Resistance Calibration Standards are required critically in a variety of electrical and electronic calibration needs viz. the calibration of RTD sensors, thermocouples, electrical meters, transformers conductors, calbraion of Meggers and Insulation Testers etc.
Reliability: Vaiseshika Resistance Calibration Standards have been constructed from Manganin alloy (composition: Copper 86 %, Manganese 12 % and Nickel 2%). Manganin alloy is characterized by a low temperature co-efficient of the order of +/- 1 ppm (between 20 Deg. C to 50 Deg. C), which means the value of resistance remains unaffected by variations in temperature. Every resistance coil is subjected to accelerated ageing and temperature cycling for obtaining precision resistance. These features, coupled together, provide excellent reliability to Resistance Standards.
Accuracy: Resistance Standards are available with accuracy of the order of +/- 0.01%. Accuracies vary from application to application (please refer detailed specifications).
Repeatability: Vaiseshika Resistance Calibration Units are standardized against Master Calibration Standards with accuracies better than 0.005%. Stabaumatic Potentiometers and Standard Cells from H.Tinsley and Co. Ltd., Croyodon, U.K. and John Fluke Manufacturing Co., USA, 6 1/2 Digits Digital Multimeter from John Fluke Manufacturing Co., USA and 8 1/2 Digits Digital Multimeter from Agilent Technologies, United States, are maintained at Vaiseshika Facilities which, in turn, are maintaining complete traceability to the National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi (India).
Traceability: Vaiseshika Resistance Standards are now available with NABL, New Delhi (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) traceability calibration certificates.
Vaiseshika Electron Devices, Ambala Cantt, has received accreditation for its Metrology Laboratory from the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. The NABL accreditation for Vaiseshika Metrology Laboratory means that the measurement capabilities and calibration standards at Vaiseshika are compliant to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standards. More..