Welcome to Venture Tech India Pvt Ltd
we manufacture agricultural implements and biofermenters
Soppoji Raghavendra
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Welcome to Venture Tech India Pvt Ltd
we manufacture agricultural implements and biofermenters
Soppoji Raghavendra
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Small millet Dehullers are rare in our country and a lot of research is required to be done. We have developed a Dual chamber millet Dehuller to suite the requirement of dehulling finger, foxtail and kodo etc. The Dehuller is equipped with double dehulling, aspirator and an oscillating tray for transferring the seed after dehulling.
Rotary shakers of various capacities . VFC controlled variable speed .Incubated and non incubated. Temperature controlled . Variable flask fixtures. SS and Plexi top cover.
Threshers are power driven machines designed for threshing wheat and rice during the harvesting season. These machines use auxiliary power from tractor power take off or electric motorsdiesel engines. The typical thresher is fitted with a feeding chute at a slope of 10–151 at the mouth of the threshing drum.
Liminar Air Flow Systems by Venture Tech India Pvt Ltd is the best in its category in Hyderabad. The quality of Liminar Air Flow Systems is amazing.
Seed cleaners are meant to clean the seed that comes out of farm with a lot of stones, dust and stubs. Large quantities of seed could be cleaned in a short time.
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