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Vikram ENT Hospital
Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India
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Other Products / Services #6487626

Cochlear Implant

Cochlear implant in India is a very rare curative procedure then. Under the leadership of Dr. P.G.Visvanathan, Dr.Aruna Viswanathan and Dr.Anjana Visvanathan, we offered this technology to India, thereby making the cure for hearing loss accessible and affordable. The cochlear implant surgery is a very handy treatment for those who suffer from severe hearing loss or deficiency. Here, an electronic device (a receiver-stimulator) is implanted inside the ear of the patient. The implantation of this type is specially created electronic chip takes place in the rear portion of the temporal bone, which is known as the mastoid bone. This instrument will receive the sound codes through an outside mechanism comprising of a transmitter, receiver, and a processor. Then it decodes the same and gives the required notifications to the brain. Cochlear Implant is relatively a short surgical process, which needs only two or three hours to complete. In most cases, common anesthesia is enough to perform this procedure. Cochlear implant procedure in India is easy these days. However, one must make sure to approach the best ENT surgeon in India, who is well aware of the modern implant otology procedures. Usually, the implanted device will be activated after 1 to 4 weeks, depending upon the patients recovery from the surgery wounds. The techniques used are the finest here for both adults and children.
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Otology Treatment

The outer part of the ear consists of the pinna (auricle) and ear canal. The basic function of the external ear is to amplify and adjust the sound frequency (around 3 kHz) and pressure (around 30-100 fold). As described by ENT specialist in Coimbatore, a common cosmetic procedure of external ear includes ear reconstruction surgery, earlobe stitching, earlobe repair surgery, etc. The frequently seen external ear diseases are earwax, ear canal eczema, swimmers ear, foreign objects entry into the ear, and auricular perichondritis. The symptoms of external ear problems are shooting pain, discharge, swelling, redness, etc. Do not overlook the symptoms, because, treating the infection early is the best way to prevent the possible adverse outcomes. If you feel that you are going through one or more of the above symptoms take an appointment with our leading ENT specialist, Today! And get rid of your ear problems at the earliest.
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Rhinology Treatment

Nose is the visible, protruding and triangular pyramid part of the face that bears the nostrils. Its root is faced upwards and base in the downwards. It is divided into left and right nostrils by the Nasal Septum. The important functions of nose are; smelling or olfaction - nose is an organ which helps us to smell the objects or food and respiration - nose helps in respiration of the lungs in the human body.
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Laryngology Treatment

The Throat is a tubular structure that begins at the back of your mouth and transports air to the Trachea (Wind-pipe) and Larynx (Voice box). The throat also delivers the food to Oesophagus which is connected to the stomach. Throat contains Epiglottis which prevents the inhalation of the food and drink, back into the windpipe and lungs. The Throat is considered as an integral part of the Human body as it works on delivering the food to the stomach, which is required for growth and development of the human body. When infection occurs in the throat, it becomes the major concern. Diseases of the throat lead to difficulty in speech and eating resulting in general weakness. Most of the throat diseases affect the children than the adults. Ear, Nose and Throat surgeons in India describes the most common infections affecting the children are a Sore throat, Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Oral candidiasis and Mouth ulcers. Some diseases like Oral cancer and Oral Candidiasis are seen in immune- compromised patients. Throat symptoms vary depending on the causation and the severity depends on the disease or disorder. It is always advised to approach an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist as early as possible and get treated effectively.
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Snoring Treatment

It is a condition of noisy breathing while you sleep. During sleep, the pharyngeal muscles relax and the size of the lumen is reduced leading to the airway obstruction, causing vibration of the sounds snoring. It may affect any age group from infancy to aged persons. It is found that snoring is related to daytime dysfunction and heart disease. In most cases, spouse or the relative sleeping next to the affected person is more affected than the snoring person himself. Causes of snoring Snoring may be due to the medical conditions such as Adenoids, Nasal Polyp or due to Deviated nasal septum which gives a minimal area for breathing.The hormonal changes in the females after the Menopause also have added to the causes to Snoring.In children, Tonsillitis and Adenoids lead to the nasal obstruction and Snoring.Enlarged and thick Uvula can be an additional cause. Effects of snoringThough there is no immediate effect of snoring on a person, it can lead to disturbed sleep pattern and thereby lead to hypertension and cardiac problems. Poor sleep itself can be a problem for the person resulting in poor work performance the next day. Treatment for snoringSnoring and sleep apnea treatment depends on the cause and pathology involved. At Vikram ENT Hospital we use devices such as watch pad polysomnography to monitor/track your sleep pattern. For idiopathic causes, where there is no pathology seen, Orthopedic Pillow will be helpful. This pillow helps in easy passage of the air. Laser surgery for snoring is recommended in case of Adenoids and Polyps.
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Skull Base & Otoneuro Surgery

Skull base & Otoneuro surgery Skull base & Otoneurosurgery are used to treat tumours formed at the base of the skull or on the auditory nerve respectively. Skull base surgery Tumours that are formed at the base of the skull and the bony ridge behind the eye and nose are called skull base tumours. Such tumours cause paralysis, facial pain or numbness, headache, nosebleeds, recurrent sinus infection and even loss of vision, smell and hearing loss. This is why it is imperative to remove these tumours immediately through Skull Base Surgery. Skull base Surgery is a specialized kind of surgery which is an interface of ENT surgery with Head and Neck Surgery. The objective of Skull Base Surgery is to remove any tumours on the underside of the skull. Usually, Skull Base Surgery involves minimally invasive surgery techniques to remove the tumours located at the base of the skull. Skull Base Surgery is used to treat Pituitary tumoursTrigeminal neuralgiaCerebrospinal fistulaCraniostenosisMeningiomaChordomaCraniopharyngiomaCerebral AneurysmsVestibulocochlear nerve disordersNeurofibromatosis Skull Base Surgery is usually preferred due to the following reasons It is minimally invasiveThere is no need to open the skull through a craniotomyRemoval of skull portions or facial muscles to access the tumours is avoidedDamage to the cerebral nerve and skull structure is minimalRisk of infection is lessDisfigurement of the face is totally avoidedRecovery is quicker
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Sinus Treatment Service

Air conditioning - Nose helps in conditioning the inspired air by adjusting the temperature and humidity before getting into the lungs. Filtration - The hairs in the nostrils helps to filter the dust, Bacteria or any foreign particles to enter the lungs thus acting as filtration medium. A total of 500 cubic tons of air we breathe everyday through Nose. More than 10 million populations per year suffer from Nasal diseases and conditions. As described by the ENT doctors some of the common cosmetic procedures of the nose are nose surgery, laser nose surgery, and nose reconstruction surgery and rhinoplasty treatments.
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Auditory Brainstem Implant

The Auditory Brain Stem Implant treatment is recommended for those who suffer from a typical medical condition called Neurofibromatosis Type II, or from severe deafness and auditory glitches such as auditory nerve aplasia, cochlea ossification, etc. Vikram ENT Hospital is one of the top-ranked ENT care Hospital in India as far as the cochlear implant concerned. The ENT surgeon implants a typical electrical chip within the inner ear of the patient and with the help of the headphone that is worn externally the patient receives the properly deciphered sound. Our Hospital has a rich pool of the best ENT surgeons in India, who are experienced in otologic surgery and the related otology procedures. If you are at Vikram ENT hospital, the patient can be assured of the auditory brain stem implant as it becomes an easy task. Dr.Anjana Visvanathan is an expert in implantation otology and she has vast experience in Otology.
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Vibrant Soundbridge Implant

We at Vikram ENT Hospital provide this advanced type of therapeutic treatment where the surgery is performed by experienced doctors, who can be categorized as the best ENT surgeons in India. The cosmetically improved Vibrant Sound Bridge Implant is a distinctive type of middle ear implant technique, which will be useful to patients who suffer from mild or severe sensorineural hearing disorders. In this technique, the environmental signals are converted into mechanical oscillations, which in turn facilitate the patient to follow and comprehend the sound. The benefit of using Vibrant Sound Bridge implant technology enables you to hear without a hearing aid. We have pioneered the use of VSB in south Asia.
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Bone Bridge Implant

Bone Bridge Implant treatment is suitable for curing the various ENT problems, including the one ear hearing loss. This procedure is done under general anesthesia usually as a Day Care Procedure. In this method, there is a visually detectable mechanism that has an external audio processor, which is worn behind the ear. The titanium fixture that is fixed in the mastoid bone will direct sound into the inner ear. The sound generated is converted into mechanical fluctuation because of the BB Implant, and this will be audible in the middle ear. As a result, high-frequency sound tones will be created, and the user can detect these tones easily.
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Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA)

Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) is a useful treatment method for successfully solving any commonly seen hearing complaint. BAHA creates direct stimulation, which goes further than the external and the middle portions of the ear, and reaches the inner ear through the skull bone. In this method, the titanium implant is fixed in the bone of the skull, just near the rear part of the earlobe. There will be an abutment that attaches the sound processor and the implant. Thus sound signals are converted into neural signals. This is a far better option than the conventional types of hearing aids. The user will be able to hear the better quality sound.
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Ossicular Reconstruction (With Titanium Implant)

Doctors prescribe total or partial Ossicular Reconstruction in compliance with the actual need of the patient. Here, the titanium implant is the abutment that facilitates the movement of the sound waves to the inner ear using the tympanic membrane, devoid of any disturbances or distractions. In the partial Ossicular Reconstruction, the replacement of malleus and incus are done rather than the stapes (the human middle ear bone). When you choose Vikram ENT Hospital for getting Ossicular Reconstruction surgery done, you can definitely make sure that the same is performed by the best ENT surgeon in India, who possesses up-to-date knowledge regarding otology procedures and technology used.
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Earwax Buildup And Blockage Treatment

Earwax also known as cerumen, it is a secretion that protects the inner part of the ear of humans and the other mammal species. The secretion of the earwax signals proper functioning of special glands. This wax protects the eardrum from dust and other foreign bodies. However, if there is excessive secretion of cerumen, then the condition is called as earwax blockage.Common symptoms of ear wax blockages are; a typical dull to shooting pain in the ear that can make you irritated. Blocked ear; you will feel somewhat heavy inside your ear. You can hear weird noises in the ear and also experience a partial hearing loss, which may vary according to the degree of the blockage. If you experience the aforementioned symptoms, it indicates some problem with your earwax secretion which requires cleaning in a modern and safe manner. So do make an appointment with our ENT specialist at the earliest and get treated.
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Dermatitis Treatment

Dermatitis (dry flaky skin) that occurs in the ear canal (opening of the ear) and blocking the sound flow is called as Eczema. The itching of the inside ear is terrible and will make you fully indisposed and edgy. The cause of ear infection is the allergic substances or the occurrence of fungal infections inside the ear. Seborrheic Dermatitis is the condition when dryness occurs in the earwax. Modern ENT treatment methods will help you to get rid of this medical condition of ear effectively.
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Eczema Treatment

Seborrheic Dermatitis is the condition when dryness occurs in the earwax. Modern ENT treatment methods will help you to get rid of this medical condition of ear effectively. Common symptoms of eczema are; Itching starts in a mild way and the patient will feel heavy within the ear. Bad smell near the ear, fluid discharge and inflammation in the ear canal. Pain starts and slowly mounts to the severe stage.Because of the blockage, the patient will experience provisional hearing loss.
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Auricular Perichondritis Treatment

This medical condition is characterized by inflammation in pinna or perichondrium (lining of pinna), but not necessarily infectious. Auricular perichondritis is often due to trauma, insect bites, ear piercings or post-surgery complications, when left untreated, will end up forming chondrites. Common symptoms of Auricular Perichondritis: There will be swelling in the erythematous auricle and auricle will become warm and sore.The painful, pale red colored ear is the generally noticed first symptom.Infection in ear lobe
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Nasal Congestion Treatment

This is the most common symptom of any Nasal disease and is also called as stuffy nose may affect one or both nostrils. There may be complete or Partial or continuous or even intermittent type of obstruction. The Nasal obstruction depends on the side of the nose affected, or the disease condition involved or may be due to the medical condition of the person. Causes of nasal congestionCauses for Nasal congestion may include Nasal Polyp, Intranasal Tumours, Adenoids, Deviated Nasal Septum, infection of the sinuses, Common Cold, Rhinitis, Cold Weather or Temperature, Swelling inside the Nose, Foreign Bodies or any Cancerous growths. Symptoms of nasal congestionSymptoms include the Nasal Obstruction, Difficulty in breathing, Heaviness of the head due to the improper breathing, Headache may also be associated with the Nasal congestion. Nasal congestion has a serious effect on the infant born with Choanal Atresia and the baby may die if not treated early due to respiration problem. Nasal Obstruction in baby also interferes with the milk sucking, as the baby cannot latch properly due to the obstruction and leads to delayed and insufficient drinking. In children, Nasal Obstruction if not treated early may lead to Orthodontic problems (High arched Palate) and crowded teeth due to the Mouth breathing. Treatment for nasal congestionENT doctors advice Nasal sprays, Nasal drops or for steam inhalation, for the immediate relief but in case of any growth or tumor then surgical methods are adopted.
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Nasal Catarrh Treatment

It is the most common symptom in the Nasal disease and is characterized by excess mucus secretion in one of the airways.The mucous membranes of the Nose always produce the mucus which runs through our Posterior nares and then descends down into the stomach and digested. But when there is some infection in the nose, the amount of the secretion varies. Causes of Nasal CatarrhAcute - Allergic Rhinitis, Common cold because of Virus like Influenza virus or Streptococcus or Staphylococcus virus. It may be also due to Bacterial infections like Diphtheria.Chronic- Catarrh may continue to later stages in Atrophic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, and Deviated Nasal Septum resulting in a chronic condition. Symptoms of Nasal CatarrhSymptoms include frequent sneezing, stuffy nose, watery thin nasal discharge with the postnasal drip, dry cough, headache, and pain in the face, Hoarseness of voice, Nasal congestion, and in later stages the discharge may get thickened resulting in secondary infection. Blood mixed mucous seen in infected Catarrh.It may last for few hours to few days and can occur any time of the day or season of the year. Treatment for Nasal CatarrhTreatment depends on the type of Catarrh involved, the onset, duration and the cause of the medical condition. In case of nasal obstruction, nasal sprays and steam inhalation are advised by the ENT specialist.
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Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) Treatment

When a thin wall present between the nasal passages is displaced or deviated is called as Deviated Nasal Septum. Deviations may be slight with no symptoms or very marked with the Obstruction of the Nasal cavity. Causes of Deviated Nasal Septum Physical - Any injury to the wall of the nose may result in the displacement of the cartilage.Dentition - During the primary and the secondary dentition, in order to accumulate the teeth the Palate widens resulting in DNS.Hereditary Factors - Some families have genetically inherited the DNS. Types of Deviated Nasal Septum Anterior deformity - The septal cartilage may be dislocated or one of the nasal chambers is fractured.C - Shaped deformity - In this the septum is deviates to one side, the other side may be wider and show some growths.S- Shaped deformity - Here septum shows the S-shaped curve. It may cause both nasal obstructions.Spurs - It is a shelf like projection at the junction of the bone and cartilage. Symptoms of Deviated Nasal SeptumMost common symptoms include nasal obstruction, others common symptoms are headache , sinusitis, nose bleeding, , facial pain, abnormal sounds during breathing, preferring to sleep on one side, anosmia and secondary complications may also include middle ear infections. Treatment for Deviated Nasal SeptumTreatment depends on the type of Deviation involved, if the deviation is slight with no many symptoms, then no treatment is necessary. If there is mechanical obstruction with difficulty in breathing then the ENT doctor opt for Septoplasty.In this procedure, the septum is either straightened or repositioned to the middle of the nose.In children with DNS conservative septal surgery methods are adopted.
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Nasal Polyps Treatment

It is a painless non-cancerous growth inside the lining of the nose and paranasal sinuses. They are immovable and can become pedunculated on sneezing. It is seen as a glistening, shining grape- like growth which is pale in colour.A Nasal polyp has no sensation, no pain, no bleeding.A Nasal polyp may be multiple or bilateral too. Types of Nasal polypThere are two types of nasal polyps and it includes Bilateral ethmoidal polyp which arise from the Ethmoid sinus and Antrochoanal Polyp which begin from maxillary sinuses. They are unilateral and less common. Causes of nasal polypMost of the causes include Chronic Rhinitis, Asthma, Aspirin intolerance and Sinusitis. Nasal polyp is mostly caused due to the collection of fluids within the nose and they continue to swell forming a Polyp. Symptoms of nasal polypSymptoms include Nasal congestion, nasal stuffiness, loss of smell and taste, complete or partial loss of smell, Headache due to the pressure, sinusitis and sneezing, snoring, watery thin discharge and pain the upper teeth region. Treatment for nasal polypENT doctors usually follow the conservative treatment by giving Steroids for the application. In severe cases surgery (polypectomy)is done for the removal of the polyp.
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Tonsillitis Treatment

Tonsillitis is the infection or inflammation of the tonsils. It is roughly estimated that nearly 7.5% of the populace suffering from recurrent Tonsillitis, and the frequency of the same is about every 3 months once. It is most common in school going children and occurs mostly during winter seasons. Causes of tonsillitisThe main causes of tonsillitis are persistent cold, viral, and bacterial infections, and allergies. If the cause is the bacteria Streptococcus A, then the disease is termed as Strep Throat. Symptoms of tonsillitisThe main signs and symptoms of tonsillitis are body ache, fever, general weakness, sore throat, red swollen tonsils; bad breathe and stomach pain mainly in childrens, difficulty in swallowing food or liquids, white pus-filled spots on the tonsils, and inflammation in the lymph nodes on the neck. Treatment for tonsillitisGargling using hot salt-water is the best remedy; along with this, the patient can also take mild analgesics. On repeated infections of tonsils in a person then the ENT specialist may advise Tonsillectomy. As far as the condition of Strep throat is concerned, doctors generally prescribe oral medication of penicillin, and if the patient is allergic to penicillin, then doctors might advise equivalent substitutes such as Cephalosporin.
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Pharyngitis Treatment

This medical condition is characterized by the inflammation of the Pharynx and generally called as Sore throat and together with cough; it is diagnosed in more than 2 million people per year in India. It is more common in the winter season. Causes of pharyngitisThe most common causes of Pharyngitis are viral and other bacterial agents such as measles, adenovirus, chicken pox, croup and whooping cough and streptococcus A. Symptoms of pharyngitisThe commonly seen symptoms of Pharyngitis are a Sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, sneezing, runny nose, chills, red swollen throat, fever, general weakness, and cough. Treatment for pharyngitisMany symptoms do not require medication. It requires rest, warm salt water gargling and using a humidifier. Sometimes, doctors prescribe analgesics to control the pain and irritation. In cases of strep A infection, antibiotics are prescribed. It is self-limiting.
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Oral Candidiasis Treatment

This throat condition is very much common in people who suffer from HIV and Leukemia. It is the fungal infection of Candida albicans that grows on the mucous membrane of the mouth. This condition is also termed as oral thrush. Causes of oral candidiasis:This medical condition is caused by the fungi called Candida Albicans, and most commonly known as fungal infection of the throat. The causal factors of oral candidiasis are nutritional deficiencies, decreased production of saliva, dentures and oral cancer. Symptoms of oral candidiasisThe indications may vary in accordance with the severity of the condition.Acute symptoms You may notice infection of gums, reddening of the tongue and cracks at the corners of the mouth.Chronic symptomsChronic symptoms of oral candidiasis are seen in Immunocompromised patients such as HIV and Leukaemia. Symptoms include hard rough plaques and white patches on the tongue also known as curdled milk or cottage cheese. Here symptoms last for more than a month. Treatment for oral candidiasisAcute symptoms are self-limiting and may require antifungal drugs. For chronic conditions immediate consultation with an ENT doctor is imperative.
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Migraine Treatment

It is a benign primary headache disorder usually characterized by frequent headaches in moderate to severe forms. Causes of a migraineIt includes genetic and hormonal causes, gastric problems, hunger, alcohol, physical exercise, glare, sunlight, tension and stress or by any other chemical stimulant. Symptoms of the migraine include 4 phases1. Prodrome phase - where there are altered mood and behavior, muscular stiffness and sensitivity.2. Aura phase - It lasts from a few minutes to less than 1 hour. There is blurred vision with disturbances in reading and walking.3. Pain phase - Moderate to severe pain, one sided throbbing type of headache, sensitivity to sounds and light, nausea, vomiting. Attacks are usually 4-72 hours and are frequent and repeated in nature.4. Postdrome phase - which includes weakness and depression of the person. DiagnosisIt is generally diagnosed through clinical history and symptoms. Neuroimaging also helps in the evaluating the case. Treatment for a migraineIt includes mild analgesics to other specific medicines for the Migraine.
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Neck Pain Treatment

It usually arises from the diseases of the cervical spine and soft tissues of the neck which gets triggered by the movements of the neck. Causes of neck painIt includes Injury to the cervical spine due to the fractures or accidents, or spinal compression. Cervical disc diseases, Cervical spondylosis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, abscess or swelling in the neck region, metabolic bone disorders are more common causes. SymptomsIt includes pain, swelling, tenderness of the parts, neck stiffness, immobility of the neck, pain may be localized or may radiate to the involved arms, hands and fingers. Treatment for neck painIn cases of injury the pain is self-limiting but other causes to be treated specifically. Physiotherapy and neck muscle strengthening exercises can help to some extent.A Soft cervical collar is advised in severe pains and immobility.
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Spasm Treatment

Spasm is the involuntary contraction of the single muscle or a group of muscles. It may lead to the tear in muscles, tendons or ligaments depending on the force of the contraction. Tetanus and Epilepsy are the two common diseases of Head and Neck region. TetanusCaused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. It is usually seen in rust or rusty nails. The Body gets infected by the break in the skin during cut or puncture. Symptoms include Lock jaw, difficulty in opening mouth and difficulty in swallowing food. Spasms begin from the jaw and then progress to rest of the body. Spasms may last for a few minutes. It may lead to headache, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever and fracture of bones. Prevention is done by Tetanus toxin vaccine soon after an injury and during pregnancy it is advisable to vaccinate to prevent the fetus from being infected.
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Neck Stiffness Treatment

It is the rigidity of the neck muscles where the patient experience discomfort or pain in the movement of the neck and shoulders. Causes of neck stiffnessacute cause may be due to the wrong position during sleep, muscle sprain or strain due to heavy weight lifting or due to muscular spasm. And other causes may include injury to the cervical disc either by compression of the nerves or by herniation of the cervical disc. Meningitis may be one of the most important causative factor. Symptoms of neck stiffness Pain in the region of the neck, tenderness, restricted movements of the neck and shoulders. Treatment for neck stiffness Doctors usually follow the conservative line of treatment like mild hot sponge bath or physiotherapy or exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck and arms. Other causative factors may follow specific treatment.
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Whiplash Treatment

It is also called as neck muscle strain. Whiplash is due to the trauma or injury to the muscles and ligaments by over rotatory movements of the arms. It is differentiated from the muscle sprain, sprain leads to the tearing of muscles.It is mostly seen in athletes and sports persons. Causes of whiplashCauses of whiplash are due to an injury or trauma and also due to overuse of muscles of the arm. Symptoms of whiplashPain of the affected muscles, restricted movements, stiffness of the muscles, difficulty movements of the limbs, tenderness of the muscle and headache at the base of the neck. DiagnosisCT scans, X-Rays and history of injury gives the diagnosis. Treatment for whiplash It is generally treated by the Cold application on the affected parts followed by the heat fomentation. Analgesics to reduce the pain and Neck braces and collars for immobility from preventing further damage. Physiotherapy can also be advised.
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Pustules Treatment

A Pustule is a small eruption on the skin with infected pus inside. Pus may be white or yellow in color. It is due to the death of the inflammatory cells. It may be present in any part of the body or organ including the oral cavity and nasal cavity. Causes of pustuleCauses of a pustule are viral infections like herpes zoster, herpes simplex, acne or boil or abscess or any other inflammation of the skin or tissue giving rise to a pustule. Blood dyspraxia may also lead to pustule formation. Symptoms of pustuleInclude stinging and burning pain in the region, tenderness, swelling and obstructive sensation. Treatment for pustule - It includes correction of the diseases involved. Antibiotics and analgesics to relieve the pain are advised.
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Torticollis Treatment

Torticollis is also called as WRY NECK. In this medical condition there is a fixed movement of the neck. Causes of torticollisCauses of torticollis may be congenital and acquired. Congenital includes injury during birth, hard mass on neck at birth. Acquired causes are diseases like cervical vertebrate diseases, tonsillitis, adenitis, rheumatism, enlarged cervical glands and abscess in the larynx or pharynx. Symptoms of torticollisThe most common symptoms of torticollis are neck pain, tenderness of the cervical spine. Movements may be to one side, forward bending, and backward bending or may be combination of two movements. In case of congenital torticollis, it is diagnosed by the USG of the neck and color histogram after 1-4 weeks of birth. The conservative line of treatment such as physiotherapy and exercise are preferred in self-limiting disorders. Surgery is performed after 1 year of birth in congenital cases.
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Paresthesia Treatment

This medical condition is defined as the perverted sensibility or the abnormal sensation without any physical or external cause. Examples include tingling, pricking, numbness and crawling of bugs or ants. In Greek language Para means abnormal and aesthesia means sensation. Symptoms of paresthesiaSymptoms of paresthesia are transient and chronic. Transient symptoms involves in the hands, feet, legs and arms. These are electric shock like symptoms. There may be panic attacks, short breaths, cold sore, pain and tingling sensation. Chronic symptoms of paresthesiaChronic symptoms of paresthesia include the problem with the functioning of the neurons and poor circulation. It is due to vitamin deficiency or metabolic disorders like Diabetes mellitus, Hypothyroidism, Hyperparathyroidism, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment for paresthesia depends on the condition of the patient and the removal of the cause.
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Occipital Neuralgia Treatment

Occipital neuralgia is also called as Arnolds Neuralgia, where there is chronic pain in the upper and back of the neck and behind the ears. Causes of occipital neuralgiaCauses of occipital neuralgia are tension headache, migraine, and glared vision, damage to the occipital nerves by pressure or compression or contraction due to injury to the neck. Symptoms of occipital neuralgiaMost characteristic symptoms are the aching, sharp, shooting, zapping and throbbing pains. They are frequent in nature. Other symptoms include chronic attacks of headache, pain in the back, one sided headache, blurred vision, and difficulty in speech, pain in the eyebrows and behind the eyes. Treatment for occipital neuralgiaThe symptoms will reduce through heat, rest and physical therapy. Surgical intervention is followed when conservative methods fail.
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Allergic Rhinitis Treatment Service

What is Allergic Rhinitis? Our body has Antibodies which acts as the defense mechanism. It fights against the bacteria or any other foreign bodies from entering our body. This fighting antibodies sometimes gets aggressive and fails to identify, thinking any air particles entering the nose as its enemy and start fighting against it by secreting the high amounts of mucus to wash the particles from the nasal mucous membrane resulting in the disease called as Allergic Rhinitis. CausesCauses for Allergic Rhinitis may be due to allergens such as Pollen, dust, grass, perfumes, any particular food aroma or food, insects, termites, pets etc. There may also genetic predisposition of allergy in some patients. SymptomsSymptoms depend on the Acute and Chronic phase of the disease. Acute phase usually starts within 5-30 minutes after the exposure to allergens. Symptoms are violent sneezing, constant watery thin nasal discharge, irritation in the eyes, burning eyes, itching in the eyes, nose and the throat, hoarseness of the voice, nasal congestion, extreme weakness due to continuous sneezing and nasal discharge. Chronic symptoms are due to the repeated attacks of the acute phase. There may be a thick grayish discharge from the nose, edema of the eyelids, cobblestone appearance of the conjunctiva, loss of smell. Symptoms may occur both seasonal at the particular time of the year and perennial, i.e throughout the year.
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Sleep Apnea Treatment

When there is severe obstruction of the airway causing complete entry of air stoppage leading to the gasping breath during sleep is called Sleep apnea. It is considered a serious sleeping disorder and is two types, Obstructive sleep apnea and Central sleep apnea. This is of shorter duration, the patient wakes up instantaneously due to air blockage and takes a deep breath and sleeps again. This is also called as Obstructive sleep apnea. When a person gets 30 apnoeic bouts for more than 10 seconds within 6 hours of sleep, then he is considered as a sleep apnea patient. This medical condition is common in men than women. Causes of sleep apnea The pathological causes include Adenoids, Nasal Polyp and Deviated nasal septum (DNS). Children also suffer from Sleep apnea due to Tonsillitis and Adenoids. Children with Down syndrome are more prone to Obstructive sleep apnea. Obesity is also the prime cause for the sleep apnea, which is due to the deposition of the fatty tissues in the neck and the inner air way canal. Symptoms of sleep apneaSigns and Symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring, gasping of air when sleeping, waking up with dry mouth, and morning headache, excessive sleepiness during the day resulting in decreased work performance at work and in schools in cases of children. Children may also develop altered behavior, aggression and poor confidence, due to decreased concentration. Treatment for sleep apneaUsually treatment depends on the cause and managing the episodes of apnea. Weight reduction for Obesity is advised by the ENT doctors.Surgery following the causation is involved. In children, Adeno-tonsillectomy is preferred. Surgery is also performed to give stiffness to the pharyngeal walls.Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) a facial mask helps in emitting the stream of air for proper ventilation during sleep is administered. Though it is effective it is not tolerated by many of the patients.
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List of Other Products by Vikram ENT Hospital from Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu.
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Vikram ENT Hospital
Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India
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Other Products / Services #6487626

Cochlear Implant

Cochlear implant in India is a very rare curative procedure then. Under the leadership of Dr. P.G.Visvanathan, Dr.Aruna Viswanathan and Dr.Anjana Visvanathan, we offered this technology to India, thereby making the cure for hearing loss accessible and affordable. The cochlear implant surgery is a very handy treatment for those who suffer from severe hearing loss or deficiency. Here, an electronic device (a receiver-stimulator) is implanted inside the ear of the patient. The implantation of this type is specially created electronic chip takes place in the rear portion of the temporal bone, which is known as the mastoid bone. This instrument will receive the sound codes through an outside mechanism comprising of a transmitter, receiver, and a processor. Then it decodes the same and gives the required notifications to the brain. Cochlear Implant is relatively a short surgical process, which needs only two or three hours to complete. In most cases, common anesthesia is enough to perform this procedure. Cochlear implant procedure in India is easy these days. However, one must make sure to approach the best ENT surgeon in India, who is well aware of the modern implant otology procedures. Usually, the implanted device will be activated after 1 to 4 weeks, depending upon the patients recovery from the surgery wounds. The techniques used are the finest here for both adults and children.
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Otology Treatment

The outer part of the ear consists of the pinna (auricle) and ear canal. The basic function of the external ear is to amplify and adjust the sound frequency (around 3 kHz) and pressure (around 30-100 fold). As described by ENT specialist in Coimbatore, a common cosmetic procedure of external ear includes ear reconstruction surgery, earlobe stitching, earlobe repair surgery, etc. The frequently seen external ear diseases are earwax, ear canal eczema, swimmers ear, foreign objects entry into the ear, and auricular perichondritis. The symptoms of external ear problems are shooting pain, discharge, swelling, redness, etc. Do not overlook the symptoms, because, treating the infection early is the best way to prevent the possible adverse outcomes. If you feel that you are going through one or more of the above symptoms take an appointment with our leading ENT specialist, Today! And get rid of your ear problems at the earliest.
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Rhinology Treatment

Nose is the visible, protruding and triangular pyramid part of the face that bears the nostrils. Its root is faced upwards and base in the downwards. It is divided into left and right nostrils by the Nasal Septum. The important functions of nose are; smelling or olfaction - nose is an organ which helps us to smell the objects or food and respiration - nose helps in respiration of the lungs in the human body.
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Laryngology Treatment

The Throat is a tubular structure that begins at the back of your mouth and transports air to the Trachea (Wind-pipe) and Larynx (Voice box). The throat also delivers the food to Oesophagus which is connected to the stomach. Throat contains Epiglottis which prevents the inhalation of the food and drink, back into the windpipe and lungs. The Throat is considered as an integral part of the Human body as it works on delivering the food to the stomach, which is required for growth and development of the human body. When infection occurs in the throat, it becomes the major concern. Diseases of the throat lead to difficulty in speech and eating resulting in general weakness. Most of the throat diseases affect the children than the adults. Ear, Nose and Throat surgeons in India describes the most common infections affecting the children are a Sore throat, Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Oral candidiasis and Mouth ulcers. Some diseases like Oral cancer and Oral Candidiasis are seen in immune- compromised patients. Throat symptoms vary depending on the causation and the severity depends on the disease or disorder. It is always advised to approach an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist as early as possible and get treated effectively.
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Snoring Treatment

It is a condition of noisy breathing while you sleep. During sleep, the pharyngeal muscles relax and the size of the lumen is reduced leading to the airway obstruction, causing vibration of the sounds snoring. It may affect any age group from infancy to aged persons. It is found that snoring is related to daytime dysfunction and heart disease. In most cases, spouse or the relative sleeping next to the affected person is more affected than the snoring person himself. Causes of snoring Snoring may be due to the medical conditions such as Adenoids, Nasal Polyp or due to Deviated nasal septum which gives a minimal area for breathing.The hormonal changes in the females after the Menopause also have added to the causes to Snoring.In children, Tonsillitis and Adenoids lead to the nasal obstruction and Snoring.Enlarged and thick Uvula can be an additional cause. Effects of snoringThough there is no immediate effect of snoring on a person, it can lead to disturbed sleep pattern and thereby lead to hypertension and cardiac problems. Poor sleep itself can be a problem for the person resulting in poor work performance the next day. Treatment for snoringSnoring and sleep apnea treatment depends on the cause and pathology involved. At Vikram ENT Hospital we use devices such as watch pad polysomnography to monitor/track your sleep pattern. For idiopathic causes, where there is no pathology seen, Orthopedic Pillow will be helpful. This pillow helps in easy passage of the air. Laser surgery for snoring is recommended in case of Adenoids and Polyps.
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Skull Base & Otoneuro Surgery

Skull base & Otoneuro surgery Skull base & Otoneurosurgery are used to treat tumours formed at the base of the skull or on the auditory nerve respectively. Skull base surgery Tumours that are formed at the base of the skull and the bony ridge behind the eye and nose are called skull base tumours. Such tumours cause paralysis, facial pain or numbness, headache, nosebleeds, recurrent sinus infection and even loss of vision, smell and hearing loss. This is why it is imperative to remove these tumours immediately through Skull Base Surgery. Skull base Surgery is a specialized kind of surgery which is an interface of ENT surgery with Head and Neck Surgery. The objective of Skull Base Surgery is to remove any tumours on the underside of the skull. Usually, Skull Base Surgery involves minimally invasive surgery techniques to remove the tumours located at the base of the skull. Skull Base Surgery is used to treat Pituitary tumoursTrigeminal neuralgiaCerebrospinal fistulaCraniostenosisMeningiomaChordomaCraniopharyngiomaCerebral AneurysmsVestibulocochlear nerve disordersNeurofibromatosis Skull Base Surgery is usually preferred due to the following reasons It is minimally invasiveThere is no need to open the skull through a craniotomyRemoval of skull portions or facial muscles to access the tumours is avoidedDamage to the cerebral nerve and skull structure is minimalRisk of infection is lessDisfigurement of the face is totally avoidedRecovery is quicker
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Sinus Treatment Service

Air conditioning - Nose helps in conditioning the inspired air by adjusting the temperature and humidity before getting into the lungs. Filtration - The hairs in the nostrils helps to filter the dust, Bacteria or any foreign particles to enter the lungs thus acting as filtration medium. A total of 500 cubic tons of air we breathe everyday through Nose. More than 10 million populations per year suffer from Nasal diseases and conditions. As described by the ENT doctors some of the common cosmetic procedures of the nose are nose surgery, laser nose surgery, and nose reconstruction surgery and rhinoplasty treatments.
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Auditory Brainstem Implant

The Auditory Brain Stem Implant treatment is recommended for those who suffer from a typical medical condition called Neurofibromatosis Type II, or from severe deafness and auditory glitches such as auditory nerve aplasia, cochlea ossification, etc. Vikram ENT Hospital is one of the top-ranked ENT care Hospital in India as far as the cochlear implant concerned. The ENT surgeon implants a typical electrical chip within the inner ear of the patient and with the help of the headphone that is worn externally the patient receives the properly deciphered sound. Our Hospital has a rich pool of the best ENT surgeons in India, who are experienced in otologic surgery and the related otology procedures. If you are at Vikram ENT hospital, the patient can be assured of the auditory brain stem implant as it becomes an easy task. Dr.Anjana Visvanathan is an expert in implantation otology and she has vast experience in Otology.
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Vibrant Soundbridge Implant

We at Vikram ENT Hospital provide this advanced type of therapeutic treatment where the surgery is performed by experienced doctors, who can be categorized as the best ENT surgeons in India. The cosmetically improved Vibrant Sound Bridge Implant is a distinctive type of middle ear implant technique, which will be useful to patients who suffer from mild or severe sensorineural hearing disorders. In this technique, the environmental signals are converted into mechanical oscillations, which in turn facilitate the patient to follow and comprehend the sound. The benefit of using Vibrant Sound Bridge implant technology enables you to hear without a hearing aid. We have pioneered the use of VSB in south Asia.
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Bone Bridge Implant

Bone Bridge Implant treatment is suitable for curing the various ENT problems, including the one ear hearing loss. This procedure is done under general anesthesia usually as a Day Care Procedure. In this method, there is a visually detectable mechanism that has an external audio processor, which is worn behind the ear. The titanium fixture that is fixed in the mastoid bone will direct sound into the inner ear. The sound generated is converted into mechanical fluctuation because of the BB Implant, and this will be audible in the middle ear. As a result, high-frequency sound tones will be created, and the user can detect these tones easily.
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Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA)

Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) is a useful treatment method for successfully solving any commonly seen hearing complaint. BAHA creates direct stimulation, which goes further than the external and the middle portions of the ear, and reaches the inner ear through the skull bone. In this method, the titanium implant is fixed in the bone of the skull, just near the rear part of the earlobe. There will be an abutment that attaches the sound processor and the implant. Thus sound signals are converted into neural signals. This is a far better option than the conventional types of hearing aids. The user will be able to hear the better quality sound.
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Ossicular Reconstruction (With Titanium Implant)

Doctors prescribe total or partial Ossicular Reconstruction in compliance with the actual need of the patient. Here, the titanium implant is the abutment that facilitates the movement of the sound waves to the inner ear using the tympanic membrane, devoid of any disturbances or distractions. In the partial Ossicular Reconstruction, the replacement of malleus and incus are done rather than the stapes (the human middle ear bone). When you choose Vikram ENT Hospital for getting Ossicular Reconstruction surgery done, you can definitely make sure that the same is performed by the best ENT surgeon in India, who possesses up-to-date knowledge regarding otology procedures and technology used.
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Earwax Buildup And Blockage Treatment

Earwax also known as cerumen, it is a secretion that protects the inner part of the ear of humans and the other mammal species. The secretion of the earwax signals proper functioning of special glands. This wax protects the eardrum from dust and other foreign bodies. However, if there is excessive secretion of cerumen, then the condition is called as earwax blockage.Common symptoms of ear wax blockages are; a typical dull to shooting pain in the ear that can make you irritated. Blocked ear; you will feel somewhat heavy inside your ear. You can hear weird noises in the ear and also experience a partial hearing loss, which may vary according to the degree of the blockage. If you experience the aforementioned symptoms, it indicates some problem with your earwax secretion which requires cleaning in a modern and safe manner. So do make an appointment with our ENT specialist at the earliest and get treated.
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Dermatitis Treatment

Dermatitis (dry flaky skin) that occurs in the ear canal (opening of the ear) and blocking the sound flow is called as Eczema. The itching of the inside ear is terrible and will make you fully indisposed and edgy. The cause of ear infection is the allergic substances or the occurrence of fungal infections inside the ear. Seborrheic Dermatitis is the condition when dryness occurs in the earwax. Modern ENT treatment methods will help you to get rid of this medical condition of ear effectively.
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Eczema Treatment

Seborrheic Dermatitis is the condition when dryness occurs in the earwax. Modern ENT treatment methods will help you to get rid of this medical condition of ear effectively. Common symptoms of eczema are; Itching starts in a mild way and the patient will feel heavy within the ear. Bad smell near the ear, fluid discharge and inflammation in the ear canal. Pain starts and slowly mounts to the severe stage.Because of the blockage, the patient will experience provisional hearing loss.
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Auricular Perichondritis Treatment

This medical condition is characterized by inflammation in pinna or perichondrium (lining of pinna), but not necessarily infectious. Auricular perichondritis is often due to trauma, insect bites, ear piercings or post-surgery complications, when left untreated, will end up forming chondrites. Common symptoms of Auricular Perichondritis: There will be swelling in the erythematous auricle and auricle will become warm and sore.The painful, pale red colored ear is the generally noticed first symptom.Infection in ear lobe
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Nasal Congestion Treatment

This is the most common symptom of any Nasal disease and is also called as stuffy nose may affect one or both nostrils. There may be complete or Partial or continuous or even intermittent type of obstruction. The Nasal obstruction depends on the side of the nose affected, or the disease condition involved or may be due to the medical condition of the person. Causes of nasal congestionCauses for Nasal congestion may include Nasal Polyp, Intranasal Tumours, Adenoids, Deviated Nasal Septum, infection of the sinuses, Common Cold, Rhinitis, Cold Weather or Temperature, Swelling inside the Nose, Foreign Bodies or any Cancerous growths. Symptoms of nasal congestionSymptoms include the Nasal Obstruction, Difficulty in breathing, Heaviness of the head due to the improper breathing, Headache may also be associated with the Nasal congestion. Nasal congestion has a serious effect on the infant born with Choanal Atresia and the baby may die if not treated early due to respiration problem. Nasal Obstruction in baby also interferes with the milk sucking, as the baby cannot latch properly due to the obstruction and leads to delayed and insufficient drinking. In children, Nasal Obstruction if not treated early may lead to Orthodontic problems (High arched Palate) and crowded teeth due to the Mouth breathing. Treatment for nasal congestionENT doctors advice Nasal sprays, Nasal drops or for steam inhalation, for the immediate relief but in case of any growth or tumor then surgical methods are adopted.
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Nasal Catarrh Treatment

It is the most common symptom in the Nasal disease and is characterized by excess mucus secretion in one of the airways.The mucous membranes of the Nose always produce the mucus which runs through our Posterior nares and then descends down into the stomach and digested. But when there is some infection in the nose, the amount of the secretion varies. Causes of Nasal CatarrhAcute - Allergic Rhinitis, Common cold because of Virus like Influenza virus or Streptococcus or Staphylococcus virus. It may be also due to Bacterial infections like Diphtheria.Chronic- Catarrh may continue to later stages in Atrophic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, and Deviated Nasal Septum resulting in a chronic condition. Symptoms of Nasal CatarrhSymptoms include frequent sneezing, stuffy nose, watery thin nasal discharge with the postnasal drip, dry cough, headache, and pain in the face, Hoarseness of voice, Nasal congestion, and in later stages the discharge may get thickened resulting in secondary infection. Blood mixed mucous seen in infected Catarrh.It may last for few hours to few days and can occur any time of the day or season of the year. Treatment for Nasal CatarrhTreatment depends on the type of Catarrh involved, the onset, duration and the cause of the medical condition. In case of nasal obstruction, nasal sprays and steam inhalation are advised by the ENT specialist.
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Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) Treatment

When a thin wall present between the nasal passages is displaced or deviated is called as Deviated Nasal Septum. Deviations may be slight with no symptoms or very marked with the Obstruction of the Nasal cavity. Causes of Deviated Nasal Septum Physical - Any injury to the wall of the nose may result in the displacement of the cartilage.Dentition - During the primary and the secondary dentition, in order to accumulate the teeth the Palate widens resulting in DNS.Hereditary Factors - Some families have genetically inherited the DNS. Types of Deviated Nasal Septum Anterior deformity - The septal cartilage may be dislocated or one of the nasal chambers is fractured.C - Shaped deformity - In this the septum is deviates to one side, the other side may be wider and show some growths.S- Shaped deformity - Here septum shows the S-shaped curve. It may cause both nasal obstructions.Spurs - It is a shelf like projection at the junction of the bone and cartilage. Symptoms of Deviated Nasal SeptumMost common symptoms include nasal obstruction, others common symptoms are headache , sinusitis, nose bleeding, , facial pain, abnormal sounds during breathing, preferring to sleep on one side, anosmia and secondary complications may also include middle ear infections. Treatment for Deviated Nasal SeptumTreatment depends on the type of Deviation involved, if the deviation is slight with no many symptoms, then no treatment is necessary. If there is mechanical obstruction with difficulty in breathing then the ENT doctor opt for Septoplasty.In this procedure, the septum is either straightened or repositioned to the middle of the nose.In children with DNS conservative septal surgery methods are adopted.
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Nasal Polyps Treatment

It is a painless non-cancerous growth inside the lining of the nose and paranasal sinuses. They are immovable and can become pedunculated on sneezing. It is seen as a glistening, shining grape- like growth which is pale in colour.A Nasal polyp has no sensation, no pain, no bleeding.A Nasal polyp may be multiple or bilateral too. Types of Nasal polypThere are two types of nasal polyps and it includes Bilateral ethmoidal polyp which arise from the Ethmoid sinus and Antrochoanal Polyp which begin from maxillary sinuses. They are unilateral and less common. Causes of nasal polypMost of the causes include Chronic Rhinitis, Asthma, Aspirin intolerance and Sinusitis. Nasal polyp is mostly caused due to the collection of fluids within the nose and they continue to swell forming a Polyp. Symptoms of nasal polypSymptoms include Nasal congestion, nasal stuffiness, loss of smell and taste, complete or partial loss of smell, Headache due to the pressure, sinusitis and sneezing, snoring, watery thin discharge and pain the upper teeth region. Treatment for nasal polypENT doctors usually follow the conservative treatment by giving Steroids for the application. In severe cases surgery (polypectomy)is done for the removal of the polyp.
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Tonsillitis Treatment

Tonsillitis is the infection or inflammation of the tonsils. It is roughly estimated that nearly 7.5% of the populace suffering from recurrent Tonsillitis, and the frequency of the same is about every 3 months once. It is most common in school going children and occurs mostly during winter seasons. Causes of tonsillitisThe main causes of tonsillitis are persistent cold, viral, and bacterial infections, and allergies. If the cause is the bacteria Streptococcus A, then the disease is termed as Strep Throat. Symptoms of tonsillitisThe main signs and symptoms of tonsillitis are body ache, fever, general weakness, sore throat, red swollen tonsils; bad breathe and stomach pain mainly in childrens, difficulty in swallowing food or liquids, white pus-filled spots on the tonsils, and inflammation in the lymph nodes on the neck. Treatment for tonsillitisGargling using hot salt-water is the best remedy; along with this, the patient can also take mild analgesics. On repeated infections of tonsils in a person then the ENT specialist may advise Tonsillectomy. As far as the condition of Strep throat is concerned, doctors generally prescribe oral medication of penicillin, and if the patient is allergic to penicillin, then doctors might advise equivalent substitutes such as Cephalosporin.
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Pharyngitis Treatment

This medical condition is characterized by the inflammation of the Pharynx and generally called as Sore throat and together with cough; it is diagnosed in more than 2 million people per year in India. It is more common in the winter season. Causes of pharyngitisThe most common causes of Pharyngitis are viral and other bacterial agents such as measles, adenovirus, chicken pox, croup and whooping cough and streptococcus A. Symptoms of pharyngitisThe commonly seen symptoms of Pharyngitis are a Sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, sneezing, runny nose, chills, red swollen throat, fever, general weakness, and cough. Treatment for pharyngitisMany symptoms do not require medication. It requires rest, warm salt water gargling and using a humidifier. Sometimes, doctors prescribe analgesics to control the pain and irritation. In cases of strep A infection, antibiotics are prescribed. It is self-limiting.
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Oral Candidiasis Treatment

This throat condition is very much common in people who suffer from HIV and Leukemia. It is the fungal infection of Candida albicans that grows on the mucous membrane of the mouth. This condition is also termed as oral thrush. Causes of oral candidiasis:This medical condition is caused by the fungi called Candida Albicans, and most commonly known as fungal infection of the throat. The causal factors of oral candidiasis are nutritional deficiencies, decreased production of saliva, dentures and oral cancer. Symptoms of oral candidiasisThe indications may vary in accordance with the severity of the condition.Acute symptoms You may notice infection of gums, reddening of the tongue and cracks at the corners of the mouth.Chronic symptomsChronic symptoms of oral candidiasis are seen in Immunocompromised patients such as HIV and Leukaemia. Symptoms include hard rough plaques and white patches on the tongue also known as curdled milk or cottage cheese. Here symptoms last for more than a month. Treatment for oral candidiasisAcute symptoms are self-limiting and may require antifungal drugs. For chronic conditions immediate consultation with an ENT doctor is imperative.
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Migraine Treatment

It is a benign primary headache disorder usually characterized by frequent headaches in moderate to severe forms. Causes of a migraineIt includes genetic and hormonal causes, gastric problems, hunger, alcohol, physical exercise, glare, sunlight, tension and stress or by any other chemical stimulant. Symptoms of the migraine include 4 phases1. Prodrome phase - where there are altered mood and behavior, muscular stiffness and sensitivity.2. Aura phase - It lasts from a few minutes to less than 1 hour. There is blurred vision with disturbances in reading and walking.3. Pain phase - Moderate to severe pain, one sided throbbing type of headache, sensitivity to sounds and light, nausea, vomiting. Attacks are usually 4-72 hours and are frequent and repeated in nature.4. Postdrome phase - which includes weakness and depression of the person. DiagnosisIt is generally diagnosed through clinical history and symptoms. Neuroimaging also helps in the evaluating the case. Treatment for a migraineIt includes mild analgesics to other specific medicines for the Migraine.
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Neck Pain Treatment

It usually arises from the diseases of the cervical spine and soft tissues of the neck which gets triggered by the movements of the neck. Causes of neck painIt includes Injury to the cervical spine due to the fractures or accidents, or spinal compression. Cervical disc diseases, Cervical spondylosis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, abscess or swelling in the neck region, metabolic bone disorders are more common causes. SymptomsIt includes pain, swelling, tenderness of the parts, neck stiffness, immobility of the neck, pain may be localized or may radiate to the involved arms, hands and fingers. Treatment for neck painIn cases of injury the pain is self-limiting but other causes to be treated specifically. Physiotherapy and neck muscle strengthening exercises can help to some extent.A Soft cervical collar is advised in severe pains and immobility.
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Spasm Treatment

Spasm is the involuntary contraction of the single muscle or a group of muscles. It may lead to the tear in muscles, tendons or ligaments depending on the force of the contraction. Tetanus and Epilepsy are the two common diseases of Head and Neck region. TetanusCaused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. It is usually seen in rust or rusty nails. The Body gets infected by the break in the skin during cut or puncture. Symptoms include Lock jaw, difficulty in opening mouth and difficulty in swallowing food. Spasms begin from the jaw and then progress to rest of the body. Spasms may last for a few minutes. It may lead to headache, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever and fracture of bones. Prevention is done by Tetanus toxin vaccine soon after an injury and during pregnancy it is advisable to vaccinate to prevent the fetus from being infected.
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Neck Stiffness Treatment

It is the rigidity of the neck muscles where the patient experience discomfort or pain in the movement of the neck and shoulders. Causes of neck stiffnessacute cause may be due to the wrong position during sleep, muscle sprain or strain due to heavy weight lifting or due to muscular spasm. And other causes may include injury to the cervical disc either by compression of the nerves or by herniation of the cervical disc. Meningitis may be one of the most important causative factor. Symptoms of neck stiffness Pain in the region of the neck, tenderness, restricted movements of the neck and shoulders. Treatment for neck stiffness Doctors usually follow the conservative line of treatment like mild hot sponge bath or physiotherapy or exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck and arms. Other causative factors may follow specific treatment.
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Whiplash Treatment

It is also called as neck muscle strain. Whiplash is due to the trauma or injury to the muscles and ligaments by over rotatory movements of the arms. It is differentiated from the muscle sprain, sprain leads to the tearing of muscles.It is mostly seen in athletes and sports persons. Causes of whiplashCauses of whiplash are due to an injury or trauma and also due to overuse of muscles of the arm. Symptoms of whiplashPain of the affected muscles, restricted movements, stiffness of the muscles, difficulty movements of the limbs, tenderness of the muscle and headache at the base of the neck. DiagnosisCT scans, X-Rays and history of injury gives the diagnosis. Treatment for whiplash It is generally treated by the Cold application on the affected parts followed by the heat fomentation. Analgesics to reduce the pain and Neck braces and collars for immobility from preventing further damage. Physiotherapy can also be advised.
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Pustules Treatment

A Pustule is a small eruption on the skin with infected pus inside. Pus may be white or yellow in color. It is due to the death of the inflammatory cells. It may be present in any part of the body or organ including the oral cavity and nasal cavity. Causes of pustuleCauses of a pustule are viral infections like herpes zoster, herpes simplex, acne or boil or abscess or any other inflammation of the skin or tissue giving rise to a pustule. Blood dyspraxia may also lead to pustule formation. Symptoms of pustuleInclude stinging and burning pain in the region, tenderness, swelling and obstructive sensation. Treatment for pustule - It includes correction of the diseases involved. Antibiotics and analgesics to relieve the pain are advised.
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Torticollis Treatment

Torticollis is also called as WRY NECK. In this medical condition there is a fixed movement of the neck. Causes of torticollisCauses of torticollis may be congenital and acquired. Congenital includes injury during birth, hard mass on neck at birth. Acquired causes are diseases like cervical vertebrate diseases, tonsillitis, adenitis, rheumatism, enlarged cervical glands and abscess in the larynx or pharynx. Symptoms of torticollisThe most common symptoms of torticollis are neck pain, tenderness of the cervical spine. Movements may be to one side, forward bending, and backward bending or may be combination of two movements. In case of congenital torticollis, it is diagnosed by the USG of the neck and color histogram after 1-4 weeks of birth. The conservative line of treatment such as physiotherapy and exercise are preferred in self-limiting disorders. Surgery is performed after 1 year of birth in congenital cases.
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Paresthesia Treatment

This medical condition is defined as the perverted sensibility or the abnormal sensation without any physical or external cause. Examples include tingling, pricking, numbness and crawling of bugs or ants. In Greek language Para means abnormal and aesthesia means sensation. Symptoms of paresthesiaSymptoms of paresthesia are transient and chronic. Transient symptoms involves in the hands, feet, legs and arms. These are electric shock like symptoms. There may be panic attacks, short breaths, cold sore, pain and tingling sensation. Chronic symptoms of paresthesiaChronic symptoms of paresthesia include the problem with the functioning of the neurons and poor circulation. It is due to vitamin deficiency or metabolic disorders like Diabetes mellitus, Hypothyroidism, Hyperparathyroidism, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment for paresthesia depends on the condition of the patient and the removal of the cause.
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Occipital Neuralgia Treatment

Occipital neuralgia is also called as Arnolds Neuralgia, where there is chronic pain in the upper and back of the neck and behind the ears. Causes of occipital neuralgiaCauses of occipital neuralgia are tension headache, migraine, and glared vision, damage to the occipital nerves by pressure or compression or contraction due to injury to the neck. Symptoms of occipital neuralgiaMost characteristic symptoms are the aching, sharp, shooting, zapping and throbbing pains. They are frequent in nature. Other symptoms include chronic attacks of headache, pain in the back, one sided headache, blurred vision, and difficulty in speech, pain in the eyebrows and behind the eyes. Treatment for occipital neuralgiaThe symptoms will reduce through heat, rest and physical therapy. Surgical intervention is followed when conservative methods fail.
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Allergic Rhinitis Treatment Service

What is Allergic Rhinitis? Our body has Antibodies which acts as the defense mechanism. It fights against the bacteria or any other foreign bodies from entering our body. This fighting antibodies sometimes gets aggressive and fails to identify, thinking any air particles entering the nose as its enemy and start fighting against it by secreting the high amounts of mucus to wash the particles from the nasal mucous membrane resulting in the disease called as Allergic Rhinitis. CausesCauses for Allergic Rhinitis may be due to allergens such as Pollen, dust, grass, perfumes, any particular food aroma or food, insects, termites, pets etc. There may also genetic predisposition of allergy in some patients. SymptomsSymptoms depend on the Acute and Chronic phase of the disease. Acute phase usually starts within 5-30 minutes after the exposure to allergens. Symptoms are violent sneezing, constant watery thin nasal discharge, irritation in the eyes, burning eyes, itching in the eyes, nose and the throat, hoarseness of the voice, nasal congestion, extreme weakness due to continuous sneezing and nasal discharge. Chronic symptoms are due to the repeated attacks of the acute phase. There may be a thick grayish discharge from the nose, edema of the eyelids, cobblestone appearance of the conjunctiva, loss of smell. Symptoms may occur both seasonal at the particular time of the year and perennial, i.e throughout the year.
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Sleep Apnea Treatment

When there is severe obstruction of the airway causing complete entry of air stoppage leading to the gasping breath during sleep is called Sleep apnea. It is considered a serious sleeping disorder and is two types, Obstructive sleep apnea and Central sleep apnea. This is of shorter duration, the patient wakes up instantaneously due to air blockage and takes a deep breath and sleeps again. This is also called as Obstructive sleep apnea. When a person gets 30 apnoeic bouts for more than 10 seconds within 6 hours of sleep, then he is considered as a sleep apnea patient. This medical condition is common in men than women. Causes of sleep apnea The pathological causes include Adenoids, Nasal Polyp and Deviated nasal septum (DNS). Children also suffer from Sleep apnea due to Tonsillitis and Adenoids. Children with Down syndrome are more prone to Obstructive sleep apnea. Obesity is also the prime cause for the sleep apnea, which is due to the deposition of the fatty tissues in the neck and the inner air way canal. Symptoms of sleep apneaSigns and Symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring, gasping of air when sleeping, waking up with dry mouth, and morning headache, excessive sleepiness during the day resulting in decreased work performance at work and in schools in cases of children. Children may also develop altered behavior, aggression and poor confidence, due to decreased concentration. Treatment for sleep apneaUsually treatment depends on the cause and managing the episodes of apnea. Weight reduction for Obesity is advised by the ENT doctors.Surgery following the causation is involved. In children, Adeno-tonsillectomy is preferred. Surgery is also performed to give stiffness to the pharyngeal walls.Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) a facial mask helps in emitting the stream of air for proper ventilation during sleep is administered. Though it is effective it is not tolerated by many of the patients.
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