Collection of e-Waste is an essential component of all recycling processes. It is this important first step that often becomes a deterrent to the whole process. VANS have initiated an integrated communication plan and creating awareness about the importance of resource management and hazardous substance treatment. Vans is able collect used, discarded, trade-in, upgradable, reusable, repairable etc., end of life electrical and electronic products from all the stakeholders of e-Waste management. e-Waste the mainly categorized into Large House hold AppliancesWashing machines, Dryers Refrigerators, Air conditioners, etcSmall House hold AppliancesVacuum cleaners, Coffee Machines, Irons, Toasters, etc.Office, Information & Communication EquipmentPC's, Laptops, Mobiles, Telephones, Fax Machines, Copiers, Printers etc.Entertainment, Toys, Leisure, Sports and Recreational EquipmentTelevisions, DVD players, Hi-Fi sets, Radios, Electric train sets, Coin slot machines, Treadmills etcLighting EquipmentFluorescent tubes and lamps, sodium lamps etc (Except Incandescent Bulbs, Halogen Bulbs) etc.Electric and Electronic ToolsDrills, Electric saws, Sewing Machines, Lawn Mowers etcSecurity & health care equipmentSurveillance and Control Equipment, Medical Instruments etcMixed WEEECables & Wires etc