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Edible Oil

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Baobab Carrier Oil, Cherry Kernel Carrier Oil, Coconut Oil, Merula Carrier Oil and Neem Carrier Oil.

Baobab Carrier Oil

4,375 - 14,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Type Natural Essential Oil, Carrier Oil
  • Certification ISO Certified 9002:2008
  • Shelf Life NA
  • Color White, Yellow
  • Purity 99.9%
  • Form Liquid
  • Packaging Size 1 Litre, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml
  • Country of Origin India

Adansonia digitata L. (Malvaceae) is commonly known as baobab tree native to Africa. Baobab is a multi-purpose tree which offers protection and provides food, clothing and medicine as well as raw material for many useful items. The fruit pulp, seeds, leaves, flowers, roots, and bark of baobab are edible and they have been studied by scientists for their useful properties. The fruit pulp have very high vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates, fibers, potassium, proteins and lipids content, which can be used in seasoning as an appetizer and also make juices. Seeds contain appreciable quantities of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iron, manganese, whereas they have high levels of lysine, thiamine, calcium and iron. Baobab has numerous biological properties including antimicrobial, anti-malarial, diarrhoea, anaemia, asthma, antiviral, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities amongst others. Phytochemical investigation revealed the presence of flavonoids, phytosterols, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

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Cherry Kernel Carrier Oil

1,750 - 14,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Cold Pressed Carrier oil
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Color Pale Yellow

The wildcherry, Prunus avium, is a medium-sized deciduous tree with pure white flowers in spring, followed by small, red-purplecherriesin summer. The fruits ofPrunus aviumare edible, butcanbe rather bitter, so opt for a cultivar if your main reason for growing it is to produce edible fruits.

P. avium originated in the area between the Black and Caspian seas of Asia Minor. Birds may have carried it to Europe prior to human civilization. Cultivation probably began with Greeks, and was perpetuated by Romans, where it was believed to be an essential part of the Legionnaires diet (this lead to the spread throughout Europe). Trees were planted along roadsides and were valued for their timber as well as their fruit. Sweet cherries came to the USA with English Colonists in 1629, and later were introduced to California by Spanish Missionaries. In the 1800s sweet cherries were moved west by pioneers and fur traders to their major sites of production in Washington, Oregon, and California. Cultivars selected at that time still form the base of the industry today. There are less than 100 sweet cherry cultivars grown in the major production regions around the world today. Bing, Napoleon (syn. Royal Ann), Ranier, and Lambert are the most important cultivars in North America. Pollinizers for Bing are often Early Burlat, Black Tartarian, and Van. There are a few self-compatible cultivars such as Stella and Lapins, but they are of poorer quality than Bing and others that form the basis of the industry.

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Coconut Oil

5,250 - 15,750 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Color Transparent, White
  • Feature 100% Pure & Natural Virgin Coldpressed Coconut Kernel Oil
  • Dosage Form Liquid
  • Packaging Type Aluminim Bottles
  • Packaging Size 1kg, 200g, 2kg, 500gm, 50g
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Coconut Oil, Carrier Oil
  • Style Natural
  • Certification ISO 9001
  • Supply Type Bulk and Retail

Coconut oil is a pretty incredible ingredient. It's packed with rich fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants which help fight damage causing free radicals. Also, coconut oil molecules are quite small which helps with absorption for amazing conditioning and moisturizing benefits. Throughout the globe, wherever coconut trees grow, people have been relying on coconut oil to condition the hair and support the skin (among many other benefits) for thousands of years. Research is on-going, but preliminary studies show coconut oil can help: Support skin health Nourish, moisturize, condition, and soothe, skin and hair Function as an antimicrobial agent.

Coconut, fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), a tree of the palm family (Arecaceae). Coconuts probably originated somewhere in Indo-Malaya and are one of the most important crops of the tropics. Coconut flesh is high in fat and can be dried or eaten fresh. The liquid of the nut is used in beverages.The palms flourish best close to the sea on low-lying areas a few feet above high water where there is circulatinggroundwaterand ample rainfall. Most of the worlds coconuts are produced on small native plantations.Propagationis by unhusked ripe nuts. These are laid on their sides close together in nursery beds and almost covered withsoil. After 4 to 10 months the seedlings are transplanted to the field, where they are spaced at distances of 810 metres (2633 feet). Palms usually start bearing after 5 to 6 years. Full bearing is obtained in 15 years. Fruits require a year to ripen; the annual yield per tree may reach 100, but 50 is considered good. Yields continue profitably until trees are about 50 years old.

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Merula Carrier Oil

1,050 - 7,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Cold Pressed Carrier oil
  • Brand Name Venkatramna Industries
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Application Aromatherapy and Massage
  • Color offwhite

Sclerocarya birrea ssp. caffra is a Savannah tree, belonging to the family Anacardiaceae. The plant develops pale yellow fruits, 34 cm in diameter. The fruit is edible and contains a hard brown seed. The seed encloses 23 soft white edible kernels (nuts), which are rich in oil and protein. The oil content of seeds from S. birrea amounted to 53.5%. The major fraction in S. birrea seed oil was triacyglycerol, representing 76.5% of the total lipid, followed by phospholipids 12.5% and diacyglyecrol 5.6%. The S. birrea oil contained 67.2% oleic acid, 5.9% linoleic acid, 14.1% palmitic acid, and traces of linolenic acid.

The marula fruit tree (Sclerocarya birrea) is native to parts of southern Africa. The trees grow wild and were once rare, but are now cultivated. Once considered sacred, the marula tree was linked to fertility and happy marriage in ancient times. The fermented fruit of the marula tree was also thought to intoxicate elephants, who seem to adore its delicious taste as much as people do. Many parts of the marula tree are used as ingredients in food and traditional medicine throughout Africa. Each marula fruit contains a hard, brown nut with pliable, white kernels at its core. Marula oil is primarily extracted from these kernels, but can also be obtained from the nuts outer husk. Marula oil is rich in protein and easily absorbed, making it an effective skin and hair treatment.

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Neem Carrier Oil

5,250 - 16,625 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Cold Pressed Carrier oil
  • Brand Name Venkatramna Industries
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Application Aromatherapy and Massage
  • Color Pale Yellow to Brown
  • Source Seeds

Azadirachta indica, commonly called neem tree or margosa tree, is native to tropical, dry, deciduous/evergreen forests of Burma, India and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), but has for many years been cultivated throughout India, Malaysia and Pakistan. It is a medium sized tree that grows to 50-75' (less frequently to 100') tall with a dense, round to oval crown. It is evergreen but may temporarily lose its leaves in protracted drought conditions. Compound pinnate leaves (6-12") have 8-18 serrated medium to dark green leaflets (each to 3" long). White fragrant flowers in drooping panicles to 10" long bloom in spring. Trees are polygamous (both bisexual flowers and male flowers exist on the same plant). Edible fruit is a smooth olive-like drupe. Each fruit contains one (rarely 2-3) elongated seeds. Neem trees are sacred in their native land. Almost every part of the tree has some uses. Durable wood (mahagony family) is used for furniture and lumber. Leaves and bark are used in teas, cosmetics, toothpaste, pet care and medicinal preparations. Dried leaves are used to deter moth. Twigs are used as tooth brushes.Neem oilis a broad spectrum botanical insecticide, repellent and fungicide. It is also used for a variety of additional purposes including machinery lubricant, lamp fuel and for soaps and cosmetics. Neem cake is used as a fertilizer and a nematicide.

Neem tree has been widely planted as a shade tree in hot, drought prone areas and has over time been introduced to tropical areas around the world. Interesting container plant for indoors.

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Peach Kernel Carrier Oil

4,375 - 11,375 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Cold Pressed Carrier oil
  • Brand Name Venkatramna Industries
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Application Aromatherapy and Massage
  • Color Pale Yellow

Peach, (Prunus persica), fruit tree of the rose family (Rosaceae), grown throughout the warmer temperate regions of both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Peaches are widely eaten fresh and are also baked in pies and cobblers; canned peaches are a staple commodity in many regions. Yellow-fleshed varieties are especially rich in vitamin A.

The peach probably originated in China and then spread westward through Asia to the Mediterranean countries and later to other parts of Europe. The Spanish explorers took the peach to the New World, and as early as 1600 the fruit was found in Mexico. For centuries the cultivation and selection of new varieties of peaches were largely confined to the gardens of the nobility, and large-scale commercial peach growing did not begin until the 19th century, in the United States. The early plantings were seedling peaches, inevitably variable, and often of poor quality. The practice of grafting superior strains onto hardy seedling rootstocks, which came later in the century, led to the development of large commercial orchards.

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Pracaxi Carrier Oil

3,500 - 14,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Cold Pressed Carrier oil
  • Brand Name Venkatramna Industries
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Application Aromatherapy and Massage
  • Color Pale Yellow

Pentaclethra macroloba is a canopy tree which reaches heights of 3035 metres (98115 ft) and a trunk diameter of 130 centimetres (51 in). Leaves are twice compound, arranged in a spiral on the stems. The leaf blades, which can be up to 30 centimetres (12 in) long, consist of 15 to 20 paired leaflets 210 centimetres (14 in) long. Flowers are small, with purple petals (45 millimetres (0.160.20 in) long) becoming greenish towards their tips. Inflorescences are racemes; despite producing about 200 flowers per inflorescence, each one produces only a few fruit.

Pracaxi oil, which is extracted from the seeds of P. macroloba, is rich in oleic, linoleic, and behenic acid, and is used medicinally by indigenous Amazonian populations. It is used as a replacement for synthetic hair conditioners in 'green' cosmetics.

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Prickly Pear Carrier Oil

3,500 - 14,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Cold Pressed Carrier oil
  • Brand Name Venkatramna Industries
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Application Aromatherapy and Massage
  • Color offwhite

Opuntia (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) belongs to the cactus family (Cactaceae), which includes about 1500 species of cactuses. It is a tropical or subtropical plant that grows in the areas of Mexico, Latin America, Africa, and Mediterranean countries. It is used in medicine, food, and cosmetics in the form of tea, jam, juice, and oil from seeds. Opuntia (especially purple variants) is an important source of pigmented bioactive substances. Such varieties contain betaline and betateinine, while orange varieties have betaxanthins. The fruit of this cactus (cladode) contains significant amounts of ascorbic acid, vitamin E, carotenoids, dietary fiber, amino acids, and antioxidant compounds (flavonoids, betaxanthin and betation) while having hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, and antioxidant properties. It also contains large concentrations of taurine and minerals, such as calcium and magnesium.

Prickly pear seed oil is rich in essential fatty acids and natural antioxidants like vitamin E that stimulate collagen production to promote faster cell turnover. Also, it contains vitamin K which promotes the skins elasticity and brightens under eye dark circles. It gives skin an instant boost of glow and radiance by helping in smoothing fine lines, dark spots, and environmental stress on the skin. It keeps the skin infused with a lot of moisture so that your skin never runs out of it and likewise preventing it from dryness and chapping. It works as a great cleanser of acne-prone skin.

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Raspberry Carrier Oil

3,500 - 14,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Cold Pressed Carrier oil
  • Brand Name Venkatramna Industries
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Application Aromatherapy and Massage
  • Color Pale Yellow to Brown

Raspberry, bramble fruit of the genus Rubus (family Rosaceae). Raspberries are an economically significant crop throughout much of northern Europe, as well as in the United States and Canada, and are thought to have evolved in eastern Asia. Raspberry fruits contain iron, vitamin C, and antioxidants and are usually eaten fresh, often with cream or ice cream, as a dessert fruit. Jams and jellies are also popular, and the fruit is commonly used as a pastry filling and as a flavoring for certain liqueurs.

Raspberries are perennial plants with canes that live two years each. The canes are either armed with prickles or smooth, and many only produce fruit in their second year. Often reaching more than 1.8 metres (6 feet), the canes bear compound leaves with three or more toothed leaflets, depending on the species or cultivar. The leaf undersides are characteristically white to gray in colour and often hairy. The white to pink flowers have five petals and produce juicy red, purple, or black (rarely orange, amber, or pale yellow) fruit. The core of the delicate fruit remains on the plant when picked, unlike that of the blackberry. Though they are commonly called berries, the fruit is technically an aggregate of drupelets (small drupes), each of which contains a single seed. Raspberry seed oil belongs to a new, interesting group of oils obtained from berry fruit seeds. These are valuable oils for cosmetic and food use. Raspberry seed oil is a rich source of vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol and more unique gamma-tocopherol.

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Calendula Absolute Oil

Absolute oils are the essential oils which are highly concentrated and have high potency. These Concentrated absolute oils have high aromatic properties thus they are majorly preferred in cosmetics, perfumery, and aromatherapy. During the postproduction processes these oils are further concentrated to make their absolute. 

Calendula officinalis, or pot marigold, is a common garden plant belonging to the Compositae family. Native to Southern Europe, Calendula grows up to 60 cm in height and produces large yellow or orange flowers. The flowers are the part of the herb used medicinally, either in the form of infusions, tinctures, liquid extracts, creams or ointments, or in one of a number of skin and hair products available over the counter across the globe.


Botanical Name:  Calendula officinalis
Common name:  Pot marigold
Plant family:  Asteraceae
Genus:  Calendula
Appearance/Color: Yellow colored liquid
Odor: Rich balsamic aroma
Blends With: Oakmoss, citrus oils, hyacinth, lavender, cinnamon, jasmine, cypress, and other species.
Origin: India
Source: Flowers
Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation

Technical Analysis

Key Constituents Strength (%)
a-Thujene 17.8-19.6
a-Pinene 1.8-2.4
Sabinene 1.1-1.8
Myrcene 0-1.1
1,8-Cineole 1.7-6.2
a-Copaene 0.2-0.3
Germacrene D 0.6-2.8
y-Cadinene 2.2-2.7
a-Terpeneol 0.6-1.7
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Aloe Vera Carrier Oil

Aloevera is a , familar plant, throughout the world. A semi-tropical plant with over 250 species and a colourful history. Aloe Vera (meaning True aloe) describes aloe Barbadensis Miller, most commonly used for its medicinal properties. It is the most discussed but least understood medicinal plants in history. The healing properties are found in the yellowish to liver coloured offensive smelling, bitter tasting Juice of aloe Barbadensis Miller. Aloevera looks like cactus but it is from the lily family. It is a semi tropical plant, out of 200 species Barbadensis miller has medicinal properties. Aloevera is perennial plant with a thick & fleshy, juicy leaf which is between 40 to 50cm in length has throny edges and 8 to 10cm wide, it is used all over for small diseases but can be used for more than 200 diseases. Aloevera can be cultivated in large scale for its medicinal purposes.


Aloevera is a , familar plant, throughout the world. A semi-tropical plant with over 250 species and a colourful history. Aloe Vera (meaning True aloe) describes aloe Barbadensis Miller, most commonly used for its medicinal properties. It is the most discussed but least understood medicinal plants in history. The healing properties are found in the yellowish to liver coloured offensive smelling, bitter tasting Juice of aloe Barbadensis Miller. Aloevera looks like cactus but it is from the lily family. It is a semi tropical plant, out of 200 species Barbadensis miller has medicinal properties. Aloevera is perennial plant with a thick & fleshy, juicy leaf which is between 40 to 50cm in length has throny edges and 8 to 10cm wide, it is used all over for small diseases but can be used for more than 200 diseases. Aloevera can be cultivated in large scale for its medicinal purposes.


Botanical Name:  Aloe Barbadensis
Common name:  Aloevera
Plant family:  Asphodelaceae
Genus:  Aloe
Appearance/Color: Thin Lightgreen
Origin India
Source Leaves
Method of Extraction Cold Pressed
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Apricot Carrier Oil

Apricot, Prunus armeniaca L., is a member of the Rosaceae family, along with apple, pear, peach, and other stone fruits. The apricot is found in the Prunophora subgenus within Prunus along with plums. Hybrids between plums and apricots have been produced recently which are said to be finer fruits than either parent. A “Plumcot” is 50% plum, 50% apricot; an “Aprium” is 75% apricot, 25% plum; and the most popular hybrid, the “Pluot” is 75% plum, 25% apricot.


Apricots are small to medium sized trees with spreading canopies. They are generally kept under 12′ in cultivation, but capable of reaching 45 ft in their native range. The one-year-old wood and spurs are thin, twiggy, and shorter lived than those of other stone fruits. Leaves are elliptic to cordate, with acute to acuminate tips, about 3″ wide; wider than leaves of other stone fruits. Leaves have serrate margins and long, red-purple petioles.


The apricot was originally domesticated in China but is now cultivated on every continent except Antarctica. Archaeological evidence shows that apricots were eaten in ancient Armenia, and they were first introduced to the New World in the early 18th century by Spanish missionaries in California. In 2011, the top five producers of apricots were Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan, Italy, and Algeria.


Botanical Name:  Prunus armeniaca
Common name:  Armenian Plum
Plant family:  Rosaceae
Genus:  Prunus
Appearance/Color: Pale yellow to golden yellow 
Origin Spain
Source Kernel
Method of Extraction Cold Pressed
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Avocado Carrier Oil

The genus Persea is of African-Laurasian origin, with the subgenus Eriodaphne originating in Africa and with the subgenus Persea probably also originating in Africa, entering south-west Laurasia, and then rafting to its present position with tropical North America. Contrary to classification suggestions that identify either the Mexican or the Guatemalan horticultural race as botanically distinct from the other race plus the Lowland (West Indian) jointly, the preponderant evidence favors classifying all three races as equidistant botanical varieties. These three varieties then become Persea americana var. americana Lowland (“West Indian”), var. drymifolia (Mexican) and var. guatemalensis (Guatemalan). The Lowland (West Indian) variety appears to be the most distinct of these three races.


The avocado is a dense polymorphic broad-leaved aromatic evergreen tree species of the genus Persea classified in the division Magnoliophyta, class Magnoliopsida, order Magnoliales of the flowering plant family Lauraceae (Myrtle). Camphor (C. camphora), cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), sassafras (Sassafras albidum), European bay (Laurus nobilis), and California bay or Oregon myrtle (Umbellularia californica) and laurels are related species. It is fast growing plant and reaching a height of 20 m with age whilst grafted trees are usually 8-10 m tall, although usually less, and generally have a low branched trunk and an irregular. Some cultivars are columnar, others selected for nearly prostrate form. It makes a good espalier plant for certain cultivar.


Botanical Name:  Persea gratissima
Common name:  Avocado
Plant family:  Lauraceae
Genus:  Persea
Appearance/Color: Green to brown liquid
Origin Mexico
Source Fruit Pulp
Method of Extraction Cold Pressed
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Sunflower Carrier Oil

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is grown as an oilseed crop worldwide in temperate and subtropical climates. Among oilseeds, sunflower generally ranks fifth behind soybeans, rapeseed, cottonseed, and peanuts, with an average annual world production of 21–27 million metric tons (Mt). Unlike soybean, sunflower is primarily an oil crop, with high protein meal being a by-product. Sunflower is grown on every continent, with Argentina, the former USSR, Eastern Europe, the European Union, and the United States being the largest producers.


Sunflowers grow in dry areas, so they are heavily influenced by environmental conditions. Sunflower yield increased drastically after hybrids entered production in the 1980s, but sunflower yield has changed little right up to today. Therefore, sunflower breeders should investigate this lack of heterosis by planning new plant designs utilizing both land races and wild species. Seed yield is mostly related to three main characters: plants per hectare, seeds per plant, and seed weight. Physiologically, these traits are mostly related to higher photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, and water use efficiency rate.


Sunflower oil is a non-comedogenic carrier oil which is highly absorbent and won’t clog pores. It’s non-irritating for most people, and can be used on all types of skin, including dry, normal, oily, and acne prone.


Botanical Name:  Helianthus annuus
Common name:  Common Sunflower
Plant family:  Asteraceae
Genus:  Helianthus
Origin Spain
Source Seed
Method of Extraction Cold Pressed
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Cranberry Seed Oil

Vaccinium macrocarpon, commonly called American cranberry, is native to bogs, swamps, and wet shorelines in parts of northern and eastern North America. It is a low-growing vine or trailing shrub (to 6" tall and spreading) with small, glossy leaves. Small, nodding flowers with white to pink, recurved petals bloom from late spring into early summer. The flowers are followed by plump, red to dark purple, ovoid to round, 0.5" diameter fruits. The leaves of this plant are a larval food source for the bog copper butterfly, the flowers are visited by bees, and the fruits are eaten by birds and occasionally small mammals.


The genus name Vaccinium comes from an ancient Latin name apparently derived from a prehistoric Mediterranean language. Its origin and meaning are generally considered to be lost to time.


The specific epithet macrocarpon means large-fruited, about the relatively large size of the fruit of this species.The cranberries have many biological actions and deliberate as a most important medical fruit.  These activities, particularly due to the various phenolic compounds.  It can be recommended that the chronic use of cranberry reduced UTIs, Cardiovascular disease chance, inhibits breast, colon, prostate cancer and other type of cancer.


Botanical Name:  Vacinnium macrocarpon
Common name:  American Cranberry, Bearberry, Cranberry, Large Cranberry
Plant family:  Ericaceae
Genus:  Vaccinium
Appearance/Color: Greenish-gold oil
Odor: Characteristic of vegetable oil odor.
Blends With: Omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids
Origin: Columbia
Source: Seed
Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation
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Aloevera Carrier Oil

3,500 - 7,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India

Essential oils are distilled from the aromatic leaves, bark, and roots of plants. If applied to the skin directly, they can cause reactions, such as severe irritation, redness or burning.

Carrier oils and essential oils are made from plants. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils and carry them to skin. Thats because essential oils are potent and can cause irritation when applied directly to skin. Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and dont interfere with an essential oils therapeutic properties. They may be used alone or with other oils to nourish skin.

Carrier oils are used to dilute the essential oils and help carry them into the skin. Aloe vera gels and unscented body lotion are also sometimes used as carriers.

To be used in aromatherapy, it is recommended that the oil is obtained through cold pressing. In this process, the oil is extracted by crushing the plants. Users claim that the fragile nutrients in the oil can be damaged if they are extracted with heat. Venkatramnas carrier Oils are extracted from the Cold Pressed method to retain their properties.

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Camellia Carrier Oil

3,850 - 12,162.50 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India

Essential oils are distilled from the aromatic leaves, bark, and roots of plants. If applied to the skin directly, they can cause reactions, such as severe irritation, redness or burning.

Carrier oils and essential oils are made from plants. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils and carry them to skin. Thats because essential oils are potent and can cause irritation when applied directly to skin. Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and dont interfere with an essential oils therapeutic properties. They may be used alone or with other oils to nourish skin.

Carrier oils are used to dilute the essential oils and help carry them into the skin. Aloe vera gels and unscented body lotion are also sometimes used as carriers.

To be used in aromatherapy, it is recommended that the oil is obtained through cold pressing. In this process, the oil is extracted by crushing the plants. Users claim that the fragile nutrients in the oil can be damaged if they are extracted with heat. Venkatramnas carrier Oils are extracted from the Cold Pressed method to retain their properties.

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Mustard Carrier Oil (Canola)

4,375 - 6,037.50 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Packaging Size 10ltr, 250ml, 5ltr
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Mustard Oil, Carrier Oil
  • Certification FSSAI Certified
  • Cultivation Type Natural
  • Form Liquid
  • Extraction Type Manual

Essential oils are distilled from the aromatic leaves, bark, and roots of plants. If applied to the skin directly, they can cause reactions, such as severe irritation, redness or burning.

Carrier oils and essential oils are made from plants. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils and carry them to skin. Thats because essential oils are potent and can cause irritation when applied directly to skin. Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and dont interfere with an essential oils therapeutic properties. They may be used alone or with other oils to nourish skin.

Carrier oils are used to dilute the essential oils and help carry them into the skin. Aloe vera gels and unscented body lotion are also sometimes used as carriers.

To be used in aromatherapy, it is recommended that the oil is obtained through cold pressing. In this process, the oil is extracted by crushing the plants. Users claim that the fragile nutrients in the oil can be damaged if they are extracted with heat. Venkatramnas carrier Oils are extracted from the Cold Pressed method to retain their properties.

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Castor Carrier Oil

5,250 - 11,375 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India

Essential oils are distilled from the aromatic leaves, bark, and roots of plants. If applied to the skin directly, they can cause reactions, such as severe irritation, redness or burning.

Carrier oils and essential oils are made from plants. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils and carry them to skin. Thats because essential oils are potent and can cause irritation when applied directly to skin. Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and dont interfere with an essential oils therapeutic properties. They may be used alone or with other oils to nourish skin.

Carrier oils are used to dilute the essential oils and help carry them into the skin. Aloe vera gels and unscented body lotion are also sometimes used as carriers.

To be used in aromatherapy, it is recommended that the oil is obtained through cold pressing. In this process, the oil is extracted by crushing the plants. Users claim that the fragile nutrients in the oil can be damaged if they are extracted with heat. Venkatramnas carrier Oils are extracted from the Cold Pressed method to retain their properties.

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Delivery Time : 2 Days after payment confirmation

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Chia Seed Carrier Oil

3,500 - 7,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India

Essential oils are distilled from the aromatic leaves, bark, and roots of plants. If applied to the skin directly, they can cause reactions, such as severe irritation, redness or burning.

Carrier oils and essential oils are made from plants. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils and carry them to skin. Thats because essential oils are potent and can cause irritation when applied directly to skin. Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and dont interfere with an essential oils therapeutic properties. They may be used alone or with other oils to nourish skin.

Carrier oils are used to dilute the essential oils and help carry them into the skin. Aloe vera gels and unscented body lotion are also sometimes used as carriers.

To be used in aromatherapy, it is recommended that the oil is obtained through cold pressing. In this process, the oil is extracted by crushing the plants. Users claim that the fragile nutrients in the oil can be damaged if they are extracted with heat. Venkatramnas carrier Oils are extracted from the Cold Pressed method to retain their properties.

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Evening Primrose Carrier Oil

4,375 - 7,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India

Essential oils are distilled from the aromatic leaves, bark, and roots of plants. If applied to the skin directly, they can cause reactions, such as severe irritation, redness or burning.

Carrier oils and essential oils are made from plants. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils and carry them to skin. Thats because essential oils are potent and can cause irritation when applied directly to skin. Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and dont interfere with an essential oils therapeutic properties. They may be used alone or with other oils to nourish skin.

Carrier oils are used to dilute the essential oils and help carry them into the skin. Aloe vera gels and unscented body lotion are also sometimes used as carriers.

To be used in aromatherapy, it is recommended that the oil is obtained through cold pressing. In this process, the oil is extracted by crushing the plants. Users claim that the fragile nutrients in the oil can be damaged if they are extracted with heat. Venkatramnas carrier Oils are extracted from the Cold Pressed method to retain their properties.

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Delivery Time : 2 Days after payment confirmation

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Kukui Nut Carrier Oil

5,250 - 16,625 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India

Essential oils are distilled from the aromatic leaves, bark, and roots of plants. If applied to the skin directly, they can cause reactions, such as severe irritation, redness or burning.

Carrier oils and essential oils are made from plants. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils and carry them to skin. Thats because essential oils are potent and can cause irritation when applied directly to skin. Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and dont interfere with an essential oils therapeutic properties. They may be used alone or with other oils to nourish skin.

Carrier oils are used to dilute the essential oils and help carry them into the skin. Aloe vera gels and unscented body lotion are also sometimes used as carriers.

To be used in aromatherapy, it is recommended that the oil is obtained through cold pressing. In this process, the oil is extracted by crushing the plants. Users claim that the fragile nutrients in the oil can be damaged if they are extracted with heat. Venkatramnas carrier Oils are extracted from the Cold Pressed method to retain their properties.

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Delivery Time : 2 Days after payment confirmation

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Peanut Carrier Oil

3,500 - 7,875 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • Country of Origin India

Essential oils are distilled from the aromatic leaves, bark, and roots of plants. If applied to the skin directly, they can cause reactions, such as severe irritation, redness or burning.

Carrier oils and essential oils are made from plants. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils and carry them to skin. Thats because essential oils are potent and can cause irritation when applied directly to skin. Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and dont interfere with an essential oils therapeutic properties. They may be used alone or with other oils to nourish skin.

Carrier oils are used to dilute the essential oils and help carry them into the skin. Aloe vera gels and unscented body lotion are also sometimes used as carriers.

To be used in aromatherapy, it is recommended that the oil is obtained through cold pressing. In this process, the oil is extracted by crushing the plants. Users claim that the fragile nutrients in the oil can be damaged if they are extracted with heat. Venkatramnas carrier Oils are extracted from the Cold Pressed method to retain their properties.

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Delivery Time : 2 Days after payment confirmation

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