Welcome to Venture Lighting India Limited
Venture Lighting India Limited is a subsidiary of Venture Lighting International Inc. USA which is an integral part of Advanced Lighting Technologies Inc. USA (ADLT) Venture Lighting International is primarily involved in the metal halide research, design and manufacturing operations and is internationally recognized as an innovator in the lighting industry. Venture Lighting India Limited, located in the Madras Export Processing Zone (MEPZ) stated its manufacturing operations from 1998. With an establishment that operates the state-of-the-art manufacturing systems, aided by over 1000 welltrained professionals, as well as a full-fledged R&D engineering team and facility. Venture marched right ahead, into a bright white future. Venture Lighting India Ltd. Is currently the largest manufacturer of Metal Halide Lamps in the Asia Pacific region, producing approx 5,00,000 lamps. 2,00, 000 ballasts and 2,00,000 ignitors every month, occupying manufacturing area of around 1,25,000 sq.ft. for Lamps and 6,50,000 sq.ft. for Ballasts & IBUs.
Regi Varughese
Primary Business