We are offering humic acid. Extracted & prepared from completely decomposed natural sources of plant materials, progro g is absolutely safe, totally pure, highly eco friendly, completely organic ‘ready to use’ humus concentrate for the first time humus granules fortified with fulvic acid to ensure faster growth progro g as soil conditioner builds up substantial humus content in agricultural soil brings about an overall improvement in soil workability high cation exchange capacity improves nutrient uptake leaching loss of nutrients is reduced substantially ensures supply of balanced micronutrients to the crop presence of fulvic acid ensures fuller, faster germination and speedier, healthier growth progro g - redefining soil health management visible improvement in soil porosity & water holding capacity substantial reduction in chemical fertilizer requirement helps in the growth of soil beneficial micro organism helps building up population of earthworms improves soil aeration substantially improved root respiration helps in improving overall crop health progro g – special features progro g is a natural extraction from leonardite – the richest source of humic acids progro g has no phytotoxity and is absolutely safe to all flora, fauna and even humans progro g is ready to use humus concentrate and hence there is no time lag for decomposition as in the case of any other organic manure available in the market progro g application does not involve any exothermic reaction generating heat during decomposition as in the case of conventional organic manures and hence the root zone of the crops is not damaged progro g is required in small quantities and hence application time and cost is reduced progro g is not made from city garbage and hence does not contain even a single element of impurity such as plastic/polymer/glass/metal particles or insect eggs, larvae, seeds, fungal spores progro g is the only manure that has humic acid fortified with fulvic acid to ensure double benefit progro g is a completely natural product – natures gift to mankind for a healthy future progro g is an ideal replacement for farm yard manures/oil cakes & other conventional manures progro g is economically much cheaper – per acre costwise – compared to all other conventional organic manures including farm yard manure available in the market.