Our Products
We offer a complete product range of Triphala Tablet, CURCUMIN TABLET, Ginger Tablets, Wheat Grass Tablets and Arjun Chal Capsule
we are offertriphala tabletto our clients.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offerCURCUMIN TABLETto our clients.
Perhaps the main benefit of curcumin when it comes to heart disease isimproving the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of your blood vessels. ). Several studies suggest that curcumin leads toimprovements in endothelial function.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offerGINGER TABLETto our clients.
Taking ginger tablets may also be beneficial for a number of health conditions. Scientific research suggests that ginger may be an importantpreventative for heart attack and stroke, and also useful in treating heart disease and diabetes, since it has the ability toimprove blood sugar balance.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offeringWHEAT GRASS TABLETSto our client.
Health Benefits of wheat grass tablets -
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
we are offerarjun chal capsuleto our clients.
1.arjuna chaalstrengthens the heart muscles and helps improve its functioning.
2.it improves the pumping action of the left ventricle.
3.it is extremely beneficial in problems like an irregular heart beat, arrhythmia, angina pain, chest pain, heart blockage, myocardial infarction, coronary artery diseases, heart leakage, heart failure.regular use of arjuna after a heart attack, helps the patient recover and can also prevent further attacks.
4.it works well to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offeringGANODERMA CAPSULEto our client .
Ganoderma is a genus of polypore fungi in the family Ganodermataceae that includes about 80 species, many from tropical regions. Because of their genetic diversity and use in traditional Asian medicines, they are a genus with possible economic value. Ganoderma can be differentiated from other polypores because they have a double-walled basidiospore. They may be called shelf mushrooms or bracket fungi.
Healath benefits in-
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Delivery Time : 5-6 DAYS
we are offermemory booster capsuleto our client.
benefits -
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offerCURCUMIN CAPSULEto our clients.
Health Benefits
1.Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Most studies used turmeric extracts that are standardized to include large amounts of curcumin.
2.Chronic inflammation contributes to many common Western diseases. Curcumin can suppress many molecules known to play major roles in inflammation.
3.Curcumin has powerful antioxidant effects. It neutralizes free radicals on its own but also stimulates your body's own antioxidant enzymes.
4.Curcumin boosts levels of the brain hormone BDNF, which increases the growth of new neurons and fights various degenerative processes in your brain.
5.Curcumin has beneficial effects on several factors known to play a role in heart disease. It improves the function of the endothelium and is a potent anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant.
6.Curcumin leads to several changes on the molecular level that may help prevent and perhaps even treat cancer.
7.Curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier and has been shown to lead to various improvements in the pathological process of Alzheimers disease.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
we are offerbrahmi capsuleto our clients.
benefits-1.makes liver healthy.2.boosts memory.3.ease symptoms of alzheimer's disease.4.reduces stess and anxiety.5.reduces cancer cells.6.strengthens immune system.7.regulates blood sugar level.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offeringALOEVERA CAPSULEto our clients.
Health Benefits-
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offerGINGER CAPSULEto our clients.
For its active ingredients, particularly gingerols, which have been shown to be a useful aid inreducing stomach upset. Because of this, ginger capsules are generally considered a safe remedy for nausea from a number of causes, including vertigo, mild gastrointestinal infections and even morning sickness.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
we are offerspirlunia capsuleto our clients.
spirulina is among the worlds most popular supplements.it is loaded with various nutrients and antioxidants that may benefit your body and brain.here are 10 evidence-based health benefits of spirulina.1. spirulina is extremely high in many nutrients2. powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties3. lower bad ldl and triglyceride levels4. protects bad ldl cholesterol from oxidation5. have anti-cancer properties6. reduce blood pressure7. improves symptoms of allergic rhinitis8. effective against anemia9. improve muscle strength and endurance10. aid blood sugar control
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offer to CHLOROPHYLL CAPSULE to our clients.
Chlorophyll plays an important role in making plants green and healthy. It also has vitamins, antioxidants, and therapeutic properties that may benefit your body.
Chlorophyllin has been shown to reduce inflammation and bacterial growth in skin wounds.
Chlorophyllin may also be effective for mild to moderate acne.
Some people suggest that liquid chlorophyll can build your blood by improving the quality of red blood cells.
One of the most popular claims associated with liquid chlorophyll is weight loss support.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offerACAI BERRY CAPSULEto our clients.
Acai Berry supplements give your heart the nutrients it needs to work properly.Better Concentration- Another of the seemingly endless benefits of Acai Berry is the improved mental clarity it produces. In a way, this goes back to the circulation benefits. With better blood flow, your brain is able to operate more efficiently.
Health Benefits-
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Packaging Details : Good Packing Material
Delivery Time : 5-6 DAYS
we are offershatavari capsuleto our clients.
shatavari is also known as asparagus racemosus. its a member of the asparagus family. its also an adaptogenic herb. adaptogenic herbs are said to help your body cope with physical and emotional stress.shatavari is considered a general health tonic to improve vitality, making it a staple in ayurvedic medicine. keep reading to learn more about the other health benefits it may offer.
health benefits-
it has antioxidant prperties.
it has anti-inflammatory properties.
it may helps boost your immune system.
it may help relieve cough.
it may help treat diarrhea.
it may act as a diuretic.
it may help treat ulcers.
it may help treat kidney stones.
it may help mantain blood suger.
it may be anti-aging.
it may help treat depression.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
Helps in dissolving the crystals of Uric Acid from joints, toes, legs and fingers.
Relives chronic pain from swelling and redness of skin.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
we are offeracai berry juiceto our client.
batnashak batika which is a very effective supplement for anti rheumatic, anti inflammatory, and analgesic and is a very effective anti rheumatic, restores the normal mobility in the bone joint pains. batnashak batika acts by mainly inhibiting the enzyme cyclo oxygenase and 5-lipooxygenase in the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxanes & luekotrines ( inflammatory agents) and reducing the degradation of glycosaminoglycans. bath nashak batika is made of pure herbal and nutraceutical ingredients.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
We are offerGREEN TEA CAPSULEto our clients.
It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. These includeimproved brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of cancer, protecting against cancerand many other impressive benefits.
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Delivery Time : 6 TO 7 DAYS
Here are 10 evidence-based health benefits of spirulina.
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Delivery Time : 4-5 Days
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Delivery Time : 4-5 Days