Our Product / Services
Machines And Equipments
1 Products availableHeat Exchangers
1 Services availableHeaters, Thermostats & Heating Devices
1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Syrup Sulphitor, heated Water wash System and Juice Clarification Systems.
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Sea worthy , wooden packing
Delivery Time : 2 month
In Sugar factory the massecuit going to the centrifugal machine (C massecuit in particular) should be at a specific temperature so as to minimize its viscosity and to avoid overloading of centrifugal motor.
Massecuit is cooled in crystallizer to extract maximum sugar from molasses but the disadvantage of cooling is, massecuit while cooling gets more viscous, sticky & does not flow freely up to the centrifugal machine. The machine also gets ununiformly overloaded, thus its purging capacity reduces.
To overcome all these problems there arises the need of a heater that raises the temperature of massecuit. The heater should fulfill following things.
VISHWATransient Heater fulfills all the above points so it can be really called asTRANSIENT HEATER.
Heating media in all conventional Transient Heaters is hot water. The co-efficient of heat transfer from liquid (hot water) to semi solid i.e. massecuit is very less, but that of vapour to liquid is very high. Vapours when get condensed a large amount of Latent Heat is released.
VISHWA Transient Heater is designed, based on this phenomenon.
Working Principle
Self-generated low temperature vapours are used as heating media in VISHWA Transient Heater. Input energy required to run the Heater is only about 20 Kgs. of 100 PSIG. steam per hour. Heat energy of steam is transferred to the distilled water (Condensate) filled in the part of heater called Vaporizer. Condensate in the vaporizer gets evaporated and vapours are produced. These vapours are used as heating media in the Transient Heater which circulate through S.S. tubes and get condensed again after letting out the latent heat to the massecuit.
Condensate flows back in to the vaporizer and again vapours are produced. This is how massecuit heating continues in Transient Heater. The heating media loop is completely sealed and kept under vacuum to generate vapors at low temperature and heater becomes self regulating of maintenance free.
Here regulating the steam supply to the vaporizer controls the vapour temperature.
Salient Features
Salient features
Salient Features
Salient Features
The sulphitation process in sugar factory involves adding milk of lime and sulphur dioxide gas to the cane juice. The milk of lime is produced at the lime station by lime slacking. The milk of lime produced so, contains lot of solid materials called as grit, which vary in size.
It is necessary to remove this grit which is the responsible for scaling in evaporators, large mud volume at the classifiers, and choking of the lime distribution unit at the sulphitors.
'VISHWA' Lime Grit Classifier is designed to remove the grit of particle size as small as 0.3 mm. It is a high tech classifier having multiplane vibrating screen which is responsible for separation of the grit.
Following are the features for 'Vishwa' make 'Lime grit Classifier' OR 'Lime grit Separator.