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We offer the best product range of Digital Marketing Course, Graphic Design Course, Hardware and Networking Course, Java Programming Course and Office Assistant Course.

Digital Marketing Course

Digital Marketing Training primarily aims for helping the aspirants to deal with the Marketing Strategies available in the real market. The training includes the basic information about the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and detailed features used for performing the Marketing of website. The training covers the basic and advanced functionalities of the On-Page and Off-Page activities that needs to be followed for the Marketing Strategy. In addition to it, the aspirants will have advanced knowledge on performing the SMO based activities for the website for any of the organization. At the end of the course, the candidate should be able to work as an assistant or junior executive in the Digital Marketing department of any company.
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Graphic Design Course

Graphic Design Training helps the learner to get a proper understanding of the designing skills specifically for the Web or Mobile based application. Graphic Design play a role in all major companies in designing meaningful and easy to understand designs for web and mobile applications. This training provides basic understanding of the Photoshop and working with the functionalities of the Photoshop. In addition to it, the training includes the complete understanding of the different softwares like Coreldraw, Illustrator being used for performing the designing on site using mobile or web application. At the end of the course, the participant should be able to use these tools and support in creating designs.
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Hardware And Networking Course

Hardware and Networking course prepares the aspirants for the practical working with Hardware and Network based activities in an organization. The training includes the hardware configuration like motherboard, mouse, hard drives etc. and networking concepts like creating LAN connections, dealing with IP Address and troubleshooting real life problems. It also teaches about internet setup, security and management of networks. The training primarily focuses on the concepts and the practical implementation helping the learner to gain knowledge on some advanced networking functionalities. At the end of the course, the candidate should be able to work as Hardware / Network support executive in any company.
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Java Programming Course

Java Programming Training covers basic understanding of the Web Application using Java. Java is one of the leading technology that is being used by many of the organizations across the globe for creating Mobile and Web Application. The training includes the basic information about the Java along with its features being developed across the java platform. In addition to it, the training also discusses the core aspects of the Java Based frameworks like Spring and Framework. This is a practical course and prepares the person to code in Java and develop applications. At the end of the course, the participant should be able to work as a junior developer.
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Office Assistant Course

Office Assistant course specifically prepares the learner to acquire all skills required to work as an effective Office executive in any company. Office Assistant Training includes sessions on Personality & Grooming and Communication skills besides Telephone Handling and working with Email and Video Communication applications. It also provides Intermediate level skilling in MS Excel and Word. The student also gets basic skills in accounting. At the end of the course, the participant should have all skills required to work as an Office Assistant in any organization.
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PHP Programming Course

PHP Programming Training prepares you with skills required to create Web Application using PHP Technology. PHP Programming Training involves the understanding different aspects of PHP, their versions and learning to create Web Application from scratch and includes the practical implementation for all the functionalities. In addition to it, the training helps the aspirants to work with the various Object Oriented Concepts for building and deploying Web Application using PHP Technology. At the end of the course, the participant should be able to work as a junior PHP developer in any company.
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Web Programming Course

Web Programming Training helps the aspirants to grab the complete understanding on the creation of the website or web Application using HTML, Javascript and jQuery. The training includes complete coding in HTML and perform practical use of HTML for creating Web Application. In addition to it, Web Programmer Training deals with understanding JavaScripts and getting the expertise on working with JavaScript platforms. The training also includes the information about the jQuery and its implementation features will help the learner to work with the Web Application in real time. At the end of the course, the candidate should have complete understanding of Web programming and be able to work as a junior developer.
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Wedding Album Design Course

Adobe Illustrator is a powerful and versatile tool for creating illustrations, logos and graphics for print and the Web. Using vector software, you can produce detailed and scalable art for almost any application. The Adobe Lightroom course starts with a break down of the Lightroom interface. We look at what is contained within each of the Lightroom modules. The library, develop, map, slideshow, print, book and web modules are all covered on this course. Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard professional image editing software. It is the current leading image editing program of choice for graphic designers, photographers and web designers, though it is widely used by people at any skill level who want to touch-up or manipulate images, and produce a professional output for both print and web media.
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Beginners Python Crash Course

Python is one of the leading technologies currently hitting the IT market. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are the primary goals affecting Python Programming on large scale. Nowadays many mathematicians, scientists and developers are showing their keen interest in Python as it relieves them in performing calculations and operations with an ease. The basic Python training specifically deals with the Object Oriented Programming concept, Number and Strings concept, Control Structure and many more. The training is going to be helpful for the developers who are intending to work with the AI and ML in the coming future as it is the base for it.
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Developer Python Crash Course

Python is one of the leading technologies currently hitting the IT market. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are the primary goals affecting Python Programming on large scale. Nowadays many mathematicians, scientists and developers are showing their keen interest in Python as it relieves them in performing calculations and operations with an ease. With Python, Web Development becomes an ease for the developers working on real time platform as it helps to work with both Mobile as well as Web Application. Advanced Python helps the developers to cope with Exception Handling, Socket Programming, Numpy, working with Django and Flask methodologies.
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