We assist individuals in developing their own virtual community of people with similar interests, want to share content, and want to perform activities together. This is done by creating individual profiles listing ones hobbies, thoughts, likes and dislikes and other personal information that you want to share. We develop Social Networking Sites for the clients. On such sites, when you create profile and share it, people with similar interests come and share their views. You can hold discussions online. Social networking sites attract small businesses and entrepreneurs to increase their contact base due to its low cost. You also advertise your services and goods on such sites. They provide excellent option of conducting online meetings. Social networking sites are of two types - Internal and External. Internal networking sites are used within companies, regardless of size and location, where its employees share information among themselves. It could be instant messages, mail, audiovideo, chat, file sharing, blogs, group discussions, etc. These sites provide a consistent feel and working through them is easy for employees. On the other hand, external networking sites are open to everybody on the web and mainly serve the purpose of advertising online. These sites can also be targeted to a set of individuals or could be open to al