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Horoscope Prediction Services

Our offered Product range includes Astrology Service, Purusha and Prakriti, Journey of the Soul Astrology Service, Fundamentals Of -Vedic Astrology and Astrology.

Astrology Service

Awareness workshop on "karma."karma is the executed"deed", "work", "activity and it is also the "object", the "intent". Vedicology scholars mr praveen saanker and mr.eashwaran namboothiri explains the concept of karma (karman) by comparing it with the other sanskrit term kriya. The word kriya is the activity along with the steps and effort in action, while karma is (1) the implemented action as a consequence of that activity, and (2) the intention of the actor behind an executed activity or a planned action (described by some scholars as metaphysical residue left in the celebrity ). A fantastic action generates good karma, as does great intent. A bad action generates bad karma, as does poor intent. Various philosophies in hinduism derive different definitions for the karma concept from early indian texts; their definition is a combination of (1) causality which may be ethical or non-ethical; (2 ) ethicization, that is good or bad actions have impacts; and (3) rebirth.Other indologists include in the definition of karma hypothesis what explains the present circumstances of a person with regard to his or her actions in past.these actions may be those in a person's present life, or, in certain schools of indian customs, possibly actions in their past lives; moreover, the consequences may result in the present lifetime or an individual's future lives. The law of karma operates independently of any deity or any practice of divine judgment. According to vedicology india experts, karma concept as a notion, across different indian spiritual traditions, shares certain common topics: causality, ethnicization and rebirth.
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Purusha And Prakriti

Purusha and Prakriti - The two realities of PresenceVedicology Center for Spiritual Empowerment introduces you to the concept of Purusha and Prakriti. This awareness program is facilitated by Mr. Praveen Saanker, Mr. Abhishek Mohan and Mr. Eswaran Namboothiri. Hinduism recognizes two eternal principles, which are mentioned in the Vedas, the Bhagavadgita, the Sutras and other Hindu scriptures. They're Purusha and Prakriti. They're also known as Brahman and Brahmi, Isvara and Isvari, Siva and Parvathi, Narayana and Narayani. The Gita declares that seated in Prakriti, Purusha manifests the worlds and beings. Vedicology program facilitators explain the significance of the eight key pointers on Prakriti quoting various scriptures. Prakriti is the set of eternal, indestructible, and indivisible realities that produce modifications.Maya is the modification of Prakriti. It represents the natural universe we experience.Tattvas are the collection of ceaseless and original realities which constitute Prakriti.Asambhuti is the original unmanifested Prakriti in which all are latent.Sambhuti is the manifested Prakriti. It is Another name for Maya. It is both a modification and an illusion.Gunas are the three processes which impart motion and actions to Prakriti's alterations.Nature in the English sense of the word represents the modifications of Prakriti, but maybe not Prakriti itself. It's the same as Sambhuti or Maya.Asambhuti or Mula Prakriti is your second ceaseless Principle of existence, alongside Unmanifested Brahman in which everything stays in a state of latency.
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Journey Of The Soul – Origin To Destiny

Course duration 8 days ( usually on holidays for 2-3 hours per day) sponsored program free for participants contentswhat makes a human beingthe mysterious ways of the mindwhy we are, what we arethe souls journey to its destinythe birth and death of the egothe unconscious and the superconsciousthe significance and importance of the conscious mindthe kundalini and the awakening of the higher consciousnessthis program, in short, is an explanation of the involution and evolution of the soul. It provides not only an intellectual understanding of the souls journey but practical counsel on how to speed it along. In case you are interested in attending this program, please fill out the contact form given below and one of our team members will get in touch with you.
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Fundamentals Of -Vedic Astrology

Vishnu Sahasranamam Learn To Chant The Right Way With Vedicology Course Duration 15 Saturdays or Sundays. Normal Duration is 1-2 hours per day. Course Fee This is a sponsored program and hence participants need not pay any fee. Vedicology Astrology Training Program is a six-month program conducted for 15 hours each week. Vedic Astrology is known as Jyotish and relies more on the Sidereal ( based on the Stars ) places of the Planets, as one sees them in the Sky against the positions assigned to few fixed stars. This Historical system of Indian Vedic Astrology is scientific in nature and employs many Sophisticated Mathematical Calculations to arrive at an astute rate of accuracy for Astrology Predictions. Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian science which focused on the accurate understanding of planetary motions, stars and their influence on an individuals life. It is the connection of Zodiac, time, star, planets, and it is numerous combinations According to Vedic Astrology, you will find Twelve Zodiac Signs, Nine Planets and Twelve Houses. Based on when a person is Born, the twelve Signs are dispersed among the Twelve Houses, and Nine Planets are put in a Variety of Houses of birth charts. To make possible the correct diagnosis and interpretation, an astral chart is drawn. The configurations of the Planets and Stars at the present time of birth along with the various sorts of Karmas will call and indicate the life of the person, his/her strengths, flaws, bad and good items. Theres no magic or extra-human powers to do it. Its a logical-mathematical calculation. Everyone can be educated for that. Vedicology Astrology Training Programs are conducted by reputed astrologers at the Vedicology Centre in Chennai.
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