Our Services
We offer the best product range of Best PhD Assistance in Pune, Phd Research Proposal Writing Services, Publications, PhD Research Consultation Services and PhD Research Services.
Vikastek Complete destiny for your PhD Research
Vikastek Research Solution providers high Standard PhD Research Assistance Services to the clients with less than 10% plagiarism for the research articles and quality results and graphs for your Implementations and publications in the quality journals.
vikastek complete destiny for your phd management research
Vikastek Complete destiny for your PhD Research
Call/WhatsApp: +91-8122998253
Visit Us: https://www.vikastek.com/
Vikastek, we are a team of multidisciplinary professional and expertise in selecting Right Topic for your PhD, Research Proposal, Paper Writing, Thesis Writing, Dissertation, Plagiarism Removal, Implementation and Publication in reputed journals like SCI-indexed journals, Scopus indexed journals, IEEExplore, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, ACM library, etc., for the Researchers, PhD Research Scholars, Assistant Professor and PhD Aspirants who are in search of assistance for their PhD.
We provide guidance and support to wide range of domains in Engineering (CSE, ECE, EEE, E&Tc, IT, Civil & Mech (AI Based Concepts), Bio Medical Engineering) and Management research, collaborating with highly qualified teams to deliver effective solutions.
Our team has expertise in implementing research projects using MATLAB, PYTHON, NS2 / NS3, JAVA, Omnet++, and other programming languages. We also provide management analysis through SEM and ANOVA and the Publications in standard Journals.
Feasible Engineering Topics Covered
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Image Processing
Video Processing
Signal Processing
Natural Language Processing
Cloud Computing
Soft Computing
Mobile Computing
Computer Vision
Data Mining
Big Data
Bio Informatics and Multimodal Bio Informatics
Remote Sensing
Sentiment Analysis
Electrical networks and systems
Microgrid and Smart Grid
Power Electronics and Renewable Energy System
Power And Energy System
Optimization Algorithms
Control Systems
Industrial Informatics
Communication Engineering
MIMO, NOMA, Massive MIMO, Cognitive Networks, Cellular Networks
Networking includes MANET, VANET, IoT, WSN, WBSN
Health Care
EEG and ECG Based Disease Predictions
Audio/Speech Signals and Speaker Diarisation
Scheduling and Optimization in Networks/Cloud
Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations
Objection Recognition and Classification Issues
Smart Grid, Data Distribution Systems, PV Based Optimizations
Block Chain and Churn Prediction
Weather Forecasting and Agriculture Related Prediction
Illegal Activities Monitoring
Industry 4.0
Management Domains Covered
Business Analytics and Management
Management Technology and Innovation
Marketing Management
Resources Management and Sustainable Development
Social Entrepreneurship and Management
Corporate Responsibility, Ethics, and Accountability
Human Resources Management
Hospitality Management
Organizational Behaviour
Training and Development
Business Environment and Corporate Responsibility
Educational Management
Operation & Supply Chain Management
Quality Management
We strive to give efficient and effective assistance to researchers and students in order to help them reach their academic goals.
Contact us for high-quality and reliable engineering and management research solutions.
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Vikastek Complete destiny for your PhD Research
Vikastek, we are a team of multidisciplinary professional and expertise in selectingRight Topic for your PhD, Research Proposal, Paper Writing, Thesis Writing, Dissertation, Plagiarism Removal, ImplementationandPublicationin reputed journals likeSCI-indexed journals, Scopus indexed journals, IEEExplore, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, ACM library, etc., for the Researchers, PhD Research Scholars, Assistant Professor and PhD Aspirants who are in search of assistance for their PhD.
We provide guidance and support to wide range of domains inEngineering(CSE, ECE, EEE, E&Tc, IT, Civil & Mech (AI Based Concepts), Bio Medical Engineering) andManagementresearch, collaborating with highly qualified teams to deliver effective solutions.
Our team has expertise in implementing research projects usingMATLAB, PYTHON, NS2 / NS3, JAVA, Omnet++, and other programming languages. We also provide management analysis throughSEMandANOVAand the Publications in standard Journals.
Feasible Engineering Topics Covered
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Image Processing
Video Processing
Signal Processing
Natural Language Processing
Cloud Computing
Soft Computing
Mobile Computing
Computer Vision
Data Mining
Big Data
Bio Informatics and Multimodal Bio Informatics
Remote Sensing
Sentiment Analysis
Electrical networks and systems
Microgrid and Smart Grid
Power Electronics and Renewable Energy System
Power And Energy System
Optimization Algorithms
Control Systems
Industrial Informatics
Communication Engineering
MIMO, NOMA, Massive MIMO, Cognitive Networks, Cellular Networks
Networking includes MANET, VANET, IoT, WSN, WBSN
Health Care
EEG and ECG Based Disease Predictions
Audio/Speech Signals and Speaker Diarisation
Scheduling and Optimization in Networks/Cloud
Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations
Objection Recognition and Classification Issues
Smart Grid, Data Distribution Systems, PV Based Optimizations
Block Chain and Churn Prediction
Weather Forecasting and Agriculture Related Prediction
Illegal Activities Monitoring
Industry 4.0
Management Domains Covered
Business Analytics and Management
Management Technology and Innovation
Marketing Management
Resources Management and Sustainable Development
Social Entrepreneurship and Management
Corporate Responsibility, Ethics, and Accountability
Human Resources Management
Hospitality Management
Organizational Behaviour
Training and Development
Business Environment and Corporate Responsibility
Educational Management
Operation & Supply Chain Management
Quality Management
We strive to give efficient and effective assistance to researchers and students in order to help them reach their academic goals.
Vikastek Complete destiny for your PhD Research
Vikastek Complete destiny for your PhD Research
Vikastek, we are a team of multidisciplinary professional and expertise in selecting Right Topic for your PhD, Research Proposal, Paper Writing, Thesis Writing, Dissertation, Plagiarism Removal, Implementation and Publication in reputed journals like SCI-indexed journals, Scopus indexed journals, IEEExplore, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, ACM library, etc., for the Researchers, PhD Research Scholars, Assistant Professor and PhD Aspirants who are in search of assistance for their PhD.
We provide guidance and support to wide range of domains in Engineering (CSE, ECE, EEE, E&Tc, IT, Civil & Mech (AI Based Concepts), Bio Medical Engineering) and Management research, collaborating with highly qualified teams to deliver effective solutions.
Our team has expertise in implementing research projects using MATLAB, PYTHON, NS2 / NS3, JAVA, Omnet++, and other programming languages. We also provide management analysis through SEM and ANOVA and the Publications in standard Journals.
Feasible Engineering Topics Covered
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Image Processing
Video Processing
Signal Processing
Natural Language Processing
Cloud Computing
Soft Computing
Mobile Computing
Computer Vision
Data Mining
Big Data
Bio Informatics and Multimodal Bio Informatics
Remote Sensing
Sentiment Analysis
Electrical networks and systems
Microgrid and Smart Grid
Power Electronics and Renewable Energy System
Power And Energy System
Optimization Algorithms
Control Systems
Industrial Informatics
Communication Engineering
MIMO, NOMA, Massive MIMO, Cognitive Networks, Cellular Networks
Networking includes MANET, VANET, IoT, WSN, WBSN
Health Care
EEG and ECG Based Disease Predictions
Audio/Speech Signals and Speaker Diarisation
Scheduling and Optimization in Networks/Cloud
Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations
Objection Recognition and Classification Issues
Smart Grid, Data Distribution Systems, PV Based Optimizations
Block Chain and Churn Prediction
Weather Forecasting and Agriculture Related Prediction
Illegal Activities Monitoring
Industry 4.0
Management Domains Covered
Business Analytics and Management
Management Technology and Innovation
Marketing Management
Resources Management and Sustainable Development
Social Entrepreneurship and Management
Corporate Responsibility, Ethics, and Accountability
Human Resources Management
Hospitality Management
Organizational Behaviour
Training and Development
Business Environment and Corporate Responsibility
Educational Management
Operation & Supply Chain Management
Quality Management
We strive to give efficient and effective assistance to researchers and students in order to help them reach their academic goals.