Our Products
Ayurvedic Digestive Medicine
2 Products availableGuggul
2 Products availableSurgical Supplies
1 Products availablePharmaceutical Drug
1 Products availableIngredients : 1. Vidanga, 2. Trikatuka, 3. Kushta, 4. Hing, 5. Panchalavana, 6. Tri Kshara, 7. Sea foam, 8. Chitraka, 9. Gajapippali, 10. Black Jeera, 11. Tala Jatakshara.
Indication : Useful for children. Cures enlargement of liver and spleen, enlargement of the abdomen, chronic fever, dropsy and cough. Useful for elders also.
Product Name | Dosage | Pack size |
Unit Price (Rs.) |
Qty | Total |
BRONFree | One tablet twice a day with water. | 30 tabs | 1280 | 2 | 2560 |
Mahalakshmivilasarasa | 1g = 5 doses. To be used with honey twice a day (morning and evening) or as directed by the physician. | 3g | 945 | 4 | 3780 |
Mouktika Bhasma | 1g = 10 doses.Use one dose in the morning and one in the evening or as directed by the physician | 2g | 195 | 3 | 585 |
Vasarishta | To be taken with equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals. | 450 ml | 265 | 1 | 265 |
Total | 7190 |
Product Name | Dosage | Pack size |
Unit Price (Rs.) |
Qty | Total |
BRONFree | One tablet twice a day with water. | 30 tabs | 1280 | 2 | 2560 |
Chyavanaprasa Lehya | One and half tea spoon twice a day.For adults 6g to 12g. It is to be chewed, swallowed both morning and evening followed by a cup of milk. | 500g | 550 | 1 | 550 |
Draksharishta | 4 tea spoons with equal quantity of water twice a day. | 450 ml | 365 | 3 | 1095 |
Mahalakshmivilasarasa | 1g = 5 doses. To be used with honey twice a day (morning and evening). For speedy recovery it is advised to administer along with Chyavanaprasa and Vasarishta or as directed by the physician. | 3g | 945 | 4 | 3780 |
Mouktika Bhasma | 1g = 10 doses.Use one dose in the morning and one in the evening or os directed by the physician | 2g | 195 | 3 | 585 |
Vasarishta | To be taken with equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals. | 450 ml | 265 | 1 | 265 |
Total | 8835 |
Product Name | Dosage | Pack size |
Unit Price (Rs.) |
Qty | Total |
Brahmi (Saraswati) Taila | To be applied on the head twice daily. Useful for oil bath. | 200 ml | 405 | 2 | 810 |
Total | 810 |
Ingredients : 1. Sounth 2. Pippali 3. Chavya 4. Modi 5. Chitraka 6. Hing 7. Ajamoda 8. White mustard 9. Jeera 10. Sha jeera 11. Renuka 12. Seeds of Kodisa 13. Pata 14. Vidanga 15. Gaja pippali 16. Kutki 17. Ativasa 18. Gantu bharangi 19. Vacha 20. Chaga 21. Triphala 22. Guggul-Mahisakshi 23. Vangabhasma 24. Rajatabhasma 25. Nagabhasma 26. Lohabhasma 27. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa) 28. Mandurabhasma 29. Rasa sindura
Indication :
Dosage : One tablet twice (or) thrice a day with decoction of Rasna, sounth and guduchi (or) as directed by the physician.
Other names of the product : Maha Yoga Raja Guggulu, Mahayograj Guggul
Ingredients :
INDICATION : It is a good harmless laxative. Puts off constipation, on regular usage. Very comfortable for patients of piles.
Indication :
Dosage :
Everything in Life begins with good health. The signs of vitality entail the body’s ability to repel repeated invasions on its immune system. While the human body is naturally engineered to withstand repercussions on a reasonably successful level, it still needs vital nutrients to keep fighting when environmental excesses that besiege the body.
By and large the most common form of environmental pollution considered to be the most detrimental to human health is air pollution. While the WHO’s global guidelines on ambient air quality spell out the threshold and limits of key pollutants, precious little has been achieved on this front by individual nations including our country notwithstanding anti-pollution laws in vogue.
Air pollution has a deleterious effect on physical health. Imperiling the resilience of the body it has shown its ruining effects on the pulmonary health over substantial period of exposure. Breathing polluted air laden with vehicular emission, smoke from factories and industries, burnt waste and the ubiquitous cigarettes smoke assail the pulmonary system with particulate matter and gases like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia laced with lead, arsenic, nickel and the like toxically impairing effective functions as is evident in cases of lung cancer, asthma, allergies and various bronchial disorders. Besides, the injurious effects also spiral to general health in bouts of nausea, headaches, allergies etc.
Ingredient List:
Bilva (Fruit) Patla (St.Bark) , Pedda- gummudu (Rhizome) , Saliparni (herb) Agnimantha , Prusniparni (Herb) , Kantakari (Herb) , Bruhati (Wh.part) , Gokshura (Fruit) . Bala (Root) . Mudgaparni(Herb) . Mashaparni (Herb) . Pippali (Fr.spike)1.9g. Sringi (Galls) , BhuAmla
(Herb) , Draksha (Fruit) , Jeevanti (Herb) . Agar (Bark) , Abhaya (Fruit) , Guduchi(Stem) . Vidari (Rhizome) . Kachur (Rhizome) . Musta (Tuber) , Punarnava (Herb) , Aswagandha
(Root) , Ela(Seed) , Vasamula(Root), Satavari (Tub.root) , Kakanasa (Root) . Nagakesara (Fl.bud)0, Tejpatra (Leaf) . Dalchina (Bark). Amla (Fruit)(Fresh) g. Ghuruta , Gingelly oil , Sugar , Honey . Aswagandhaadi lehya
When pleasure is derailedConjugal bliss and the process of procreation entail healthy reproductive system of both partners to ensure long lasting conjugal harmony. Sometimes the reproductive health of the man takes a setback owing to several reasons. One such condition is Erectile Dysfunction (ED), a malady striking men of all ages. Though traumatic to come to terms with, treating the condition right makes all the difference, for it is amenable to medication.
A tested remedy to the rescueKamachudamanirasa is one among the potent medicines formulated and developed by V A N Ltd for resolving problems of erectile dysfunction and associated psychosomatic issues. Administered diligently & imbibed regularly for a prescribed length of time, Kamachudamanirasa reverses the debilitating conditions; bringing about a very positive impact on virility and emotional well being.
Ingredients for results that Stand OutVAN Ltd’s Kamachudamanirasa is a pure ayurvedic medicine, a potent aphrodisiac formulated with essential ingredients including gold, mixed in measured proportions to root out sexual debilities and eliminate impotency. Free of any side effects it contains:
Indications :
With Kamachudamanirasa in, vigor and vitality is rejuvenated, also improved is the quality of semen, reinforced sexual prowess, heightened libido and total control over premature ejaculation and with absolutely NO side effects.
Other Names of the Product : Kamchudamani Ras, Kamchudamani Ras tablets, kamchudamani ras vati, Brihat Kamchudamani Ras, Vrihat Kamchudamani Ras
Composition (each tablet contains):
Indications :
A host of associated complications add to its woes of the already complex Diabetic condition that manifests in various types. And if there’s one medicine that is cure-all then it is Vasantakusumakara. Known to be an effective remedy against twenty Meha (Blood Sugar) types, Vasantakusumakara excels at alleviating excessive urination, anemia, lucorrohea etc. besides catering to overall health of Diabetics. Above all, it also happens to keep your Cholesterol levels in check and helps in keeping your heart hale, healthy and hearty.
Ingredients :
Indications :
Other Names of the Product : Vasant Kusumakar Ras, Vasantha Kusumakara Rasa, Vasant Kusumakar Ras Tablets, Basant Kusumakar Ras, Basant Kusumakar Ras Tablets, Vasant Kusumakar Ras Tablets, Vasantha Kusumakara Rasa Tablets
Indication : Useful in gonnorrhoea, spermtorrhoea, urinary disorders, attended byburning sensation and other diseases in women.
Ingredients :
Indication :
Indications :
INGREDIENTS : 1. Pippali Moola, 2. Chitraka, 3. Dantimoola, 4. Suddha Parada, 5. Suddha Gandhaka, 6. Trikatuka, 7. Sajjakshara, 8. Yavakshara, 9. Tankana, 10. Panchalavana, 11. Suddha Nabhi, 12. Ajamoda, 13. Guduchi Satva, 14. Hing, 15. Chinchakshara, 16. Sankhabhasma.
INDICATION : It is useful in various phases of acidity & indigestion. Cures peptic ulcer, dyspepsia, loss of appitite, pain in the sides, pain in the gastro intestinal track. Controls parinamasula also.
Dosage : One tablet twice daily. To be taken with Ajamodarka (or) as directed by the physician.
The perfect solution to restore and nourish the liver is VAN’s L-Mitra, a formulation specifically designed to shield the liver and serve as a multi-function supplement to regularize disorders in the body originating out of liver imbalances.
Regular usage of L-Mitra will keep one infection free and immune to the detrimental effects of today’s polluted environmental conditions and lifestyle.
Proven industry claim : A reputed Central Government research institute has analyzed L-Mitra and the findings are as follows.
Kapha prakrithi of the medicine is Tri Dosha hara, Kapha Pitta hara. It has an excellent antioxidant indicating srothoshodhaka (channel cleansing) property mildly. Having action on Pachaka, ranjaka and sadhaka pitta. It is medicine acting on Pleeha and yakrit as per Ayurveda. One can consider this as an action on Spleen, gall bladder and liver. It has rasayana property and acts on Avalambaka (property and Rasayana – Immunomodulatory. Acts well on Pitta disorders due to its action on Pleha and Yakrit. It has srotoshodhaka (Detoxifying) property in tarpaka and sleshaka kapha and is useful on Kamala. Having a mild shrotoshodhaka property it will be acting on srotavarodha (channel obstructions) mild) Bodhaka, tarpaka and sleshaka (mild) kapha.