parameter options and cable lengths
  • Lab-grade ISE sensors and BOD probe available to make a true lab/field instrument
  • Languages - English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)
  • Wide array of accessories are available from flow cells, to shoulder straps, to carrying cases
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Son Tek River Surveyor

The patented and award-winning RiverSurveyor, S5/M9 systems give a new perspective to the notion of measuring open channel hydraulics. Using SonTek's exclusive SmartPulseHD, multiple acoustic frequencies are fused with precise bandwidth control for the most robust and continuous shallow-to-deep discharge measurements ever.

A deterministic microcontroller expertly apportions the proper acoustics, pulse scheme, and cell size to get the highest definition possible so you can focus on the measurement, not the instrument setup. The system even has a vertical beam for precise channel definition and it's all designed to work intuitively.And just like the name implies - SmartPulseHD (just like your TV) lets you see the clearest velocity picture possible with cell sizes down to 2 cm.

  • Multi-Band - Multiple acoustic frequencies1, 2
  • Vertical acoustic beam1
  • SmartPulseHD (Patent Pending)
  • Internally computed discharge and secure data1
  • Standard 360 compass and two-axis tilt sensor
  • Reverberation control with ping rates to 70Hz
  • Bottom-tracking
  • RTK GPS (optional)

1 U.S. Patent #8, 125, 849
2 U.S. Patent #8, 411, 530

  • Balances the highest resolution with the greatest range of depths
  • Superior channel definition, extends the maximum measurable discharge depth
  • An intelligent algorithm that looks at water depth, velocity and turbulence, and then acoustically adapts to those conditions using pulse-coherent, broadband, and incoherent techniques. High-def cell sizes down to 2 cm.
  • All discharge computations are done within the S5 or M9 unit internally (not in the computer!) No lost data from communications drop outs
  • Compensates for vessel motion due to surface conditions.
  • High ping rates ensure extremely robust data collection.
  • High precision vessel tracking and depth measurement without GPS requirement.
  • Ultra precise earth-referenced positioning as an alternative to bottom tracking in moving bed or other difficult situations.
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Acoustic Doppler Profiler

The SonTekADP (Acoustic Doppler Profiler) is a proven, capable and versatile, high-performance, 3-axis (3D) water current profiler that is accurate, reliable, and easy to use.

The ADP uses state-of-the-art transducers and electronics designed to reduce side-lobe interference problems that plague other current profilers. This allows theADP to make the very near-boundary (surface or bottom) current measurements critical to shallow water applications. The 1.5-MHz profiler is available as a Mini-ADP featuring a compact transducer head designed for applications where small size is critical.
With hundreds of satisfied users around the world, the ADP is proven, capable and versatile. Whether your application is hydrology, oceanography or harbor monitoring, there is an ADP configuration to suit your needs. Here is some of what sets the SonTek ADP apart.

Standard Features
  • 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5-MHz models
  • Profiling ranges up to 180m
  • Side-looking configurations for horizontal profiling
  • Bottom Tracking & GPS input for moving boat applications
  • Compass and 2-Axis Tilt Sensor
  • All ADP software is compatible with Windows Vista/XP/2K
  • ViewADP software for post-processing
  • Low power consumption
  • Temperature sensor
  • Low price
  • Proven SonTek reliability
Optional Features
  • SeaBird MicroCat CT Sensor
  • Optical Backscatter Sensor (OBS)
  • Internal Recording
  • Pressure Sensor (Strain Gage)
  • Pressure Sensor (FrequencyRPT)
  • Directional wave measurement capabilities - SonWavePro option allows custom plots for Polar displays, Time-series displays, and Spectral displays
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Discrete Water Sampler

The WS705 single-bottle composite/discrete water samplers combine all the features needed to meet a wide variety of water sampling requirements, including those for stormwater, industrial discharge, water and wastewater treatment, waste collection systems, rivers, and streams.

  • CE Certified
  • Quick disconnect pickup hose conveniently stored inside the enclosure for easy transport
  • Simple to operate - no programming required
  • Heavy duty wheels and retractable handle built in
  • Rugged construction for harsh environments
  • Can take timed or flow proportional samples
  • Peristaltic pump prevents sample contamination
  • Automatic backflush clears pickup strainer and hose
  • Enclosed battery compartment and smart battery charger to improve battery life
  • Refrigerated / cooler sampler options available
  • The easiest and most reliable method for collecting water quality samples

The WS705 composite/discrete water sampler's state of the art water sampler controller gives you complete control over your water sampling process. With the composite/discrete water sampler's sample size control, you can take individual time-weighted composite samples or full-bottle discrete grab samples in a 2.5 gallon sample bottle. The composite/discrete water sampler's sample interval control allows you set the time between individual composite samples or enable the external trigger mode for flow proportional sampling. A start delay timer allows you to start multiple composite/discrete water samplers in the field at the same time, or to delay drawing a water sample after a triggering event so that your water sample better represents the water source.

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Hydrostatic Level Series

MJK offers a full series of water level transmitters designed for immersion in open tanks, wet-wells, ground water and reservoirs. The water level transmitters are designed for measurement under rough conditions in all water and wastewater applications with large concentrations of sludge and suspended solids.

The Expert Hydrostatic Level Transmitters line consist of these product types:

  • Expert Hydrostatic Analogue Submersible Level Transmitters
  • Expert Hydrostatic Digital Submersible Level Transmitters
  • Level Transmitters for clean water applications
  • Level Transmitters for waste water applications
Expert Hydrostatic Level transmitter 700

The MJK Expert 700 Level Transmitter has a small external diameter - 16 mm - and is made of 316L stainless steel. The transmitter is designed for measuring levels in water wells.

The MJK Expert 700 is an accurate 2-wire transmitter with a piezoresistive measuring system with direct air pressure and temperature compensation and built-in surge protection.

Expert Level transmitter 700 series has the following features:

  • Application: Water Wells
  • AISI 316L Housing
  • Stainless steel (1.4404/AISI 316 L) diaphragm
  • 16mm outer diameter
  • Programble zero point and span with flexible measuring ranges
  • Measuring ranges between 0 30 m and 0 100m
  • Measurement and stability accuracy better than 0.5 %
  • Output signal 2-wire 4 - 20 mA (700) or Modbus RS 485 (700 Digital)
  • PE Cable
  • Ligthning surge resistance
Expert Hydrostatic Level transmitter 7060

Expert Level transmitter 7060 series is very popular level transmitter, sturdy design made for level measuring in waste water aplications around the world.

The 7060 transmitter has piezoresistive measuring system with direct air pressure compensation through a tube in the cable.

The transmitter is suitable for measuring level in wastewater pumping stations, tanks and containers at sewage plants, water works, as well as in industrial plants.

Expert Level transmitter 7060 series has following features:

  • Application: Wastewater and process water
  • PP Housing reinforced with iron bars
  • Stainless steel (1.4404/AISI 316 L) diaphragm
  • 60 mm outer diameter
  • Programble zero point and span with flexible measuring ranges
  • Measuring ranges between 0 2 m up to 0 300m
  • Measurement and stability accuracy better than 0.25 %
  • Output signal 2-wire 4 - 20 mA (7060) or Modbus RS 485 (7060 Digital)
  • High pull strength (1000 kg) PUR Cable
Expert Hydrostatic Level transmitter 7070

Expert Hydrostatic Level transmitter 7070 has small external diameter and is made completely in acid proof steel. The transmitter is designed for measuring levels in water wells and drinking water tanks.

The Expert Hydrostatic Level transmitter 7070 has piezoresistive measuring system with direct air pressure compensation through a tube in the cable.

Expert Level transmitter 7070 series has following features:

  • Application: Water Wells, Water Storage and Processing
  • AISI 316L Housing
  • Stainless steel (1.4404/AISI 316 L) diaphragm
  • 22 mm outer diameter
  • Programble zero point and span with flexible measuring ranges
  • Measuring ranges between 0 2 m up to 0 300m
  • Measurement and stability accuracy better than 0.25 %
  • Output signal 2-wire 4 - 20 mA (7070) or Modbus RS 485 (7070 Digital) PT100 for on-line temperature measurement (7070T)
  • PUR Cable

Expert Hydrostatic Level transmitter 1400

Expert Level transmitter 1400 series with improved accuracy for both high and low measuring ranges.

The transmitters are approved for mounting in explosion hazardous areas. It has a capacitive measuring system and built-in breather tube for direct air pressure compensation.

Expert Level transmitter 1400 series has following features:

  • Application: Water Wells, Water Storage and Processing
  • AISI 316L Housing
  • Ceramic diaphragm
  • 22mm outer diameter
  • Programmable zero point and span with flexible measuring ranges
  • Measuring ranges between 0 30 cm and 0 300m
  • Accuracy better than 0.1 % and stability 0.1 %/year
  • 2-wire 4 - 20 mA Output signal
  • PUR Cable
  • Ligthning surge resistance

Expert Level transmitters 1400 are approved for use in hazardous areas with the following approvals:

Atex: Ex:ia IIC T6UL: Class 1, Division 1 Group A-D

Expert Hydrostatic Level transmitter 3400

Expert Hydrostatic Level transmitter 3400 with improved accuracy for both high and low measuring ranges.

The transmitters are approved for mounting in explosion hazard areas. It has a capacitive measuring system and built-in breather tube for direct air pressure compensation.

Expert Level transmitter 3400 series has following features:

  • Application: Drinking, waste and process water, chemical resistant and can be used in tanks with chemicals such as a range of acids, bases and ferric chloride.
  • PPS plastics housing
  • Ceramic diaphragm, 99, 9 % pure
  • 50 mm outer diameter
  • Programble zero point and span with flexible measuring ranges.
  • Measuring ranges between 0 30 cm and 0 300m.
  • Improved accuracy better than 0.1 % and stability 0.1 %/year
  • 2-wire 4 - 20 mA Output signal
  • High pull strength (1000 kg) PUR Cable

Expert Level transmitters 3400 are approved for use in hazardous areas with the following approvals:

Atex: Ex:ia IIC T6UL: Class 1, Division 1 Group A-D

Expert Hydrostatic Level transmitter 7050

Expert 7050 Pressure Transmitter 7050 has Piezo-resitive measuring principle and absolute pressure measuring system.

The Transmitter is very sturdy and suitable for level measuring at pumping stations and at sewage plants, where the cable with the traditional air compensation tube will pass through different temperature zones and moisture can cause reduction of accuracy.

Expert Level transmitter 7050 series has following features:

  • Application: Wastewater and process water
  • PP Housing reinforced with 6 mm iron bars
  • Stainless steel (1.4404/AISI 316 L) diaphragm
  • 60 mm outer diameter
  • Measuring range 0 2 bar (0-10m WC)
  • Measurement and stability accuracy better than 0.5 %
  • Output signal 2-wire 4 - 20 mA (absolute)
  • High pull strength (1000 kg) PUR Cable
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Water Level Loggers

The WL16, Water Level Logger, is a datalogger and submersible pressure transducer combination designed for remote monitoring and recording of water level or pressure data. The water level logger can record over 81, 000 readings and has four unique recording options, fast (10 samples per second), programmable interval (1 second to multiple years), logarithmic, and exception. Multiple depth ranges are available from 3 to 500 feet of water level change. A 25 ft vented cable is standard on all water level loggers, and optional cable lengths are available from the factory up to 2000 ft.

  • Four sample modes: 10 times per second, timed, logarithmic, and exception
  • CE Certified
  • User friendly software included
  • USB and Serial communication options available
  • Serial version is telemetry compatible
  • PDA software simplifies field data collection
  • No need to remove sensor for data collection or battery change
  • Highly accurate water level measurements
  • User programmable start and stop alarms, engineering units, and field calibration setup
  • Unique 0-3 ft range for shallow water
  • Wet-wet transducer eliminates vent tube concerns
  • Automatic barometric pressure and temperature compensation

The WL16, Water Level Logger, is housed in a weather-resistant cylindrical enclosure, which slips inside a standard 2-inch PVC pipe. The Water Level Recorders are easily adapted with standard hardware for wellhead mounting, stream, or other installations. Two internal 9 VDC Alkaline batteries will typically power each of the Water Level Loggers for approximately one year even if one of the batteries fails. A third onboard lithium battery ensures your data is safe in the event both 9V batteries fail. All Water Level Loggers include Windows and PDA software, allowing easy upload of data a laptop, desktop or PDA for transfer to spreadsheet programs. NOTE: The Palm operating system is NOT supported.

The WL16, Water Level Logger's vented submersible pressure transducer is fully encapsulated with marinegrade epoxy. The electronics are encapsulated so that moisture can never leak in through O-ring seals or work its way into the vent tube and cause drift or sensor failure, as is the case with many other vented sensors. The vent tube is sealed directly to the wet-wet sensing element, and any moisture that may enter the vent tube from the housing will only contact the ceramic parts, not the electronics. Most federal agencies, universities, and environmental consultants recommend vented water level sensors for the best monitoring results.

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Coastal Buoy

The YSI EMM2.0 is one of the most versatile and reliable buoy solutions on the market. These buoys have been deployed with wet-chemistry nutrient and metal analyzers, current meters, water quality monitors, GPS, atmospheric sensors, wave sensors, hydrocarbon sensors, and more. The stable platform can be easily customized to maximize instrumentation on a single monitoring platform. Adding satellite, radio, or cellular telemetry provides data to a custom visual display, making it easy for researchers and operators alike to receive critical data on a daily basis.

  • YSI manufactures buoy, instruments, and loggers for a complete, integrated solution
  • Customizable with third-party sensors
  • Uniform color doesn't require regular maintenance
  • Through-hull penetration for monitoring equipment makes routine servicing simple, fast, and secure
  • Standard configurations available with short lead time
  • Virtually indestructible buoy hull survives impact, ice, punctures, and
  • 4300 lbs of buoyancy
  • Perfect for monitoring in bays, estuaries, coastal and ocean areas
  • Non-sinkable foam hull
  • Corrosion-resistant metal
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Harbour Buoy

The Harbour buoy provides a quickly deployable water quality monitoring platform with remote telemetry. The system can be lifted by two people. And it is completely serviceable from a small boat.

Remote data delivery keeps you informed of changing conditions as they occur, such as storms, discharges, CSOs, TMDLs, dredging, and construction. Collect data in waters as shallow as 1.8 meters.

  • Deployable from shore
  • Remote telemetry
  • Construction and dredging monitoring
  • Quick response in emergencies
  • Serviceable without diver
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Bay Buoy

With more free-board and greater load capacity, this buoy supports a wide array of water quality instrumentation and other systems. Heavy-duty, lightweight foam hull withstands collisions and harsh conditions in lakes, ponds, rivers, reservoirs, and near coastal applications. The YSI Bay Buoy is easy to handle and can be deployed from most small vessels.

  • Suitable for lakes, rivers and coastal areas
  • Non-sinkable foam hull
  • Anti-fouling paint protects submerged surfaces
  • Compact design is easily deployed
  • Accepts third-party monitoring sensors
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Vertical Profiling System

The YSI 6951 Pontoon Vertical Profiling System offers user-programmable sample intervals, redundant error recovery logic that detects unexpected activity and recovers automatically, and is compatible with all YSI EXOand6-Series sondes equipped with depth.

Vertical Profiling Systems

HIGH RESOLUTION VERTICAL WATER COLUMN MEASUREMENTAvailable in three different deployment configurations - Fixed, Pontoon, and Buoy - YSI Profiler Systems provide reliable, fully-automated data collection.

  • Submersible enclosure for electronics
  • Compatible with all EXO or 6-series sondes equipped with depth
  • User-selectable sample intervals
  • Profile Wizard software for easy set-up and deployment.
Based Configurations Feature:

  • Submersible, water-tight enclosure for control electronics
  • Optional depth sounder which automatically compensates for varying water levels from tides, resevoirs levels, etc.
  • Uses top and bottom as reference points for software controlled positioning
  • Profiles up and down and parks at any depth
  • Redundant error recovery logic detects unexpected activity and recovers automatically
Applications Include:
  • Drinking Water Reservoirs: water quality, homeland security, salinity, DO, pH
  • Research: upwelling events, open water
  • General Monitoring: lakes, rivers, estuaries,
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Laboratory Refractometers

Laboratory Refractometers:For precise measurement of concentration. Our expertise in optical engineering, electronics and software design has enabled us to create instruments that are used extensively throughout the world's food, drinks, pharmaceutical, chemical and petroleum industries.

Handheld Refractometers:The use of a hand refractometer facilitates convenient and rapid measurement of concentration in a number of liquid and semi-solid samples. Bellingham + Stanley offers a complete choice of hand held refractometers starting with the E-line economy range of optical to the OPTi digital models that provide the most accurate performance in its class.

Polarimeters:Bellingham + Stanley manufactures high quality general purpose polarimeters for use in a variety of applications, along with a range of sample tubes and quartz control plates for instrument validation.

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Temperature Pressure Data Loggers

For temperature and pressure measurements in tight spaces, ebro offers the EBI 11 mini data loggers.Many configurations are available to suit your application, including data loggers with internal sensors, rigid metal probes, bendable metal probes, Luer-Lock connection or threaded connection versions.The EBI 11 Mini Data Loggers are suitable not only for validation monitoring but can also be used for routine control monitoring.


  • For tight spaces, e.g. in small steam sterilizers, bottles, cans or bags
  • Validation of steam sterilizers and autoclaves
  • Validation of washer-disinfectors and washer-disinfectors for endoscopes
  • Validation at canning etc.
  • Pressure measurement up to 10 bar
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Pisces Lightweight Pontoon

The YSI EMM350 Pisces is a lightweight pontoon platform which supports water quality, water velocity, and meteorological sensors, as well as computer logging systems.Housing it's payload are two topside aluminum chests that contain the data acquisition system, cellular modem, and battery. The chests are easily serviceable from the water and accommodate multiple underwater cable connections.

The YSI EMM350 Pisces is a lightweight pontoon platform which supports water quality, water velocity, and meteorological sensors, as well as computer logging systems.

Housing it's payload are two topside aluminum chests that contain the data acquisition system, cellular modem, and battery. The chests are easily serviceable from the water and accommodate multiple underwater cable connections.

This platform is ideal for coastal, estuary, river, and lake monitoring. It can be deployed by two persons with a truck and a small boat.

For data acquisition, there are several instrument array data acquisition options available - we are confident that we can meet your needs. The EMM350 offers user-programmable sample intervals, redundant error recovery logic that detects unexpected activity and recovers automatically, and is compatible with all YSI EXO and 6-Series Sondes equipped with depth.

Features Include:
  • Towable by most small vessels
  • Ideal for high currents up to 12 knots
  • Loading and deployment by two persons
  • Standard configurations available with short lead time
  • High profile for visibility in navigable waterways
  • Abundant power reserve and solar accumulation
  • Datalogger, cellular modem, meteorological sensors, and ADP configurations
  • Sonde standpipe is retractable for transportation and towing
  • Also available in flow-through cell configuration with option for multiple-depth sampling
Applications Include:
  • High velocity applications
  • Rivers and Streams
  • Baseline studies
  • Dye-tracing studies
  • Emergency response
  • Fisheries
  • Industrial sites
  • Non-point source/TMDL
  • Point source/discharge
  • Stormwater & CSO
  • Source Water
  • University/research
Available Options:
  • Met Package affording additional parameters to complement your monitoring program
  • Wireless Data Transmission - several options are available. Tell us what you need and we will find which suits your application best
  • Satellite Communications - Either Iridium or GOES telemetry can be fitted on this system
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Laboratory Benchtop Meters

Accurate, reliable YSI benchtop dissolved oxygen instruments for the laboratory. Easily conduct DO, BODs or OUR/SOUR tests. Both instruments feature: auto-calibration, large, graphic displays and low keypad profiles for maximum efficiency.

Microprocessor-based, the YSI 5000 and 5100 will store 100 sets of data with RS-232 interface for direct link to your computer. Both models are user upgradeable through the YSI web site, making it easy to take advantage of future software improvements.

The YSI 5100 features a built-in barometer, programmable auto-stabilization, membrane integrity function, bar code compatibility, and real-time clock. The full-featured 5100 instrument offers even greater performance and flexibility with one-button auto calibration and built-in SOUR software to meet U.S. EPA 503 regulations for safe use of biosolids. OUR (Oxygen Uptake Rate) and SOUR (Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate) are also valuable process control tools because they indicate the biological activity of microorganisms used in treatment.

  • Menu-driven software
  • Dissolved oxygen and temperature measurement
  • Large LCD display
  • Automatic calibration
  • 100 data-point memory with date/time stamp
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Viscosity Autosampler

The auto sampler AVSPro III is a fully automatic measuring station for determining the viscosity of Newtonian liquids using capillary viscometers. Despite its high sample throughput, the AVSPro III is characterized by its high accuracy and reproducibility, even though working with the AVSPro III is simple and allows unattended day and night operation.

The AVSPro III helps to considerably reduce the workload of qualified employees, particularly when working with time-consuming series measurements. A further advantage is the increased degree of safety that is achieved by the fully automatic measuring procedure when aggressive media such as sulfuric acid are used. The use of the ProClean system and micro-dosing makes routine operation even safer. Filtration of the solutions, which is sometimes hazardous, is no longer necessary.

With its high performance and reliable functioning, which has been practically demonstrated in continuous use, the AVSPro III has established itself in a very short time as an essential instrument for daily use, particularly in the oil and plastics industries. The autosampler AVSPro III works according to the capillary method, the most accurate physical method for determining the viscosity of Newtonian liquids. It can achieve an accuracy of better than 0.1%. The possibility of using viscometers with optical and TC sensors means that an extraordinarily wide range of applications can be covered; these include the measurement of both transparent liquids and opaque crude oil products.

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Folding Thermometer

The ebro TLC 700 Basic Fold-Back / Folding Thermometer for high accuracy temperature measurements according to HACCP standards. The practical folding thermometer TLC 700 is suitable for measuring the core temperature during transport, storage and receiving of goods. Thanks to the foldable penetration probe the waterproof thermometer (IP 65) can be stored safely. The device is primarly characterized by its small size and the large display and comes with a calibration certificate.

The TLC 700 offers:

  • Compact design with foldable penetration probe
  • Exchangeable color ring, to relate the TLC to a certaindepartment of your company
  • Measurement range of -30 C to +220C
  • 0.5 C accuracy exceeds standard requirements
  • DIN EN 13485 & HACCP conform
  • User replaceable battery
  • Calibration certificate included
  • Watertight housing (IP 65)
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Digital Benchtop Meter

The SI Analytics ProLab 2500 is a digital high-performance meter with three channels. With its color graphicdisplay protected by glass, high-quality zinc die-casting base as well as the anti-bacterial keyboardcover, it meets even the highest demands.

lexible performance

  • Measures three universal measuring channels
  • Measures pH, ORP, ISE, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity.
  • Any combination of the same or different parameters.
  • Color backlit graphic display with CMC, QSC and channel display.
  • An adapter for conventional pH electrodes (DIN plug) included in the delivery.
  • Memory with 10, 000 possible entries.
  • Digital sensor recognition
  • Antibacterial keyboard

Measuring certainty

  • The digital signal transfer eliminates interference, safely allocates calibration data, automatically transmits sensor data.
  • The Quality Sensor Control (QSC) icon provides precise information about the actualstate of the electrode and therefore increases the operational safety.

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SI Analytics Laboratory Stirrer

Using our new SI Analytics laboratory stirrer with heating, the process of mixing liquids can be selected from careful to intense, and the device can be also be used for speedy heating up or controlled temperature adaptation.

All functions can be viewed and monitored on the large, clear LCD display. The stirrer speed range from 100 to 1000/min and can be set in steps of 10/min. The heating power can be set in 24 steps and reaches an average heating output of 0.9 kW at step 24. If a Pt 1000 temperature sensor is connected which enable a temperature control between 25C to 200C at an accuracy level of +/- 2 to 5C as a function of liquid volume, heat capacity and ambient temperature. The display will inform the user at intervals of 5 s about the actual and the set temperature.

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The TitroLine 7750 combines the features of the potentiometric titrator TitroLine 7000 and the volumetric Karl Fischer titrator TitroLine 7500 KF.This makes him the universal titrator for many applications.

  • Highly visible full color display that can beeasily viewed from a distance and extremeangles
  • With new interchangeable modules whichall relevant reagent and unit data can bestored
  • Expandable, thanks to the 2 x USB-host, 1 x USB-PCand 2 x RS232 ports.Connectables are e.g. USB keyboard, USBprinter, barcode reader, USB flash drives, balances, PC und further SI Analyticsdevices such as piston burettes andsample changers
  • Storage of results using via USB port(PDF and CSV -format) includingmethod transfer
  • With standard methods forpotentiometric and KF titration
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Multi Parameter Measurement

The new multi-parameter systems with intelligent, digital sensors for pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and conductivity measurement revolutionize multi-parameter measurement:The signal processing is completely located in the sensor, and the measuring signal is transmitted to the meter without interference and in a clearly identifiable manner via thin, highstrength cables. A wide range of sensors are available for virtually every application.

The MultiLine meters are in a class of their own:3 models with one, two or three universal channels measure every parameter either sequentially or simultaneously. Every model possesses a brilliant color graphic display, two USB interfaces (USB-A and Mini-USB), and rechargeable batteries that can be charged directly in the device.

Field Sets for Portables
Handhelds are available in convenient carry cases including sensors and accessories for immediate use. Meter sets with three sensors will be delivered in the large field case including accessories.

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Temperature Data Logger

The easy to use data loggers with USB connection monitor the temperature and/or humidity during transport and storage of sensitive goods like medicine, food, serums etc. The EBI 300 and EBI 310 USB data loggers are suitable for multi-use, the EBI 330 USB data loggers are single-use versions which can be ordered preconfi gurated and are used especially when returning a more expensive multi-use data logger to the sender after a shipment is difficult.

Cold Chain MonitoringProgramMeasure
  • Programming of the logger with the help of the free online confi gurator at or optional via the software Winlog.basic, Winlog.light or
  • Set optional limits and start to record the measurement data
  • Connection of the logger to any PC via the USB port
  • Automatic generation of a PDF report with all important measurement data
  • Store, save or email the PDF report
  • Further processing of the measurement data with the software Winlog.basic, Winlog.light or
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Signal Output Adapter

Introducing the EXO DCP Signal Output Adapter 2.0 from YSI, designed with and engineered for compatibility with the EXO sonde platform. As technology continues to develop at record pace, it's more critical than ever to have a flexible sonde that can keep up.

A fundamental part of the EXO Sonde platform is the ability to adapt its communication output to match different monitoring applications. Simply configure a sonde with this adapter and the instrument is then compatible with data loggers and telemetry systems, or PCs and tablets with USB connectivity. Converts the proprietary signal from an EXO Sonde into either SDI-12 or RS-232.

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Biochemistry Analyser

The YSI 2900 features an intuitive graphical user interface, a USB port for data retrieval, and the ability to measure samples from a variety of sample holders including 96 well plates and microcentrifuge tubes, making 2900 series analyzers the easiest to use and most cost effective way to measure the following chemistries in a wide range of application areas.

YSI has earned a reputation as the Gold Standard in bio-analytical instruments with highly accurate sensors and rapid results.

  • Analyte specific results in 60 seconds or less
  • Proprietary immobilized enzyme electrodes
  • Unique fluidics resist clogging
  • Trusted measurement technology
  • Automated sample handling

The YSI 2900 features an intuitive graphical user interface, a USB port for data retrieval, and the ability to measure samples from a variety of sample holders including 96 well plates and microcentrifuge tubes, making 2900 series analyzers the easiest to use and most cost effective way to measure the following chemistries in a wide range of application areas:

  • Glucose
  • Lactate
  • Glutamine
  • Glutamate
  • Xylose
  • Ethanol
  • Methanol
  • Sucrose
  • Galactose
  • Lactose
  • Choline
  • Glycerol
  • Hydrogen peroxide
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Water Level Bubbler

Designed with simplicity in mind, the Amazon bubbler is the ideal system for long-term, water level monitoring sites. It can be used as a stand-alone system with internal data storage, or as a sensor connected to any manufacturers data logger. Easily configure and collect data using the browser-based graphical user interface with all standard web browsers on PCs, tablets and smart phones. It's rugged build, and technologically advanced system makes the Amazon Bubbler an attractive solution for real-time monitoring and data collection.

The Amazon provides a continuous air bubble and an integrated pressure sensor that measures the pressure required to push the bubble out of the orifice line, which is the line pressure. The line pressure value measured in psi is then converted into the desired units of measurement to represent water level.

The Amazon can be used as a stand-alone unit or sensor with a full suite of communication protocols including SDI-12, MODBUS via RS-485 or TCP, and 4-20mA. The Amazon requires no special software and is easily configured with an optional display and or web browser GUI. YSI's water level team of professionals have been providing bubbler support for over 20 years.

Key features unique to the Amazon Bubbler System:
  • Stand Alone System - The Amazon can be used as a sensor connected to other recorder devises; data logger, PLC, RTU, etc. However, at a substantial cost savings, it can also be used as a stand-alone device, eliminating the need of an external recording device. Data values recorded by the Amazon can be copied directly to a USB Flash Drive and imported to the PC.
  • Browser Based Software - The Amazon's initiative, easy to use software is browser based, which eliminates the need for proprietary software being installed on the PC. Access the Amazon software from any internet device that has Wi-Fi or USB connection functionality.
  • Key Pad Display - As an optional interface, the Amazon uses a Sharp Memory LCD display. This provides the convenience of continuous display of data with the cost savings of low power usage. The display is provided as an option to the Amazon. For applications where an external display is not required, the Amazon can be purchased without the display.
  • Communication - Multiple communication options are available to insure that the Amazon can interface with any data logger, PLC, or RTU. These options include; SDI-12, MODBUS (over IP or RS-485), and 4 to 20 mA. Via the Ethernet port, the Amazon can push data over the internet directly to Storm Central, our data hosting solution.
  • Measurement Range - Three range options are available to provide the highest measurement accuracy. With an industry leading accuracy of 0.02% of Full Scale; the 0 to 10 m range provides an accuracy of 2 mm, the 0 to 20 m range has an accuracy of 4.25 mm, and the 0 to 35 m range has an accuracy of 7 mm.
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Bowie Dick Test Data Logger

Ensuring correct sterilisation of equipment in hospitals, veterinary and dental surgeries is critical to patient care. Ebro provide a validation kit that logs temperatures at all parts of an autoclave and this EBI 16 - SL 1520 starter kit is specifically designed for routine checks of steam sterilizers using the industry standard Bowie-Dick data logger that performs in accordance with the norms EN 285 / ISO 17665

Together with the evaluation software the new EBI 16 data logger forms an easy to use and very reliable electronic measurement system. With it a comprehensive routine control of steam sterilizers can be performed using an alternative Electronic Bowie Dick Test according to DIN EN ISO 11140-4. In addition to the review of the steam penetration, the relevant sterilization parameters are controlled.

  • Reliable: clear, reproducible measurement results
  • Accurate: high-resolution graphical cycle display
  • Secure: digital data recording and storage
  • Easy: to use and evaluate

Bowie Dick TestThe EBI 16 delivers clear results during daily checks of the air evacuation test and steam penetration test according to DIN EN 17665 and DIN EN 285.

Early warning systemThe EBI 16 provides early identification of possible failures in steam-sterilizers. Even small quantities of residual air that doesn't lead to a failed Bowie Dick Test yet, are detected.

Vacuum checkThe EBI 16 allows a reasonable vacuum check also for sterilizers without pressure display according to DIN EN 285.

Verification of sterilization parametersThe EBI 16 checks the sterilization parameters such as compensation time, hold time, sterilization temperature and sterilization time according to DIN EN 285

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