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Garden Pots
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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Heavy Duty Square 10 Litres Plastic Pot, Plastic Nursery Pots, Heavy Duty B24 Blueberries Plantation Plastic Pot, Heavy Duty Square Polybag Plant Stand and Heavy Duty 12 Inch Lid Plastic Net Pot
When it comes to nurturing young plants and nsuring thir halthy dvlopmnt, th choice of th right sdling pot is crucial. VG Plastch has Havy-duty plastic Sdling Pot that is dsignd to provid optimum support for your sdlings, promoting robust growth and vitality.
Ky Faturs:
Durable Construction: Craftd from high-quality havy-duty plastic, this sdling pot is built to withstand the rigours of plant cultivation. Its durabl dsign nsurs long-lasting us, making it an xcllnt invstmnt for both amatur gardnrs and profssional growrs.
Great Capacity: With a 1.5-litr capacity, this squar sdling pot offrs ampl spac for your plants to stablish strong root systms. Th gnrous siz allows for xtndd growth priods bfor th nd for transplanting, rducing transplant shock and promoting halthir, mor rsilint plants.
Optimal Drainag: Propr drainag is ssntial for prvnting watrloggd soil and root rot. Our sdling pot faturs stratgically placd drainag hols, facilitating fficint watr drainag and aration to maintain an idal moistur balanc for your plants.
Amazing Dsign: The shape of th pot provids stability and spac fficincy, allowing you to maximiz your growing ara. Th squard bas nsurs th pot stays scurly in plac, minimizing th risk of tipping and providing stability for your dvloping plants.
Vrsatil Usag: Suitabl for a wid rang of plant varitis, from vgtabls and flowrs to hrbs and shrubs, this vrsatil sdling pot is a must-hav for any gardning projct. Its havy-duty construction makes it idal for both indoor and outdoor us, adapting to various growing nvironmnts.
How to Use?
Fill th pot with a wll-draining potting mix suitable for your specific plants.
Plant your sdling in th cntr of th pot, nsuring th roots ar wll-distributd.
Watr your plant as ndd, allowing xcss watr to drain through th providd drainag hols.
Monitor your plant's growth and transplant to a large containr whn ncssary.
Invst in th succss of your plants with our Havy-duty plastic Squar Sdling Pot. Visit our wbsit to ordr yours today and provid your sdlings with th prfct nvironmnt for flourishing growth.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : D/A, D/P, T/T
Delivery Time : 30 DAYS
When it comes to cultivating blubrris, having the right pot is crucial for the health and productivity of your plants. VG Plastch has havy-duty plastic blueberries pot that is spcifically dsignd to mt th uniqu nds of blubrry plants, offring a prfct balanc of durability and functionality.
Ky Faturs:
Sturdy Construction: Craftd from high-quality havy-duty plastic, our blubrris pot is built to withstand th rigours of outdoor us. Th sturdy construction nsurs longvity, providing a rliabl containr for your blubrry plants sason aftr sason.
Ampl Capacity: With a gnrous 4.7-litr capacity, this squar flowr pot offrs ampl spac for th roots to sprad and grow, allowing your blubrry plants to thriv. Th siz is carfully slctd to accommodat th spcific rquirmnts of blubrry cultivation, promoting halthy root dvlopmnt.
Great Dsign: Th shap of th pot is not only asthtically plasing but also practical. It allows for fficint spac utilization, making it asir to arrang multipl pots in a confind spac. Th dsign also prvnts th pot from tipping ovr, providing stability for your growing blubrry plants.
Proper Drainag: Propr drainag is crucial for blubrry plants, and our pot is dsignd with this in mind. Th bottom of th pot faturs wll-placd drainag hols to prvnt watrlogging and nsur that xcss watr drains away, prvnting root rot and othr moistur-rlatd issus.
UV Rsistant: Exposur to sunlight can take a toll on traditional pots, but our havy-duty plastic blubrris pot is UV rsistant. This fatur protcts th pot from th harmful ffcts of th sun, nsuring its longvity and prsrving its structural intgrity ovr tim.
Vrsatil Usag:Whil spcifically dsignd for blubrris, our havy-duty pot is vrsatil nough to accommodat various othr plants, flowrs, and hrbs. Whthr you'r a sasond gardnr or a novic, this pot provids th idal nvironmnt for succssful cultivation.
Invst in th longvity and halth of your blubrry plants with our havy-duty plastic blueberries pot. Visit our website and place an order now.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : D/A, D/P, T/T
Packaging Details : STANDARD
Delivery Time : 30days
Discovr th prfct solution for nurturing robust sdlings with our Havy Duty Plastic Rusabl Root Trainr Sdling Pot. Craftd for durability, this pot is dsignd to srv as an idal nvironmnt for sdling growth, nsuring halthy and wll-stablishd roots. VG Plastch offers high-quality products for customers to choose from.
Durable and Long Lasting: The pot is made from havy-duty plastic, providing stability and durability for long-term use.
Rusabl Dsign: Dsignd for sustainability, this pot can b asily cland and rusd for multipl growing cycls, minimizing nvironmntal impact.
Root Trainr Tchnology: Th uniqu dsign promots vrtical root growth, prvnting root circling and ncouraging a strongr, mor xtnsiv root systm.
Idal for gardnrs and horticulturists, our Havy Duty Plastic Rusabl Root Trainr Sdling Pot is availabl at the best prices. Elvat your sdling cultivation with a pot that prioritizs strength, rusability, and optimal root dvlopmnt.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : D/A, D/P, T/T
Packaging Details : STANDARD
Delivery Time : 30DAYS
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : D/A, D/P, T/T
Packaging Details : STANDARD
Delivery Time : 30DAYS
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : D/A, D/P, T/T
Packaging Details : PALLET
Delivery Time : 30 DAYS
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : D/A, D/P, T/T
Packaging Details : PALLET
Delivery Time : 30 DAYS