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Corrosion Resistant Paints

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is the corrosion of Substrate that occurs beneath insulation as a result of water penetration. Source of water ingress can be from rain water, leakages, steam, or sweating from temperature cycling or low temperature operation such as refrigeration units.
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Used Industrial Boiler

Firetube boilers wherein the combustion gas passes inside the boiler tubes and heat is transferred to water between the tubes and the outer shell, Watertube boiler wherein the boiler water passes through the tubes, while the exhaust gases remain in the shell sides, passing over the tube surfaces. Usually, watertube boilers are used where high steam pressures are required.
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Polyurethane Paints

Applied to both ambient and hot surfaces, Surface tolerant, hence product can be applied even when tight adherent rust is present on the asset. Blast cleaning can be avoided, Longindefinite recoat window Product can be applied over itself
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Cooling Water Chemical

Cooling towers are used widely due to their optimal cooling technology for industrial processes and HVAC applications. Water shortages combined with increased water usage have combined to decrease the availability and increase the cost of high quality makeup water for cooling tower systems. Stringent environmental regulations for effluent water discharge have led to a pressing need for better technology and products. This coupled with the control of scale, biological fouling, deposition and corrosion has increased the challenges in the proper operation and maintenance of an effective cooling water system.
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Chemical Pipelines

The construction and commision of industrial projects is completed phase wise. Hence, manufacturing units and pipelines are kept ready for commissioning before connection to the circuit or system.Hydrotesting of these assets such as boilers and pipelines is carried out before commissioning to ensure that there are no leakages in the system and water from rivers, irrigation canals and wells is used as available.
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Chemical Dosing Skid

offers a full turnkey facility. From a thorough initial site survey, to installation and commissioning, VASU has broad and extensive experience in designing dosing systems, which can be manufactured off site and delivered to the customer as pre-engineered, tested solutions. These automated solutions minimize risk and site disruption, vastly improve health & safety considerations and lead to long term cost optimization.
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Chlorine Dosing System

This technology offers the benefits of effectiveness at high pH, being unaffected by ammonia, and demonstrating significant advantages over Chlorine in systems susceptible to high levels of organic contaminants. Because Chlorine dioxide is a selective oxidizer, its ability to control microorganisms in water at very low dosages makes it an especially cost effective solution
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Chemical Boiler

A boiler generates steam and is used to drive turbines to generate electricity. The steam reduced by the boiler is also used for various purposes including: Air Conditioning systems, heating hot water, process applications, driving steam engines and marine application. Large boilers are used for commercial, industrial, utility and many more applications.
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Boiler Cleaning Chemicals

A boiler generates steam and is used to drive turbines to generate electricity. The steam reduced by the boiler is also used for various purposes including: Air Conditioning systems, heating hot water, process applications, driving steam engines and marine application. Large boilers are used for commercial, industrial, utility and many more applications.
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Liquid Chlorine

Chlorine dioxide has the ability to penetrate and remove biofilm formed and kill bacteria, spores and viruses, Chlorine dioxide is usually generated by one of three methods, each of which are both efficient and cost effective viz. by Chlorine Gas method, Sodium Hypochlorite method and by acid activation of Sodium Chlorite. The three methods are explained below in option I, Option II and Option III. In each method Chlorine Dioxide is generated at site through a specialized ClO2 generator.
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Boiler Feed Chemicals

Multifunctional single drum product for boilers, which is a combination of oxygen scavenger, pH booster, sludgescale conditioner and condensate line corrosion control.Condensate Line Corrosion Control: A single neutralizing amine or a blend of amines with different distribution ratios is tailor-made to protect various parts of the steam line. We also provide a blend of neutralizing and filming amines to protect the pipe network
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Chlorine Dioxide Generators

Chlorine dioxide is effective over a broad pH range, Chlorine dioxide has 2.5 times the oxidizing capability of Chlorine, Chlorine dioxide has the ability to penetrate and remove biofilm formed and kill bacteria, spores and viruses.
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Cooling Water Treatment

Vasu has an extensive range of products and services for open-circulating once through and closed loop systems. Vasu range of corrosion and scale inhibitors, biodispersants, microbiocides ensure clean heat transfer surfacecorrosion controlscale inhibitormicrobiological and fouling control
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Boiler Water Treatment

Vasu's approach in solving or rather preventing problems in boiler operation goes as far as the source of the make-up water. It is now well understood that a lot of water related problems in boiler operation can be solved or minimized by identifying and correcting problems in the pre-treatment system.
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Reverse Osmosis Plant

  • Condition New
  • Capacity 100-1000L
  • Material Food Grade Resin, Frp
  • Power 0-3kw
  • Power Source Electric
  • Industrial Use Laboratory
  • Control Type Semi Automatic

We offer Reverse Osmosis. Vasu-PWT range of products includes Antiscalants, Biocides, Membrane Cleaners, Filter Aids manufactured under license from Professional Water Technologies INC, USA Our products are designed to support plant designers, OEMs and end users to optimize Membrane performance. Key Features are Dendrimer based chemistry Compatible with most membranes Environmentally friendly (phosphate free) Drinking Water Approvals - ANSINSF 60 compliant Superior plant conversionRecovery Lower dosage rates Reduced Cleaning frequency Lower maintenance costs Ease of operation Antiscalants

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Waste Water Treatment

We provide waste water treatment. The vasufloc series of coagulants and flocculants help to remove contaminants, minimize sludge handling, improve the effluent quality for water reuse and thus provide a clean source of water for both industrial and domestic use.
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Coke Breeze

offer a full line of earth contact backfills and related products which are designed and produced exclusively for the corrosion industry. All Loresco backfills begin with high-quality carbons that are calcined to exacting standards. These carbons are further processed to enhance various properties depending upon the specific application or field conditions
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