Awareness workshop on "karma."karma is the executed"deed", "work", "activity and it is also the "object", the "intent". Vedicology scholars mr praveen saanker and mr.eashwaran namboothiri explains the concept of karma (karman) by comparing it with the other sanskrit term kriya. The word kriya is the activity along with the steps and effort in action, while karma is (1) the implemented action as a consequence of that activity, and (2) the intention of the actor behind an executed activity or a planned action (described by some scholars as metaphysical residue left in the celebrity ). A fantastic action generates good karma, as does great intent. A bad action generates bad karma, as does poor intent. Various philosophies in hinduism derive different definitions for the karma concept from early indian texts; their definition is a combination of (1) causality which may be ethical or non-ethical; (2 ) ethicization, that is good or bad actions have impacts; and (3) rebirth.Other indologists include in the definition of karma hypothesis what explains the present circumstances of a person with regard to his or her actions in past.these actions may be those in a person's present life, or, in certain schools of indian customs, possibly actions in their past lives; moreover, the consequences may result in the present lifetime or an individual's future lives. The law of karma operates independently of any deity or any practice of divine judgment. According to vedicology india experts, karma concept as a notion, across different indian spiritual traditions, shares certain common topics: causality, ethnicization and rebirth.