To deliver the products in a safe manner at customer's end, we have exceptional warehouse management system. We have a voluminous warehouse, installed with all required facilities essential for safe storage of the orders. By keeping records of the ever-evolving requirements of thmore...
Super finished anodized aluminum square tube & Polyurethane rod seal ensure Long & trouble free life, Cylinder in Compact & Streamlined construction with range of mountings. more...
Double Acting Cylinders (Compact ISO type) Ø25 - 100 mm As per ISO 21287 standards n n Elastomer end cushioning n Wide varieties of mountings n Space saving n Magnetic & Non Magnetic versions n Aluminium profile (square) cylinder barrel n PNP & NPN Magnetic sensors are availablemore...
Specifications : double acting ø 32 to 320 mmconforms to iso 6431, vdma 24562 and nfe 49-003-1high performance, ruggedness and reliabilityextensive range of mountings. more...
We are offering short stroke cylinder. Specifications : double actingø 12 to 100 mmone third the basic length of a corresponding iso/vdma modellow friction, long life seal designfully non-corrodible specificationon-lube operationstandard magnetic piston more...
Specifications : single actingø 20 to 63 mmone third the basic length of a corresponding iso/vdma modellow friction, long life seal designfully non-corrodible specificationnon-lube operationstandard magnetic piston for full control system versatility . more...