Service includes:the basic and much preferred polish given to veneered wood is melamine polish. This polish gives a matt finish look i.e. It doesnt shine like a glossy surface. Glossy polish is not preferred by home owners as it takes away from its natural look and charm. Melamine polishing processsanding: as in french polish, in this polish too, the surface is sanded first with rough polish paper [50 or 60 no.] and then with smooth polish paper [80 or 100 no.].Sealer coat: melamine sealers are available in the market. This sealer coat is to be sprayed/brushed first. With the application of sealer, the absorption of melamine in the timber is reduced and the surface-adherence is increased. Sealer coat takes about 12 hours to dry.Sanding with water paper: on drying the sealer coat, the surface is sanded with smooth water paper [150 or 200 no.]. Unlike normal brown sand paper, water paper is black in colour and is, in fact, a cloth with emery particles stuck on this. This paper is dipped in water and is used while adequate water is present during the emery action. This sanding removes the excess sealer layers and also, makes the surface further smooth.Filling with melamine fillers: special filler pastes of various stains are available in the market and only these fillers should be used for melamine polishing. By selecting proper filler, it should be filled in the small or large holes. After the filler dries, about 4 to 6 hours, light sanding with water paper is done. After this, the surface is allowed to air for about 12 hours.