Our Product / Services
2 Products availableWater Tanks
2 Products availableMetal Tank
2 Products availableSS TANK
1 Products availableDomestic RO
1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of RO Drinking Water Plant, 500 LPH Reverse Osmosis Plant, 12000 LPH Reverse Osmosis Plant, 15000 GPD Reverse Osmosis Plant and DM Water Plant
reverse osmosis system
Reverse osmosis process uses semi permeable spiral wound membranes to separate and remove dissolved solids, organic, pyrogens, sub micron colloidal matter and bacteria from water Feed water is delivered under a pressure of approximately 16kg/cm2 through reverse osmosis membranes Water permeates the minute pores of the membrane and is delivered as purified water impurities in the water are concentrated in the reject stream and flushed to drain Reverse osmosis is capable of removing 90-99% of total dissolved solids (TDS), 99% of organic, including pyrogens and 99% bacterial in the feed water Flow chart raw water-raw water tank-raw water pump-sand filter-carbon filter-softener (optional)-security filter-high pressure pump-reverse osmosis system-pure water tank-UV sterilizer/ozone generator (optional)-water supply points
5000 liter per day to 15000 liter per day ETP plant for small scale industries
We manufacture complete wastewater treatment plants and systems based on all the latest technology like SAFF, FAB, MBBR, SBR, technology, MBBR for residential settlements, hospitals, hotels, cities, etc. Using this technology, we offer zero discharge / partial discharge and full / partial recycling system for settlements, hospitals, cities etc. The sludge generation is quite low and overcomes the demerits of conventional systems. Wastewater is collected in a tank, called a sewage basin or wastewater collection tank. In case the septic tank already exists, it can be used as a sewer basin. The wastewater sump will then be pumped continuously into the domestic sewage treatment plant (PDSTP) using sewage lift pumps at a constant flow rate. PDSTP is of modular construction and consists of: bar screen, recovery tank, deaeration chamber, fludized aerobic bed (FAB reactor), sedimentation section (sedimentation tube), chlorine contact chamber and wastewater retention chamber and sand under pressure, activated carbon for fine filtration producing suitable water for auxiliary application.
We also manufacture Compact Sewage Treatment Plant Exporter Skid which can be installed easily and no civil labor is required except for equalization tank and clear water tank.
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