Our Products
Our product range contains a wide range of Coriander Oils, Neem Oil, Onion Oil, Cucumber Seed Oil and Wheat Germ Oil
Coriander (Coriandrum sativumL.) is a plant from the family of Apiaceae. Seeds and the herb of coriander, both of which are used as spice or a medicinal plant. It contains flavoring compounds such as linalool, geraniol, pinen, limonene, geranylacetat, terpinen, and borneol. It is broadly cultivated in various environments around the globe. In general, coriander falls into two major categories based on fruit size. This ultimately determines its oil content and use.
India is the biggest producer, consumer and exporter of coriander in the world with an annual production of around three lakh tonnes. It is an annual, herbaceous plant which originated from the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions and known as medicinal plants. It contains an essential oil (0.03 to 2.6%) (Nadeem et al., 2013). All parts of this herb are in use as flavoring agent and/or as traditional remedies for the treatment of different disorders in the folk medicine systems of different civilizations (Sahib et al., 2012). Coriander closely resembles flat leaf parsley. This resemblance makes many people confused between the two however, coriander has strong fragrance and parsley has mild fragrance. It grows best in dry climates however it can grow in any type of soil like light, well drained, moist, loamy soil, and light to heavy black soil (Verma et al., 2011). Its seeds are almost ovate, globular and have a mild, sweet, slight pungent like citrus flavor with a hint of sage. The most important constituents of its seeds are the essential oil and fatty oil
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Azadirachta indica, commonly called neem tree or margosa tree, is native to tropical, dry, deciduous/evergreen forests of Burma, India and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), but has for many years been cultivated throughout India, Malaysia and Pakistan. It is a medium sized tree that grows to 50-75' (less frequently to 100') tall with a dense, round to oval crown. It is evergreen but may temporarily lose its leaves in protracted drought conditions. Compound pinnate leaves (6-12") have 8-18 serrated medium to dark green leaflets (each to 3" long). White fragrant flowers in drooping panicles to 10" long bloom in spring. Trees are polygamous (both bisexual flowers and male flowers exist on the same plant). Edible fruit is a smooth olive-like drupe. Each fruit contains one (rarely 2-3) elongated seeds. Neem trees are sacred in their native land. Almost every part of the tree has some uses. Durable wood (mahagony family) is used for furniture and lumber. Leaves and bark are used in teas, cosmetics, toothpaste, pet care and medicinal preparations. Dried leaves are used to deter moth. Twigs are used as tooth brushes.Neem oilis a broad spectrum botanical insecticide, repellent and fungicide. It is also used for a variety of additional purposes including machinery lubricant, lamp fuel and for soaps and cosmetics. Neem cake is used as a fertilizer and a nematicide.
Neem tree has been widely planted as a shade tree in hot, drought prone areas and has over time been introduced to tropical areas around the world. Interesting container plant for indoors.
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Onion is also known as bulb onion is the highly cultivated species of the genus Allium. It is cultivated on a worldwide basis. In botanical terms, it is also called as Allium Cepa.
Onions grew in Chinese gardens as early as 5000 years ago and they are referenced in some of the oldest Vedic writings from India. In Egypt, onions can be traced back to 3500 B.C. There is evidence that the Sumerians were growing onions as early as 2500 B.C. One Sumerian text dated to about 2500 B.C. tells of someone plowing over the city governor's onion patch.
Onion essential oil is an expectorant, that can clear congestion and mucus build-up, especially along the respiratory tracts to promote unobstructed airflow. This helps alleviate coughs, sinuses and phlegms. They open up blocked passages and induces phlegm and mucus to come out of the body. Thus, onion essential oil provides relief from these common respiratory ailments. It is a useful antiseptic agent to clean any wounds, cuts or scrapes obtained without causing infections. It kills off any bacteria from festering on the wound or cut and thus, promotes the fast healing of wounds and scrapes.
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Cucumissativusis an annual plant species and is considered to be day neutral. At optimal temperature conditions it needs 68 weeks from sowing to the production of the first flowers and 810 weeks for the development of the first fruits. For breeding purposes, in a greenhouse under optimal temperature conditions and artificial illumination during winter, three generations per year can be produced.
Originally, cucumber was a monoecious plant species.In East Asian varieties, purely pistillate plants, 38and in the Australian variety White Lemon andromonoecious plants(i.e. plants with staminate and hermaphroditic flowers), have been described. Thus, there are three different flower types in cucumber: pistillate, staminate and hermaphroditic flowers. An embryonic flower bud has both staminate and pistillate initials. Due to the effect of genetic factors and environmental conditions, development of staminate or pistillate flower organs may be either selective, resulting in staminate or pistillate flower types, or non-selective, resulting in hermaphroditic flowers.
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Wheat (Triticumspp.) has a long history of crop domestication, which revolutionized human cultural evolution and led to the emergence of human civilization. Modern wheat cultivars mainly consist of two polyploid species such as hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) and tetraploid hard or durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) used for macaroni and low-rising bread. Another kind of cultivated diploid species einkorn wheat (Triticum momococcum) is a relic and only exists in some mountainous Mediterranean regions. Approximately 95% of the wheat currently grown worldwide is hexaploid bread wheat and the remaining 5% are mainly tetraploid durum wheat. Wheat is considered as the world's largest and most important cereal crop for human staple food, with an annual production of >700 million tonnes produced globally over the past few years.
Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil is an oil expressed or extracted from the germ of Triticum vulgare. Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil contains significant amounts of Vitamin E, an essential factor in the human diet, which has led to its use as a dietary supplement. Since Wheat Germ (The embryonic form of a grain from which a new organism is developed.) Oil is obtained from natural sources; the amount of Vitamin E can vary based on different varieties of wheat grown under variable climatic conditions.
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Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is a plant from the family of Apiaceae. Seeds and the herb of coriander, both of which are used as spice or a medicinal plant. It contains flavoring compounds such as linalool, geraniol, pinen, limonene, geranylacetat, terpinen, and borneol. It is broadly cultivated in various environments around the globe. In general, coriander falls into two major categories based on fruit size. This ultimately determines its oil content and use.
India is the biggest producer, consumer and exporter of coriander in the world with an annual production of around three lakh tonnes. It is an annual, herbaceous plant which originated from the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions and known as medicinal plants. It contains an essential oil (0.03 to 2.6%) (Nadeem et al., 2013). All parts of this herb are in use as flavoring agent and/or as traditional remedies for the treatment of different disorders in the folk medicine systems of different civilizations (Sahib et al., 2012). Coriander closely resembles flat leaf parsley. This resemblance makes many people confused between the two however, coriander has strong fragrance and parsley has mild fragrance. It grows best in dry climates however it can grow in any type of soil like light, well drained, moist, loamy soil, and light to heavy black soil (Verma et al., 2011). Its seeds are almost ovate, globular and have a mild, sweet, slight pungent like citrus flavor with a hint of sage. The most important constituents of its seeds are the essential oil and fatty oil
Botanical Name: | Coriandrum sativum L. |
Common name: | Coriander,Kothumalli,Kothimbir,Dhana,Malli,Dhania. |
Plant family: | Apiaceae |
Genus: | Coriandrum |
Appearance/Color: | A thin, colorless to pale yellow liquid |
Odor: | A slightly sweet, herbaceous and spicy smell |
Blends With: | Cinnamon Bark, Bergamot, Ginger, Neroli, Grapefruit and Orange |
Origin: | India |
Source: | Seeds |
Method of Extraction | Steam Distillation |
Technical Analysis
Key Constituents | Strength (%) |
Linalool | 4.3-17.5 |
(E)-2-Decenal | 26.8-46.5 |
Decanal | 4.4-18.0 |
Octanal | 0.5-11.2 |
(E)-2-Dodecanal | 2.7-10.3 |
2-Decen-1-ol | <9.2 |
Decanol | 1.3-4.3 |
Nonane | 0.2-3.6 |
The term "wild" when applied to plants or plant species refers to those that grow spontaneously in self-maintaining populations in natural or semi-natural ecosystems and can exist independently of direct human action.Venkatramna Industries have selective wild varieties of species which are being conserved to obtain oil and this is one of them. These species are the wild species (Original of their genera), means they are not Genetically modified (GMO), Non-Hybrid and no artificial or desired characters were induced. Collectively we call them Wild Crafted Essential Oils.
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Delivery Time : 2 Days after payment confirmation