Our Complete range of products are cyclone collectors and multiclones.
Cyclone Collectors
VINTECH is offering Cyclone Collectors, VHEC Model Cyclones are designed for Collection of granular or coarse particles from air or gas. For Cyclone Collectors the dust should be dry and should not be sticky or adhesive.
Pulsejet Bag filter Fabric Dust Collector Bag house Bag filter is designed for collection of dry and fine dust up to 0.5 , for continuous operation and fully automatic cleaning system with Compressed Air and Sequential Timer.
These dust collectors are designed exclusively for low volume of Exhaust to collect fine dust particles with drives integral, ranging from 500 Mhour to 2000 Mhour with manual cleaning and automatic bag cleaning with compressed air.
VINTECH is offering Scrubbers which widely used to handle exhaust airgas containing temperature moisture suspended particles, hazardous characteristic designed with Several features in different type and models to handle different Scrubbers volume of 1000 M3Hour to 1, 00, 000 M3Hour.
Specialised in Boiler Fans. The satisfactory function and performance of a Boiler totally depends upon the Boiler Fan ID, FD and PA for FBC type. Various design, type and models to suit customer requirement from 1t to 25t capacity.
Vintech Air Control Engineers - We feel enough pleasure and pride to introduce ourselves as the leading growers, dealers and exporters of dust collection equipment.