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The residue that is left after the solvent extraction process of castor cake is known as Castor Seed Meal. The Castor Seed Meal offered by us is highly nutritious and is enriched with proteins, crude fiber, nitrogen, phosphorous, etc. Having high oil and moisture content, Castor Seed Meal is widely used as natural manure and excellent used for organic fertilizer.
Rapeseed meal is used basically in animal feed due to its protein content of 36-38%. Rapeseed meal is used for feed purposes by direct injection into the diet of the animals and for feed production. The use of rapeseed meal in dairy farming leads to an increase in quantity and quality of the final product - that is increased milk yield and milk protein composition.
Due to its high protein content, soybean extraction meal constitutes a valuable concentrated feed additive for all kinds of animal. The protein content of soybean extraction meal is amongst the highest of any feedstuff. It is preferably fed to pigs, dairy cattle and poultry.
Cotton seed meal is the by product remaining after cotton is ginned and the seeds crushed and the oil extracted. The remaining meal is usually used for animal feed and in organic fertilizers. However, the meal can be fed only to adult ruminants because it contains a compound called gossypol. The compound is highly toxic to monogastrics and even sometimes to calves which are really "pre-ruminants" in terms of their developing digestive systems.
VILisprofessionalLargest Manufacturer and Exporter of Peanut Butter from India. We process the perfect selection of Peanuts along with superior quality ingredients & as a result we deliver the most unique and highest quality created the perfect super food of peanut butter and VIL believes it is responsible for taking care of consumers /customers and also We provide qualified products and excellent service for both new and old clients which is one of the strong reason why VIL have customers in domestic as well as around the world.VILproducing really is an all-natural and delicious way to enjoy this wonderful staple while keeping it healthy, we can offer a steady high quality continuous and large quantity of peanut butter.VILhas Peanut butter is a low calorie, high protein and balanced nutritive values and fresh food productThe peanut butter is the healthy and creamy food item that can be consumed to gain energy its use as below:
VIL is also manufacturer and exporter of textile Raw Materials like Raw Cotton since 2007 from one of the most emerging country like India. We are exporting raw cotton in countries likeChina, Turkey, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Taiwan and pakistan.
Building on a tradition of casting experience since 2002, The Vinay industries Ltd. Junagadh (Gujarat) has produced highest quality castings, and itoperates the largest function of creation Casting & Foundry for its owns factory unit.
The VIL is fully capable of complete casting and pattern design, including the conversion of fabrications, and other metal parts to castings. VIL offers cast metal services for original equipment manufacturers and businesses both small and large. We provide exceptional service and communication to provide the best quality and value in all casting products.
We work with clients to determine product goals and suggest the best materials and methods for achieving the most economical solutionwithout sacrificing quality or performance. Which is why our customers have remained loyal through the decades.
Whatever your particular casting needsfrom prototype to high or medium quantity production runs the VIL is ready to serve you
Castor oil has numerous applications in transportation, cosmetics and pharmaceutical, adhesives, automobiles, paints, electrical, humectants, hydraulic fluids, inks, lacquers, leather treatments, refrigeration lubricants, rubbers, sealants, textiles, washing powders, and waxes.
IL Khana Khajanarefined palmolein is derived from Crude palm oil imported from Malaysia and Indonesia. Palmolein, the liquid, more unsaturated fraction separated from palm oil, after crystallization is processed at a controlled temperature. VIL refined palmolein is a transparent, clear, low in colour, bland taste & odour and enriched with vitamin A & D.
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