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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Superplast HS Concrete Admixture, Superplast Concrete Admixture, Superplast PQC Concrete Admixture, Superplast AEA Concrete Admixture and Superplast SCA Concrete Admixture.
Superplast HS is a polycarboxylic either based admixture conforming to IS 9103:1999 (Amended 2003) and ASTM C 494 Type F.
Superplast is a high water reducer and slump retaining admixture formulated by using Sulphonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde; it is supplied as a light brown liquid which is suitable for concreting in all climates. Its special formulation allows for water reductions without any loss to workability, and also allows to produce higher quality concrete of reduced permeability.
Superplast complies with 1S--9103:1999 and BS:5075 part 3, and also with ASTM-C-494 Type ‘F’ and Type ‘A’ depending on the dosages used.
Superplast PQC - is an admixture formulated by using Sulphonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde. It is high range water reducer cum slump retainer plasticizer, a brown liquid, specially suitable for concreting in hot climate conforming to IS:9103 : 2004 Edition 2.2 (2007-08) and AST M C494.
Superplast AEA is a slight alkaline solution, miscible with water, and having specific gravity of 1.02. It is an air entertaining agent based on selected resin, conforming to ASTM-C 260-66T & IS: 9103:1999 (Reaffirmed 2004) Edition 2.2 (2007-08).
Superplast SCA is a polycarboxylic ether based admixture conforming to IS-9103:1999 (Amended 2003) and ASTM C 494 type F.
Superplast RAP is a Chloride free Accelerating & Water Reducing Admixture, useful to accelerate the setting time and early strength gain of cement concrete, conforming to to IS: 9103zi 999 (Reaffirmed 2004) Edition 2.2 (2007-08), ASTM C 494 Type C &Type F and BS 5075 Part I and II.
Superplast RET is admixture of dual function improve both mixing water efficiency and delays initial set & concrete mix based on modified Sulphonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde, conforming to IS:9103:2004 ASTM C 494 TYPE F.
Superplast AF is a Chloride free Accelerating and Frost preventing admixture, used to promote rapid setting of concrete and mortar in very low and minus temperature, conforming to to IS: 9103:1 999 (Reaffirmed 2004) Edition 2.2 (2007-08).
Desirous of buying Vista Cement Additives? We are one of the eminent Suppliers of a wide range. Our products are value for money, as they are subjected to stringent quality control policies and are trusted by many.
Description :
Advantages :Vista mineral grind plus when added by mass of grinding feed offers thefollowing :
Dosage : Can vary from 0.03 to 0.1% by mass of charge depending on hardness, microstruc-ture, and re-agglomeration characteristics of minerals
Dosing equipment :
Handling : It can be sprayed as received into the mill or added on to the conveyor belt.
Safety Information :
Shelf life : One year in unopened condition in original container.
Packing : 250 kg HDPE barrels and 1000 Kg container.
Description :
Advantages :
Application of Vista Catasoft C - 88 : Laboratory mill evaluations of clinker and other additions viz Fly ash , granulated BF or steel slag. Gypsum, limestone etc are recommended to determine initial blend proportion, grinding efficiency , mortar flow, pack set index, and compressive strength of cements at varying dosage to work out the most economic dose level. Cement mill trials should follow to finalize continuous use of this additive.
Dosing equipment : Vista Catasoft C- 88 should be accurately proportioned through a calibrated dosing system. Vista's technical service wing is ready to assist the customer
Addition rates :
Storage : Protect from freezing during cold climate. Once frozen it should be thawed out slowly and remixed thoroughly prior to Use.
Shelf Life : Best before I year in packed condition.
Packing : Available in 250 Kc. HDPE Barrel & 1000 Kg. Container.
Note :
Description :
Composition : VCC is based mainly on manganese salts supported by activator (promoter) Chemistry of combustion when solid fuels are burnt, the moisture reacts with carbon tgenerate valuable C(carbon monoxide) and hydrogen. The burning of the former gases is made fast by VCC.The fixed carbon (C) and volatile hydrocarbons require sufficient supply of oxygen from air. Since air is composed of only 21% oxygen and 79% nitro-gen (inert gas). The active oxygen produced by VCC in-situ. Catalyzes the system. The Oxidized atmosphere is generate by reduction of manganese compounds Mn+7 + 5e → Mn+2, Mn+4 + 2e → Mn+2
Advantage :
Method of application :
Area of Use :
Shelf life : Best before 1 year in packed condition
Storage : Tbe stored in dry condition under shade. Should not come in contact of flame or fire
Note :
Vista Hydration Promoter (VHP) is an inorganic composite made of oxides, hy-droxides and salts of alkali, alkaline earth metal and amphoteric oxides of Group IV element. It promotes rapid hydration of the glassy phases, of both Pulverized Fuel Ash (Fly Ash) and Granulated Ground Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), Pulverized Air cured Bolder, other slag derived from Sponge Iron sector and so on, when blended with OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) clinker to manufacture composite cements like Portland Slag Cement (PSC) and Portland Pozzolona Cement (PPC). The precise role of VHP is to assist in rapid strength development of both PSC and PPC which are very slow setting unlike OPC. Rapid hydration of both Slag and Fly Ash, being secondary cementitous materials, saves concreting cost. VHP-activated Blended Cement is also economical due to low level of OPC clinker usage. The me- chanical strength and durability of such blended cements are superior to Ordinary Portland Cement.
Application and Advantage :
Dosage : Depending upon the composition and content of slag or fly ash and nature of clinker, whether from Rotary or Vertical Shaft Kiln, dosage may vary from 0.5 to 1.5% by weight of blended cement. It is advised to fix the dosage after carrying out Laboratory Test as given in "Testing Manual" supplied with this leaflet. The product is a commercial innovation keep-ing in view the business of blended cement manufacturing units and for those using blend-ed cement as Raw Material.
Grades :
Note :