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Laboratory Equipments

We offer a complete product range of Colorimeters, Toc Analyzer and Automated Chemistry Analyzer


The YSI 910 COD colorimeter is ideal for any application. This portable instrument allows you to easily take readings for COD.

The 910 colorimeter is a rugged, waterproof, single parameter instrument for the measurement of COD (chemical oxygen demand).

The EPA-approved COD test is useful for performing rapid, frequent monitoring of treatment plant efficiency, and results allow quick response to changing conditions in the waste stream while the traditional BOD5 test takes 5-days to determine results.

Interested in a COD meter? Learn about the trade in program currently going on (U.S. only). Or, if you prefer to buy from one of our dealers, take advantage of our rebate program!

The instrument features a large, backlit display, a real time clock, automatic data logging as well as the ability to export data to a PC or printer using the 900 Series Data Hub for infrared data transfer. Features for the 910 to quickly and accurately measure COD include:

  • Automatic data storage; 16 data-sets with date and time stamp
  • Large, backlit LCD display
  • IP68 waterproof case; easy to hold or set on benchtop; floats
  • Innovative light shield prevents moving parts or separate pieces that can easily be broken or lost
  • User-calibration to any government or organizational standard (for example N.I.S.T. or ISO)
  • Resolution can be improved for specific range requirements
  • Known interferences can be adjusted for the sample
  • Auto shutoff extends battery life
  • 2-year warranty

If you are interested in measuring multiple parameters or chlorine only, then you may be interested in the YSI pHotoFlex colorimeters or the YSI 900 Chlorine Colorimeter.

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Toc Analyzer

Get more from your analysis with the Aurora 1030C TOC Analyzer, an instrument designed to process aqueous samples for the analysis of total organic carbon (TOC) using the high temperature combustion technique. Capable of processing up to 300 samples daily, the Aurora 1030C offers a broad sample scope of 100 ppb to 30, 000 ppm.In its mission to process aqueous samples for the analysis of TOC, total inorganic carbon (TIC), and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC), the Aurora 1030C has been known to reduce maintenance costs. Built with a patented dual chamber combustion reactor for employing the high temperature combustion technique, the 1030C's first reactor chamber contains a bed of quartz to protect the platinum catalyst in the second chamber from deposition of noncombustible constituents, and ensures consistent oxidation conditions for stable blanks. As a result, this reactor design extends catalyst life and reduces instrument maintenance costs.
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Automated Chemistry Analyzer

The FS 3700 Automated Chemistry Analyzer is an advanced continuous flow analyzer designed to improve laboratory productivity by automating wet chemistry test procedures.

OI Analytical validates the hardware configuration and performance of every method supplied with the FS 3700 analyzer providing users a total analysis solution. Methods for aqueous samples, soil or plant extracts are available to support environmental compliance monitoring, process optimization and research applications.

Modular hardware

Modular hardware allows FIA and/or SFAmethods to be run interchangeably onthe same unit. Multiple FS 3700 can belinked to provide additional channels ofconcurrent analysis.

Injection Valves

An automated injection valve is installed in theanalysis module chassis when required to runa flow injection analysis (FIA) method.

Chemistry Cartridges

Each chemistry cartridge is pre-assembled withall components needed to perform a validatedanalysis method just attach the pump tubingand detector flow cell.Ordering by 'channel' provides a convenientway to configure the 3700. Modular, flexiblehardware provides a great platform for research, in-house or proprietary methods

In-line Heating/UV Digestion

In-line devices for reactions requiringheating or UV digestion are mountedon the underside of chemistry cartridges.FlowView software provides user programmablecontrol of the UV lamp and cartridge heater setpoints in 1 C increments.

Plug-in Detector Modules

Photometric and amperometric detectormodules plug-in to the FS 3700 to supportmethods employing colorimetric chemistriesor amperometric measurements. Built-in A/Dand ISE capability are standard in each chassis.The Expanded RangeTM photometric detectorand auto-scaling software virtually eliminateoff-scale samples. A single calibration curve canrange from low ppb to high ppm concentrations.

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