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Agricultural Pipes

Our Complete range of products are uPVC Pressure Pipes -02, uPVC Pressure Pipes -01, UPVC Plumbing Pipes, PVC SWR Pipes and UPVC Pressure Water Pipes.

UPVC Pressure Pipes -02

Avail from us a comprehensive array of UPVC Pressure Pipes that is widely used in rainwater installation and drainage system. Offering economical and longer life, our UPVC Pressure Plumbing Pipes are easier and cheaper to install. Besides, these fire resistant UPVC Pressure Water Pipes have better flow and high elasticity properties. Moreover, the smooth surface and finish of the pipes ensure that greater volume of fluid can easily pass through a given diameter. We are also reckoned as one of the prime Suppliers based in India. Range of PipesuPVC Pressure Pipes for potable water distribution. uPVC Pressure Pipes for irrigation.uPVC Pipes for drainage and sewerage systems. uPVC well casing and screens. uPVC Dewatering pipe.uPVC Conduit and duct pipes for electrical systems.uPVC Ducting for telecommunication systems.CPVC pipes for hot water and industrial applications.Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE, MDPE, LDPE, LLDPE) for water supplyand drip irrigation. Featuresof uPVC PipesLight Weight;Inside bore smooth;Co-efficient of flow high; Resistant to Corrosion, acids & alkalies;No formation of scaling or any incrustation;Installation easy & fast;Costwise cheaper;Life: Min 50 years Dimensions of Unplasticsized uPVC Pipes(As per IS : 4985 - 2000) Nominal Outside (Nominal Size)Mean Outside DiameterWall ThicknessClass 10.25 MpaClass 20.4 MpaClass 30.6 MpaClass 40.8 MpaClass 51.0 MpaClass 61.25 MpaMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMax2020.020.3------------------------
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UPVC Pressure Pipes -01

We are offering PVC Pressure Pipes, Avail from us a comprehensive array of UPVC Pressure Pipes that is widely used in rainwater installation and drainage system. Offering economical and longer life, our UPVC Pressure Plumbing Pipes are easier and cheaper to install. Besides, these fire resistant UPVC Pressure Water Pipes have better flow and high elasticity properties. Moreover, the smooth surface and finish of the pipes ensure that greater volume of fluid can easily pass through a given diameter. We are also reckoned as one of the prime Suppliers based in India. Range of PipesuPVC Pressure Pipes for potable water distribution. UPVC Pressure Pipes for irrigation.uPVC Pipes for drainage and sewerage systems. UPVC well casing and screens. UPVC Dewatering pipe.uPVC Conduit and duct pipes for electrical systems.uPVC Ducting for telecommunication systems.CPVC pipes for hot water and industrial applications.Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE, MDPE, LDPE, LLDPE) for water supplyand drip irrigation. Featuresof uPVC PipesLight Weight;Inside bore smooth;Co-efficient of flow high; Resistant to Corrosion, acids & alkalies;No formation of scaling or any incrustation;Installation easy & fast;Costwise cheaper;Life: Min 50 yearsDimensions of Unplasticsized uPVC Pipes(As per IS : 4985 - 2000)Nominal Outside (Nominal Size)Mean Outside DiameterWall ThicknessClass 10.25 MpaClass 20.4 MpaClass 30.6 MpaClass 40.8 MpaClass 51.0 MpaClass 61.25 Mpa MinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMax2020.020.3------------------------
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