Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Soil Tensiometer, Moisture Type Soil Tensiometer, Gauge Type Soil Tensiometer and Tensiometer.
Tensiometer provide a direct measure of the tension at which water is held in soil, and therefore the suction plant roots need to exert in order to extract water. This instrument comprises a water filled tube which is sealed at one end, with a porous ceramic filter at the other end. The specifications of this filter are such that, when buried in soil, it will allow water to flow freely through it, but not air. Tensiometer is available in standard lengths of 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 cm. General use with row, tree, and field crops. Includes reservoir, air free gauge chamber, and hermetically sealed dial type vacuum gauge with dual scale of millibars (-1000 to 0) and mmHg (-760 to 0) range.
Contact us to purchase Moisture Type Soil Tensiometer. We are a trusted name as Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Digital Soil Moisture Meter. Moisture Type Soil Tensiometer is an important system for monitoring moisture and temperature of the soil. One can use as many sensors as required at representative sites. Using Moisture Type Soil Tensiometer, one can read all the sensors specifically and as regularly as required. Highlights :
Simple Operation :The sensors are buried in representative areas in the field to monitor soil moisture & Temperature changes in the area of active root growth. They are buried at one or more levels, depending on the crop and the depth of the root zone. When the sensors lead wires are connected to the meter, anindication of the available soil moisture & Temperature is immediately obtained on the meter display. The meter readings can be converted into terms of available soil moisture or soil moisture tension by referring to calibration curves, which are part of the operating instructions. Features :Sensor Inputs - Soil Moisture Sensor, Soil Temperature (Optional), Digital LCD readout, Converts electrical resistance reading of sensor to Centibars of suction , Accuracy, Stability & Convenient to use, One meter reads all sensors , Comes with one Soil Moisture & one Soil Temperature Sensor, The Sensors are manufactured from non-corrosive parts., Portable, hand-held easy to use., Battery status indication., User Friendly Menu driven programmable functions, Display: 16x2 LCD, Key board: 4x1 tactile Membrane