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Ayurvedic Digestive Medicine
2 Products availableGuggul
2 Products availableSurgical Supplies
1 Products availablePharmaceutical Drug
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Mahakanakasundurarasa Powder, Rajatachandrodaya Powder, Kasisa Bhasma, Poornachandrarasa Powder and Swarnakantavallabharasa Tablets.
Swarna Bhasma , Sudha Parada , Sudha Gandhaka, Hema Makshika Bhasma , Nagha Bhasma, Sudha Kaphari, Abhraka Bhasma (Sataputa), Kantaloha Bhasma, Pravala Bhasma , Mouktika Bhasma , Sudha Haritala, vanga bhasma
INDICATION :Diamond like remedy for treatment of Chronic consumption (T.B.) with severe side ailments anaemia, jaundice, chronic fever swasa and kasa etc. The only medicine for guaranteed treatment of T.B. at all stages. Promotes longevity, vitality and vigour. Improves complexion. Usage of Chyavanaprasa and Draksharishta is highly advisable along with.
For those with excessive body heat Rajatachandrodaya comes as a coolest relief. To top it all, this magical potion improves blood circulation, cures palpitations and eliminates anxiety besides alleviating spermatorrhea and improving sexual potency.
Ingredients : 1. Rajatabhasma, 2. Suddha Parada, 3. Suddha Gandhaka
Indication : Useful for heat bodies. Improves blood and vitality. Removes over heat, cures palpitation. Stops spermatorrhea. Gives strength and sexual potency. Removes anxiety.
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses.
Rajatachandrodaya, Rajata chandrodaya, Rajata chandro daya
INDICATION : Cures indigestion, sula pains, diarrhoea, anaemia, pains in the lower abdomin, amenorrhoea and consequent pain. Improves blood.
Dosage : 1g = 4 doses
INGREDIENTS : 1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Suddha Parada, 3. Suddha Gandhaka, 4. Lohabhasma, 5. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 6. Rajatabhasma, 7. Vangabhasma, 8. Tamrabhasma, 9. Kamsya bhasma, 10. Jatipal, 11. Lavanga, 12. Ela, 13. Dalchina, 14. Jeera, 15. Patcha Karpur, 16. Priyanguphal, 17. Musta.
INDICATION : To be used for prameha, rheumatism, sour bile, indigestion and loss of appetite. Cures faults of the uterus and vagina and prepares the organism for healthy pregnancy. Cures menstrual and seminal disorders of women and men respectively. Increases semen and blood.
Dosage : 1 g = 5 doses To be used twice daily with Aswagandhaadilehya for more effect and with Asokarista (or) as directed by the physician.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Kantavallabharasa, 3. Rajatabhasma.
INDICATION : Cures anaemia, cough, hard breathing, jaundice, distaste, blood-lessness, weakness, chronic fever. Gives strength and enriches blood.
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses Can be used with the juice of jeera added with honey for distaste and jaundice. With Draksharishta for bloodlessness and weakness. With the juiceof bhringaraj leaves for chronic fevers or as directed by the physician.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Suktibhasma, 2. Rasa Sindura, 3. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 4. Vaikrantabhasma, 5. Kantalohabhasma, 6. Pravalabhasma, 7. Hema Makshikabhasma, 8. Vangabhasma, 9. Suddha Tankana, 10. Powder of cotton seeds, 11. Gudichi Satva, 12. Ela, 13. Hingula.
INDICATION : Cures fever due to bile, burning in chest, swimming in eyes, distaste, watering in mouth, jaundice, souribile and vomitting. Works on urinary track.
Ingredients : 1. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 2. Hema Makshikabhasma, 3. Powder of cotton seeds, 4. Suddha Tankana, 5. Suktibhasma, 6. Guduchi Satva, 7. Kakamachi (seed), 8. Lavang, 9. Suddha Hingula.
Indication : A result oriented product to neutralize liver dysfunctioning. For speedy recovery of liver damages Suryavarthi is to be used with hribera swarasa. Good remedy for disorders of bilious nature. Cures vomitting, headache, distaste and fever due to bile. Sets right the liver. A household medicine. Can be used freely for exact functioning of body.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Suddha Parada, 2. SuddhaGandhaka, 3. Lohabhasma, 4. Trikatuka, 5. Pippalimoola, 6. Chitraka, 7. Lavang, 8. Souvarchalavana, 9. Suddha Tankana.
INDICATION : Simple remedy for indigestion. Cures sula pains, flatulence, indigestion, loss of appetite and diarrhoea caused by indigestion.
Dosage : 1g = 3 doses One dose after meals twice daily with buttermilk added with rock salt. Persons of heat constitution have to add equal quantity of paithyantakarasa with this medicine. It is to be used with Ajamodarka in colic and flatulence
Ingredients : 1. Suddha parada 2. Suddha gandhaka 3. Rasa karpur
Indications :
Dosage :
Dosage : 1g = 3 doses
INDICATION : Mostly useful in burning sensation during urination, excessive heat in the body. Headache, burning in the stomach, sun stroke, burning of eyes etc.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Suddha Hingula, 2. Rasa Sindura, 3. Rasa Karpura, 4. Rasa bhasma.
INDICATION : A very useful medicine for children below 2 years old. Cures phlegm, fever, constipation, indigestion, cold and cough and almost all ailments in children. A free laxative also for infants.
Dosage : 1 g = 5 doses To be used with babies / breast milk. One dose in the morning. To be used with castor oil once or twice in a week. Caution : To be used under medical supervision only.
Dosage : 1g = 3 doses
INGREDIENTS : 1. Ardraka, 2. Jeera, 3. Amalaki, 4. Rasa Sindura, 5. Saindhava Lavana, 6. Dalchina.
INDICATION : Cures affections produced by pitha (billious). Improves appetite, removes distaste and other ailments like burning sensation in stomach, vomitting and vertigo etc.
Dosage : 1g = 3 doses To be used morning and evening with juice of jeeraka and dhaniya. It can be used by adding equal quantity of Kravyadarasa or Swarnakravyadarasa for indigestion.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Suddha Manasila, 2. Suddha Harital, 3. Trikatuka
INDICATION : A reputed ayurvedic product. This is a common and well known medicine useful in fevers born of bile and phlegm, nausea and vomitting and other diseases. Also useful in malarial fever.
Dosage : 1g = 4 doses One dose at a time both morning and evening : With the juice of tulasi leaves for fevers like malaria. With the juice of ginger and honey for distaste, vomittings, and for bile ailments. It is very useful to administer with equal quantity of suryavarti with honey in bile ailment. Caution : To be used only under medical supervision
INGREDIENTS : 1. Suddha Parada, 2. Suddha Gandhaka, 3. Tankana, 4. Suddha Nabhi, 5. Varatabhasma, 6. Sankhabhasma, 7. Maricha.
INDICATION : Cures indigestion, sula pains, fever, vomittings, diarrhoea caused by indigestion. Prevents even mild cases of cholera.
Dosage : 1g = 4 doses One dose at a time both morning and evening with betel leaf. To be used with the decoction of Sounth in cases of indigestion.
Caution : To be used only under medical supervision.
Other Names of the Product : Agnikumararasam, Agnikumararasam Gulika
INDICATION : This Khadgalohabhasma is useful in anaemia, jaundice, dropsical swellings, sula pains, indigestion, loss of appetite, abdominal tumours, numbness of hands and feet. Enriches blood.
Dosage : 1g = 4 doses
INDICATION : A specific medicine for leucorrhoea. Cures gonnorrhoea. Reduces excessive heat and burning of hands and feet.
Dosage : 1g = 4 doses
INGREDIENTS : 1. Suddha Parada, 2. Suddha Gandhaka, 3. Suddha Haritala, 4. Rasa, Karpura, 5. Suddha Hingula, 6. Suddha Manasila, 7. Suddha Rasanjanam, 8. Suddha Neelanjana, 9. Tamrabhasma, 10. Suddha Vatsanabhi.
INDICATION : Can be used in fevers of vata. Removes all pains in the body. Useful for suthika vata and titanus.
Dosage : 1 g = 5 doses One dose each time both morning and evening with the decoction of dry ginger, pepper and black peppe
Ingredients : 1. Swarnabhasma 2.Rajatabhasma 3. Kantalohabhasma 4. Nagabhasma 5. Hema Makshikabhasma 6. Mouktikabhasma 7. Shilajitbhasma 8. Pravala bhasma 9. Lohabhasma 10. Vangabhasma 11. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa) 12. Rasa Sindura.
Indication :
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses. To be used twice daily with Chandanasava (or) with the juice of Gokshura (root) for urinary troubles
INDICATION : Can be used safely even by pregnant women. Cures indigestion, loss of appetite, vomiting, distaste, flatulance, watering in mouth, giddiness, sourbile, burning in the chest, and other symptoms due to bilious (paithya) nature. Controls over thirst. A tested and trusted remedy for allergies.
Ingredients :
INGREDIENTS : 1. Rasa Sindura, 2. Kantalohabhasma, 3. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 4. Guduchi Satva, 5. Parpataka, 6. Khuskhus, 7. Pippali, 8. Chandan, 9. Anantamool.
INDICATION : An unfailing medicine for all cases of haemorrhage (raktapitta) due to excess of heat in body. Releives heart burn, heat, thirst, urinary disorders and leucorrhoea of red variety.
Dosage : 1 g = 3 doses One dose twice a day with honey (or) as directed by the physician. For speedy recovery use Draksharishta also.