Our Products
Our Complete range of products are Melissa Oil, Origanum Oil, Wintergreen Oil, Aniseed Oil and Massage Oil.
Melissa officinalis L, also known as lemon balm, bee balm, honey balm, is a perennial herb. It is a member of the Lamiaceae (mint) family, and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) belongs to a genus that includes 5 species of perennial herbs native to Europe, Central Asia, and Iran. Although Melissa officinalis originated primarily in Southern Europe, it is now naturalized around the world, from North America to New Zealand. Lemon balm occurs naturally in sandy and scrubby areas but has also been reported to grow on damp wasteland, at elevations ranging from sea level to the mountains. In Iran, this plant is known locally by the names Badranjbooye, Varangboo, and Faranjmoshk.
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Origanum Vulgare is also known as Oregano and Wild Marjoram. The name originated from the Greek joy of the mountains and is a common mint species family. It is native to the Mediterranean basin and Asia. It is a perennial herb which grows 2080 cm tall, with leaves of up to 4 cm, and has purple, spikey flowers. Oregano has been a popular culinary herb in Europe since ancient time, and became popular in North America after WWII when returning soldiers posted to Italy brought back a taste for pizza.
Oregano was first used by Greeks since it was originally grown in Greece. They believed that this herb was created by the Goddess Aphrodite. She wanted it to be a symbol of joy growing in her garden. The word oregano comes from the Greek words oros, for mountain, and ganos, for joy meaning joy of the mountains.
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Gaultheria procumbensL. (eastern teaberry, checkerberry, American wintergreen, Ericaceae) is a small, low-growing, evergreen shrub native to northeastern North America and widely cultivated all through the Northern Hemisphere due to its ornamental and medicinal value. The most used plant organs ofG. procumbensare the leaves, traditionally valued as anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents as well as a source of wintergreen essential oil. Methyl salicylate, constituting over 95% of the essential oil, and its glycosidic precursorgaultherinare the main representatives of salicylates, so far considered as the primary active constituents ofGaultheriaplants. However, plant extracts are usually multi-component and their activity is rarely due to one, single constituent.
Gaultheria procumbens, also called teaberry and checkerberry, has many short erect branches with short-stalked, thick, shining tooth-edged leaves in the upper part. Flowers hang singly from the leaf axils and have a pale pink, waxy-looking, urn-shaped corolla. The bright red berrylike fruits, sometimes called deerberries, consist of the much-enlarged fleshy calyx, which surrounds the small many-seeded capsule. The plant is a native of shady woods on sandy soil, particularly in the mountainous areas of the northern United States and southern Canada; it is hardy in England. Mountain tea, an infusion of wintergreen leaves, has been used in some parts of North America as a beverage.
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Anise is a dainty, white-flowered urnbelliferous annual, about 18 inches high, with secondary feather-like leaflets of bright green, hence its name (of mediaeval origin), Pimpinella, from dipinella, or twicepinnate, in allusion to the form of the leaves.
Anise is a dainty, white-flowered urnbelliferous annual, about 18 inches high, with secondary feather-like leaflets of bright green, hence its name (of mediaeval origin), Pimpinella, from dipinella, or twicepinnate, in allusion to the form of the leaves.
Anise fruit yields on distillation from 2.5 to 3.5 per cent. of a fragrant, syrupy, volatile oil, of which anethol, present to about 90 per cent., is the principal aromatic constituent. It has a strong Anise odour and separates in the form of shining white crystalline scales on cooling the oil. Other constituents of the fruit are a fixed oil, choline, sugar and mucilage.
Intended Benefits/Uses or Properties
Aniseed is native to the Middle East and the Romans used it in little cakes that they ate at the end of their banquets. Aniseed is traditionally used with vegetables that can be indigestible such as cabbage, onion, cucumber, carrot, turnip and beetroot. Aniseed is used to flavour many alcoholic drinks such as Pernod, Greek ouzo and mastikha, anesone from Italy and the French drink, pastis. Apart from that it have several pharmaceutical and ayurvedic properties. In India, it is widely used in Pickels since ancient times.
The history of massage therapy dates back to 3000 BCE (or earlier) in India, where it was considered a sacred system of natural healing. Used by Hindus in Ayurveda “life health” medicine, massage therapy was a practice passed down through generations to heal injuries, relieve pain, and prevent and cure illnesses. Promoters of Ayurveda believe that illness and disease are caused when people are out of sync with the environment. Massage is believed to restore the body’s natural and physical balance so that it can heal naturally. As culture and history evolved, the healing methods of massage traveled to China and Southeast Asia about 2700 BCE. Chinese massage methods developed as a combination of skills and practices of traditional Chinese medicine, martial arts and the spiritual yoga training of Buddhists and Taoists. Their methods were very similar to those of the Indians, based on the belief that disease was caused by an imbalance or deficiency of energy of various pathways. The ancient Chinese developed a text called The Yellow Emperor’s Classic Book of Internal Medicine that is today considered a staple of massage therapy alternative medicine (acupuncture, acupressure and herbal remedies). By 2500 BCE, massage therapy had made its way to Egypt, where it was depicted in tomb paintings. The Egyptians added their own bodywork techniques and are credited with developing reflexology, which involves applying pressure to specific points or zones on the feet and hands to effect healing. Later, monks studying Buddhism in China brought massage therapy to Japan in 1000 BCE and put their own twist on it, calling it “anma, ” later known as Shiatsu. This technique is designed to regulate and strengthen organs by rebalancing energy levels through the stimulation of pressure points in hopes of bringing natural resistance to illness.
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Delivery Time : 2 Days after payment confirmation
The term "wild" when applied to plants or plant species refers to those that grow spontaneously in self-maintaining populations in natural or semi-natural ecosystems and can exist independently of direct human action.Venkatramna Industries have selective wild varieties of species which are being conserved to obtain oil and this is one of them. These species are the wild species (Original of their genera), means they are not Genetically modified (GMO), Non-Hybrid and no artificial or desired characters were induced. Collectively we call them Wild Crafted Essential Oils.
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