Module I: Introduction to Big Data and Ecosystem : Data Types - RDBMS, NoSQL, Time Series, Graph, Filesystem, Stream, Sensor, Spatial.Fundamentals, Core Components, Rack Awareness, Node & Cluster Concept.Big Data Characteristics, Challenges with Traditional Systems.Module II: HDFS, Hadoop Architecture & YARN : HDFS Components, Fault Tolerance, Horizontal Scaling, Block Size, Replication Factor, Daemons, HA, Federation, Quotas.YARN The Hadoop OS In Depth (Architecture, HA, RM, Scheduler, Queues, Node Labels).Module III: Environment: Stack Insight On Premise Vs Cloud (Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR, AWS).Capacity Planning, Hardware / Virtualization Options.Architecture Discussion, Network SetUp & Nodes Enlisting for Batch" Multi Node Cluster for Classroom assignments and learning.