Our Products
2 Products availableAyurvedic Digestive Medicine
2 Products availableHerbal Sexual Health Supplement
1 Products availableAshwagandha
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Ajamodarka Syrup, Draksharishta Syrup, Vasarishta Syrup, Rajatachandrodaya Tablets and Sleepadagajakesari Tablets.
Indication :
Ingredients :
Indication : A trusted remedy for bronchial disorders, sinusitis, coughs produced in heart affections, dropsy and blood bile.
Product Name | Dosage | Pack size |
Unit Price (Rs.) |
Qty | Total |
Brahmi (Saraswati) Taila | To be applied on the head twice daily. Useful for oil bath. | 200 ml | 405 | 2 | 810 |
Saraswatharishta | To be taken with equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals. | 450 ml | 235 | 1 | 235 |
VAN Brahmi Saraswathi lehya | One and half tea spoon twice a day preferably with milk. | 500g | 395 | 1 | 395 |
Total | 1440 |
INGREDIENTS : 1. Ela, 2. Refined camphor, 3. Silajit Bhasma, 4. Amalaki, 5. Jajiphal, 6. Gokshura, 7.Gum of silk cotton tree, 8. Rasa sindura, 9. Vangabhasma, 10. Lohabhasma.
INDICATIONS : Very useful for urinary disorders. Cures stranguary and retention of urine, urinary calculi, urine falling in drops and jets with burning sensation and similar disease of the urinary track. Also cures leucorrhoea and spermatorrhoea.
Ingredients : 1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Rasa Sindura, 3. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 4. Lohabhasma, 5. Rajata bhasma, 6. Vangabhasma, 7. Aswagandha(root), 8. Lavang), 9. Japatri, 10. Kshira Kakoli.
Indication : An infallible remedy for hysteria. This is a well-tried remedy in various manifestations of hysteria such as paralysis, tremor and various types of convulsions. It is advised to consume this medicine along with Aswagandharishta. Brahmitaila is to be applied to head.
Dosage : 1 g = 5 doses. One dose twice daily with Aswagandharista for hysteria and with the juice of ginger added with honey for paralysis.
Ingredients : 1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Suddha Hingula, 3. Lohabhasma, 4. Kantalohabhasma, 5. Mandurabhasma.
Indication : A special medicine for paraplegia. Can be used in partial paralysis, facial paralysis, tongue paralysis, brain paralysis etc. Gives normalcy to all effected areas. Controls tremors.
Dosage : 1g = 5 doses. To be taken twice daily with honey (or) as directed by the physician
A unisex remedy for all age groups, Sidhamakaradhwaja is an excellent medicine teeming with a host of health benefits. It’s a nervine tonic that can soothe your mind besides enriching your memory. It’s a great blood purifier that can also cure anemia arising out of chronic fever and general debility. Apart from adding strength to heart, lungs and nerves it’s a great sexual medicine that enhances sexual potency. In short, it imparts vigor to your whole body while ushering vitality into your life.
Indications :
Ingredient :
Swarna bhasma , Suddha Parada , Suddha Gandhaka.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Suddha Haritala, 3. Hema Makshikabhasma, 4. Vangabhasma, 5. Rajata bhasma, 6. Suddha Manasila, 7. Kanthalohabhasma, 8. Nagabhasma, 9. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 10. Pravalabhasma, 11. Vaikrantabhasma, 12. Mouktikabhasma, 13. Silajit Bhasma.
INDICATION : To be used for chronic nausea, vomitting, distaste and all bilious ailments. Very useful in jaundice, liver and spleen disorders. Useful in mental disorders also.
Dosage : 1g = 5 doses To be used twice daily with Madeephalarasayana in general and with Saraswatarishta for depression and mental disorders or as directed by the physician.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Suddha Hingula, 3. Suddha Gandhaka, 4. Lohabhasma, 5. Tamrabhasma, 6. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 7. Vangabhasma, 8. Gyrikam, 9. Pravalabhasma, 10. Mouktikabhasma, 11. Sankha bhasma, 12. Sukthibhasma.
INDICATION : Effective medicine for malarial and chronic fevers & complicated fevers. Corrects the enlargement of liver & spleen. Cures all defects in fevers. Improves appetite. Removes bile.
Dosage : 1 g = 5 doses Can be used with decoction of maricha and ginger or with honey. Should be usedwith cow urine (1/2 oz) for enlargement of liver, spleen and others or as directed by the physician
INGREDIENTS : 1. Suddha Parada, 2. Suddha Gandhaka, 3. Suddha Haritala, 4. Suddha Manasila, 5. Suddha Tankanam, 6. Suddha Hingula.
INDICATION : For chronic fevers, pneumonial fever, influenza, phlegm (sleshma) fevers and fevers in jaundice. Cures cough and respiration and anaemia.
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses For phlegm fevers etc., to be used with honey. For anaemia with juice of ginger. For chronic fevers, with juice of bhringraj leaves and honey.
INGREDIENTS : Swarna Bhasma , Rajata Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma(Sataputa), Loha
Bhasma , Vanga Bhasma , loha Bhasma, PravalaBhasma, Hemamakshika Bhasma, Moukthika
Bhasma, Nagabhasma, Rasasindura, Patchakarpoor.
INDICATION : A nectarlike medicine for consumption. Removes pains in chest, sensation of heat all over the body. Cures irritable cough, chronic fever, anaemia and general wasting. Suits all constitutions.
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses To be used with the syrup of ginger juice, honey and sugar candy, twice daily for speedy recovery. Chyavanaprasa is to be used along with twice daily. Vasarishta and Draksharishta are also advisable to be used along with this medicine.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Rajatabhasma, 3. Thamrabhasma, 4. Lohabhasma, 5. Naga bhasma, 6. Vangabhasma, 7. Jasadabhasma, 8. Kamsyabhasma, 9. Reethibhasma, 10. Suddha Hingula, 11. Suddha Haritala.
INDICATION : Can be used in cough and hard breathing, pains, bronchitis. Relieves hard breathing. Special remedy for severe ailments of sleshma (phlegm). Regularises the respiratory system.
Dosage : 1g = 5 doses To be taken twice daily with honey (or) as directed by the physician.
Ingredients : 1. Swarnabhasma 2. Kantalohabhasma 3. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa) 4. Mouktika bhasma 5. Vangabhasma 6. Rasa sindura.
Indications :
Dosage : 1g = 5 doses. One dose twice daily with juice of dry grapes (or) draksharishta (or) with Milk added with sugar candy.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Lohabhasma, 3. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 4. Suddha Parada, 5. Suddha Gandhaka, 6. Hema Makshikabhasma, 7. Mouktikabhasma.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 2. Rasa Sindura, 3. Suddha Gandhaka, 4. Suddha Tankana.
INDICATION : A boon to pregnant women, in nausea and vomitting, feeling of heat in the body and uneasiness and other symptoms generally appear.
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses To be used twice daily by adding equal quantity of dried jeeraka powder with Madeephalarasayana / Draksharista.
Indication :
INGREDIENTS : 1. Suddha Hingula, 2. Suddha Parada, 3. Suddha Gandhaka, 4. Rasa Sindura, 5. Rasa Karpura, 6. Lohabhasma.
INDICATION : Useful for phlegm diseases, chest pain and heaviness in chest, cold, cough, hard breathing. Can be used for infants also.
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses Twice daily with honey added with drops of betel leaf juice, for phlegm diseases. With breast milk and honey for infants; twice or thrice a day.
Ingredients : 1. Suddha Parada, 2. Suddha Gandhaka, 3. Lohabhasma, 4. Trikatuka, 5. Dalchina, 6. Lavang, 7. Ela, 8. Triphala.
Indication : Well noted remedy for diseases of phlegm. To be used for anasarca, numbness, cold and cough effects due to water changes, throat effections and swara bhanga (change of voice). Can be used for infants also. This medicine has brought reputation to our company for its efficacy.
Dosage : 1 g = 3 doses
INGREDIENTS : 1. Suddha Parada, 2. Suddha Gandhaka, 3. Nagabhasma, 4. Vanga bhasma, 5. Lohabhasma, 6. Tamrabhasma, 7. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 8. Trikatuka, 9. Suddha Tankana, 10. Suddha Vatsanabhi.
INDICATION : Very useful in perpural fevers and perpural diseases, fevers born in wind and sannipata fevers. It not only cures but also prevents all sorts of diseases after delivery.
Dosage : 1 g = 5 doses One dose twice daily with Betel leaves for perpural fevers. Decoction of sounthi and maricha for perpural diseases. With decoction of maricha for all vata ailments. Caution : Tobe used only under medical supervision.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Rasa Sindura, 2. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 3. Hema Makshikabhasma, 4. Vaikrantabhasma, 5. Sankhabhasma.
INDICATION : Cures hiccoughs caused by typhoid or by any other reason. Hiccoughs are very trouble some and hence require immediate treatment. It is a special remedy.
Dosage : 2g = 5 doses To be taken twice daily with honey. If necessary it is to be used four times a day (or) as directed by the physician.
Ingredients : 1. Suddha Parada, 2. Suddha Gandhaka, 3. Suddha Nabhi, 4. Omam(ajewan), 5. Triphala, 6. Sajjakshara, 7. Yavakshara, 8. Saindhava Lavana, 9. Jeera, 10. Souvarcha Lavana, 11. Vidanga, 12. Sea Salt, 13. Trikatuka, 14. Vishamushti, 15. Chitraka.
Indication : A renowned ayurvedic medicine. It is useful in neuraligic pains, muscular, soreness, dysentary colic and indigestion. Works wonderfully on indefinite pains.
Dosage :
Other Names of the Product : Agnitundivati, Agnitundi Vati, Agni Tundi Vati, Agnitundi Bati, Agnitundi Rasa
When nerves ‘get on your nerves’The nervous system is a network of neurons that transmit signals to different parts of the body. It exists and functions in conjunction to a person’s diet, healthiness and response to external stimuli. Neurological disorders could be quite discomforting condition that can be caused by a wide variety of reasons and it is important to address treatment of the underlying cause. VAN Ltd. has always advocated the maintenance of equilibrium of mind and body to combat illnesses when they strike. In its vast repository of knowledge and therapies, VAN Ltd., emphasizes the role of natural elements in health and how an imbalanced function of the element Vata impairs both physical and mental health.
In the imbalanced state, a chain of reactions are triggered in the body resulting in toxin build up; manifesting in conditions of auto immune responses, nerve root compression, inflammation, sciatica, indigestion, depression, insomnia, hallucination, stress, fatigue, damage to nerve tissue etc., leading to maybe Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and paralysis if neglected. However, remedy is available with VAN Ltd. of an uncompromised quality and efficacy.
An Annihilator at WorkVAN Ltd. unveils Vatagajamkusa the spirited fighter that regulates neural imbalance, ameliorates pain and keeps neurological problems at bay, helping one bounce back to energy and health.
Vatagajamkusa helps strengthen the central nervous system, invigorating the cardio-vascular & circulation systems; sprucing up the digestive system too. Vatagajamkusa is an excellent remedy for Beriberi and brings relief to hemiplegia and paraplegia suffering patients.
The Winning combinationSuddha Parada, Suddha Gandhaka, Vishamushti, Triphala and Trikatuka are the key ingredients that make up the infallible potency of Vatagajamkusa. An excellent herbo-mineral formulation free of any side effects Vatagajamkusa is complemented with the invaluable benefits of VAN Ltd’s expertise placed at your disposal to get everlasting freedom from nervous pain & disorders.
Vatagajamkusa- The beginning of the end of nervous disorders
Ingredients : 1.Suddha Parada, 2.Suddha Gandhaka, 3.Vishamushti, 4.Triphala, 5.Trikatuka.
Indication :Specific remedy for nervous pains and nervous disorders. Gives strength to the nervous system. Useful in hemiplegia and paraplegia. Cures frequent motions and frequent fever born of indigestion. Cures beriberi also. improves blood flow.
Dosage :
Ingredients : 1. Kachur, 2. Vacha, 3. Musta, 4. Nelavem, 5. Guduchi, 6. Devadaru, 7. Haridra, 8. Ativasa, 9. Daru Haridra, 10. Triphala, 11. Chavya, 12. Vidanga, 13. Gaja Pippali, 14. Trikatuka, 15. Hema Makshikabhasma, 16.Yavakshara, 17. Sajjakshara, 18. Saindhavalavana, 19. Souvarchalavana, 20. Bidalavana, 21. Pippalimoola, 22. Chitraka, 23. Dhania, 24. Trivrut, 25. Danti, 26. Tejapatra, 27. Dalchina, 28. Ela, 29. Banslochan, 30. Loha bhasma, 31. Sugar Candy, 32. Suddha Shilajit, 33. Suddha Guggul.
Indications : Cures urinary disorders such as retention of urine, urinary calculi pain, prameha, irritation and pain while passing urine. Cures boils and abscess. Also useful in menstrual and seminal disorders. Cures piles. Works on pains also.
Dosage : 1g = 3 doses. Two tablets at a time thrice daily either with Saribadyasava or with Chandanasava for urinary disorders. For piles it is to be used with draksharishta / butter milk.
A host of associated complications add to its woes of the already complex Diabetic condition that manifests in various types. And if there’s one medicine that is cure-all then it is Vasantakusumakara. Known to be an effective remedy against twenty Meha (Blood Sugar) types, Vasantakusumakara excels at alleviating excessive urination, anemia, lucorrohea etc. besides catering to overall health of Diabetics. Above all, it also happens to keep your Cholesterol levels in check and helps in keeping your heart hale, healthy and hearty.
Indication :
Dosage :
Indications :
Ingredients :
Ingredients : 1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Mouktikabhasma, 3. Suddha Hingula, 4. Maricha (piper nigrum), 5. Kaphari (zinci sulphidum).
Indication : An infallible medicine for all cases of cough even in advanced stages of T.B. Can be used for pregnant ladies in all cases of cough and fevers. For lack of appetite it is to be administered with Madeephala-rasayana.
Dosage : 1 g = 5 doses One dose at a time both morning and evening with Dasamoolarista for phlegm and fevers. Draksharista in consumption. Madeephalarasayana for pregnant women.
Making Fatherhood a PossibilityThe joy of parenting is an intrinsic need of married couples. However, issues of infertility bogging both or either of them is no less a psychological trauma. In these situations an objective approach to the problem surely paves the way for remedial actions and a CURE.
When Count countsInfertility in men in most cases is caused by Azoospermia - a condition in which there is no sperm in the semen resultant of testicular abnormalities, hormonal imbalances or blockage in the tissues of reproductive system, though libido and else looks normal.
VAN Ltd.’s VAHNI- a superb and holistic formulationVAN Ltd.’s VAHNI, is a well documented and best selling product based on classical Ayurveda texts available to tackle azoospermia.
VAHNI acts to metabolically transform the body to aid in correcting seminal deficiencies and restoring its quality. Time tested, safe and 100% effective, VAHNI rejuvenates; revitalizes the body to assist in healthy sperm production and also banish issues of erectile dysfunction if any present.
INGREDIENTS : 1. Pravalabhasma, 2. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa), 3. Vaikranta bhasma, 4. Rajatabhasma, 5. Kantalohabhasma, 6. Rasa Sindura.
INDICATION : For cough and hard breathing, dry cough. Heaviness in heart, vertigo, hiccough, over thirst (vidaha).
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses To be used morning and evening, adding equal quantity of sitopaladi churna with honey for cough and hard breathing and dry cough etc. Can be used with chyavanaprasa. To be taken twice daily with Draksharista for weakness and bloodlessness. With the decoction of yestimadhu for over thirst.
Rev up your VirilityIssues of erectile dysfunction top the list of health concerns and often people are confused on the condition and unable to spot the genuine cures. The right and authentic treatment is available at VAN Ltd.’s - PANCHABANA RASA- a prized cure; a mixture of powerful herbs comprising gold and silver bhasma apportioned in right measure enhancing efficacy and bioavailability to bring the desired salutary effect.
Panchabana Rasa is no ordinary formulation, it is a stringently manufactured potion; way ahead of contemporaries for its unique blend of ingredients and high potency. Each ingredient is meticulously extracted; subjected to rigorous individual processing prolonging to several months’ to obtain the desired therapeutic essence and amalgamated then into a perfect blend further triturated for enough time to endow Panchabana Rasa its famed healing powers.
Absolutely free of side effects; totally effective, PANCHABANA RASA revives and revs up the reproductive system positively, restoring hormonal balances; the feel good sensory and mental stimuli, restoring vigour & nourishing virility.
Well imbued FormulationLiterally the best product ever addressing problems of male sexuality, PANCHABANA RASA is imbued with critical ingredients such as:
PANCHABANA RASA is an aphrodisiac too. Taken in combination with Ashwagandhadi Lehya, it eliminates spermatorrhea; enhances staying power so crucial to culminate the joyful union of mind and body.
Indications :
Inherent energies present in the bodies of all living beings including humans control health and disease. The energies when in balance connote health and an imbalance spells disease. The rigours of life and living, the onslaught of habits and lifestyles leave a significant impact on the mind and health of people.
The strength of the body and mind in its prime is such that it challenges the frontiers and by the same token the frontiers become challenging as age catches up. This is but a natural outcome as the balance/ imbalance of the energies in the body define the harmony or disorder present.
Propounded by VAN Ltd. as the key to long-lasting health and functioning of key organs is a balance of the 3 basic energies, Vata, Pitta & Kapha in its tryst with natural healing.
Our lifestyle, diet, emotions, thoughts, behavior, response to stimuli & environment impact the equilibrium of the tri-energies and VAN Ltd.’s healing principle aims at restoring the equilibrium of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the body through a right combination of herbal medicines and changes in lifestyle.
The Ultimate RejuvenationThe greatest rejuvenation formulated by VAN Ltd. is Sidhamakaradhwaja, a superior preparation that brims with several benefits. A rasa preparation, it combines several herbs, minerals and metals due to which the formulation is highly potent with all benefits rolled in.
Sidhamakaradhwaja works to restore the tri-energies balance while delivering a string of benefits in aphrodisiac, anti-oxidant, anti-ageing & convalescent therapies, banishes general debility, tones nerves, enhances memory power, purifies blood and strengthens heart and lungs imparting vigour and vitality. Safe to use by men and women of all ages, pregnant women and children can also be administered too.
The Remarkable RecipeHarnessed is the potent power of Sidhamakaradhwaja in a wholesome recipe of ingredients; Swarnabhasma, Suddha parada and Suddha gandhaka to give an all time remarkable medicine.
Ingredients :
Indications :
Indication :
Ingredients :
Indication :
Dosage : To be taken with equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals.
Other Names of the Product : Ashwagandharishta, Aswagandharishtam, Ashwagandharishta Syrup
Ingredients :
Indications :
Sterility in men is associated with physical health and functional abilities of one’s reproductive system. In an adult male the reproductive system is characterized by several neural pathways transmitting impulses and stimuli and glands secreting various hormones. A harmonious coordination of the physical and psychological attributes, neural and glandular functions in union and conjugation with the woman result in off-springs being born. However of late, a malady striking several males in their ripe years is sterility.
Low sperm count, poor quality/motility, poor semen production, structural abnormality/ obstruction in sperm transporting tubes, diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease, genetic defects and infections are some important causes. Similarly, factors like heavy smoking, alcoholism, stress, nervous tension about sex and psychological disturbances can also be responsible.
VAN Ltd’s Ashwagandhadi Lehyam is an herbal preparation, an extraordinary medicine containing the key ingredient Ashwagandha in an unsullied form. Bestowed with adaptogenic properties, VAN Ltd’s Ashwagandhadi Lehyam conforms to traditions of the highest order and efficacy-wise it galvanizes the body’s natural defense to fight stress, infections, flush out toxins and stress, to calm and soothe the mind besides being an acknowledged tonic, aphrodisiac, re-vitalizer, rejuvenator, all rolled into one.
Ingredients :
INDICATION : Very useful in prameha, gonnorhoea, diabetes, leucorrhoea, spermotorrhoea and blood bile. Very useful in billious constitutions.
Dosage : 1g = 4 doses