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Mundu Chillies are found in Tamil Nadu and Anantpur in Andhra Pradesh. They are roundish fruit with moderately pungent with yellowish red colour. Mundu is popularly called as 'Gundu Molzuka ' meaning 'Fat Chilli' in Tamil Nadu . This chilly is widely preferred to add spiciness and mouth-watering flavour to ch more...
Mundu chilies are found in Tamilnadu and Ananthapur in Andhra pradesh.They are roundish fruit with moderately pungent with yellowish red colour , Mundu is popularly called as Gundu Molzuka meaning fat chilli in tamilnadu .This chilli is widely preffered to add spiciness and mouth watering flavour to more...
Mundu Chillies are found in Tamil Nadu and Anantpur in Andhra Pradesh. They are roundish fruit with moderately pungent with yellowish red color. Mundu is popularly called as 'Gundu Molzuka' meaning 'Fat Chilli' in Tamil Nadu. more...
(A) PHYSICAL PARAMETERS: S.No. Test/Parameter Limit/Standard Remark 6 Color Tomato red Complies Appearance Roundish Complies Flavor Moderately Pungent Complies Odor mildy pungent Complies Particle size Whole Pods Complies Broken with stem 3% max Complies Broken without stem 3% max C more...