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Horoscope Prediction Services

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Rahu Graha Services, Mars Mangal Graha Services, Jupiter Brihaspati Graha Services, Sun Surya Graha Services and Ketu Graha Services.

Rahu Graha Services

In Hindu scriptures, Rahu is referred as Chhayaa (shadow). It is correct because IR, which Pundit commander Santosh Kumar Sharma refers as Rahu, is invisible to naked eyes. IR is in between Red and Micro woven frequency range and hence has the element of heat. Heat is required for origination, growth, and sustenance of all organisms and living beings. That is why, Rahu is such an essential form of energy.
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Mars Mangal Graha Services

Mars is highly misunderstood by people. However, It is a graha which is known as mangal means auspicious. This graha is for energy, heat, courage, leadership, and valor. Too much of this energy (if Mars is exalted) or if it is malefic in astro chart, a person can be very short tempered and aggressive in behavior. If it is vakri then it can make one fearful and lazy. If it is debilitated then one can get into depression and does not take any interest in worldly matters. Narendra Modi, prime minister of India. Mars plays a major role in his life.
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Jupiter Brihaspati Graha Services

Jupiter is for wisdom and family happiness. It helps in studies, assimilation of knowledge, sound decisions, discerning ability and general wellbeing in ones life. A malefic Jupiter can make a person incapable of taking correct decisions resulting in repentance. The person finds himself/ herself incapable of handling any kind of stress and panics when faced with small impediments. The stress piles up and leads to various complications like liver cirrhosis , and diabetes etc. A badly placed Jupiter can delay marriage and /or no marriage.
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Sun Surya Graha Services

Sun helps us to gain name, fame, power, and authority. Sun is our soul. A debilitated Sun makes us dull, unimpressive, lacking in luster and brilliance, and worthless. If it can be energized, then the Sun can fill the life with brilliance, draw name and fame and bring honor to ones life. Sun effects our digestion system and pancreas. A weak Sun in astro chart can lead to gas, severe flatulence, and indigestion.
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Ketu Graha Services

We discussed about Rahu. We learnt a new way to understand i.e. the working zone Rahu is at the root chakra (the lower part ) of our body. This is because of the Chhaya effect on water/liquid in a reversed way. FolloPundit the same understanding, though the picture of Ketu is shown as lower part of the body, the working zone is over the head. (read Rahu explanation). Ketu occupies the top layers of energy spectrum in the range of UV/Violet, above Saturn (which rules over third eye).
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Venus Shukra Graha

A malefic / vakri or badly placed Venus robs a person of pleasures of life. Low sexual desire, premature ejaculation, frigidity, problems relating to sperms ( sperms are called shukranu), womb and conceive related issues of women are indications of Venus related problems.Venus can help to be successful as a model, stage artist, movie actor and all kinds of creative activities.
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Moon Chandra Graha Services

We have 70 % water in our body. We know how moon influences the seawater creating lull or waves. Moon thus controls and influences our emotion. People born on days closer to Poornima (full moon) are generally happy-go-lucky types. They are very emotional and sentimental. On the other hand, those who are born closer to amavasya (new moon) are prone to depression and susceptible to negativity. A sad movie or song, or negative people make them get into melancholy and depression. Seeing the moon position on astro chart, we can find out about a person temperament.
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