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  1. Aromatic & Essential Oils 111 Products available
  2. Essential Oil 60 Products available
  3. Edible Oil 23 Products available
  4. Fragrances And Perfumes 21 Products available
  5. Natural Menthol 18 Products available
  6. Edible Oils 18 Products available
  7. Oil And Lubricants 14 Products available
  8. Carrier Oil 7 Products available
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  10. Ayurvedic & Herbal Oil 6 Products available
  11. Others Products 33 Products available

Oil And Lubricants

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Elemi Oil, Neroli Oil, Niaouli Oil, Valeriana Wallichii Root Oil and Black Cumin Oil

Elemi Oil

3,412.50 - 20,562.50 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Type Elemi Oil, Natural Essential Oil
  • Shelf Life NA
  • Form Liquid
  • Packaging Type Aluminim Bottles
  • Part Resin
  • Packaging Size 1 Kg, 500 Gm, 5 kg
  • Country of Origin India

The genus Canarium L. probably originated from the North American conti-nent, not Gondwanaland [1]. This clade embraces 75 species of trees which aremainly found in tropical Asia and the Pacific, and a few species in tropicalAfrica [2]. About 9 species were found in the Philippines [2]. The geographi-cal centre of their genetic diversity is the Molucca Islands of eastern Indone-sia, but their centre of cultivated diversity is undoubtedly western Melanesia.Twenty to 25 species are found in the South Pacific, of which 21 are in PapuaNew Guinea [4], eight in the Solomon Islands [5] and 3 or 4 in Vanuatu [6].The members of the genus Canarium L. consist of medium to large buttressedtrees up to 40-50m tall, or rarely a shrub. The barks are greenish grey, fawn orlight yellow brown that are usually smooth, scaly or dippled with many smalllenticels. Outer bark are thin while the inner barks are pinkish brown orreddish brown, laminated, soft and aromatic with a clear sticky or rarely oilyexudate. The stems are usually terete. The leaves are pinnate, spiral and stipulated. The rachis is terete flattened tochanneled swollen at base, and bears 5-21 folioles. The folioles are oblique atbase, entire, dentate or serrate at margin, often thick and acuminiate at apex.The secondary nerves are arching and joined near margin. The tertiary nervesare reticulate. The infloresence is an axillary or terminal panicle

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Neroli Oil

2,625 - 10,500 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Type Neroli, Natural Essential Oil
  • Shelf Life NA
  • Purity 100 %
  • Feature High Quantity
  • Appearance Yellow
  • Form Liquid, Oil
  • Main Ingredient Neroli Flower
  • Packaging Type Drum, Aluminim Bottles
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Packaging Size 1 Ltr, 250 Ml, 5 Ltr, 500 Ml
  • Country of Origin India

Citrus aurantium refers to the bitter orange fruit. The juice, peel, and pulp can be taken orally. They have been used to ease anxiety, digestion, and sleeplessness. Citrus aurantium has also been used to promote weight loss. It can be applied to the skin or diffused as an oil. Citrus aurantium can also be made into a tea or taken as a pill, powder, or extract.

It is a valuable medicinal herb, the orange originated in China and by the middle Ages was a favorite with Arabian physicians. In the 16th century, an Italian princess named Anna-Marie de Nerola reputedly discovered oil extracted from the flowers, which she used to scent her gloves; today neroli oil, as it became known, It is prohibitively expensive. The Chinese remain the greatest enthusiasts of medicinal oranges: the bitter Seville orange (C. aurantium) and sweeter tangerines and satsumas (Citrus reticulata) that are mainly used

By the end of the 17th century, Anne Marie Orsini, duchess of Bracciano and princess of Nerola, Italy, introduced the essence of bitter orange tree as a fashionable fragrance by using it to perfume her gloves and her bath. Since then, the term "neroli" has been used to describe this essence. Neroli has a refreshing and distinctive, spicy aroma with sweet and flowery notes.

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Niaouli Oil

4,375 - 13,125 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Bottle
  • Shelf Life NA
  • Grade Natural EP
  • Purity 100 %
  • Appearance Colorless To Yellow Liquid
  • Form Liquid
  • Packaging Type Drum, Aluminim Bottles
  • Part Leaves
  • Packaging Size 250 Ml, 5 kg
  •  Type Niaouli Oil
  • Country of Origin India

Niaouli is a large evergreen tree having a botanical name of Melaleuca viridiflora and it is originally found in Australia and a few neighboring areas. It grows in seasonally inundated plains and swamps, along estuary margins and is often the dominant species.

In Australia, Melaleuca quinquenervia occurs along the east coast, from Cape York in Queensland to Botany Bay in New South Wales. In the Sydney region it grows alongside trees such as swamp mahogany and bangalay. It grows in silty or swampy soil and plants have grown in acid soil of pH as low as 2.5 m.

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Valeriana Wallichii Root Oil

3,500 - 26,250 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Type Valeriana Wallichii, Natural Essential Oil
  • Shelf Life NA
  • Color Brown
  • Purity 100%
  • Form Leaves
  • Packaging Type Aluminim Bottles
  • Packaging Size 10-20 Kg, 20-30 Kg, 30-50 Kg, 50-100 Kg, 1 kg
  • Country of Origin India

Valeriana wallichii also known as Tagara in Ayurveda is a hairy perennial herb belongs to Valerianeaceae family, growing in the temperate regions of the Himalayas and Khasia hills up to an altitude of 3, 000m. The plant leaves are hairy herb grown up to 45 cm in height. Rootstalk is thick, long-petioled, cordate and ovate, horizontal and usually sinuate, 2.5-2.75 cm in diameter, cauline leaves only a few, much smaller, entire or pinnate, often crowded stipules nil. Flowers of Valerian are deciduous, white to pink, in terminal corymbs and unisexual, male and female in different plants. It has been used in Ayurveda as a medicine for various ailments and disorders from centuries. Roots of Tagara contain Valerinic acid, Valepotriates which has been used as sedative and tranquilizers. Essential oils were usually obtained from the root and dried rhizomes. The essential oil contains sesquiterpene, valeric acid, camphene, terpineol and terpene alcohol.

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Black Cumin Oil

4,375 - 15,750 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Color Pale Yellow To Brown

Black cumin seed oil has been used for health and wellness for thousands of years. In it, youll find vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and even compounds that improves cell growth. Its been called a veritable fountain of youth.

Black cumin seeds come from a plant called Nigella sativa. The plant is sometimes called black caraway or fennel flower too, and its a totally different plant from the cumin that you normally cook with. That kind of cumin comes from Cuminum cyminum and is related to parsley.

Archaeological evidence about the earliest cultivation of N. sativa is still scanty, but N. sativa seeds were found in several sites from ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamuns tomb. Seeds were found in a Hittite flask in Turkey from the second millennium BCE.

Nigella sativa black-caraway, also known as nigella (or kalonji), often called black cumin, is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to south and southwest Asia.

Nigella sativa grows to 20-30 cm (7.9-11.8 in) tall, with finely divided, linear (but not thread-like) leaves. The flower is delicate, and usually colored pale blue and white, with five to ten petals. The black caraway fruit is a large and inflated capsule composed of three to seven united follicles, each containing numerous seeds which are used as spice, sometimes as a replacement for black cumin.

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Primrose Oil

3,500 - 14,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Type Evening Primrose Oil, Carrier Oil
  • Shelf Life NA
  • Purity 99.90%
  • Form Liquid, Oil
  • Packaging Type Aluminim Bottles
  • Packaging Size 100 Ml, 150 Ml, 200 Ml, 250 Ml, 500 Ml, 5 kg
  • Country of Origin India

Evening primrose (OenotheraL.) is a plant belonging to the family Onagraceae, in which the most numerous species isOenothera biennis. Some plants belonging to the genusOenotheraL. are characterized by biological activity. Therefore, studies were conducted to determine the dependence of biological activity on the chemical composition of various parts of the evening primrose, mainly leaves, stems, and seeds. Common components of all parts of theOenothera biennisplants are fatty acids, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. In contrast, primrose seeds also contain proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Therefore, it is believed that the most interesting sources of biologically active compounds are the seeds and, above all, evening primrose seed oil.

Onagraceae, evening primrose family of flowering plants, belonging to the myrtle order (Myrtales), comprising 18 genera and 655 species, and concentrated in the temperate region of the New World. The family is characterized by flowers with parts mostly on the plan of four (four sepals, four petals, four or eight stamens), but there are some exceptions. The ovary is inferior (i.e., below the flower proper). In the temperate zone the family is known from genera such as Epilobium, including the great willow herb, or fireweed (E. angustifolium). Another well-known genus is Oenothera (with about 80 species), which has been of great importance in studies in genetics and evolution.

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Sweet Cherry Oil

3,500 - 12,250 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Cold Pressed Carrier oil
  • Brand Name Venkatramna Industries
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Application Aromatherapy and Massage
  • Color Pale Yellow

The wildcherry, Prunus avium, is a medium-sized deciduous tree with pure white flowers in spring, followed by small, red-purplecherriesin summer. The fruits ofPrunus aviumare edible, butcanbe rather bitter, so opt for a cultivar if your main reason for growing it is to produce edible fruits.

P. avium originated in the area between the Black and Caspian seas of Asia Minor. Birds may have carried it to Europe prior to human civilization. Cultivation probably began with Greeks, and was perpetuated by Romans, where it was believed to be an essential part of the Legionnaires diet (this lead to the spread throughout Europe). Trees were planted along roadsides and were valued for their timber as well as their fruit. Sweet cherries came to the USA with English Colonists in 1629, and later were introduced to California by Spanish Missionaries. In the 1800s sweet cherries were moved west by pioneers and fur traders to their major sites of production in Washington, Oregon, and California. Cultivars selected at that time still form the base of the industry today. There are less than 100 sweet cherry cultivars grown in the major production regions around the world today. Bing, Napoleon (syn. Royal Ann), Ranier, and Lambert are the most important cultivars in North America. Pollinizers for Bing are often Early Burlat, Black Tartarian, and Van. There are a few self-compatible cultivars such as Stella and Lapins, but they are of poorer quality than Bing and others that form the basis of the industry.

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Black Cumin Refined Carrier Oil

Black cumin seed oil has been used for health and wellness for thousands of years. In it, you’ll find vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and even compounds that improves cell growth. It’s been called a veritable fountain of youth.


Black cumin seeds come from a plant called Nigella sativa. The plant is sometimes called black caraway or fennel flower too, and it’s a totally different plant from the cumin that you normally cook with. That kind of cumin comes from Cuminum cyminum and is related to parsley. 


Archaeological evidence about the earliest cultivation of N. sativa “is still scanty”, but N. sativa seeds were found in several sites from ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun’s tomb. Seeds were found in a Hittite flask in Turkey from the second millennium BCE.


Nigella sativa black-caraway, also known as nigella (or kalonji), often called black cumin, is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to south and southwest Asia.


Nigella sativa grows to 20-30 cm (7.9-11.8 in) tall, with finely divided, linear (but not thread-like) leaves. The flower is delicate, and usually colored pale blue and white, with five to ten petals. The black caraway fruit is a large and inflated capsule composed of three to seven united follicles, each containing numerous seeds which are used as spice, sometimes as a replacement for black cumin. 


Botanical Name:  Nigella sativa
Common name:  Black caraway, fennel seed, black cumin
Plant family:  Apiaceae (umbelliferae)
Genus:  Nigella
Appearance/Color: Pale yellow to brown
Origin Israel
Source  Seeds
Method of Extraction Cold Pressed
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Kulanjan Oil

Greater galangal grows to a height of 1.8 m and has long, elegant, blade-like leaves. The flowers are green and white with red tips. Rhizome is built up from cylindrical subunits (circular cross-section), whose pale-reddish surface is characteristically cross-striped by reddish-brown, small rings. The interior has about the same color as the skin and is hard and woody in texture.


The plant grows from rhizomes in clumps of stiff stalks up to 2 m in height with abundant long leaves that bear red fruit. It is native to South Asia and Indonesia and cultivated in Malaysia, Laos and Thailand. A. galanga is the galangal used most often in cookery. The robust rhizome has a sharp, sweet taste and smells like a blend of Black pepper and pine needles. The red fruit is used in traditional Chinese medicine and has a flavor similar to cardamom. 


Kulanjan Oil comes from an erect robust perennial herb. The oil is extracted through steam distillation process from the dried part of roots. 


Botanical Name:  Alpinia galanga (Linn)
Common name:  Galangal
Plant family:  Zingiberaceae
Genus:  Alpinia
Appearance/Color: Yellow to olive brown liquid
Odor: Highly aromatic strong spicy flavor
Blends With: Camphor and Ylang-Ylang
Origin: Indonesia
Source: Rhizomes
Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation

Technical Analysis

Key Constituents Strength (%)
1,8-Cineole 49.6
b-Pinene 6.6
a-Pinene 5.8
a-Terpineol 5
Camphene 4.6
(þ)-Limonene 4
d-Cadinene 2.5
g-Cadinene 2.1
Terpinen-4-ol 1.9
p-Cymene 1.6
(E)-a-Bergamotene 1.6
Camphor 1
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Oakmoss Absolute Oil

Absolute oils are the essential oils which are highly concentrated and have high potency. These Concentrated absolute oils have high aromatic properties thus they are majorly preferred in cosmetics, perfumery, and aromatherapy. During the postproduction processes these oils are further concentrated to make their absolute.

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Osmanthus Abolsute Oil

Absolute oils are the essential oils which are highly concentrated and have high potency. These Concentrated absolute oils have high aromatic properties thus they are majorly preferred in cosmetics, perfumery, and aromatherapy. During the postproduction processes these oils are further concentrated to make their absolute.

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Peach Absolute Oil

Absolute oils are the essential oils which are highly concentrated and have high potency. These Concentrated absolute oils have high aromatic properties thus they are majorly preferred in cosmetics, perfumery, and aromatherapy. During the postproduction processes these oils are further concentrated to make their absolute.

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Tomato Absolute Oil

Absolute oils are the essential oils which are highly concentrated and have high potency. These Concentrated absolute oils have high aromatic properties thus they are majorly preferred in cosmetics, perfumery, and aromatherapy. During the postproduction processes these oils are further concentrated to make their absolute.

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Citral Oil

7,875 - 14,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Type Natural Essential Oil
  • Certification ISO 9001:2008 Certified
  • Shelf Life NA
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Leaves
  • Packaging Size 100ml, 200ml, 250ml, 50ml
  • Country of Origin India

Litsea cubebaPers., Lauraceae, consists of more than 400 species and is predominant in tropical and subtropical regions of India, Southeast Asia, southern China, Taiwan, and Japan.Litseais evergreen, fast growing, and a rare deciduous tree or shrub that attains a height of about 8 m, growing spontaneously in the eastern Himalayas, Assam, Manipur, and Arunachal Pradesh up to an altitude of 2700 m from sea level . In the Assam state of India, the tree is known as mejankari, while it is commonly called May Chang or Chinese pepper in China.Litseaplants are the primary source for traditional medicines but they also serve as a secondary source of food for muga silk worms.

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