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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Allspice Essential Oil, Asafoetida Oil, Bergaptene Essential Oil, Champa Essential Oil and Clary Sage Essential Oil.
pimento berry essential oil (also known as allspice oil, jamaican pepper and pimenta) is steam distilled from the fully grown, but unripe, dried, crushed fruits of the pimenta officinalis tree. the tree is native to the west indies and south america where the berries are widely used as a culinary spice. the spice has a strong, pungent flavor and aroma that is like several spices combined - namely cinnamon, clove, ginger, nutmeg and black pepper - hence why it is commonly known as 'allspice'.
pimento essential oil has a lovely warming effect on the body but isnt quite as fiery as some of the other spice oils. when used in small quantities it produces a lovely, gradual, warming sensation that can be particularly soothing for aches, pains and tension (especially those caused by the cold). it can also be helpful for soothing the emotions, relieving fatigue and helping with digestive and respiratory ailments.
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Plants have been a constant source of drugs and recently, much emphasis has been placed on finding novel therapeutic agents from medicinal plants. Today many people prefer to use medicinal plants rather than chemical drugs.Ferula asafoetidaLinn: Asafoetida, the gum resin prized as a condiment in India and Iran, is obtained chiefly from plantFerula asafoetida. The Latin name ferula means carrier or vehicle. Asa is a latinized form of Farsi asa resin, and Latin foetidus means smelling, fetid. In ancient Rome, asafoetida was stored in jars together with pine nuts, which were alone used to flavor delicate dishes. Another method is dissolving asafoetida in hot oil and adding the oil drop by drop to the food. If used with sufficient moderation, asafoetida enhances mushroom and vegetable dishes, but can also be used to give fried or barbecued meat a unique flavor. Ancient texts describe it as hing and several centuries of its constant use have bestowed upon it the peculiarity of a tempting spice and trusted medicine. Hing is bitter and pungent in taste and light, sharp, unctuous and hot in effect. Ayurvedic texts have categorized hing as deepniya and sanjna-sthapaka (an appetiser and a restorer of consciousness). It is popular household remedies and its components are used for many prescriptions in traditional healing.
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Wild bergamot is a herb native to the woodlands of north America. It bears flowers of scarlet, pink, white or purple and has green, over leaves. The leaves have a red-colored vein running through them. The reason that bee balm is also given the name bergamot is that the aroma reminded the botanist, Dr Nicholas Mondares- whose name was given to the Latin name of the plant, Mondara- of the citrus aroma of bergamot.
Seed-sow mid to late spring in a cold frame. Germination usually takes place within 10-40 days at 20 degree. When large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and plant them out into their permanent positions in early summer. The seed can also be show in situ in late summer in areas where the winters are not too severe and will produce larger plants. Cutting of soft basal shoots in spring. Harvest the shoots with plenty of underground steam when they are about 8-10cm above the ground.
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Michelia champaca L. (Magnoliaceae) commonly known as Champa wild in the eastern sub-Himalayan tract and lower hills up to 3, 000 ft. and found in Assam, Burma, South India. The plant is a handsome, evergreen shrub. Leaves 15- 25 by 5-9 cm., lanceolate, acute, entire, glabrous; petioles 18-25mm long. Flowers about 5-6.2 cm. diameter, very fragrant, greyish yellow pubescent. Sepals and petals 15 or more deep yellow or orange. Grey or brownish bark. Seeds 1-12, brown, polished, variously angled, rounded on the back.
It is native to the Philippines and the Indonesian islands, now also grows in place far west of its origin-India, southeast china, reunion, and Madagascar; the flowers are a beautiful deep orange-yellow borne on a medium-sized slender tree related to the magnolias. 4 in many areas where it thrives, the flowers are used for ornamental purposes and for worship in temples. It is a woody tree species, which has high economic value as basic material for medicinal and fragrance products. Flowers in general, and champaca, benefits from CO2 extraction for an important reason; numerous monoterpene hydrocarbons detected in the essential oil are not found in the CO2 extract and appear as artifacts or decomposition products during distillation. The CO2 extract of champaca is free of solvent residue, contains far less waxes, is chemically superior to a distillate, and has a closer fragrance profile to the fresh flowers.
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clary sage (salvia sclarea l.) is native to southern europe and is cultivated worldwide, as ornamental, as well as essential oil bearing plant. clary sage is well known for its high value essential oil, widely used in perfumery. besides, the oil possesses high biological activity and because of that is used against stress, tension, depression, insomnia, etc. however, traditionally clary sage oil was used an agent against gingivitis, stomatitis and aphthae. apart of that, recent studies reported analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiabetic and cytotoxic effects. studies on clary sage seed fatty oil show that it is a good source of edible oil rich in omega 3-linoleic acid. clary sage is also used in alcoholic beverages, as well as in industry. novel investigations indicated that clary sage have great potential in agriculture because of phytoremediation, allelopathic and insecticidal properties.
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Clove contains several volatile oils, the most significant of which is eugenol that comprises up to 90% of the total oil produced. Eugenol has numerous medical and commercial applications and continues to be extracted primarily from clove buds, though it can also be extracted from the leaves of the clove tree and from some other plants, such as allspice (Pimenta dioica), in smaller quantities.
Clove was originally found only on the Maluku Islands of Indonesia, but in the 17th century fierce competition between warring European nations that sought control of the spice trade eventually led to clove trees being transported all over the world for cultivation.
The historical importance of clove in international trade means it is now grown in numerous locations throughout the tropics including Indonesia, Zanzibar, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and parts of the Caribbean. More recently, clove production has begun in the Brazilian state of Bahia. Clove grows best on tropical mountain slopes at lower elevations as part of a mixed forest. Many of the islands to which they are native are volcanic.
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Coffee (Coffea sp.) is a perennial plant widely cultivated in many tropical countries. It is a cash crop for millions of small farmers in these areas.
The coffee beverage treasured by millions of people around the world results from roasted seeds of trees belonging to the botanical family Rubiaceae, genusCoffea. Coffee plants were discovered in Africa and eventually disseminated to countries throughout the world. Along this journey, several new cultivars have been created from selected varieties to fulfil the need for plants with higher productivity, resistance to diseases and superior cup quality, and over time, new wild varieties have been discovered as well. Currently, over 100 species within the genusCoffeaare catalogued.Despite this diversity, only two species are actually of great importance in the world market, C. arabicaL. andC. canephoraPierre. Knowing the genetic origin of coffee varieties and cultivars within these two species is important to understand the main differences and similarities in their chemical composition and flavor.
Since its discovery, coffee has attracted the attention of explorers and botanists from all over the world, especially in the second half of the 19th century, when many new species were discovered. Because of the great variation in the types of coffee plants and seeds, botanists have failed to agree on a precise, single system to classify them or even to designate some plants as true members of theCoffeegenus.
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Vaccinium macrocarpon, commonly called American cranberry, is native to bogs, swamps, and wet shorelines in parts of northern and eastern North America. It is a low-growing vine or trailing shrub (to 6" tall and spreading) with small, glossy leaves. Small, nodding flowers with white to pink, recurved petals bloom from late spring into early summer. The flowers are followed by plump, red to dark purple, ovoid to round, 0.5" diameter fruits. The leaves of this plant are a larval food source for the bog copper butterfly, the flowers are visited by bees, and the fruits are eaten by birds and occasionally small mammals. The genus nameVacciniumcomes from an ancient Latin name apparently derived from a prehistoric Mediterranean language. Its origin and meaning are generally considered to be lost to time. The specific epithetmacrocarponmeans large-fruited, about the relatively large size of the fruit of this species. The cranberries have many biological actions and deliberate as a most important medical fruit. These activities, particularly due to the various phenolic compounds. It can be recommended that the chronic use of cranberry reduced UTIs, Cardiovascular disease chance, inhibits breast, colon, prostate cancer and other type of cancer.
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Murraya koenigii has diverse role in traditional medicine and is known for its stomachic properties. The leaves and roots in different forms have great therapeutic potential and is used for the treatment of night blindness, dysentery, diarrhoea, vomiting, bites of poisonous animals, bruises and eruption. Leaves are often used in curries for flavouring and seasoning due to their aromatic nature. They are generally called by the name "curry leaves" and are an important export commodity from India and fetches good foreign revenue. The plant is a rich source of carbazole alkaloids. Phytocompounds like koenimbine, koenine, mahanimbine, murrayazolidine, murrayazoline, murrayacine, girinimbine, mukoeic acid, etc. have also been isolated and characterized. These bioactive compounds possess antioxidant, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, hepatoprotective and antitumor properties.
Murraya koenigii is a native of India, Sri Lanka and other south Asian countries. Murraya koenigii is distributed throughout India and is abundantly found from Sikkim to Garhwal, Bengal, Assam, Western Ghats and Kerala. It reached to Malaysia, South Africa and Reunion Island from India along with South Indian immigrants. Murraya koenigii is more or less deciduous shrub or small tree reaching up to 6 m in height. The plant has a short trunk with 15-40 cm diameter, smooth, greyish or brown bark and has dense shady crown. The main stem is dark green to brownish in colour. The leaves are bipinnately compound, 15-30 cm long, each bearing 11-25 leaflets alternate on rachis, 2.5-3.5 cm long ovate lanceolate with an oblique base. The leaf margins are irregularly serrate and petiole is 2-3 mm long. Inflorescence is terminal cymes; each bearing 60-90 flowers. Each flower is bisexual, white, funnel shaped sweetly scented, stalked, complete, ebracteate and regular with average diameter of fully opened flower being 1.12 cm. The calyx is deeply lobed with five cleft and pubescent. Petals are five with free, whitish, glabrous dotted glands. Fruits occur in close clusters. They are small ovoid or subglobose, glandular, with thin pericarp enclosing one or two seeds which are spinach green in colour.
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The genus Plumeria L. (family Apocynaceae), comprises of lactiferous trees and deciduous shrubs, is a native of tropical America, and now widely distributed from southern Mexico to northern South America, tropical areas of Pacific islands, Caribbean, India. Plumeria spp. are commonly grown as ornamental plants in premises, parks, gardens and graveyards because of their beautiful fragrant flowers of various color and size. The essential oil and fragrant constituents from the flowers of various Plumeria species are used in perfumery, cosmetics and aromatherapy. Plumeria spp. are known for their diverse medicinal uses in indigenous medicine, mainly as purgative, rubefacient, errunenagogue, febrifuge or diuretic, and for treatment of dropsy dysuria, diarrhea, itch, bronchitis, cough, asthma, fever, piles, dysentery, blood disorders and tumors.
It is commonly referred to as the Frangipani after the famous fragrance created by Muzio Frangipani. Frangipani tree is known as the Tree of Life, "Temple tree", other common names are: Plumeria, In Hawaii, the name is "melia", In India, the name is "champa" or "chaffa", in thai as "Leelawadee" and as "Camboja"in Indonesia.
Natural Frangipani oil is highly regarded in Ayurveda for centuries for its healing powers. Frangipani essential oil has a important place in aromatherapy due to the scents rejuvenating qualities for the mind and body. it is believed to effects deep internal cleansing that refreshes the Mind, body and soul.
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Hedychium spicatum is a perennial hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs).It is commonly called Kapoor Kachri plant in India. It is an annual herb having horizontal root and tuberous root fibers. The flowers are attractive and have ornamental applications in house hold. Flowers have good smell and are used in bouquets and bridal wreaths.
The rootstock has a number of medicinal properties and is used as a carminative, expectorant, stimulant. In traditional medicine it is used to treat liver complaints, fevers, vomiting, diarrhea, inflammation, pains and snake bite. It is used in the treatment of indigestion and poor circulation due to thickening of the blood.
Hedychium essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the root stock. And we offer a pure quality Hedychium essential oil that can be helpful to treat different ailments.
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Cistus Ladanifer essential oil is one of the most interesting and valuable products that can be obtained from the Cistus Ladanifer plant. There are several methods to obtain this oil, however, all of the producers in Portugal that we know get their Cistus Ladanifer essential oil by using steam distillation. This distinction is important as Cistus Ladanifer resins obtained through other methods can also be steam distilled to produce oils.
Cistus Absolute, also frequently referred to as Labdanum Absolute, is also commercially available. It's much thicker in consistency. The solvent extraction process used to create the absolute is able to capture more of the heavier aromatic molecules than can be captured during steam distillation. To me, the aroma of the absolute is sweeter, deeper and much more balsamic in aroma. Everyone is different in how essential oils impact them emotionally. Your experience with Cistus Absolute may differ.
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Michelia champaca is native to the Philippines and the Indonesian islands, but now also grows in places far west of its origin - India, southeast China, Runion, and Madagascar; the flowers are a beautiful deep orange-yellow borne on a medium-sized slender tree related to the Magnolias.4 In many areas where it thrives, the flowers are used for ornamental purposes and for worship in temples.
It is a fast growing medium-sized tree with an upright habit and attractive lime-green foliage. The lovely, orchid-like, highly fragrant, white flowers appear from mid Spring through to Autumn. Moist, well drained situations are preferred in full sun to partial shade. Mulch well to keep surface roots cool, and water regularly during Summer. Paklan will thrive in subtropical areas, but can be grown from Cairns to Tasmania and tolerates light frost to -4 degrees Celsius. This tree responds well to pruning and its narrow, upright form makes it an excellent specimen tree for medium to large gardens or parks.
In Theravada Buddhism, champaca is said to have used as the tree for achieved enlightenment, or Bodhi by seventeenth Lord Buddha called "Aththadassi. According to Tibetan beliefs, the Buddha of the next era will find enlightenment under the white flower canopy of the champaca tree
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osmanthus fragrans, also known as sweet olive or fragrant olive, is one of the most famous flowers in china due to attractive color and strong fragrance. it produces clusters of not particularly showy flowers that have an extremely powerful apricot fragrance. it is a small, upright, evergreen tree or large shrub that will typically grow to 10-15 tall in cultivation but may reach 20-30 tall in its native habitat in asia (himalayas, china and japan). it must be grown in containers in the st. louis area. features oval, leathery, glossy green leaves (to 4 long). leaf margins may be smooth or finely toothed. tiny white flowers appear in axillary clusters in spring, with some sporadic bloom through the summer into fall. varieties of the species bear flowers in orange, gold and reddish hues. the plant has very fragrant flower. in china, flowers are sometimes added to teas.
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Ravensara aromatica Sonnerat is an endemic tree of ever green and wet forests of east Madagascar. This species is used to produce essential oil used in aromatherapy in Europe and America. Ravensara is derived from trees in Madagascar. Because of is range of complementary constituents, ravensara oil tends to sweeten or enhance the effects of other oils when used in therapeutic essential oil blends.
Therapeutic ravensara essential oil (Ravensara aromatica) is available from Madagascar, best made using the leaves, not the bark. Many sources of this oil mix the leaves and bark, which increases liver toxicity.
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Cinnamomum is a genus of evergreen aromatic trees and shrubs belonging to the laurel family, Lauraceae. The species of Cinnamomum have aromatic oils in their leaves and bark. The genus contains over 300 species, distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of North America, Central America, South America, Asia, Oceania, and Australasia. The genus includes a great number of economically important trees. The unique, rich, herbaceous, warm, camphoraceous and spicy aroma of Sugandha Kokila essential oil is extracted from the dried berries of this plant, scientifically known as Cinnamomum glaucescens is a member of the Lauraceae family. The ancient Ayurvedic texts recommend the use of this oil as a natural tonic for the digestive system and the central nervous system.
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Chamomile is a plant that has been used since ancient Egypt in a variety of healing applications. Chamomile is a native of the Old World; it is related to the daisy family, having strongly scented foliage and flowers with white petals and yellow centers. The name chamomile is derived from two Greek words that mean ground and apple, because chamomile leaves smell somewhat like apples, and because the plant grows close to the ground.
There are two varieties of chamomile commonly used in herbal preparations for internal use and foraromatherapy.One is called Roman chamomile(Anthemis nobilis), with contemporary sources in Belgium and southern England. Roman chamomile grows to a height of 9 in (23 cm) or less, and is frequently used as a ground cover along garden paths because of its pleasant apple scent. German chamomile(Matricaria recutita)is grown extensively in Germany, Hungary, and parts of the formerSoviet Union. German chamomile grows to a height of about 3 ft (1 m) and is the variety most commonly cultivated in theUnited States, where it is used medicinally.
Moroccan chamomile is a member of the tansy botanical family and is like German chamomile since day both produce a deep, ink-blue color when in the form of an essential oil. Out of the two varieties, Moroccan chamomile has the highest levels of chamazulene; however, there are some chamomiles that are not blue in color. They are appelled Moroccan chamomile because they are a variety of chamomile that is a grown in morocco. True Tanacetum annuum is blue and contains the highest levels of chamazulene; however, there is some concern with Tanacetum annuum, also called blue tansy oil.
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Babassu oil is a nutrient-rich, edible oil that comes from cold-pressing the nut of the babassu palm tree. This lightweight palm fruit oil has antioxidants and healthy fatty acids, making it similar to coconut oil. Babassu oil is also a solid at room temperature but softens to a liquid when in warmer environments or when applied to your skin. Attalea speciosa, or the babassu palm tree, is native to the Amazonian rainforest and found in Brazil, Bolivia, Suriname, and Guyana. The tree has a long history of use throughout its natural habitat, from folk and traditional medicine to construction materials, food, and cosmetic products. Babassu oil is primarily used for skin and hair care, but it can also be used in food and as a cooking oil. People throughout the Amazonian rainforest region also use the oil to help with wounds, inflammation, and other conditions. Research on babassu oil is beginning to support some of its traditional uses and claims, but studies are limited.
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Rosaspecies, rose hips, are widespread wild plants that have been traditionally used as medicinal compounds for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. The therapeutic potential of these plants is based on its antioxidant effects caused by or associated with its phytochemical composition, which includes ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds and healthy fatty acids among others. Over the last few years, medicinal interest in rose hips has increased as a consequence of recent research that has studied its potential application as a treatment for several diseases including skin disorders, hepatotoxicity, renal disturbances, diarrhoea, inflammatory disorders, arthritis, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, obesity and cancer. In this review, the role of different species ofRosain the prevention of treatment of various disorders related to oxidative stress, is examined, focusing on new therapeutic approaches from a molecular point of view.
The skin brightening properties of Rosehip Seed Oil help restore skins natural color and tone while lightening any unwanted dark blemishes caused by damage from overexposure to the sun, age spots, acne scars, or wounds. Its astringent, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties are known to facilitate the healing of wounds and burns by tightening the skin. This makes it effective in firming skin that sags from rapid weight loss such as after child birth. Rosehip Carrier Oil strengthens not only cells and tissue, but also brittle nails with dry cuticles. When used in hair care, Rosehip Oils fatty acids reduce the itchiness characteristic of a dry scalp. The oil instantly restores hairs shine by eliminating dandruff without leaving a greasy residue on the scalp, making it easy to use directly on the scalp without the worry of an oily look and feel. Rich in vitamins, Rosehip Carrier Oil gives hair resilience, adding silkiness, volume, and bounce to strands that are dull and limp.
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Out of over 200 species of the rose bush and approximately 10, 000 more hybrid species of rose, only about six species are used to produce rose oil and rose absolute, with the vast majority being produced from Rosa damascena and Rosa centifolia. Other species of rose used to produce rose otto and rose absolute in limited quantities are Rosa rugosa, Rosa alba, Rosa bourbonia and Rosa moschata. These particular rose species exhibit the traditional fragrance commonly associated with the rose plant, while other varieties may exude aromas of fruits, musks, or other flowers (Guenther, E. (1952) The Essential Oils. London: Macmillan). The rose’s familiar fragrance is due to a simple water-soluble alcohol, beta-phenylethanol, and three monoterpenic oil-soluble alcohols, geraniol, nerol, and citronellol. The acetate esters of these alcohols are also rose-scented but of a slightly different fragrance. The clove-scented eugenol and methyl eugenol contribute to the spiciness of the rose’s fragrance. The different concentrations of these chemicals determine the final fragrance, which varies for each species of rose.
Rosa damascena mill L, commonly known as Damask rose, is known as GoleMohammadi in Iran. It is one of the most important species of Rosaceae family. Rosaceae are well- known ornamental plants and have been referred to as the king of flowers. At present time, over 200 rose species and more than 18000 cultivars form of the plant have been identified. Apart from the use of R. damascena as ornamental plants in parks, gardens, and houses, they are principally cultivated for using in perfume, medicine and food industry. However, R. damascena is mainly known for its perfuming effects. The rose water were scattered at weddings to ensure a happy marriage and are symbol of love and purity and are also used to aid meditation and prayer.
The term "wild" when applied to plants or plant species refers to those that grow spontaneously in self-maintaining populations in natural or semi-natural ecosystems and can exist independently of direct human action. Venkatramna Industries have selective wild varieties of species which are being conserved to obtain oil and this is one of them. These species are the wild species (Original of their genera), means they are not Genetically modified (GMO), Non-Hybrid and no artificial or desired characters were induced. Collectively we call them Wild Crafted Essential Oils.
Rose oil is obtained from the petals of difference Rosa species especially Rosa centifolia L. and Rosa damascena Mill. Various pharmacological properties have been attributed to rose oil.Next to rose oil, rose absolute, rose water and rose concrete are important basic materials in cosmetic industries. For the production of 1 kg of rose oil 3500–4000 kilograms of rose flowers are necessary. Due to its expensive industrial production and also to high importance in the cosmetic industry, rose oil is often called “liquid gold”. The most common chemical compounds present in essential rose oil obtained from R. damascene are citronellol, geraniol, nerol, farnesol and androse oxide, which is a fragrance attributed to rose.
Cedar trees in general have a long history of use for furniture and buildings as well as in various herbal remedies and aromatherapy preparations. According to the Old Testament, King Hiram of Tyre sent cedar wood from Lebanon to King Solomon for the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Cedar wood has also been used for centuries to line closets or make chests to protect clothing from moths. The fragrant wood was also used by Native Americans as well as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans as an ingredient in incense blends.
Cedrus atlantica (Atlas Cedar) is a large, beautiful, evergreen, blue coloured or bluish green coloured tree. The colour of this plant is due to the colour of the foliage. It is a long tree with a pyramid shaped crown with few open branches but can be spreading when mature. It is planted along the roadside, street walks, sidewalks, etc to enhance scenic beauty. It has glossy and cylindrical cones that mature in September and October.
Cedrus atlantica is a native to North Africa and occurs at high altitudes on the mountainsides. It needs full or partial sunlight for growth. It cannot grow in shady places. It prefers moist and dry soil for growth.This plant provided habitat for Barbary macaque. This plant is an endangered species because of the human exploitation for wood and timber.It is also used as habitat for many bird species for nesting and roosting.
There are several ‘cedarwood’ essential oils extracted from trees of the Cupressaceae family and traded in commerce, but these oils are not as commonly used in aromatherapy as the familiar ‘atlas’ and ‘virginian’ types. For example, Chinese cedarwood (Juniperus funebris), Texas cedarwood (Juniperus ashei) and Himalayan cedarwood (Cedrus deodara) are all used in the fragrance industry, but for various reasons they are not commonly used therapeutically.
The term "wild" when applied to plants or plant species refers to those that grow spontaneously in self-maintaining populations in natural or semi-natural ecosystems and can exist independently of direct human action. Venkatramna Industries have selective wild varieties of species which are being conserved to obtain oil and this is one of them. These species are the wild species (Original of their genera), means they are not Genetically modified (GMO), Non-Hybrid and no artificial or desired characters were induced. Collectively we call them Wild Crafted Essential Oils.
Intended Benefits/Uses or Properties
Botanical Name: | Cedrus deodara |
Common name: | Himalayan Cedar |
Plant family: | Pinaceae |
Genus: | Cedrus |
Appearance/Color: | A thin, golden yellow to orange or brown liquid. |
Odor: | A middle note of strong aroma, cedarwood atlas oil has a woody, sweet, scent that is sharper than Virginian cedarwood, and slightly reminiscent of mothballs. |
Blends With: | Rosewood, bergamot, cypress, cassia, jasmine, juniper, neroli, labdanum, frankincense, clary sage, vetive, rosemary, ylang-ylang. |
Origin | Nepal |
Source | Wood |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
b-himachalene | 8.0-13.0 |
a-himachalene | 20.0-30.0 |
(E)-a-atlantone | 4.2-7.4 |
g-himachalene | 5.8-9.7 |
deodarone | 4.2-6.7 |
(E)-g-atlantone | 1.4-3.4 |
himachalol | 1.7-3.7 |
Isocedranol | 1.4-2.1 |
(Z)-a-atlantone | 0.1-2.8 |
d-cadinene | |
1-epi-cubenol | 2.1-2.5 |
(Z)-trans-a-bergamotol | 0-2.05 |
cedranone | 0.7-1.5 |
a-calacorene | 0.4-1.6 |
b-himachalene oxide | 0-1.6 |
g-curcumene | 2.0-1.6 |
b-vetivene | 0.3-1.4 |
Cadalene | 0-1.8 |
a-dehydroar himachalene | 0.6-1.23 |
The family Geraniaceae contains three genera: Geranium, Erodium, and Pelargonium. The names, derived from the three Greek words meaning crane, heron, and stork, refer to the resemblance of the seed case to the slender bills of these three birds. Pelargonium species originate in South Africa and different species are found in distinct habitats. The Pelargonium species related to the Geranium oil-producing cultivars are mainly located in the Cape area.
Pelargonium plants are comprised of a myriad of hybrids and cultivars. They are bushy perennial shrubs possessing hairy, jagged leaves and clusters of small, pink striped flowers. The plant grows best in a warm temperate climate with plenty of sunshine for maximum oil development. It is sensitive to cold weather and frost averse. Glands located widely over the surface of the leaves and the green parts of the plant produce an aromatic volatile oil. Variations in the aromatic compounds of different cultivars results in diverse aromatic profiles for the different types of geranium essential oils available, that is, rose geranium, geranium or rose geranium bourbon. This is a key component of the surprise and delight inherent in plant-based aromas.
The term "wild" when applied to plants or plant species refers to those that grow spontaneously in self-maintaining populations in natural or semi-natural ecosystems and can exist independently of direct human action. Venkatramna Industries have selective wild varieties of species which are being conserved to obtain oil and this is one of them. These species are the wild species (Original of their genera), means they are not Genetically modified (GMO), Non-Hybrid and no artificial or desired characters were induced. Collectively we call them Wild Crafted Essential Oils.
Intended Benefits/Uses or Properties
Geranium Essential Oil rightfully holds a beautiful reputation as an essential oil that is especially well suited for women. It's supportive to the reproductive system, menstrual cycle and during menopause. Its benefits, however, don't just end there. It's a wonderful essential oil for use in balancing the skin's production of sebum and in helping with acne. Geranium Essential Oil is astringent, and it can also be helpful with hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Refer to the Uses selection below for more benefits and uses.Geranium oil is widely used as an ingredient in perfumes and cosmetics. The essential oil is also used in aromatherapy to treat a number of health conditions.
Botanical Name: | Pelargonium graveolens |
Common name: | Rose geranium, sweet scented geranium, old fashion rose geranium, rose-scent geranium |
Plant family: | Geraniaceae |
Genus: | Pelargonium |
Appearance/Color: | A thin, pale yellow to greenish yellow liquid. |
Odor: | Geranium Essential Oil smells floral, fresh, sweet and slightly fruity. |
Blends With: | Lavandin, Angelica, Carrot Seed, Bergamot, Cedar Wood, Lemon, Jasmine, Lavender, Citronella, Grapefruit, Neroli, Lime, Basil, Orange and Rosemary extracts. |
Origin: | Morocco |
Source: | Leaves, Flowers |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Linalool | 5.6-8.6 |
Citronellol | 18.6-27.8 |
Geraniol | 15.1-18.6 |
Citronellyl formate | 5.5-8.1 |
Isomenthone | 3.8-5.6 |
Geranyl formate | 2.8-6.6 |
10-epi-g-eudesmol | 0-5.2 |
Geranyl tiglate | 1.1-2.4 |
Geranyl butyrate | 0.4-2.4 |
Citronellyl propionate | 0-2.5 |
menthone | 0.8-2.1 |
Geranyl propionate | 0.7-1.6 |
(Z)-rose oxide | 0.8-1.3 |
Citronellyl butyrate | 0.4-1.1 |
Citronellyl actetate | 0.9-1.2 |
Nerol | 0.6-1.2 |
2-phenylethyl tiglate | 0.4-1.0 |
a-terpineol | 0.9-1.0 |
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is a perennial, herbaceous rhizomatous monocot, belonging to the family Zingiberaceae. It is a native of the moist evergreen forests of the Western Ghats of South India. The cardamom of commerce is the dried ripe fruit (capsule) of the cardamom plant. This is often referred to as the 'Queen of Spices' because of its very pleasant aroma and taste and is highly valued from ancient times. It is grown extensively in the hilly regions of South India at elevations of 600-1300 m as an under crop in forest lands. Cardamom is also grown in Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania and Guatemala. Guatemala is incidentally the largest producer of cardamom now.
Cardamom is a major spice crop of India and improvement of the crop has attracted considerable attention after independence. The 'Western Ghat forests' of the Malabar Coast of India is the centre of origin and the primary centre of diversity of cardamom. In ancient days, cardamom was collected mainly by tribal people as a forest produce. Later, by the end of 19" century, cardamom plantations came up in Western Ghat forest areas and also in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). The credit for starting organized cultivation of cardamom goes to the British planters. Later cardamom was introduced to Guatemala from Ceylon by 1920s and after the second world war cardamom production in Guatemala expanded considerably and by 1970s the country became the largest commercial producer of cardamom eclipsing the monopoly of India.
Cardamom oil is produced commercially using crushed fruits. It is used mainly as an alternative to the spice for flavouring a wide range of processed and frozen foods, condiments, gelatines and beverages. It is also used to a minor extent as tobacco flavouring, and in cosmetics, soaps, lotions and perfumes. Oleoresin is used as an oil substitute in similar products.
Botanical Name: | Elettaria cardamomum L. |
Common name: | Cardamon/ Lesser Cardamon, Elaichi |
Plant family: | Zingiberaceae |
Genus: | Elettaria |
Appearance/Color: | A light, colourless to very pale yellow liquid. |
Odor: | Cardamom essential oil is a flavorful and distinct product comes from sweet smelled cardamom seeds. Due to its strong aroma, it has secured a top note in aroma category. |
Blends With: | It is a versatile essential oil, cardamom oil can easily be blended with orange, rose, cinnamon Bark , caraway, clove bud and cedarwood. |
Origin | India |
Source | Seeds |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
1,8-cineole | 26.5-44.6 |
a-Terpinyl acetate | 29.2-39.7 |
Linyl acetate | 0.7-7.7 |
(p)-Limonene | 1.7-6.0 |
Linalool | 0.4-5.9 |
a-Terpineol | 0.8-4.3 |
Sabinene | 2.5-3.8 |
Terpinen-4-ol | 0.9-3.2 |
(E)-Nerolidol | 0.1-2.7 |
b-Myrcene | 0.2-2.2 |
a-Pinene | 0.6-1.5 |
Geraniol | 0.3-1.1 |
Agarwood is a fragrant dark resinous wood used in incense, perfume, and small carvings. It is formed in the heartwood of aquilaria trees when they become infected with a type of mold.
The odor of agarwood is complex and pleasing, with few or no similar natural analogues. In the perfume state, the scent is mainly distinguished by a combination of "oriental-woody" and "very soft fruity-floral" notes. The incense smoke is also characterized by a "sweet-balsamic" note and "shades of vanilla and musk" and amber (not to be confused with ambergris). Agarwood and its essential oil gained great cultural and religious significance in ancient civilizations around the world, being described as a fragrant product as early as 1400 BCE in one of the world's oldest written texts – the Sanskrit Vedas from India.
The agarwood oil is extracted with the method known as hydro distillation. The oil extract is formed is the purest for of oil which 100% natural without containing any artificial chemical ingredient in it.
Botanical Name : | Aquilaria agallocha |
Common name: | Agarwood, Oudh, Agalocha,Aloeswood, Eaglewood,Gharuwood |
Plant family: | Thymelaeceae |
Genus: | Aquilaria |
Appearance/Color: | Dark gold-amber, transparent, viscous liquid |
Odor: | Oriental-woody and very soft fruity-floral notes aroma, with shades of smoky, amber incese, and honeyed tobacco, and sensual animalic notes resembling musk/castoreum. |
Blends With: | All florals, woods and spice oils, Ambrette seed CO2, Buddhawood, Cardamom, Champaca Pink, Cistus, Cyprol, Hinoki, labdanum, Rose Otto, rose Moroco, White ginger, Sandalwood Mysore, Sandalwood Absolute, Saffron Absolute, tuberose, Pink lotus, Jasmine grand absolute, Jasmine samabc absolute, Pink Peppercorn, Potchouli. |
Origin | India (Assam) |
Source | Wood |
Method Of Extraction | Hydro-distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
2-2-4-Methoxyphenyl-ethyl Chromone | 21.2-33 |
2-2-Phenylethyl Chromone | 16.1-23.6 |
Oxo-Agarospirol | 1.4-5.3 |
Guaia-1-10, 11-dien-15oic acid | <4.7 |
6-Methoxy-2-2-4-Methoxyphenyl-ethyl chromone | 2.0-3.7 |
Guaia-1, 11-dien-15-al | 0.4-3.4 |
Selina-3,11-dien-9-ol | 0.4-2.8 |
Selina-3,11-dien-9-one | 0.2-2.1 |
Pimento Berry essential oil (also known as Allspice oil, Jamaican Pepper and Pimenta) is steam distilled from the fully grown, but unripe, dried, crushed fruits of the Pimenta officinalis tree. The tree is native to the West Indies and South America where the berries are widely used as a culinary spice. The spice has a strong, pungent flavor and aroma that is like several spices combined - namely cinnamon, clove, ginger, nutmeg and black pepper - hence why it is commonly known as 'Allspice'.
Pimento Berry essential oil (also known as Allspice oil, Jamaican Pepper and Pimenta) is steam distilled from the fully grown, but unripe, dried, crushed fruits of the Pimenta officinalis tree. The tree is native to the West Indies and South America where the berries are widely used as a culinary spice. The spice has a strong, pungent flavor and aroma that is like several spices combined - namely cinnamon, clove, ginger, nutmeg and black pepper - hence why it is commonly known as 'Allspice'.
Intended Benefits/Uses or Properties
Allspice contains a chemical called eugenol, which might explain some of its traditional uses for toothache, muscle pain, and as a germ-killer. In short it has all the antibacterial properties and seems to improve the immunity.
Allspices in Pharma
It is a natural herb which is formerly known as ‘spice’, thus it has various applicative properties and applications in ayurvedic and pharmaceutical sectors. It is used for gastrointestinal disorders, and topically, for arthritis and muscular pain.
Essence of Allspice
The warm, spicy aroma of Allspice Essential Oil is like that of clove and cinnamon essential oils. The high content of Eugenol is partly responsible for this similarity.Allspice Essential Oil, in small dilutions, is said to act as an aphrodisiac. Its rich, warm aroma also complements masculine blends. Allspice Essential Oil is regarded for its use within personal fragrance, massage, arthritic and muscular applications.
Botanical Name : | Pimenta officinalis | |
Common name: | Allspice, Pimento | |
Plant family: | Myrtaceae | |
Genus: | Pimenta | |
Appearance/Color: | A thin liquid provides a cocoa brown color after processing | |
Odor: | Allspice Essential Oil smells sharp yet is sweet with a spicy, cinnamon and clove-like aroma | |
Blends With: | The essential oil blends with all the other spices like Bergamot, Cinnamon, Clove, Geranium, Ginger, Juniperberry, Mandarin, Orange, Patchouli, Tangerine. It also Formulates well with Bergamot and sweet orange oils. | |
Origin | Jamaica | |
Source | Unriped Berry | |
Method Of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Amyris Essential Oil has a soft, resinous scent that is often used in perfumes as a base note. This oil is wonderful for relaxation, with a refreshing aroma that helps melt away stress and support a balanced, anxiety-free mind, particularly before sleep. When added to creams and diluted in a carrier oil, It can also be used in natural beauty products to help improve the appearance of fine lines and the texture of mature skin. It is a thick, pale yellow essential oil steam distilled from the wood of a tree native to Haiti and other tropical climates. Amyris is also sometimes called West Indian Sandalwood or Torchwood; however, its properties are different, and it is not botanically related to true Sandalwood oil.
Intended Benefits/Uses or Properties
The essential oil is derived from a tree that can take up to 30 years to produce oil. The tree grows to a height of 60 feet and bears white flowers that grow in to black-bluish fruits. The oil has several pharmacological properties. It is pure natural and have various applications in pharma and ayurvedic industry.
Amyris Essential Oil in Pharma
The oil has excellent toxin removing properties which is being used in soap and skin care industries to produce soaps and creams. Apart from that it has antiseptic properties which helps to prevent infections.
Essence of Amyris Essential Oil
The essential oil, like many other resin oils, is said to have beneficial properties for the skin. The beauty of Amyris is its refreshing aroma. The essential oil lifts the spirit and helps instill a sense of calm.
Safety Summary
Organ Specific Effects
Systemic Effects
NTP Monograph: Not Listed as Carcinogenic
IARC Monograph: Not Listed as Carcinogenic
Ecotoxicity: The product is not expected to be hazardous to the environment
Botanical Name : | Amyris balsamifera |
Common name: | Sandalwood, Balsam Torchwood |
Plant family: | Rutaceae |
Genus: | Amyris |
Appearance/Color: | A moderately viscous but clear Pale yellow liquid |
Odor: | It smells sweet and warm. It is reminiscent of benzoin and possesses a vanilla note with a woody, cedar-like character. |
Blends With: | Cedarwood Atlas, Cedarwood Himalayan, Citronella, Cypress, Frankincense Carteri, Jasmine Absolute, Lavandin, Lemon, Mandarin, Rose Absolute, Sandalwood Australian, Orange Sweet. It is often used to extend Sandalwood. |
Origin | Haiti |
Source | Wood |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Valeranol | 15.1-21.5 |
a-Eudesmol | 4.4-16.2 |
7-epi-a-Eudesmol | 0-10.7 |
10-epi-g-Eudesmol | 5.3-9.7 |
Elemol | 6.6-9.1 |
b-Sesquiphellandrene | 1.5-8.6 |
g-Eudesmol | 6.6-9.1 |
b-Eudesmol | 3.2-7.9 |
a-Zingiberene | 0-5.2 |
Amorpha-4,11-diene | 0-3.5 |
Drimenol | 1.1-3.3 |
ar-Curcumene | 1.3-2.5 |
Selina-3,7(11)-diene | 1.3-2.5 |
g-Curcumene | 0-2.3 |
Selina-3,7(11)-diene | 1.3-2.5 |
g-curcumene | 0-2.3 |
Cadina-4,11-diene | 0-1.5 |
b-Dihydroagarofuran | 0.2-1.3 |
a-agarofuran | 0.3-1.2 |
( E )-Nerolidol | 0.4-1.1 |
a-Acordiene | 0-1.0 |
b-pinene | 0.2-1.2 |
a-Muurolene | 0-1.2 |
The bay tree is native to the Caribbean islands from where it is believed to have spread to other parts of the world. Bay held an important place in Ancient Rome and Greece as well, in their religion, culture, and in their medicines.
This is extracted by steam distillation of fresh leaves of the bay tree, whose scientific name is Laurus Nobilis.
However, science we are here to discuss the medicinal importance of this essential oil, we shall now see what treasures it holds for our health.
This is an evergreen tree which can grow up to 20 meters high with dark green, glossy leaves and black barriers. Bay was very popular with the Romans, who thought it was a symbol of wisdom, peace and protection. The latinLaudis means ‘to praise’, which is why the victors at the Olympic games were presented with a laurel wreath made of bay leaves.
Bay is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in regions with Mediterranean oceanic climates, and as a house plant of greenhouse plant in colder regions. It is used in topiary to create single erect steam with ball-shaped, box-shaped or twisted crowns; also, for low hedges. Together with a gold from, L. nobilis ‘Aurea’.
Botanical Name: | Laurus nobilis L. |
Common name: | Bay leaf, bay laurel, sweet bay |
Plant family: | Lauraceae |
Genus: | Laurus |
Appearance/Color: | pale yellow green to orange brown liquid with a thin consistency. |
Odor: | Bay has a spicy bay leaf scent with a strong top note. |
Blends With: | Blend with Bergamot, Virginian, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Ginger, Orange, Patchouli, Rosemary, Ylang-Ylange. |
Origin | Hungary |
Source | Leaves |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
1,8-Cineole | 38.1-43.5% |
a-Pinene | 7.1-15.9% |
a-Terpinyl acetate | 4.5-7.0% |
Linalool | 6.2-6.5% |
b-Pinene | 4.9-6.5% |
Sabinene | 4.5-6.5% |
Methyleugenol | 1.4-3.8% |
Eugenol | 1.2-3.0% |
Camphene | 0.7-2.9% |
Linalyl acetate | 0.4-2.7% |
Bornyl acetate | 0.4-2.3% |
Terpinen-4-ol | 2.1-2.2% |
a-Terpineol | 0.9-1.9% |
b-Myrcene | 0.7-1.5% |
Borneol | 0.1-1.5% |
b-Caryophyllene | 0.1-1.5% |
Terpinolene | 0.1-1.1% |
g-Terpinene | 0-1.0% |
The Benzoin tree originates in java, Sumatra and Thailand where it can grow up to 8 meters (20 feet). Deep incisions are made in the trunk of the tree from which the grayish-colored sap exudes. When the resinous lump become hard and brittle, it is collected from the bark. It is then cleaned and processed by solvent extraction to produce the thick, resinous oil. Also known as Gum Benjamin, It is recommended placing the bottle in very hot water bath, changing the water frequently and once it is back to the liquid state, gently agitate before use.
Benzoin was first reported in 1832 by Justus von Liebig and Friedrich Woehler during their research on oil of bitter almond which is benzaldehyde with traces of hydrocyanic acid. The catalytic synthesis by the benzoin condensation was improved by Nikolay Zinin during his time with Liebig.
Botanical Name: | Styrax benzoin |
Common name: | Storaxbaum, Benzoin |
Plant family: | Styracaceae |
Genus: | Styrax |
Appearance/Color: | This resin is thick brown, viscous liquid. |
Odor: | Benzoin oil has a sweet, warm and vanilla-like aroma that is used as a base note with a medium aroma. |
Blends With: | Blends with Cardamon, Frankincense, Myrrh, Myrtle, Neroil, orange, petitgrain and sandalwood. |
Origin | India |
Source | Resin |
Method of Extraction | Solvent Extraction |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Sumatra benzoin volatile compounds | |
Benzyl benzoate | 0.507 |
Benzyl alcohol | 0.434 |
(Z)-Cinnamyl (E)-Cinnamate | 0.015 |
Cinnamic acid | 0.014 |
Ethyl Cinnamate | 0.01 |
Benzoic acid | 0.001 |
Siam benzoin volatile compounds | |
Benzyl benzoate | 0.393 |
Benzyl alcohol | 0.388 |
Benzoic acid | 0.184 |
Ethyl Cinnamate | 0.008 |
Birch essential oil (Betula lenta) is a rare and hard to produce oil created from the steam distillation of the bark of the tree. Because of the challenge to sustainably, safely, and frequsently harvest, it’s difficult to find a quality supplier of this oil. Many companies offer birch only seasonal and in very limited quantities, or it’ll be diluted or of weaker potency.
The birch tree is a graceful tree about 25m high, which has a pyramidal shape while young. It has bright green leaves and a dark reddish-brown aromatic bark, which his broken into plates or patches.
Barked birches in particular are cultivated as ornamental trees, largely for their appearance in winter. The Himalayan birch, Betula utilis, especially the variety or subspecies Jacque montii, is among the most widely planted for this purpose. It has been cultivated since the 1870s, and many cultivars are available, including ‘Doorenbos’, ‘Grays wood Ghost’ and ‘silver shadow’, ‘knightshayes’ has a slightly weeping habit.
Botanical Name: | Betula alba |
Common name: | black birch, cherry birch, mahogany birch, southern birch. |
Plant family: | Betulaceae |
Genus: | Betula |
Appearance/Color: | A thin, colorless to pale yellow liquid. |
Odor: | sweet, sharp, camphoraceous scent that is very fresh and similar to wintergreen (smells like root beer), and offers a strong top note in perfumery. |
Blends With: | Blends with sweeter citruses, herbs and woody oils, and spice oils. |
Origin | China |
Source | Bark |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Methyl salicylate | 0.904 |
Ethyl salicylate | 0.055 |
Linalyl acetate | 0.011 |
Orange Oil’s ability to naturally enhance immunity and reduce several symptoms of numerous ailments have lent it to traditional medicinal applications for the treatment of acne, chronic stress, and other health concerns.
Orange Oil is known to be beneficial for maintaining the health, appearance, and texture of skin by promoting clarity, radiance, and smoothness. In doing so, it reduces the signs of acne and other uncomfortable skin conditions. Its characteristic aroma denotes a special character for perfumes and cosmetics.
Orange oil enhances the sense of relaxation and contributes anti-bacterial and cleansing properties. When suffering from allergies the oil relieves a runny nose and cough, as its anti-inflammatory properties can benefit the body’s response to physical irritation. Its strong bitter aroma creates respiratory relief.
Nowadays, it is admired as a suitable agent for weight loss and treating different internal and external body ailments.
Botanical Name: | Citrus aurantium |
Common name: | Seville orange |
Plant family: | Rutaceae |
Genus: | Citrus |
Appearance/Color: | Yellowish Orange to Greenish Orange, thin. |
Odor: | Bitter orange essential oil as the name refers secures a bitter orange aroma. Sometimes, it smells like a mixture of having the slight bitterness of grapefruit and sweetness of sweet orange oil. |
Blends With: | Blending Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Sandalwood, Ginger, Frankincense, Cloves and Vetiver extracts with bitter orange oil may result in various beneficial formulations. |
Origin | Brazil |
Source | Fruit peel, Leaves |
Method of Extraction | Cold Pressed |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
b-Myrcene | 1.6–2.4 |
(þ)-Limonene | 89.7–94.7 |
Non-volatile compounds | |
Linalool | 0.1–2.0 |
Bergapten | 0.035–0.073 |
Psoralen | 0.007 |
Epoxy-bergamottin | 0.082 |
M. cajuputi is one of the 10 species that together form the M. leucadendra (L.) (also often named M. leucadendron ) complex. Many early references to M. leucadendra or M. leucadendron yielding cajeput oil from Indonesia and Vietnam in fact refer to M. cajuputi . It is often difficult to distinguish species within the complex, especially in areas where they overlap, because distinctive characteristics also overlap. Within the complex, M. cajuputi is most closely related to M. viridiflora Sol. ex Gaertner and M. quinquenervia (Cav.) S.T. Blake. Distinctive characteristics are: M. cajuputi has leaves with petiole 3-11 mm long, blade mostly longer than 5 cm and less than 2.5 cm wide, old leaves densely dotted with glands, rather thin in texture, with reticulations almost as prominent as the main veins and young shoots with spreading hairs. M. viridiflora has leaves with petioles 1-2 cm long, blades wider than 2.5 cm, very thick, young shoots with appressed silky hairs. M. quinquenervia is like M. cajuputi but its old leaves are not conspicuously dotted with glands, not thin-textured and have obscure reticulations. It is Evergreen shrub or usually single-stemmed tree up to 25(-40) m tall with an extensive root system, sometimes with aerial adventitious roots. Bark layered, fibrous and papery, grey to white. Crown fairly dense and wide, somewhat silvery in appearance; smaller branches and twigs slender but not drooping, young shoots densely silky hairy with spreading fine hairs up to 2 mm long.
M. cajuputi is a long-lived, moderately fast-growing tropical tree adapted to both waterlogged and well drained soils. On soils subject to prolonged waterlogging it develops aerial adventitious roots, which can form buttresses on the lower trunk. Like all melaleucas, it does not develop dormant buds and grows whenever conditions are favourable. After bush fires, it will regenerate by seed, coppicing and from root suckers.
Botanical Name: | Piper nigrum L. |
Common name: | Black pepper |
Plant family: | Piperaceae |
Genus: | Piper |
Appearance/Color: | colourless or light coloured clear mobile liquid |
Odor: | crisp, fresh, peppercorn aroma, with spicy woody odor |
Blends With: | Peppermint, clove, wintergreen, basil, bergamot, cinnamon, lemon. |
Origin | India |
Source | Seed |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
b-caryophyllene | 9.4-30.9% |
(p)-Limonene | 16.4-24.4% |
a-pinene | 1.1-16.2% |
b-pinene | 4.9-14.3% |
Sabinene | 0.1-13.8% |
b-Bisabolene | 0.1-5.2% |
a-copaene | 0.1-3.9% |
(E)-b-farnesene | Tr-3.3% |
a-cubebene | 0.2-1.6% |
D-3-carene Tr | 0.155 |
Spices are an important bio-nutrients for both food ingredients and nutritional supplements. From ancient times, spices have been used as food additives to enhance the taste and be flavor of food. Apart from these uses, spices also have numerous medicinal properties and used to treat several disorders that form an important part of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia (Indian System of Medicine). Spices have increasingly larger role to play in Indian recipes as the bactericidal, bacteriostatic, fungistatic, antifertility, anti-helminthic and other medicinal properties and believed to aid digestion. In the traditional Indian system of medicine, more than a few spices and herbs have hold and possess several medicinal properties such as antithrombotic, anti-atherosclerotic, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aggregatory, eicosanoid inhibitor.
Caraway seeds from the plant Carum carvi are known as kümmel in German. They are crescent-shaped, long, and have five pale ridges. Caraway is more common in the German kitchen than cumin and is typically used whole, not ground. It has an anise-like flavor and aroma that is popular in breads (especially rye breads), cheeses, sauerkraut, and root vegetables. It also can be found in desserts, liquors, and as an ingredient in beauty products, folk medicine, and breath fresheners.
Cumin is sometimes confused with caraway. Cumin is hotter to the taste, lighter in color, and the seeds are larger than those of caraway. Cumin's distinctive flavor is strong and has a warm aroma due to its essential oil content.
Botanical Name: | Carum carvi L |
Common name: | Meadow cumin, Jangi dhania, Jeerka |
Plant family: | Apiaceae |
Genus: | Carum |
Appearance/Color: | A thin, clear, colorless to pale yellow liquid. |
Odor: | A middle note with a strong aroma, caraway essential oil has a sweet spicy odor with a slight peppery smell. |
Blends With: | Basil, chamomile, coriander, frankincense, ginger, lavender, and orange. |
Origin | Egypt |
Source | Seeds |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
p-carvone | 47.3-59.5 |
p-limonene | 36.9-48.8 |
b-myrcene | 0.2-1.0 |
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is a perennial, herbaceous rhizomatous monocot, belonging to the family Zingiberaceae. It is a native of the moist evergreen forests of the Western Ghats of South India. The cardamom of commerce is the dried ripe fruit (capsule) of the cardamom plant. This is often referred to as the 'Queen of Spices' because of its very pleasant aroma and taste and is highly valued from ancient times. It is grown extensively in the hilly regions of South India at elevations of 600-1300 m as an under crop in forest lands. Cardamom is also grown in Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania and Guatemala. Guatemala is incidentally the largest producer of cardamom now.
Cardamom is a major spice crop of India and improvement of the crop has attracted considerable attention after independence. The 'Western Ghat forests' of the Malabar Coast of India is the centre of origin and the primary centre of diversity of cardamom. In ancient days, cardamom was collected mainly by tribal people as a forest produce. Later, by the end of 19" century, cardamom plantations came up in Western Ghat forest areas and also in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). The credit for starting organized cultivation of cardamom goes to the British planters. Later cardamom was introduced to Guatemala from Ceylon by 1920s and after the second world war cardamom production in Guatemala expanded considerably and by 1970s the country became the largest commercial producer of cardamom eclipsing the monopoly of India.
Cardamom oil is produced commercially using crushed fruits. It is used mainly as an alternative to the spice for flavouring a wide range of processed and frozen foods, condiments, gelatines and beverages. It is also used to a minor extent as tobacco flavouring, and in cosmetics, soaps, lotions and perfumes. Oleoresin is used as an oil substitute in similar products.
Botanical Name : | Elettaria cardamomum L. |
Common name: | Cardamon/ Lesser Cardamon,Elaichi |
Plant family: | Zingiberaceae |
Genus: | Elettaria |
Appearance/Color: | A light, colourless to very pale yellow liquid. |
Odor: | Cardamom essential oil is a flavorful and distinct product comes from sweet smelled cardamom seeds. Due to its strong aroma, it has secured a top note in aroma category. |
Blends With: | It is a versatile essential oil, cardamom oil can easily be blended with orange, rose, cinnamon Bark , caraway, clove bud and cedarwood. |
Origin | India |
Source | Seeds |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
1,8-cineole | 26.5-44.6 |
Linalyl acetate | 0.7-7.7 |
a-terpinyl acetate | 29.2-39.7 |
Linalool | 0.4-5.9 |
(P)-limonene | 1.7-6.0 |
Sabinene | 2.5-3.8 |
a-terpineol | 0.8-4.3 |
Terpinen-4-ol | 0.9-3.2 |
b-myrcene | 0.2-2.2 |
(E)-nerolidol | 0.1-2.7 |
a-pinene | 0.6-1.5 |
Geraniol | 0.3-1.1 |
Carrot Seed Essential Oil is derived from the dried seeds of the Daucus carota botanical, more commonly known as the Wild Carrot or “Queen Anne’s Lace, ” as it is referred to in Europe. Carrot Seed Essential Oil is commonly mistaken for both Carrot Seed Carrier Oil and Carrot Carrier Oil. The former carrier oil is obtained by infusing a vegetable oil with cold-pressed Wild Carrot seeds, while the latter is the result of infusing a vegetable oil with macerated Wild Carrot or Carrot root then straining it. Thus, both are infused oils, though one is infused with the seeds and the other with the root. The essential oil, however, is commonly steam distilled from the seeds.
Carrot is the one of the major vegetable crops cultivated worldwide. The domesticated types are divided into two groups: the Eastern or Asian carrots (var. atrorubens), with mainly purple and yellow roots; and the Western carrots (var. sativus) with mainly orange roots. Carrots were thought to be domesticated in Afghanistan as the primary centre of diversity and they were spread over Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean area, and the origin of western cultivated carrots were thought to be in the Asia Minor Centre, primarily Turkey.
Carrot Seed Oil has found uses in traditional Chinese medicine, which applies it as a bath or massage oil to address muscle pain or as an effective treatment for intestinal ailments such as dysentery and worms. It is also traditionally used in the manufacturing of perfumes to contribute its woody nuance to scents that are “Oriental” and “aldehydic.” When used in other cosmetics, it is a traditional and popular moisturizing agent for all-purpose body lotions.
Botanical Name: | Daucus carota L. |
Common name: | Bird's nest, bishop's lace, and Queen Anne's lace, Carrot, Gazar |
Plant family: | Apiaceae |
Genus: | Daucus |
Appearance/Color: | Pale yellow to amber liquid with a thin viscosity. |
Odor: | Middle note with a medium aroma. It secures such aroma due to the strong woody, musky and earthy scent. |
Blends With: | Rosewood, frankincense, cypress, geranium and lavender |
Origin | India |
Source | Seeds |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
a-pinene | 0.9-11.2 |
Carotol | 36.1-73.1 |
b-caryophyllene | 0.7-5.6 |
Dauca-4,8-diene | 1.6-5.9 |
sabinene | 0-3.9 |
(E)-dauc-8-en-4b-ol | 1.7-4.1 |
b-bisabolene | 1.5-3.1 |
Geranyl acetate | 0-3.7 |
Caryophyllene oxide | 0.3-2.8 |
Geraniol | 0-2.2 |
(E)-b-farnesene | 1.6-2.5 |
(E)-a-bergamotene | 0.9-1.9 |
b-pinene | 0.3-1.5 |
Daucol | 1.2-1.7 |
()-limonene | 0.4-1.5 |
b-myrcene | 0.4-1.3 |
(Z)-a-bergamotene | 0-1.1 |
b-selinene | 0-1.1 |
Cedar trees in general have a long history of use for furniture and buildings as well as in various herbal remedies and aromatherapy preparations. According to the Old Testament, King Hiram of Tyre sent cedar wood from Lebanon to King Solomon for the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Cedar wood has also been used for centuries to line closets or make chests to protect clothing from moths. The fragrant wood was also used by Native Americans as well as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans as an ingredient in incense blends.
Cedrus atlantica (Atlas Cedar) is a large, beautiful, evergreen, blue coloured or bluish green coloured tree. The colour of this plant is due to the colour of the foliage. It is a long tree with a pyramid shaped crown with few open branches but can be spreading when mature. It is planted along the roadside, street walks, sidewalks, etc to enhance scenic beauty. It has glossy and cylindrical cones that mature in September and October.
Cedrus atlantica is a native to North Africa and occurs at high altitudes on the mountainsides. It needs full or partial sunlight for growth. It cannot grow in shady places. It prefers moist and dry soil for growth.This plant provided habitat for Barbary macaque. This plant is an endangered species because of the human exploitation for wood and timber.It is also used as habitat for many bird species for nesting and roosting.
There are several ‘cedarwood’ essential oils extracted from trees of the Cupressaceae family and traded in commerce, but these oils are not as commonly used in aromatherapy as the familiar ‘atlas’ and ‘virginian’ types. For example, Chinese cedarwood (Juniperus funebris), Texas cedarwood (Juniperus ashei) and Himalayan cedarwood (Cedrus deodara) are all used in the fragrance industry, but for various reasons they are not commonly used therapeutically.
Botanical Name: | Cedrus atlantica |
Common name: | Atlantic cedar, Blue atlas Cedar, Atlas Cedar |
Plant family: | Pinaceae |
Genus: | Cedrus |
Appearance/Color: | A thin, golden yellow to orange or brown liquid. |
Odor: | A middle note of strong aroma, cedarwood atlas oil has a woody, sweet, scent that is sharper than Virginian cedarwood, and slightly reminiscent of mothballs. |
Blends With: | Rosewood, bergamot, cypress, cassia, jasmine, juniper, neroli, labdanum, frankincense, clary sage, vetive, rosemary, ylang-ylang. |
Origin | Morocco |
Source | Wood |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
b-himachalene | 35.8-45.4 |
a-himachalene | 11.3-18.4 |
(E)-a-atlantone | 4.2-12.4 |
g-himachalene | 5.8-9.7 |
deodarone | 1.2-0.7 |
(E)-g-atlantone | 1.4-3.4 |
himachalol | 1.7-3.7 |
Isocedranol | 1.4-2.1 |
(Z)-a-atlantone | 0.1-2.8 |
d-cadinene | |
1-epi-cubenol | 2.1-2.5 |
(Z)-trans-a-bergamotol | 0-2.05 |
cedranone | 0.7-1.5 |
a-calacorene | 0.4-1.6 |
b-himachalene oxide | 0-1.6 |
g-curcumene | 2.0-1.6 |
b-vetivene | 0.3-1.4 |
Cadalene | 0-1.8 |
a-dehydroar himachalene | 0.6-1.23 |
Chamomile is a plant that has been used since ancient Egypt in a variety of healing applications. Chamomile is a native of the Old World; it is related to the daisy family, having strongly scented foliage and flowers with white petals and yellow centers. The name chamomile is derived from two Greek words that mean “ground” and “apple, ” because chamomile leaves smell somewhat like apples, and because the plant grows close to the ground.
There are two varieties of chamomile commonly used in herbal preparations for internal use and for aromatherapy. One is called Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis), with contemporary sources in Belgium and southern England. Roman chamomile grows to a height of 9 in (23 cm) or less, and is frequently used as a ground cover along garden paths because of its pleasant apple scent. German chamomile (Matricariarecutita) is grown extensively in Germany, Hungary, and parts of the former Soviet Union. German chamomile grows to a height of about 3 ft (1 m) and is the variety most commonly cultivated in the United States, where it is used medicinally.
Moroccan chamomile is a member of the tansy botanical family and is like German chamomile since day both produce a deep, ink-blue color when in the form of an essential oil. Out of the two varieties, Moroccan chamomile has the highest levels of chamazulene; however, there are some chamomiles that are not blue in color. They are appelled Moroccan chamomile because they are a variety of chamomile that is a grown in morocco. True Tanacetum annuum is blue and contains the highest levels of chamazulene; however, there is some concern with Tanacetum annuum, also called blue tansy oil.
Botanical Name: | Tanacetum annum |
Common name: | Blue tansy, Vogtia annua |
Plant family: | Asteraceae |
Genus: | Tanacetum |
Appearance/Color: | A bluish to green liquid with a medium viscosity. |
Odor: | A strong middle note, this chamomile has a sweetish, warm and spicy herbaceous scent. |
Blends With: | Bergamot, clary sage, lavender, geranium, jasmine, neroli, patchouli, tea tree, rose, lemon and ylang-ylang. |
Origin | Morocco |
Source | Flower |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Santolina alcohol | 32 |
a-pinene | 15 |
germacrene | 5 |
(E)-pinocarveol | 3 |
bisabolene | 2.5 |
Yomogi alcohol | 2.4 |
Artemisia alcohol | 2.3 |
Bornyl acetate | 2.2 |
b-caryophyllene | 1.5 |
Bornyl butyrate | 1.3 |
borneol | 1 |
b-myrcene | 1 |
The genus Cinnamomum (Laureaceae family) consists of 250 spices of trees and shrubs distributed in south-east Asia, China, and Australia. It is a small, evergreen tree, 10–15 m tall. The bark is widely employed as a spice, its leaves are ovate-oblong in shape, and 7–18 cm long. The flowers, arranged in panicles, have a greenish color and have a rather disagreeable odor. The fruit is a purple 1 cm berry containing a single seed. It is found in tropical rain forests, where it grows at various altitudes from highland slopes to lowland forests and occurs in both marshy places and on well-drained soils. However, in latitudes with seasonal climatic conditions, they become exceedingly rare. There are two main varieties of cinnamon namely the Ceylon or true cinnamon (Cinnamon zeylanicum) and cassia (Cinnamom aromaticum). C. zeylanicum is native to Sri Lanka and tropical Asia and exotic to several African countries, such as Comoros, Ghana, Madagascar, Mauritius, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Uganda.
The most important cinnamon oils in word trade are those from Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cinnamomum cassia, and Cinnamomum camphora. The cinnamon essential oil composition varies depending on the geographical origin of the spice and the processing conditions. Likewise, it has been detected slight differences between the composition of volatile oils from buds, flowers, and fruits from C. zeylanicum. Jayaprakasha et al. (2000) reported that the oil from buds contains higher amounts of mono and sesquiterpenes, and most characteristic compounds such as cinnamaldehyde are found in flowers and fruits and in lower amounts in buds
The barks are commonly used in Cameroon as spices and for the treatment of cardiovasculardiseases and cancers. Cinnamaldehyde (1; 75%) and camphor (56%) are the major compounds in oil and stem bark, respectively. Cinnamon extract inhibits the formation of toxic Aβ oligomers and prevents the toxicity of Aβ on neuronal PC12 cells. Oral administration of cinnamon extract induced to the reduction of plaques and improvement in cognitive behavior to aggressive Alzheimer's disease transgenic mice. The prevention or treatments of Alzheimer’s disease are mostly based on drugs inhibition of cholinesterase function or formation of amyloid plaque. Pathologies and dementias of the nervous system, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease (Lei et al., 2010) can result when tau proteins (tau proteins are proteins that stabilize microtubules) become defective and no longer stabilize microtubules properly. Chemicals able to prevent the tau aggregation may be a key factor in the development of new drugs.
Botanical Name : | Cinnamon zeylanicum |
Common name: | Cinnamon, Dalchini, |
Plant family: | Lauracae |
Genus: | Cinnamomum |
Appearance/Color: | A thin light yellowish brown color and a highly fragrant odor. |
Odor: | Oil secures a middle note in aroma. It has a unique fragrance which reminds of the smell of apple sweet straw. |
Blends With: | Blended well with cedarwood, frankincense, ylang-ylang, lemon, lavender, neroli and orange to process a good mix of products. |
Origin | Madagascar |
Source | Bark |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Eugenol | 2.0-13.3 |
(E)-cinnamyl acetate | 0.02-11.6 |
linalool | 01.2-6.0 |
(E)-cinnamaldehyde | 60.1-78.7 |
p-cymene | 1.6-2.4 |
b-caryophyllene | 1.3-5.8 |
benzaldehyde | tr-3.2 |
1,8-cineole | 0.5-2.3 |
a-terpineol | 0.4-1.42 |
b-phellandrene | <2.5 |
Terpinen-4-ol | 0.5-1.2 |
Camphor | tr-1.3 |
Benzyl benzoate | tr-01.0 |
Safrole | 0-0.05 |
a-caryophyllene | 0-01.0 |
The genus Cymbopogon belongs to the family Poaceae, which is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and America. This genus is famous for its high content of essential oils, which have been used for cosmetics, pharmaceutics, and perfumery applications. Cymbopogon nardus (L.)Rendle, popularly known as citronella, native to Ceylon is one of the Cymbopogon species. The essential oil obtained from the leaves of Cymbopogon nardus is commonly used as an insect repellent. Many Studies have shown the antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activities of this oil. Furthermore, a higher cytotoxic activity of Cymbopogon nardus L. essential oils on human epidermic cell line HaCaT was demonstrated. Thus, the essential oil of Cymbopogon nardus could be quite suitable as an active component in pharmaceutical formulations for skin treatment and its damages repairing. Moreover, Cymbopogon essential oil can be used for the control of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in the food industry.
Citronella oil comes from the Asian grass plant known as Cymbopogon nardus. It’s most commonly used as a natural fragrant oil, in insect repellents, as well as in beauty, household and perfume products. According to dozens of clinical studies, pure citronella oil is an antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal treatment. The most popular use for citronella is as a constituent in homemade or commercially sold insect repellents, since it naturally repels mosquitos and other bugs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considers citronella to be a “biopesticide” that has a nontoxic mode of action against insects.
Botanical Name: | Cymbopogon nardus L.(Andropogon nardus L) |
Common name: | Ceylon, citronella, citronella grass, geranium grass,nardus grass |
Plant family: | Poaceae |
Genus: | Cymbopogon |
Appearance/Color: | A clear light yellow to brownish liquid |
Odor: | A top note of medium aroma, citronella has a well-rounded lemony scent, through it is much softer and has subtle wood tones. |
Blends With: | Bergamot, orange, cedarwood, geranium, lemon, lavender and pine. |
Origin | Sri Lanka |
Source | Leaves |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Citronellal | 24.8-52.8 |
Geraniol | 21.1-28.5 |
()-citronellol | 8.9-12.5 |
Elemol | 2.2-5.16 |
(P)-limonene | 02.4-4.5 |
Geranyl acetate | 2.8-4.1 |
b-Elemene | 1.8-3.1 |
Eugenol | 1.2-2.4 |
g-cadinene | 1.17-2.3 |
Citronellyl acetate | 02.10-2.0 |
T-amorphol | 0.8-1.5 |
d-cadinene | 0.4-1.3 |
Linalool | 0.4-1.2 |
Methyl-eugenol | 0-0.011 |
One of the earliest known spices in trade, the dried, aromatic flower buds produced by this medium-sized tree are familiar to many of us as a common kitchen spice.
Clove contains several volatile oils, the most significant of which is eugenol that comprises up to 90% of the total oil produced. Eugenol has numerous medical and commercial applications and continues to be extracted primarily from clove buds, though it can also be extracted from the leaves of the clove tree and from some other plants, such as allspice (Pimenta dioica), in smaller quantities.
Clove was originally found only on the Maluku Islands of Indonesia, but in the 17th century fierce competition between warring European nations that sought control of the spice trade eventually led to clove trees being transported all over the world for cultivation.
The historical importance of clove in international trade means it is now grown in numerous locations throughout the tropics including Indonesia, Zanzibar, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and parts of the Caribbean. More recently, clove production has begun in the Brazilian state of Bahia.Clove grows best on tropical mountain slopes at lower elevations as part of a mixed forest. Many of the islands to which they are native are volcanic.
Botanical Name : | Syzgiumaromaticum L. |
Common name: | Kanafuru, |
Plant family: | Myrtaceae |
Genus: | Syzgium |
Appearance/Color: | A clear pale yellow to yellow liquid of medium consistency. |
Odor: | A middle note of medium aroma, Clove Bud Essential Oil smells like the actual spice. |
Blends With: | Blends well with other spice oils including Cinnamon Bar, Nutmeg, Citronella, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary and Rose. |
Origin: | India |
Source: | Dried Flower Buds |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Eugenyl acetate | 0.6-01.7 |
Eugenol | 63.5-56.7 |
b-caryophyllene | 01.04-0.2 |
Isoeugenol | 01.04-0.2 |
a-caryophyllene | 0.05-1.12 |
Methyl-eugenol | 0-0.2 |
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is a plant from the family of Apiaceae. Seeds and the herb of coriander, both of which are used as spice or a medicinal plant. It contains flavoring compounds such as linalool, geraniol, pinen, limonene, geranylacetat, terpinen, and borneol. It is broadly cultivated in various environments around the globe. In general, coriander falls into two major categories based on fruit size. This ultimately determines its oil content and use.
India is the biggest producer, consumer and exporter of coriander in the world with an annual production of around three lakh tonnes. It is an annual, herbaceous plant which originated from the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions and known as medicinal plants. It contains an essential oil (0.03 to 2.6%) (Nadeem et al., 2013). All parts of this herb are in use as flavoring agent and/or as traditional remedies for the treatment of different disorders in the folk medicine systems of different civilizations (Sahib et al., 2012). Coriander closely resembles flat leaf parsley. This resemblance makes many people confused between the two however, coriander has strong fragrance and parsley has mild fragrance. It grows best in dry climates however it can grow in any type of soil like light, well drained, moist, loamy soil, and light to heavy black soil (Verma et al., 2011). Its seeds are almost ovate, globular and have a mild, sweet, slight pungent like citrus flavor with a hint of sage. The most important constituents of its seeds are the essential oil and fatty oil
Botanical Name: | Coriandrum sativum L. |
Common name: | Coriander,Kothumalli,Kothimbir,Dhana,Malli,Dhania. |
Plant family: | Apiaceae |
Genus: | Coriandrum |
Appearance/Color: | A thin, colorless to pale yellow liquid |
Odor: | A slightly sweet, herbaceous and spicy smell |
Blends With: | Cinnamon Bark, Bergamot, Ginger, Neroli, Grapefruit and Orange |
Origin: | India |
Source: | Seeds |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
linalool | 59.0-87.5 |
a-pinene | 0.1-10.5 |
g-terpinene | 0.1-9.1 |
b-pinene | 0.1-8.6 |
p-cymene | 0-8.4 |
Camphor | 1.6-7.7 |
geraniol | 0.3-5.3 |
Camphene | tr-4.6 |
(P)-limonene | 0.2-3.2 |
Geranyl acetate | 0-3.1 |
Terpinen-4-ol-tr | 3 |
a-terpineol | 0.1-2.2 |
Cyperus scariosus is a small grass-like herb with angular soft stem and underground rhizomatous tubers. The plant is a glabrous herb. Stolons are slender, 0.8-5.0cm by 0.25cm, clothed by elliptic, acute, lax striate concolorous scales 1/8inch long, stem 40-90cm long, slender, triquetrous at top 1/24-1/16inch in diameter, leaves are variable, usually short (less than 1/3 stem), narrow, weak, and umbels are slender, contracted, rays slender sometimes up to 3inch long, and bracts are nearly always as the leaves i.e. hardly any when leaves short, exceeding inflorescence when leaves longish, and spikelets are linear pale straw-colour (Figure I) and rhizome are very short, woody, stolons, lateral shoots from base of stem immediately ascending, glumes scarcely imbricate in fruit. The rhizome of this plant contains an amber or light brown viscous essential oil. Cyperus, also known as Nagarmotha in Hindi, belongs to the family of Cyperaceae. Cypriol Oil is obtained by the steam distillation of dried roots of Cyperus scariosus. The oil is a mildly viscous liquid, with a dark brownish to brownish red colour. Its odour is woody and deep, with smoky notes of leather. Cyprene is its major component. The oil is mainly used in perfumery formulations.
Botanical Name : | Cyperus Scariosus, Cyperus rotundus |
Common name: | Cypriol, Nutgrass, Nagarmotha |
Plant family: | Cyperaceae |
Genus: | Cyperus |
Appearance/Color: | Orange brown to reddish brown viscous liquid |
Odor: | Deep, spicy woody-earthy smell |
Blends With: | Bergamot, Black Pepper, Cassia, Cedarwood Atlantic, Cedarwood Himalayan, Cinnamon Leaf, Clary Sage, Geranium, Grapefruit Pink, Jasmine grand, Jasmine sambac, May Chang, Myrrh, Neroli, Orange Sweet, Osmanthus, Patchouli, Rose Moroc, Sandalwood, Tangerine, Vanilla, Ylang Ylang Complete. |
Origin: | India |
Source: | Root, Rhizomes |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Cyperene | 15.8–24.4 |
Isopatchoulenone | 2.3–16.5 |
Corymbolone | 3.2–11.9 |
Patchoulenone | 0.8–7.6 |
Isopatchoul-3-ene | 2.3–7.5 |
Rotundone | 3.5–5.1 |
Rotundene | 0–4.8 |
Patchouli alcohol | <3.5 |
a-Copaene | <3.2 |
b-Selinene | 2.2–3.0 |
Agarol | 1.2–2.5 |
Patchoulanol | 0–2.2 |
Calamenol | <2.1 |
Isopatchouli -3,5-diene | 0–2.0 |
Rotundenol | 0.9–1.9 |
ar-Himachalene | <1.9 |
3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzaldehyde | 0–1.9 |
Cyperolone | <1.6 |
Myrtenol | 0–1.5 |
Valencene | <1.4 |
d-Cadinene | <1.3 |
a-Selinene | <1.3 |
(Z)-Pinocarveol | 0–1.0 |
Genus Artemisia (Asteraceae) popularly known as “Sage Brush” or “Worm wood” is bitter aromatics. Artemisia is the largest genus comprising of 400 species widely distributed in South Africa and South America, and 34 species are found in India. This genus is named in honor of Artemis the Greek goddess of chastity. Some of them are sources of volatile oils. Sesquiterpene lactones are known to be present in almost all species.
It is commercially cultivated for its fragrant leaves and flowers. It grows from seeds and cuttings and reaches maturity in four months. The plant is woody in the lower part of the stem, but with yearly branches. Davana is mostly cultivated in the red soil regions in South India. It comes up very well in rich loamy soils. Davana is an annual herb, family compositor, requiring about four months to reach maturity, at which it attains a height of about around one and half feet. Season is very important when the crop is grown for production of oil.
Botanical Name: | Artemisia pallens |
Common name: | Damar, Indhana, Sage Brush, Worm wood |
Plant family: | Asteraceae |
Genus: | Artemisia |
Appearance/Color: | Pale yellow, clear, transport, mobile liquid. |
Odor: | Rich, penetrating, strongly boozy mysterious, and sweet/herbaceous body notes; has balsamic warm wood and bittersweet undertones and a slight camphoraceous note. |
Blends With: | Geranium, grapefruits, cedar wood, caraway, coriander and chamomile. |
Origin: | India |
Source: | Leaves |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
(Z)-Davanone | 38 |
Nerol | 10 |
*Tentative identification | |
Unidentified furans | 6 |
(E)-Davanone | 5 |
Geraniol | 5 |
(z)-hydroxy-davanone | 3 |
Isodavanone | 3 |
Davanic acid | 2.5 |
Cinnamyl cinnamates | 2 |
(E)-hydroxy-davanone | 2 |
Oxo-nerolidol | 2 |
Artemone | 1.5 |
Davana ether | 1.5 |
Nor-davanone | 1.5 |
(E)-davanonafuran | 1 |
Eucalyptus, (genus Eucalyptus), large genus of more than 660 species of shrubs and tall trees of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae), native to Australia, Tasmania, and nearby islands. In Australia the eucalypti are commonly known as gum trees or stringybark trees. Many species are cultivated widely throughout the temperate regions of the world as shade trees or in forestry plantations. Economically, eucalyptus trees constitute one of the most valuable groups within the order Myrtales.
The eucalypti grow rapidly, and many species attain great height. The giant gum tree, or mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans), of Victoria and Tasmania, is one of the largest species and attains a height of about 90 metres (300 feet) and a circumference of 7.5 metres (24.5 feet). Many species continually shed the dead outermost layer of bark in flakes or ribbons, whereas certain other species have thick textured bark. The leaves are leathery and often hang obliquely or vertically; most species are evergreen. The flower petals cohere to form a cap when the flower expands. The capsule fruit is surrounded by a woody cup-shaped receptacle and contains numerous minute seeds. Possibly the largest fruits—from 5 to 6 cm (2 to 2.5 inches) in diameter—are borne by mottlecah, or silverleaf eucalyptus (E. macrocarpa).
Botanical Name: | Eucalyptus radiata |
Common name: | Blue Gums, Southern blue gum, Tasmanian blue gum, common eucalyptus |
Plant family: | Myrtaceae |
Genus: | Eucalyptus |
Appearance/Color: | A thin, clear, colorless to pale yellow liquid. |
Odor: | A top note with a strong aroma, Eucalyptus Blue Mallee has a fresh, camphoraceous aroma with a faint peppermint undertone. |
Blends With: | Basil, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Citronella, Lavender, Lemon, Myrtle, Frankincense, Spearmint and Tea Tree. |
Origin: | Australia |
Source: | Wood and Leaves |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
1,8-Cineole | 60.4-64.5 |
a-Terpineol | 0-15.2 |
(Z)-Piperitol | 0.9-14.9 |
(þ)-Limonene | 5.4-6.3 |
Piperitone | 0.4-4.7 |
Geraniol | 0.2-2.8 |
a-Pinene | 2 |
b-Caryophyllene | 0.1-1.6 |
Terpinen-4-ol | 0-1.5 |
b-Myrcene | 1.1 |
Foeniculum vulgare, called common fennel, is an upright, branching perennial that is typically grown in vegetable and herb gardens for its anise-flavored foliage and seeds, both of which are commonly harvested for use in cooking. It somewhat resembles a very large dill plant. It grows to 3-5’ (less frequently to 6’) tall and features feathery, compound, aromatic, yellow-green leaves with needle-like segments and tiny yellow flowers in large, flattened, compound umbels. Flowers bloom in mid- to late summer, and are followed by aromatic seeds. Plants have escaped gardens and naturalized in many parts of North America. Flowers are very attractive to butterflies. Fennel is a larval plant for certain swallowtail butterflies.
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. is a biennial medicinal and aromatic plant belonging to the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferaceae). It is a hardy, perennial–umbelliferous herb with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. It grows to a height of up to 2.5 m with hollow stems. The leaves grow up to 40 cm long; they are finely dissected with the ultimate segments filiform (thread like) of about 0.5 mm wide. The flowers are produced in terminal compound umbels. The fruit is a dry seed 4–10 mm long. It is generally considered indigenous to the shores of Mediterranean Sea but has become widely naturalized in many parts of the world especially on dry soils near the sea coast and on the river banks. Some authors distinguish two sub-species of fennel, piperitum and vulgare: sub-species piperitum has bitter seeds, while sub-species vulgare has sweet seeds which are used as flavoring agents in baked goods, meat and fish dishes, ice creams, alcoholic beveragesetc, due to their characteristic anise odor. Morphological differences between these two sub-species are not always clearly defined.
Botanical Name: | Foeniculum vulgare |
Common name: | Moti saunf, Saunf, Fennel, Sweet fennel, Florence fennel, Finocchio |
Plant family: | Apiaceae |
Genus: | Foeniculum |
Appearance/Color: | Clear to pale yellow liquid. |
Odor: | A top note with a medium aroma, Fennel Sweet Essential Oil has a similar to that of black licorice. |
Blends With: | Bergamot, Lavender, Frankincense and Rose. |
Origin: | Hungry |
Source: | Seed |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
(E)-anethole | 58.1-92.5 |
(P)- limonene | 0.2-21.0 |
fenchone | 0.2-8.0 |
Estragole | 1.1-4.8 |
a-pinene | 0.1-3.4 |
a-phellandrene | 0.1-2.0 |
(z)-anethole tr | 0.7 |
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) is an annual forage legume and a traditional spice and aromatic crop that has been grown for centuries across the Indian subcontinent. In addition to South Asia, the crop is also grown in some parts of North Africa, Middle East, Mediterranean Europe, China, South East (SE) Asia, Australia, the USA, Argentina and Canada.
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a leguminous herb which belongs to the family Fabaceae. The plant seeds are used in Asia, Africa, and Mediterranean countries as one of the ingredients in daily diets and in some domains such as medicine, nutrition, beverages, fragrances, cosmetics, or industrial purposes. The pharmacological effects of fenugreek are antimicrobial, anticholesterolemic, carminative, febrifuge, laxative, restorative, uterine tonic, expectoral, galactogogue, anticarcinogenic, antiinflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, hypotensive, etc.
Botanical Name: | Trigonella foenum |
Common name: | Methi, Fenugreek, Greek-clover, Greek hay |
Plant family: | Fabaceae |
Genus: | Trigonella |
Appearance/Color: | Yellowish color with a hint of brown |
Odor: | It has a powerful aroma which is fragrant but with tones of bitter. |
Blends With: | Cinnamon |
Origin: | India |
Source: | Seeds |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Neryl acetate | 17.3 |
Camphor | 16.3 |
b-pinene | 15.1 |
b-caryophyllene | 14.6 |
2,5-dimethylpyrazine | 6.1 |
Geranial | 4.8 |
6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one | 4.5 |
3-octen-2-one | 4.3 |
a-selinene | 4 |
a-terpineol | 2.8 |
a-campholenal | 2.6 |
a-pinene | 2.6 |
g-terpinene | 2.1 |
Allium sativum, known as garlic, is a strongly aromatic bulb crop believed to originate from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Western China. A. sativum was domesticated long ago and is mentioned in ancient Egyptian, Greek, Indian, and Chinese writings. Garlic grows in temperate and tropical regions all over the world, and many cultivars have been developed to suit different climates. A. sativum is the most widely consumed bulb after onion.
Allium sativum is divided into two subspecies, A. sativum var. sativum, also known as softneck garlic, and Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon, also known as hardneck garlic. Both varieties are composed of an underground bulb made up of cloves, which are prophylls enclosed by dry membranous skins and held together by a basal plate. The variations differ in that hard neck garlic’s bulb is composed of six to eleven cloves, circled around a centralized woody stalk. This variety of garlic has a scape that curls at the top, but it is generally removed after it curls one to three times. This is because if it continues to grow, less energy can be utilized towards the bulb. Eventually, the scape would give rise to bulbils, containing miniature cloves. The bulbils are occasionally accompanied by white or light purple flowers, although these are sterile. Softneck garlic does not have a flowering top and contains up to twenty-four cloves per bulb.
Garlic has been traditionally used to treat a wide variety of ailments, including bacterial and fungal infections, intestinal worm infestations, wounds, diarrhea, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases (thrombosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia), metabolic disorders and others. Today, this plant is included in traditional medicine in most cultures. Garlic, available in various formulations for medicinal purposes has also been used to relieve symptoms caused by cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy. However, in all the applications listed, clinical evidence in support of these uses is very weak or is absent. Popularly is also used or has been used in the past as mosquito repellent, anti-catarrhal, for hoarseness and as a sedative for cough. Topical application of garlic is used traditionally to treat skin warts.
Botanical Name: | Allium sativum |
Common name: | Garlic, Lahsan, |
Plant family: | Liliaceae |
Genus: | Allium |
Appearance/Color: | Pale yellow to reddish orange clear liquid |
Odor: | A top note of strong aroma, Garlic Essential Oil has a very strong and pungent aroma of garlic. |
Blends With: | Asafoetida, Basil Sweet, Chili, Cumin and Rosemary. |
Origin: | India |
Source: | Bulb |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Dimethyl trisulfide | 18.0-48.8 |
Dimethyl disulfide | 25.8-46.8 |
Meyhyl allyl trisulfide | 8.3-18.2 |
Methyl allyl disulfide | 3.9-12.2 |
Propyl allyl disulfide | 0.26-7.2 |
Methyl allyl tetrasulfide | 0.04-5.9 |
2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin | 0-1.7 |
Methyl allyl pentasulfide | 1.6 |
Dimethyl tetrasulfide | 1.3 |
Propyl methyl disulfide | 0.06-1.3 |
Dimethyl disulfide | 0.4-1.2 |
Ginger is widely used as spice, and it has its origins in India.It is a medicinal plant in folk and traditional medicines. The spice is very common in India (it is known as adrak in Hindi) and China and is now used all over the world. It forms an integral part of many Asian cuisines due to its digestive properties. It is especially helpful in digesting food items such as meat and poultry, and it is frequently added to recipes for cooking meat as it softens the meat considerably, making it easier to digest. Ginger root and ginger oil are also used as preservative and flavoring agents.Ginger oil is extracted from Z. officinale rhizomes, which its chemical composition influences from geographical region, extraction methods, freshness or dryness of rhizomes. The antibacterial, antifungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, immunomodulatory, relaxant, and warming effects of ginger oil have been confirmed in experimental and preclinical studies.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a plant used in traditional medicine against different diseases because of its various properties (antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, etc.). Ginger is “generally recognized as safe” by the Food and Drug Administration. Numerous studies have been carried out to characterize and isolate its main bioactive compounds to elucidate the mechanisms of its antimicrobial activity against pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms in foods. Results indicate that ginger contains monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, phenolic compounds, and its derivatives, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, esters, which provide a broad antimicrobial spectrum against different microorganisms and make it an interesting alternative to synthetic antimicrobials. However, its application in foods has been scarcely explored and represents an opportunity area for further research.
Botanical Name: | Zingiber officinale |
Common name: | Ginger, Common Ginger, Cooking Ginger, Canton, Stem Ginger, Adrak |
Plant family: | Zingiberaceae |
Genus: | Zingiber |
Appearance/Color: | Yellow mobile liquid |
Odor: | Spicy ginger woody terpene |
Blends With: | Lemon, Cedarwood, Lime, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Myrtle, Bergamot, Rosewood, Neroli, Orange, and Ylang-Ylang. |
Origin: | Indonesia |
Source: | Root |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
zingiberene | 39.12 |
Ar-curcumene | 19.3 |
b-sesquiphellandrene | 7.13 |
b-bisabloene | 9.3 |
camphene | 5.6 |
b-phellandrene | 8.2 |
borneol | 5.08 |
1,8-cineole | 1.5 |
a-pinene | 2.4 |
2-undecanone | 3 |
Dipterocarpus jourdainii and Dipterocarpus turbinatus, are trees that are India and Asia. The tree exudes a resin that is then collected and steam distilled to produce Gurjum Balsam Essential Oil. Gurjum Balsam Essential Oil primarily contains the sesquiterpene a-gurjunene. It possesses a woody and slightly sweet aroma that blends especially well with essential oils in the wood, spice and citrus families.
Botanical Name: | Dipterocarpus Turbinatus |
Common name: | Gurjan Balsam Oil, Gurgina |
Plant family: | Dipterocarpaceae |
Genus: | Dipterocarpus |
Appearance/Color: | Pale yellow to amber clear oily liquid |
Odor: | Mild woody sweet notes, hint of conifer aroma |
Blends With: | Ambrette seed, amyl benzoate, Cedarwood, citrus oils, clary sage, jasmine, rose, vanilla, ylangylang |
Origin: | India |
Source: | Resin |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
a-Gurjunene | 90 |
()-allo-Aromadendrene | 4.0–6.0 |
b-Caryophyllene | 2.0–4.0 |
Lavandin is an aromatic evergreen shrub that is much larger than true Lavender. An evergreen woody shrub growing to 3 feet high with green, narrow, linear leaves producing violet-blue flowers, the entire plant is covered with oil glands, which are in the star-shaped hairs that cover the plant. The flowering heads are more compressed with a dull, gray blue color. This hybrid apparently evolved naturally near the seas in Spain, Italy and France. It is now commercially produced in these same countries. Lavandin is used almost exclusively for scent. Many commercial manufacturers use both Lavandin Grosso and Lavandin Abrialis as replacements for Lavender 40/42, but they have a much rougher, camphorous scent.
Lavandin is the Latin genus referring to Lavender. There are about 39 different recognized species of this plant. Countless variations have been produced due to the ability to cross pollinate with other members in the Lavender spices. Lavandula was thought to originate in Asia but the greatest plant diversity is found in the western regions of the world.
Essential oils are produced in the cells of aromatic plants and are held in specialized glands. They are released from the plant and collected (concentrated) most often through steam distillation (and sometimes hydro or water distillation or a combination thereof). Distillation is a method of separating components based on differences in volatile constituents in a heated mixture. Steam distillation involves bubbling steam through the plant material.
Botanical Name: | Lavandula officianalis |
Common name: | Lavander |
Plant family: | Lamiaceae |
Genus: | Lavandula |
Appearance/Color: | A thin, clear, pale yellow liquid. |
Odor: | A top note with a strong aroma, Lavandin Oil has a strong, somewhat piercing, camphor-like smell with some light, floral undertones characteristic of Lavender. |
Blends With: | essential oils of Bergamot, Citronella, Lemongrass, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Pinem, Jasmine, Thyme and Patchouli. |
Origin: | France |
Source: | Flower |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Linalyl acetate | 38.6% (29–44%) |
Linalool | 34.0% (20–35%) |
(Z)-β-Ocimene | 5.5% (3–8%) |
β-Caryophyllene | 0.039 |
Lavandulyl acetate | 2.5% (1–3.5%) |
Terpinen-4-ol | 2.0% (1.2–5%) |
1,8-Cineole | 1.6 (<2.5%) |
(Ε)-β-Farnesene | 0.016 |
(E)-β-Ocimene | 1.3% (2-5%) |
α-terpenoil | 1.1(0.5-2%) |
3-Octanyl acetate | 0.011 |
Lemongrass has long leaves that are cut and steam-distilled to produce lemongrass essential oil. Lemongrass oil is concentrated by preserving the quality and purity. Owing to the strong aroma, it is recognized as the best remedy for aromatherapy. People externally use it to kill bacteria. Aches reduction and helps in digestion extends the points of its benefits.
Botanical Name: | Cymbopogon flexuosusNees ex Steud |
Common name: | Lemon grass |
Plant family: | Poaceae |
Genus: | Cymbopogon |
Appearance/Color: | Dark yellow to light brown liquid at 22 0C with a Strong odor |
Odor: | The range of organic lemongrass essential oil is extracted from the wilted leaves of lemongrass which makes it fresh and citrus in aroma. |
Blends With: | The oil can be further mixed with coriander, Basil, geranium, tea tree, lavender and cedarwood. |
Origin: | India |
Source: | Leaves |
Method of Extraction: | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Neral | 25.0–35.2 |
b-Myrcene | 5.6–19.2 |
Geranial | 36.7–55.9 |
1,8-Cineole | 0–2.9 |
6-Methylhept-5-en-2-one | 0.1–2.6 |
Geraniol | 0–6.7 |
Limonene oxide | 0–6.4 |
Geranyl acetate | 0.4–1.9 |
Linalool | 0.2-2.0 |