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  1. Chlorinator 3 Products available
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Our offered Product range includes Industrial Chlorinators, Electro Chlorinators and Vacuum Regulators (Gas Chlorinators).

Industrial Chlorinators

  • Feature Safety valve seals Gas Inlet in case of loss of vacuum
Industrial chlorinators Water Treatment Plants, Thermal Power Stations, Oil Refineries and Petroleum Companies, Natural Gas Refineries, Chemical Process Plants.
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Electro Chlorinators

The processes involved in electrochlorination are actually rather simple. The main idea involved is the desalination of water to produce a chlorinated solution. This happens when saltwater is inserted into electrolyzer cells. The first step is removing the solid excess from the saltwater. Next, as the saltwater runs it is streamed through a channel of decreasing thickness. One side of the channel is a cathode, the other is an anode As the water flows through the anodecathode channel, a low voltage DC currents applied. When this happens, the electrolysis is triggered and sodium hypochlorite is instantly produced as well as hydrogen gas (H2). The hydrogen rich sodium hypochlorite then travels to a tank that removes the hydrogen gas. The dehydrogenization mechanism varies from device to device but the process is generally the same. After hydrogen has been removed from the solution, it is stored in a tank as the finished product.[1] No chemicals other than ordinary salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl), are used throughout the entirety of the process. Although the actual chemical processes involved are complex, they can be simply represented by the following equation: In words this reads, energy is added to sodium chloride (table salt) in water, resulting in sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen gas.
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Vacuum Regulators (Gas Chlorinators)

Highest Quality Construction & Innovative Designs

  • All-machined construction
  • Integral switchover gas chlorinator design
  • Built-in relief (vent) valve
  • Optional attached meter tube
  • Capacities up to 500 PPD (10 KG/HR)

  • Offered for Chlorine or Sulfur Dioxide
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  • 7, First Floor, Padmavati Industrial Estate,Ganpatipada, Behind Vitawa HP Petrol Pump, Near Kalwa,Off Thane Belapur Road, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400708
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