Now a days, fluctuations in the voltage is a constant feature of electricity supply. The constant fluctuation of a voltage leads to frequent breakdown and higher rejection in end product manufacturing. We know that 90% of industrial load is of motor. It draws high current at high & low voltage. This higher current produce higher losses in electrical motors. These losses in motor increase the losses in cables, switches, transformers, machine circuit and other associated equipments & parts. this higher current effects the electrical motor (particularly smaller capacity motor up to 7.5 h.p)in 3 ways higher current produce higher loss in electrical motor which cause premature failure of winding. these higher losses of electric motor also increase the losses of cable, switches, transformer &other associated equipment. for smooth continuous operation of motor, over load relay are usually set at 20% higher selling. Volt star the stabilizer can maintains 390400 volt, the motor will operate smoothly drawing 15-20% lesser current & correspondingly the relay setting can be reduced by 15-20%. Construction: the buckboost and regulator transformer winding are built from paper covered electrolytic copper strip or enamelled copper conductor (dried in oven). The core is built of high grade cold rolled grain oriented silicon lamination (crgo) to minimise iron losses. All components of equipment mounted on a framework of m.s. Housing are fitted with cooling pips to provide natural cooling. Volt star provide a vertical rolling contact types voltage regulator with having sections and paper covered copper strip and fitted with carbon roller assembly which offer higher reliability than ordinary carbon brushes. It is also built with high quality meter switches and indicators. It is designed for 30-35 degree centigrade above ambient suitable for any kind of ambient temperature condition.