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Electrical & Electronic Testing Devices

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Vaiseshika Portable Cable Locator, Vaiseshika Precision Kelvin Cum-wheatstons Bridge, Vaiseshika Senior Kelvin Double Bridge and Vaiseshika Protable Weatstone Bridge.

Vaiseshika Portable Cable Locator

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name VAISESKIKA
we are offering vaiseshika portable cable locator. descriptionthe cable locator consists of a transmitter and a receiver. the transmitter sends a digitally coded line number which is selectively received and displayed as a digit by the receiver. a field strength indicator and a button-controlled sensitivity fine adjustment enable easy location to the transmitter signal. using several transmitters with different line numbers a contact-free sorting of up to 16 lines is possible. the transmitter signal strength is pre-adjustable by means of the >> low > high
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Vaiseshika Precision Kelvin Cum-wheatstons Bridge

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name VAISESHIKA
we are offering vaiseshika precision kelvin cum-wheatstons bridge. description "vaiseshika" kelvin-cum-wheatstone bridges type : 9405 are important instruments in the measurement of resistance as low as 0.1 micro ohms to highest value of 1 ohm. manganin has the quality of very low temperature co-efficient which is a critical parameter for resistance standards manufacturing. kelvin cum wheatstone bridge 9405 is also constructed with manganin coils & sheet. phosphor bronze silver plated switches have been used to minimise the residual resistance error. four standard decade dials, ratio selector & plug keys facilitate accurate null detection. user can easily change over from kelvin section to wheatsone bridge section & vice-a-versa with the help of a selector switch. kelvin bridge sectionrange of measurement : 0.1 micro-ohm to 1 ohmaccuracy :below 0.0001 ohm 0.2%:0.0001 to 0.01 ohm 0.1%:above 0.01 ohm 0.05% + 1 step of lowest decade dial reference resistance standards :0.001 , 0.01, 1 and 1.0 ohmdividing ratio :1 , 10 , 100 and 1000 ohmmultiplying :0.1 x 1, 1.0 x10, 10 x10 and 100 x10 ohm in shape of standard decade resistors. wheat stone bridge sectionrange of measurement : 1 micro-ohm to 1.0 ohmaccuracy :1 ohm to 100.0k 0.1%:above 100.0k 1.0% + 1 step of lowest decade dial dividing and multiplying ratio in denominations of :1, 10, 100 and 1000 ohmvariable arm :formulated by decade dials of 10x0.1, 10x 1, 10 x10 and 10 x 100 ohm. physical parameters of precision kelvin- cum wheatstone bridgeconstruction : metal cabinetpanel : mica-hhylam of high grade insulationdimensions (in cms) : 63 (l) x 39 (b) x 19 (h)weight (in kg.) : 18 (approx.) accessories for senior kelvin double bridge:following accessories are required with the senior kelvin double bridge type 9405 as support accessories to completer the measurement system. the bridge become the complete measurement system in conjunction with the following accessories: for our complete product range please.
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Vaiseshika Senior Kelvin Double Bridge

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name VAISESHIKA
We are offering vaiseshika senior kelvin double bridge. We are offering vaiseshika senior kelvin double bridge. Description "vaiseshika" senior kelvin double bridge type 9403 is an ideal resistance measuring instrument. Applications include cable, transformer and wire manufacturing industries. This instrument is also suitable for the quality control and maintenance of transformers in heavy electrical engineering and power transmission projects. The instrument features a versatile range of 0.02 micro-ohm to 1.1 ohm. This is the only instrument which provides measurement techniques of high precision for extremely low resistances.Ten standard resistors drawn from manganin sheet, each having a value of 0.001 ohm are provided in the bridge. The slide wire is divided into 500 divisions to provide a resolution of 0.02 micro-ohm. This slide wire is totally immersed in oil to ensure total stability of resistance in the bridge. Featuresprecision measurement range from 0.02 microhm to 1.1 ohm.Oil-immersed slide wire.Four terminals for accurate results.Manganin wire having exceptionally low temperature co-efficient.Remarkably long lasting resistance values with excellent stability.Reproducible measurements.Perfectly aged manganin coils strips employed in kelvin bridges.Click type hard silver plated self-cleaning switches.Wonderful elastic limits of manganin.Oil immersed slide wire in kelvin double bridge.Solid brass blocks for positive plug contactsexcellent calibration stability. Specificationrange of measurement : 0.02 micro-ohm to 1.1 ohmaccuracy :below 0.0001 ohm:0.0001 ohm to 0.01ohm :above 0.01 ohm +- 0.2%+- 0.1%+- 0.05% or +- 1 slide wire divisionslide wire : 0.001 ohm divided in 500 equal divisions. (immersed in oil)variable standard resistance : 10 steps of 0.001 ohmmultiplying ratio : 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 for our complete product range please visit our
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Vaiseshika Protable Weatstone Bridge

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name VAISESHIKA
We are offering vaiseshika protable weatstone bridge. Description "vaiseshika" portable wheatstone bridge type 9401 has been specially designed for the measurement of resistance in the range 0.01 ohm to 1.0 megohm. The resistance measurement spectrum provided in the equipment is coupled with excellent accuracy of the order of 0.05%. These exquisite capabilities have been realized in this equipment by using non-inductive imported manganin wire (german make). In addition, precision phosphor-bronze silver plated band switches have been utilized to minimise the contact resistance errors to 0.0005 ohm per switch. The manganin coils have been subjected to long ageing process to eliminate the possible variations in the resistive value due to climatic temperature variations. All the coils have been properly insulated with high grade insulation material to arrest the variation in the values. Featuresideal for fault location in cables by varley and murray loop testbattery as well as mains operatedportable and completely self-containedself-cleaning and hard silver plated low contact resistance switchesprecision co-efficient of thermal linear expansionbuilt-in taut suspension galvanometermanganin wire having very low temperature co-efficientwide measurement capability from 0.01 ohm to 1.0 megohm specificationresistance range : 0.01 ohm to 1.0 megaohmseries arm : 10 x 1000, 10 x 100, 10 x 10, 10 x 1 ohm totaling to 11, 110 ohmsratio arm : seven ratio arms having the multiplier of x1000; x100; x 10; x 1; x 0.1; x 0.01; and 0.001 accuracyseries arm : +- 0.05%ratio arm : +- 0.02%galvanometer : taut suspension built in type supply sourcemains : 230+-10%ac, 50hzbattery : 4.5 voltsswitch : phosphor bronze hard silver plateddimensions (in cms) : 38(l)x28(d)x18(h)weight : 5kg. For our complete product range please visit our
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